Affiliate Maximizer Review Must Watched!

what’s up youtube and what’s up folks
how’s it going with you today so
actually i found this
i found this a page to be honest and i i
said okay
this is quite interesting and i should
share this with my audience and
what you’ve seen actually my screen
right here is something called
maximizer okay i just said
i feel an affiliate maximizer so to say
now this is something it is software
it’s between a landing page
and as well as an auto responder or you
could say a page builder
this is a software now the reason why i
like software is
number one let me take you to my channel
and show you something that i
you will notice that most of these
videos on my channel right here if
you’re just looking on my channel here
i show you how to build pages how to
drive traffic to offers
using manual systems and sometimes
these are quite productive if you do it
right away and and you follow the steps
that i teach in my videos it’s quite
productive but sometimes you just need
to put in a bit more

of effort
to get results and what i’ve noticed is
a lot of the videos and comments i get
is that people want to get so much done
within a limited time which is something
i like
because i like to get a little bit done
and i get so much result
with the manual systems i will teach you
how to promote products on clickbank
jvzoo warrior plus it can be time
sucking and consuming as well and
making a cell is not really guaranteed
but you’ve put in so much time you would
use in doing other things but the truth
is it is productive now i prefer
because i use them a lot too and when i
find something that i think is good i
can come here and show you where you can
get it and how to use it as well
so this is something it’s a software
which is in the middle between a pitch
builder and
a builder and an autoresponder so to say
the secret and the benefit of this one
is that
you don’t get your traffic leaked
because like on other online page
builders and stuff like that where you
have to build a page embedded video and
all that stuff
when a video stops playing or when you
embed a video for example on a landing
that video is very likely if it’s from
youtube it’s very likely to recommend
another video which means
a person who watched that video or if
you’re promoting a product is very
likely to click and watch the next video
which has been recommended on that same
video those driving your potential buyer
to go somewhere else and be distracted
from the main thing now this affiliate
maximizer has come to solve that problem
that’s number one your traffic never
gets leaked whosoever watches
your video on that page stays there and
it’s left with an option to either read
the content about the product you’re
promoting or
watch the video again or go to the link
and make a purchase of the product you
are recommending so that’s a very big
good one now number two is here this is
i’m actually inside the members area of
this because this is something i use
excuse me
normally this is a the members area and
this is the main section where you
create your campaigns like how you start
so here you literally put the name of
the product let’s say you wanted to
promote something like it
this affiliate maximizer let’s see this
something you promote so you put the
name of the product here and here is the
most important thing which is your
affiliate link after you’ve gotten that
and i’ll show you how to get that from
warrior plus jvzoo or even clickbank
which is something we talk about very
very often all the time on my video so
here is your affiliate link and i’ll
show you how this works so here you can
upload the logo of the product and you
can upload the image here and of course
the heading which means like the title
the product let’s say this this was it
uh i think i just closed that bar here
so let’s say this was the title of the
video and of the product you can upload
this one here and i’ll inside the
training it’s you literally find out how
this is gonna be
be done and how you can do this you know
it’s very easy so
now you also have the section here where
you can upload files now this has to do
with either the product description and
other stuff but i usually don’t use this
one quite often i just leave it here now
your name and email this is a section
where if someone watches your video on
this on this uh platform
he is if he is if he doubts something he
or she would contact you and your
details is going to come back into into
your email box
i don’t know if you set up an
autoresponder you can reply to that
automatically or you can do that
manually and that still serves the
purpose and your image probably maybe
image of yourself or something if you if
you want to or not
now the product description is actually
the description of the product that
you’re promoting usually you don’t need
to write anything here
what i usually do is i do a clever way
i go on the
on the product on promoting sub let’s
say this was a product and i’ll just go
and usually they would just have a
description about the product here and
you just copy that very simply highlight
that copy
as simple as that and then you go here
and you paste it in here
now this is where the magic starts to
on this section where it says youtube
url okay url sorry
this is the video you are going to put
now this video is either a review video
of a product that you want to program
you want to promote
or the demo video or the video provided
by the vendor usually the vendors
they would have like a sales video which
is talking about the product itself
for example this one here uh
this is a video here talking about the
product itself
you can see this is actually rubbing
here talking about product itself all of
and these
videos are always embedded and they are
like on the
on platform which is used on
clickfunnels is used to create this um
so the only way for you to get this
video is by downloading this and usually
they are from vimeo
so to get this video it’s very easy
inside the training i it takes a bit of
time to go around and open video to show
you it but there’s a link
you just go and copy that video and
paste it here
now if you want to promote a different
product and you don’t find
and you don’t have a video to promote or
you don’t want to create your own video
you can still go on youtube for example
now this is like a black hat trick i’m
teaching you
you go on youtube you find the name you
search name of the product you want to
promote for example let’s say you wanted
to promote uh
let’s say this was this uh this is my
video here and this was a product i’m
promoting you can simply come here on
youtube click on that product
and highlight this um
video um
video link or just come here to where it
says share
and then you can copy this link here
very easily
this is what i do because
sometimes you copy this link here and
you go on to your campaign and just go
ahead you paste it here
now you might be worried that oh youtube
is going
you might be worried that this is going
to leak out and recommend a different
video which is not going to do it
because this software solves that
problem now you don’t necessarily need
to be the one presenting yourself you
can just copy my video or somewhere else
or a video which is actually a review of
the product you’re talking about and you
just come and paste here and as easy as
that you don’t need to do anything or go
and create a video by yourself or worry
warrior way to find it because there are
lots of people doing the job
for you so this is very effective and
easy to do
here what it says brand new videos you
probably might want to add other things
recommendations and stuff if you want to
do that you can do that
and here is another thing
usually people want to buy from you
because i’ve always said this on my
channel because they probably know you
like you and trust you and for them to
trust you you have to give them
something else
that will make you build their trust in
you which is usually either given some
free tools or some free training or
recommending some free stuff or things
that are helpful
now with this affiliate maximizer
you have a ton of products which have
been put together for you to simply just
and just send which means when someone
watches this
what you’re gonna watch your video
and then he’s gonna look about the
product and he’s gonna be he’s also
going to have recommendations of tons of
bonuses that he’s going to get in
addition to the product which you are
promoting now this gives you an urge
your competitors because they
they are very likely not to have these
bonuses and beware these bonuses are not
just like i don’t know what you might
think they are these are courses
you can see how much they are in one
section bonus number one
these are courses that are affiliate
marketing courses that are still selling
but they are being given to you because
you are using this platform and these
things they do change over time because
there’s a constant update where the cost
is coming in new products as well so
it’s not like you’re going to keep on
doing the same thing over and over again
with all products you get new ones all
the time so you also have you can see
here you have bonus uh product bonus
product one two three two five and you
also have all which means choose a file
which means if you have something a
product that you want to give out free
you can also do here as well and see it
backup files now you also have something
called a countdown time which means you
can set a countdown time like usually if
you log on the bonus page you see the
numbers counting like one uh like
two hours left three hours left this
gives us a sense of emergency
of uh to the buyer he or she is going to
that this thing is going to get expired
in a very short time if i don’t keep it
pick it up so you can see this there’s a
lot inside here and
do it believe me there is
the training is not that difficult it
just takes a few videos and you get to
know how to go around this the most
important thing is what you promote and
how you promote it which is also
mentioned inside the video here inside
the training session here this is
actually the training i have i have the
the software i use it quite often and
it’s quite productive sometimes when i
don’t want to create any videos and
stuff i do this and i know that you
not everyone wants to create videos not
everyone has it the ability or the
desire to create videos and all that
stuff but we just want to make some
sales which i understand and that’s why
i don’t want to
i use other methods that are a bit
complicated but i know that showing that
here on youtube it’s just going to burn
you out at the end of the day you won’t
be able to achieve results and even
quick results that’s why i come here and
i show you the simple things that i do
and they’re very effective and so i want
you to always go on and do that as well
guys i think this is quite effective
enough and this is something you want to
check out
so for you to get access to this you
have to click on the link in the
description it’s just going to be one
link and you’re going to get access to
i think you might fall on this uh
landing page until if you’re not wrong
which one is it
um it must be somewhere below here
it’s going to look at history and it
must be this one
this is the place you’re very likely to
fall on or it’s gonna be another one
with the sales video and all that stuff
so literally that’s it guys it’s called
affiliate maximizer go below this link
pick that up i think it’s less than like
12 bucks i’m not wrong but this would
save you a lot and make you a lot of
money because once you do this once
you are going to keep on getting lots
and lots of leads
plans which will mean that you have 80
percent of people landed on your page
are very likely to buy from you or stay
with you chances are you can also
collect people’s emails with this same
system which is
super effective and highly recommended
so guys make sure you have a good time
with this enjoy and leave me a comment
in the comment section if you doubt
anything and always feel free to
subscribe to my channel if you want to i
i know it’s not something you can force
people to do but i know
that if you enjoyed this you would
definitely subscribe or leave me a like
have a good time and see you then

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