Categories: Appiphonephone

Apple Event iPhone 14 Review – 5 FEATURES Apple Didn’t Mention…

So as you know we’ve just had the far out apple event where we saw the likes of the brand new apple watches we also saw some new airpods pros and we also saw the iphone 14 models and today what i want to do is a review of the apple event of all the kind of products and everything that we saw there also at the same time i want to talk about five features that apple didn’t mention that you need to know about for these new products and let’s start with the first one i don’t know

if you didn’t notice this but at the actual apple event there was no mention of the actual release date for ios 16 uh apple watch os 9 was the latest version also ipad os 16 and also the latest version of mac os ventura there was no mention of what that date is well i can tell you now that ios 16 and also apple ios 9 is going to be available on september 12th so depending on when you’re watching this video it might have been launched already but it wasn’t mentioned at the event and if you

want to know on your older iphones or your older apple watch when you’ll be able to get your hands on this latest version of that software it is going to be on september 12th something else to also mention that

there was no other kind of dates out there at the moment from apple for ipad os or the new mac os we’ll just have to wait a little bit longer to when we can get our hands on that but it’s not going to be coming out on september 12th but moving on talking about watch os 9

we did see the brand new apple watch series 8 and it did look absolutely stunning the apple watch series 7 gave us that larger display and also a slightly tweaked design last year but there were no new sensors and there were no new abilities this year round though with the apple watch series a we’ve got that new temperature sensor built in and we’ve also got things like car crash detection what’s really good also at the same time as well battery life has been extended out for the series a’s so yes it is a really good

watch and to be deadly honest if you are a person out there right now who’s got say a apple watch i don’t know say series 6 and below and that’s including the original sc i would actually say if you’re looking for an upgrade in apple watch the series 8 is definitely a good buy we also saw the brand new apple watch se and this is the second generation or the se2 whatever you want to call it now in my opinion i think this was the most disappointing product we actually saw at the show to be

deadly on the actual apple watch sc second generation it’s exactly the same as the first generation the only main difference is it has that car crash detection built in and it also has the same chip what’s inside the apple watch series 8 the s8 shift there are no differences there’s no always on display there’s no new sensors built since it’s the original se apple watch that we got two years ago so in my honest opinion if you can get an original seo a good deal right now it might be worth getting that over the new

se2 but if you are looking for the first kind of watch into the apple watch ecosystem and you can’t afford too much you want a brand new model then maybe the se2 is for you but if you can step it up a little bit more i would recommend personally getting the brand new apple watch series 8 instead then there was a surprise apple watch we got the apple watch series 8 ultra and trust me that is a mouthful to say with the ultra apple watch it is a brand new design and it does look absolutely

amazing it is more expensive than the apple watch series a but that’s expected and the main reason for this watch to exist it is for those hardcore sort of sports people out there if you like doing hardcore sports if you like doing hiking every weekend and for example you do triathlons say five a year or something like this and you’re a really really keen sports person all the time then this watch is definitely for you what i would say though personally if you are a person who just does the odd sport once a week goes

to the gym twice a week or something like this i wouldn’t actually say the ultras for you i personally say get yourself a series eight normal instead because that’s probably gonna be better and it is definitely cheaper but the new ultra watch i absolutely love the design of it i do think it’s a really cool idea and i do think apple did do the right move in inventing this actual apple watch so yeah i’m really really happy that they have brought this out and i’m looking forward to seeing it and doing a full-on review with

it too however i’m not too sure i’ll be keeping it for myself because as you can probably tell i’m not a hardcore kind of sports person but just for you guys i will be doing a review of it moving on we have the new airpods pro 2nd generation and they don’t look much different from the last generation in fact there is no difference of the actual earbuds the only main difference is the actual case this time round and that’s mainly because you can actually stick a lanyard on the side of it but the actual main

actual airpods pro themselves they do have that new h2 chip in it and also spatial audio has been improved and also active noise cancellation is two times better and also transparency mode can drown out sort of really super loud noises just like the demo they did here with the drill as you can see so this is gonna be quite exciting to see what this is all about and also a big thing is that also the battery life has been improved on the airpods and especially in the case that you can get an extra six hours

compared to the last generation but overall they’re not that much different in their design and everything but they are quite exciting to see what they’re going to be like and i’m sure more people are going to pick this as their most favorite airpods out there and they even did say apple it’s their most popular one they do sell now and i’m sure these will sell really really well but one last thing i do actually want to talk about the airpods pro and it’s not actually to do with the airpods pros that apple are selling basically

what they built into their software and this is a new feature and that is that it can detect if the airpods that you are buying are counterfeit ones if they’re actually fake ones with them and basically apple will still allow you to use these airpods these fake ones but it’s alerting you that they are not real especially on the market right now there are so many counterfeit airpods out there and you can easily get your hands on it i am really glad that afford basically brought out this feature and i can also understand why they

wouldn’t have talked about it at their event but this is another feature that apple didn’t talk about so just quickly guys i want to talk about caystify who are today’s channel sponsor now i love case defy cases and i’ve actually been advertising case by cases on my channel for such a long time because they’re absolutely fantastic they offer so many different cases they have their impact cases like the two that i’ve got here they have the ultra impact and they also have their brand new bouts case as well and in fact like the impact case

what you can see here you can actually drop this iphone from 8.2 foot what’s absolutely crazy without actually damaging the iphone and in fact their other case the ultra impact case can be dropped from 11.5 foot and then finally the bounce case it can be dropped from 21.3 foot what’s absolutely amazing in fact let me show you a little bit of a demo here of dropping an iphone in one of the impact cases as you can see the iphone’s absolutely fine there’s no marks or anything on the case because it’s really really strong in fact

let me show you the strength of this case if i try squeezing it it’s really really tough to squeeze and part of the reason behind this that the phone actually survived from a drop is because of the new twister design what’s inside here and basically what this is is a twisted sort of padding inside what helps the sort of the resistance of the phone when it drops and basically means if the phone got dropped again on the same sort of corner then basically it shouldn’t sort of impact that damage where there was a drop down

before in fact this has been tested even further case if i have actually dropped a phone on the same area 130 times and because of that twisted sort of design here it’s five times military grade and it means it’s uber strong something else that makes these cases super strong is the prohibition resistance but also provides a really good drop of cushioning inside the phone cases also are made out of 65 recycled material and quite a lot of that is because of the re-castify program what actually is recycle cases built into these cases and also the

remainder amount of the cases that remain the sort of 35 percent is actually made out of plant-based materials so it’s a really eco case these new iphone 14 case-to-fight cases are also magsafe compatible too so if you do have a magsafe charger you can use them and if you do want a funky print like this you can go on to case defy’s website and in fact there’s loads of different prints as you can see here just for your sort of taste that you want for your brand new iphone 14. also if you’re afraid that your

camera lenses might get broken if you dropped your phone the good thing is the actual ring around the case supply cases is slightly raised so it basically means if you dropped it onto a flat surface your camera lenses won’t get damaged because of this actual sort of raised ring around them so if you are interested in getting yourself a case of iks do check out their website what’s also being put in the link below in my so if you are interested in getting yourself a case to fight case like what i’ve sworn by definitely check

out the link i’m displaying right now and in fact if you use that link you’ll actually get 15 of your iphone 14 case right now so do check it out so let’s actually talk about the iphone 14s what can actually go in those case-to-fight cases so let’s start with the standard iphone 14 and the iphone 14 plus so the big elephant in the room as it were is that iphone 14 plus the iphone mini range has disappeared completely we do not have an iphone 14 mini this year we have an iphone 14 plus and it’s

basically identical to the iphone 14 in specs wise it just has a larger battery and also a larger screen well it’s the same size screen as the iphone 14 pro max now with the 14 and the 14 plus a lot of you guys are a bit disappointed with this and to be honest when i talk about the 14 pro and the 14 pro maps it does definitely seem that apple are more distinguishing these two models apart there is much more of a gap between both of these models the 14 don’t get me wrong i do

love the new colors i love that new purple what is available and that blue looks very similar to the iphone 13 pro sierra blue that is available so it does look good here on the 14. however the main thing that was the steel of the show for the iphone 14 is that also it’s got this brand new satellite connectivity and this allows you to basically get lost in the middle of the wilderness and basically make an emergency call and buy a satellite the only one little bit of a bummer what i’d say came with that

it’s free for two years and you have to pay after those and apple at the time of making this video haven’t revealed how much that is going to cost so it’s a little bit disappointing it’s not going to be free forever but with the iphone 14 and the iphone 14 plus there are other enhancements too the screen is far brighter than last year’s model also at the same time there is also the improvements to the camera especially the front-facing camera where we now have that better 1.9 aperture and we also have autofocus and on the

rear the 12 megapixel wide and ultra eye camera are even more sharper now and then the chips are inside it some of you are disappointed by this is an a15 chipset but it is the same a15 chipset we got in the iphone 13 pro and the pro max and that basically means it’s got that additional one gpu core inside it and like what apple pointed out um in their event at the end of the day the a13 chipset is still way ahead of the competition and this is the a15 chipset we’re talking about so it’s

going to be great for many years to come another worthy feature that apple didn’t talk about at their events and that’s going back to the apple watch do you remember they said they had the dual sort of gps built into their apple watches now well actually that dual gps is also built into the iphone 14 range and they didn’t actually mention this in the actual apple event so there we go if you don’t have an apple watch you’re not planning to get a new apple watch but you are planning to get yourself a new iphone

14 model you will actually get that dual gps option built into the iphone so next of all let’s talk about the iphone 14 pro and the iphone 14 pro max and to be honest i think these are the products that stole the show in my honest opinion we do have that brand new dynamic island on the front of the screen and this replaces the notch and i love it that apple have actually taken advantage of this so many of us thought for a while it was going to be the sort of hole punch and pill

design as it were as you can see some of these old renders here but actually it’s one long island and it actually extends dynamically and hence works for the dynamic island and notifications appear around it trust apple to do something like this with a feature and i think it’s really really cool that they’ve actually been able to do this i think it’s really useful and yeah i don’t feel so bad about that pill design now obviously watching videos of things like this it is probably gonna get in the way a little bit but we always

expected that was going to be the case but i do like how they have taken advantage of that a dynamic item looks like it’s going to be staying for a good few years to come for sizes of the iphone 14 and the iphone 14 pro max they’re exactly the same size as basically the iphone 12 pro all the way to the iphone 13 pro and also the max models too however another thing that you probably didn’t realize is another feature is the actual battery inside the iphone 14 pro max is about naught point six percent

smaller and do listen to that carefully naught point six percent that’s hardly anything and the main reason probably behind that is because of those updated camera lenses what i’ll talk about in the mo but the main other reason why apple probably have made the batteries slightly smaller is because of that brand new a16 bionic chipset the bionic chipset is similar to the a15 in cores so for example it does have four efficiency cores two performance cores and five gpu cores however the main differences is made on a four nanometer die and with this this means

that transistors are smaller and also the chipset is more efficient so for that 0.6 battery being slightly smaller it’s probably more likely that the actual iphone is actually going to have a better battery life and in fact it does according to apple’s website here it looks like that with just video playback the iphone 14 pro max has an extra hours battery life over the likes of the iphone 13 pro max so you don’t need to be worried here that if the battery is ever so slightly smaller the efficiency of that chipset comes in and basically

should give us a better battery life overall for the iphone 14 pro and also the iphone 14 pro max paired with the a16 chipset is feature 5 and the last feature and that is apple didn’t actually mention that the a16 chipset uses faster ram inside in fact it actually uses lp ddr5 ram whereas like the a15 chipset and older chipset before that actually use lpddr for x ram so it actually is faster paired with the chip now that chipset also does some other bits and pieces especially with photography and videos so we’ve had some upgrades

on the cameras on the iphone 14 pro and the 14 pro max all the lenses let in so much more light now for low light photography but the main wide sensor has been upgraded for the first time since the iphone 6s from a 12 megapixel all the way up to a 48 megapixel lens and also apple invented their own kind of sort of pixel binning technique as you can see here and this allows basically for the actual sensor to be more dynamic in its own way depending on what photo you’re trying to achieve to take

so if you have got a low light there will be some pixel binning but if you have got sort of lots of light coming and flooding into the actual lens and sensor it’ll probably use more pixels and probably actually make the picture even more sharper so it’s quite interesting how apple have done this the same with videos videos have improved and especially that now we actually have that cinematic mode at 30 frames per second instead of 24 frames per second and that looks really really cool we also do have some new colors on the pro

models and that new purple does look absolutely gorgeous and i know a lot of people are going to definitely be buying it well guys that is my review of the brand new apple event far out what are your thoughts on the event i would love to know and at the same time guys if you have enjoyed watching this video please make sure you press the like button and at the same time as well if you want to hear the latest apple news reviews and comparisons please make sure you subscribe to this channel and also hit

that notification bell until next time guys i will see you really soon bye-bye you


Conten writer at FlipReview who specialise in Gadgets review, food critics, app and games review, car and bike review, book reviews, movies reviews, tv-series reviews and many more.

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