Best Meditation App: Insight Timer Review (goodbye, stress!)

with so many meditation apps out there how do 
you know which is the best for you in this video  
i’m going to tell you why the insight timer app 
might just be the best meditation app for you  
whether you’re a beginner or advanced meditator 
stick around till the end and i’ll take you  
through some of my favorite features about 
the app and my favorite teachers because if  
you’re just starting out on the app it can be 
quite overwhelming with the choice of teachers  
and meditations available to you i’ll help you 
narrow it down hi and welcome back to my channel  
if we haven’t met yet i’m jaime tan at enlightened 
spoon feeding your mind body soul on this channel  
you’ll get my recommendations for the lifestyle 
tools to help bring some ease into your busy life  
just like today’s and other times you’ll get quick 
yoga and meditation sessions all ways to help you  
stress less yet accomplish more so hit that like 
button and subscribe if you want more like this  
and if you like stuff like this you might want 
to get on my email list where i send out five  
mind and body tips every month there are five 
good things in the mind body soul area similar  

the stuff i talk about here in my videos 
i’ll put that link in description below too so  
i’ve been practicing yoga for more than 20 years 
now and teaching yoga and meditation since 2008  
that’s 13 years now all this alongside a mega 
intense full-time job as an executive producer  
in a creative agency all this also to say i need 
my yoga and meditation practice to keep me sane  
and in busy periods i need it to be short snappy 
effective and in times when i’ve got more time to  
explore i like to delve a little deeper into the 
philosophy or science of the practice and this  
is why the insight timer app is so amazing this 
review is in no way paid for by insight timer  
i’ve been using the app for many years now and i 
love it so much to the point where i’ve decided  
to share my meditations on the app too so i 
am now also a teacher on the inside timer app  
and you can follow me there i’ll put my link 
in the description below the app is available  
on apple android and on the web too some of the 
features are limited on mobile versus web but  
either way they work great first let’s talk 
about what separates insight timer from  
so many of the other apps don’t get me wrong i do 
recommend the headspace and calm apps a lot too to  
my clients but one of the reasons why inside timer 
shines over the others is because there are so  
many different teachers with different meditation 
styles voices accents languages and different  
focuses and themes when it comes to supporting 
a really busy stressed out life there are times  
when you’ll need help with sleep and then there 
are other times where you might need help with  
the non-stop thoughts or perhaps the anxiety 
with an overwhelming amount of work to do  
or maybe even some difficulties you’re coming 
up against with a particular person at work  
all of which can be looked at and reflected 
on through different kinds of meditations  
there are a variety of guided meditations 
available on insight timer from visualizations  
to affirmations to pure sound only whether 
it’s tibetan bells or piano or cello  
to support the different moods you might be in 
that particular day there are even meditations  
specifically for kids if you want to get your 
little ones involved in this lifelong learning  
process already and if you don’t want to listen 
to a guided meditation you can have a timer with  
your preset duration opening and closing bells 
or even meditate to ambient sounds whether it’s  
music or nature sounds available in the app here 
are some examples of opening and closing bells
here are some examples of the ambient sounds you 
can listen to during your self-led meditation
the next reason why i love insight timer 
so much is because meditation can be  
quite a lonely process of course the whole point 
is to sit with and check in with yourself but  
sometimes we have questions or it feels good 
to share in our experiences and the community  
aspect of insight timer is truly one of its unique 
points each guided meditation is peer-reviewed on  
a five-star rating system so you can see how 
others have rated a particular session you’re  
interested in or you can leave a review or comment 
if you loved a particular guided meditation when  
you’re meditating you can also opt to see who else 
is meditating along with you at the same time too  
you can even see which meditations other people 
have been meditating along to and discover new  
teachers and meditation sessions this way it’s 
kind of like the social aspect of spotify this way  
even if you’re having an individual experience 
it’s nice to know there are hundreds of other  
people all over the world also sharing in a 
similar experience especially right now in 2021  
when our lives are so fractured and siloed 
inside time also has meditation circles  
they’re basically different groups you can join 
around different themes like yoga nidra sleep  
affirmations anxiety just key in your search term 
and see which circles come up in these circles you  
can share your favorite meditations teachers or 
even other tools outside of meditation and connect  
with other people with similar interests to you 
you can also connect with your favorite teachers  
in these circles if they’ve started one one of 
my favorite features has to be the live events  
join your favorite teachers as they give live 
meditation or yoga classes and just like being  
in a real life class you can ask them questions 
and have conversations with them before and after  
the live event you can even choose to donate a 
little something to them for their time do you  
use the insight timer app too and which is your 
favorite feature do share in the comments below  
and if you’re getting value out of this review i’d 
appreciate if you’d hit like and subscribe to this  
channel too for more like this it really helps me 
out with the youtube algorithm so more people get  
to learn about how to stress less yet accomplish 
more now let’s look into the differences between  
the free and paid for accounts of course there 
are less features in the free account but  
even then the free account still has something 
like 80 000 meditations available to you it’s  
the largest library of meditations available on 
any free account the timer meditation circles  
and live events are also available on the free 
account so what’s available on subscription first  
it’s good to know that you can test drive the full 
features with a free 30-day trial after which it’s  
us$60 per year at the time of making this video 
on the technical side the subscription lets you  
download and listen to meditations offline pause 
fast forward and rewind the meditation as well  
this i found really handy when i’ve been 
traveling and on airplanes without any connection  
but the best part about the subscription is 
the access to the meditation courses you can  
go deeper with 7-day 10-day or 40-day courses 
on various topics from learn how to meditate  
in seven days with sarah blondin to mindfulness 
daily at work with jack kornfield and tara brach  
it’s great especially if you want to deeper 
dive into understanding the philosophy  
theory science or mechanics of the practice i 
find understanding why i’m doing what i’m doing  
really helps me stick to the practice you can also 
message the teachers in the classroom section of  
each course handy for when you’ve got questions 
all of the courses are available and included in  
your annual subscription but if you’re on the free 
plan and want to purchase an individual course  
for life that’s also possible for a fee of about 
us$20 at the time of this video the next point  
about having a subscription doesn’t really affect 
you as a subscriber but it’s helpful to know that  
insight timer shares 50 percent of its 
subscription fees with all of the teachers it’s  
all dependent on play times and ratings of course 
but having a subscription is also another way for  
you to support your favorite teachers you can also 
of course choose to donate to them individually as  
another way to show your support and if you stuck 
around till here you probably want to know who my  
favorite teachers are on the app if you’re just 
getting started definitely check out sarah blondon  
her meditations are soulful heartfelt and really 
connect you to your heart space i also love the  
courses from jack kornfield and tara brach they 
are the world’s leading meditation and mindfulness  
teachers and of course from the world of yoga 
nidra coz how could i not include any of my  
favorite yoga nidra teachers becca yoga jennifer 
piercy and ali boothroyd also known as sarovara  
yoga she’s got an excellent youtube channel too 
i’ll put her link and all the other links to  
the other teachers below including the link to 
my insight timer page so you can follow me and  
my yoga nidra meditations when they’re released 
if you want to check out any of my daytime yoga  
nidra meditations yes yoga nidra works in the 
day too i have a playlist right here on youtube  
or check out what actually happens during 
a guided yoga nidra meditation over here  
i hope this helps you flow through your busy 
life with more grace ease and flow and don’t  
forget to smash like and subscribe to my 
channel and i’ll see you in the next one

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