Book Review "Sisters & Champions The True Story of Venus and Serena Williams"

book review the book that i want to focus 
on today is titled sisters and champions  
the true story of venus and serena 
williams i got a copy right here
i read it today howard bryant is the 
author of this book an author is a writer  
and howard bryant is an 
excellent writer making this book  
an outstanding read now it says 
the illustrator is floyd cooper
An illustrater drawers and paints the pictures in 
the book and floyd cooper’s artwork is top notch  
look at those beautiful black girls 
the genre the type of book it is  
well this book is a children’s 
literature biography  
in children’s nonfiction literature i wish i could 
read this book to y’all but due to copyright laws  
i won’t take those chances but i want to convince 
you and persuade you to purchase this book  
because it’s an excellent read 
and i know you will enjoy it
quick summary from my perspective this 
book is about the williams sisters  
upbringing in compton california 
that highlights how their father  
coached loved and influenced his daughters 
wholeheartedly the fact that these girls grew  
to become tennis champions african-american 
queens and successful adults is inspiring
i recommend this book for you to read 

read with your children  
hit the link to purchase this book to add 
to your personal library or book collection  
thumbs up venus and serena williams i just want 
you to know we love y’all here in philadelphia

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