Book Review: The Influencer by Miranda Rijks

hello and welcome to today’s video um today we’re 
starting off with a review of the influencer which  
is this one right here um so if you like books 
about social media and things like that stay tuned
hello like i said reviewing the influencer here 
now this is a psychological thriller um this one  
i ended up giving four stars to okay in this one 
we have skye who is a huge social media influencer  
who teams up with nathan who has a charity for 
the homeless and during all this we get lots of uh  
twists in the story with things going on um 
skye is definitely bringing in more attention  
and more funds to the charity which obviously 
nathan is super happy about he set up the um
the charity in uh for his wife after she died 
it was something that they were doing he has two  
young children um and so it’s something that he 
really believes in anyway so obviously the money  
coming in is really good um unfortunately allowing 
sky to enter into his world um kind of turns into  
a uh terrifying experience for him so anyway we 
have lots of twists and turns uh along the way  
discovering lots of things about sky in this as 
well um overall yes

very good read very good read  
i have to say i did predict what’s supposedly the 
biggest twist uh in the book so that wasn’t really  
um it didn’t really keep me guessing uh on that 
it was kind of obvious but at the same time i  
did really enjoy this book so there we go that is 
the influencer if you like psychological thrillers  
especially those which is orientated with uh 
social media and influences and things like that  
then it is a very good read so check it out um 
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and give this video a like if you’ve liked it  
because it all helps with the algorithm um i would 
also love to get chatting with you down in the  
comments section so um if you’ve read a really 
good psychological thriller this so far this  
year then please tell me about it um down below 
also if you have read any books um by miranda  
regix i think you pronounce that um but if you if 
you’ve read any other books by this author then  
please uh let me know what you thought about those 
as well down below um give me a heads up about  
them because like i said i did really enjoy this 
one so i would be interested in finding out more  
about some of our other stuff as well and possibly 
reading that as well so um yes join in the  
discussion down in the comments below and i will 
see you in the next video thanks for watching bye

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