Counter-Strike 2: Leveling Up The World

With over 20 years of history, maps are a fundamental pillar of Counter-Strike. And in Counter-Strike 2, maps are getting a new look. But don’t worry, you can still bring along your countless hours honing strategies and exploiting every corner and crevice. We took three approaches to improving maps while retaining their rich legacy. First, there are touchstone maps, classic maps with solid foundations that players can use to evaluate gameplay changes from CS:GO to Counter-Strike 2. These have improvements to lighting and character read but otherwise haven’t been changed. Next, we have upgrades. These are maps that use new

Source 2 lighting, including a physically based rendering system that produces realistic materials, lighting and reflections. And finally, overhauls. The oldest maps have been fully rebuilt from the ground up, leveraging all of the Source 2 tools and rendering features. These tools will be available for community map makers to make it easier to build, experiment and iterate. With upgrades to lighting, player read and materials in Counter-Strike 2, even the familiar will feel brand new.

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