Dominion of the Fallen, Aliette De Bodard | Trilogy Review | Spoiler Free | Overbooked [CC]

welcome back to dead good book reviews i’m judith 
and you’re watching another episode of overbooked  
the series where i talk about every single book 
on my shelf because i don’t have a dog to occupy  
my time so i might as well do this today i am 
talking about a trilogy i feel like i’ve been  
doing a lot of single books in this series so 
it’s nice to knock out three books all in one  
go and this slightly fuzzy trilogy behind me is 
aliette de bodard’s dominion of the fallen series
i will put the covers up later don’t worry you’ll 
see them in all of their glory before we start  
some quick disclaimers i did have a review copy 
of the third book as well as a review copy of one  
of the short stories i think comes between books 
one and two but these two books i did buy with my  
hard-earned cash regardless of where they came 
from nobody’s paying me to talk about books and  
all opinions are my own i’m also going to keep 
things spoiler free for all three books though  
if you do want to go in knowing absolutely nothing 
this is your opportunity to click away now because  

going to get into the broad plot summary i 
first encountered this series before i was even  
blogging i think and it must have been when i was 
at university i can’t remember what made me pick  
it up but it must have been because uh house of 
shattered wings was the first book that i bought  
and it came -not ever -but the first book that 
i bought and it came out in 2015. and they then  
languished on my shelves for a couple of years 
until i started book blogging and i was like oh i  
need books to blog about and i have some that i’ve 
never read let’s read them this was before i had a  
conception of a tbr really the house of binding 
thorns followed in 2017 though i read that from  
the library probably a year or so later and then 
the house of sundering flames came out in 2019  
by which point i was buddied up enough with the 
publisher to be sent a review copy which made me  
very very happy indeed this is an adult fantasy 
sort of dystopian but not in the way that you  
would normally think about it series and 
probably thinking about it one of the first  
adult fantasy series i really read while i was 
still reading a lot of y a aliette de bodard is a  
paris-based author who has written just oodles of 
stuff a lot of it award-winning i have read this  
series i’ve also read in the vanisher’s palace 
which is a lovely beauty and the beast retelling  
i’ve read her most recent is the novella fireheart 
tiger which i would definitely recommend that’s  
well worth reading basically she’s written a lot 
and i would like to read more of it desperately  
need to get to her alternate sherlock holmes 
that’s like top of my list for when i am next  
thinking about a book to buy this series takes 
place in an alternate paris in the aftermath of a  
war in heaven a magical war paris is divided into 
houses which fight for dominance in the destroyed  
capital the series as a whole follows various 
characters in various different houses and outside  
the houses as they struggle to survive this 
really cutthroat environment especially since at  
the start of book one the threats begin to expand 
beyond what they’ve previously known paris already  
wasn’t a nice place to be but oh boy does it get 
worse by the third book i really love the setting  
of this series if paris in the aftermath of a war 
in heaven doesn’t get you excited i don’t know  
what will this series made it onto my halloween 
list for 2020 largely because the atmosphere in  
this books are so amazing and so many things take 
place in these really creepy settings that aren’t  
quite haunted houses but they have that feel to 
them this is the kind of series where i just want  
somebody to make me an open world video game so 
i can just walk around the spaces because it just  
i can see it in my mind i want to wander through 
it one thing that this series does really well  
which i always appreciate is the contrast between 
different places particularly when you’re talking  
about very opulent places versus places of poverty 
i think that that contrast is handled really  
well and equally the contrast between different 
places where different cultures are prevalent is  
very very well done don’t want to spoil that for 
you though i think it’s because across the board  
all of the settings are described so vividly that 
you really get a sense of the different locations  
which helps you to contrast them in your mind it 
comes more into play in the second book i think  
but it’s definitely something that stuck with me 
about this series i have reread this series at  
least once twice in some instances some books 
have had multiple rereads and each time i get  
something new out of it largely i think because 
each time i kind of pick a different character to  
follow and to care about it’s that kind of series 
where one perspective really carries you through  
the book and everyone else feels a bit external 
to that and then you’ll read it again and you’ll  
go oh no i want to focus on this person and then 
that person carries you through but all of the  
characters are great i really like the different 
voices of the characters the different backgrounds  
that they have and i also really appreciate 
all their different plot threads throughout  
the books what i like is there’s a lot of very 
different character development across the series  
everyone’s on a very different journey and you get 
to see and experience those differences and how  
people can grow in very different ways i think 
there’s probably at least one character that  
everyone would enjoy there is lgbt representation 
of different kinds in this book including an mlm  
relationship having read some more of aliette 
de bodard’s work outside of this series since  
i first read it i can see that that’s something 
that she always likes to include in her books and  
you very much get a sense of how important that 
representation is in her writing so if you’re  
looking for an author who writes this kind of 
thing who you can then go let me go and read  
all of their other stuff you can when i think back 
on these books they feel very distinct to me which  
is interesting because it is following the same 
characters in the same setting i suppose i more  
mean that they’re quite contained as opposed to 
feeling like one narrative spread across three  
books i don’t know if that was just because i read 
them quite separately the first time i read them  
or whether it genuinely is kind of three distinct 
narratives i’d need to do a fourth reread to know  
in some ways i think that’s a big pro because 
you can read each book separately not everyone  
has the time or inclination to read a series back 
to back maybe you like a book that feels a bit  
separate and ends itself in a good way but equally 
it can be a bit confusing i was looking back at my  
original review for the house of sundering flames 
and i basically say i really enjoyed this book  
couldn’t remember anything the moment i put it 
down though and that does feel true for this  
series if you ask me to tell you exactly what 
happens i could give you some big plot moments  
and some visuals that have really stuck in my mind 
but i could not tell you beat for beat the story i  
mean that’s in part because my brain was all over 
the place back then and i’ve never claimed to have  
a good memory but equally i do think this is just 
one of those series that really benefits from both  
rereading and when you do read it taking it slow 
and maybe finding someone to read it with you who  
you can kind of digest things with maybe that’s 
something that’s just me and my terrible memory  
maybe that’s something that you keep in mind 
if you want to buy a book am i going to want  
to reread it i think this series has a lot of 
rereadability partly because i’ve forgotten  
everything that happened so it feels new again but 
also you do get more out of it on a second read  
if you aren’t a big rereader and you are planning 
on reading this i think my suggestion would be to  
maybe give yourself a crib sheet and just keep a 
vague note of who’s who and who belongs to what  
house i think it would help i have a few things 
that i would maybe compare this to that i’ve read  
i don’t think i have anything that feels quite the 
same but i wondered about jade city by fonda lee  
just for the importance of the city as part 
of the story city of lies by sam hawke is a  
fantasy mystery and i really liked how various 
elements of that story come in quite late in  
the game which is definitely something that 
happens with this series and finally i wondered  
about chorus of dragons uh series just because 
i think that’s a really good fantasy series and  
i honestly can’t remember why i wrote it 
in my notes as something to compare it to  
but i’ve mentioned it now so there you go should 
you read this series i would say definitely yes  
for most people it’s not going to be for everyone 
and i think that aliette de bodard’s writing isn’t  
everyone’s cup of tea i would say read book one 
and see how you feel about it and if you like book  
one you will definitely like the other books and 
if you’re less sold on that you might not want to  
bother but as i say if you do choose to read this 
take it slow keep an eye on who’s who and what’s  
what and you will have a great time and just 
enjoy that gloriously creepy setting and if at the  
end of the book you’re like i have no idea what 
happened then come tell me about it because same  
comment below if you have any other atmospheric 
books you want me to read i know i asked for that  
quite often but i am always interested in more 
atmosphere in my life while you’re down there  
commenting you can also subscribe because it 
makes me feel loved and appreciated that’s all  
from me and i will see you in the next one it’s 
gonna be some bloopers now paris is divided into  
i was looking back at my original review for 
the house of sundering that sundering flames

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