Jürgen Klopp's Christmas Message 2022

a message at Christmas morning there are some songs like crossing my mind but I don’t want to bother you every year with my voice ah it’s Christmas I gave you my heart wow I said really high standards did I you know much better than I what you want to sing in that day I have special movies I I like to watch in that period of the Year Love Actually is one of them pretty sure we will watch it this year again in a crazy world we are living in a moment it’s really nice to see

these kind of movies where the subjects are not that serious as they are in the real world from a sports point of view 2022 was a pretty successful year I would say started with a carabora cup final the FA Cup Final was special I enjoyed it so much then the league was obviously pretty spectacular as well we were closed again I know that’s not that much appreciated I get that when you come close but from a coach’s point of view I’m really proud of that Championship final Mr courtois had a pretty good day we did

quite well but it didn’t feel that night it didn’t feel for different reasons which we didn’t know exactly directly after the game when we were already down but when we heard the stories from

our families what happened around the stadium then it was clear it was a special night for the absolute wrong reasons and so it will not be a Champions League file we will remember for the rest of our lives but we will remember for the rest of our lives was the day after the Champions League final you give you absolutely everything and you

get a lot but not everything if that’s not worth a celebration that would be the worst sign you could give to the outside world that’s why we celebrated two cup competition two Cup wins two big big campaigns and that we are together and we are alive and that we love each other and we can be different and want to show reaction in different way this club is so special and on that day if anybody didn’t know it before this day was the final proof for that it was absolutely outstanding I have no words for it

now when I’m talking about it gets the Goosebumps new season starts it didn’t work out exactly like we expected but that’s how life is you have to deal with the circumstances we fought ourselves through and we are now in punching distance and that’s all I need it’s Christmas day it’s the Christmas of our lives and that’s how we should celebrate it the older I get and the more great my build gets to my look like Santa Claus but every year is a special time even for a 55 year old man I’m looking forward to it

because the family is coming together and from here we go again can’t wait for New Year’s Eve and then for 2023 and try to learn from the mistakes we or other people made in 2022 and to work together and to help each other and make the best year of Our Lives let’s try together merry merry Christmas

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