Learn how to be more Creative – Book Review (English) | Steal like an Artist by Austin Kleon

hello everyone welcome to my youtube
channel here i share the learnings and
wisdoms from best-selling books in a
very simple and concise manner but
before we get started let’s see the
so last week i decided
to pick a book and read which would help
me on my youtube and blogging journey
so i picked up three books written by
the best-selling author and artist
austin kellyanne
now all these three books are about how
to be more creative in our digital world
i always think to myself
from where do influencers like ashish
chanchalani or zakir khan or shlok
shivastava from the channel tech burners
or many other youtubers stand up comics
and other artists get their creative
ideas from
creativity is
one thing that i feel is not one of my
strong feats so i decided i wanted to
work on building my creative muscle
so today we are going to
cover the learnings from the first book
which is called steal like an artist
10 things that nobody told you about
being creative
so let’s dive in
now the

first idea shared in this book
is copy borrow and create like an artist
the author shares that a mature artist
understands that all new work is built
on something that he or she observes
that might spark their interest
so most of the time all creative
endeavors are derived and inspired from
some earlier work done by someone else
as a creator be it a musician a painter
or a writer or any other artist
we should ensure to collect as much
information as we can from things that
inspire us and store it in a journal
scrapbook or maybe a picture folder
as it is said that we become the average
of five people that we spend the most
amount of time with it might also be
said that the information that we
tends to determine how creative we can
we become a mash-up of all the books
that we read the youtube videos that we
watch and the influences that we follow
and in the end we tend to
create our own unique style and view of
the world which might help us create our
own art in our chosen field
now the second idea is
start now you will find yourself in the
now one feeling that all super achievers
famous actors directors musicians
athletes sportsmen
authors writers academicians all have in
common is that feeling of impostor
when they get started
everyone thinks that are they good
and if they belong at the top of the
field with other superstars
so know that when you get started you
might also have the same feeling at the
back of your mind but you have to push
past it
everyone discovers their unique styles
and personas by starting to copy their
ideas and role models
as japanese fashion designer yoji
yamamoto says
start copying what you love copy copy
copy copy at the end of the copy you
will find yourself
the author says that our icons and role
models actually feel proud when we take
their work
and build it to a new level using our
own unique talents and abilities that
serves the world
we should always try to emulate rather
than imitate the difference is in the
level of change
imitation can happen on the surface but
to emulate we need to imbibe the way of
put in efforts and hard work and break
through the surface the third idea is
work on things that you love and are
really interested in
the author promotes us to engage
ourselves into activities and things
that we truly love
this is the only sure short way to pull
out the genius from all of us
like every good movie needs a sequel an
avengers infinity war needs an avengers
end game
likewise every successful book needs to
be expanded into new books
every successful musician can inspire
new songs and every successful business
idea can promote new business ventures
all we need to do is find something that
we like
and make a sequel out of it
now coming to the fourth idea creativity
flows when you engage your body
the author tells us to engage our hands
and move our bodies more while we work
what it does is makes our brain think
out of the box and we can actually
engage ourselves more into our work
we should use pens papers highlighters
cut pictures write on white boards
paste our thoughts and pin them on the
wall and do anything that might
stimulate our thinking and creativity
we can see how musicians athletes and
great public speakers
move and use their whole body while they
are performing
sitting idly
on a computer screen will stifle our
now coming to the fifth idea passions
and hobbies can really inspire
we might be engaged in a routine work
and we might not be able to drop
everything and pursue our passions full
but it is a good idea to take breaks in
it is good to let our minds be idle and
we should pursue our passions and
hobbies every now and then
the author inspires us to not discard
any passions or interests that we might
he rather in tells us to juggle them let
them intermingle and interact with each
other and something unique might come
out of it
here i’m thinking of a real life example
of musician and youtuber yashraj mukhati
you might have already heard of him
he has been creating videos for a very
long time until one of his videos got
viral and he became really famous
you can see his unique creations in his
videos where he sings he writes the
uses different musical instruments and
edits a fun a funny scene which might
become a meme
and the end product is just amazing
it is funny sounds great and brilliant
to watch
he lets all his talents and passions
intermingle to create these videos
the sixth idea is
practice get better at what you do and
keep sharing your work with others
we should keep that in our mind that it
might take some time for us to get
really good in our craft and that is a
good thing
we can use our anonymity to experiment
practice learn and get better with time
once we get famous
everything that we do
is closely observed by the whole world
so we should keep putting ourselves out
learn experiment
fail try again
and keep doing it till we get so good
that we cannot be ignored
and we should put ourselves on to the
internet to find people who like what we
share something with them that might add
value to them
or just entertain them
once we are online
our community pushes us to keep moving
now the seventh idea
we can scale and share our work with the
entire world
we should take the advantage of the
technologically advanced time that we
are living in
connect with people from different
locations collaborate
exchange ideas and pursue projects
we can talk to people who are miles
apart and share our work with them
we should try and make the most out of
this virtual world that we are living in
now coming to the last idea
always be appreciative of others talents
today the entire world is online we can
talk to anyone anywhere and at any time
we should try to make friends that we
find online and ignore the trolls and
haters that we might find on the way
we should share our appreciation with
on their good work tag them and promote
people who inspire us
but do not expect anything in return
just do it to share your gratitude
also it is important to not look for
validation when you create something and
share it online
be ready to be misunderstood and judged
you will also find a community of people
who will follow you and like your work
so these were the few ideas
in the book that really
resonated with me and made me think
i’ll share my learnings from the second
show your work in part two of this video
series so do watch out for that
and as always i’m going to share the
link of the blog that i made on this
book in the description section
a quick disclaimer watching these videos
will not replace reading the actual
so i suggest start with reading maybe
two pages a day
and build that habit to read
you will really thank yourself after a
few years
i hope some of these ideas inspired you
if you found value in today’s video do
hit the like button and if you’re new to
my channel do consider subscribing and
hitting the bell icon
that is it for today hope you have a
great day see you in the next video

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