Mi review on mi-100 microphone A4 tech

who’s guys it’s me dal malik so i actually 
bought a brand new microphone from a4 tech so  
it doesn’t have a microphone on top you guys 
are probably wondering this is just the stand  
not the microphone but this is the microphone as 
you guys can see this tiny hole the audio goes  
through this and into the computer so if you guys 
want to buy stuff from a for that you can you can  
go and buy it right now so you let me show you 
guys how to plug this in so it is really simple  
here as you guys can see the pink wire just put 
it over here in the microphone place the last one  
so make sure to buy stuff from this a4 tech 
it is a really good company i can say that  
a thousand times so it has really good all your 
audio quality you can make calls with this you  
you can do online classes you can do anything 
with this microphone so make sure you buy this bye

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