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ONE PIECE EPISODE 1 REACTION!! 1×1 Review | Netflix Live Action 2023

what is going on there citizens of the reject Nation I am joined by Aaron Alexander today because we are going to start up the show One Piece the Netflix adaptation of the anime that neither of us have seen so we’re only going to judge this based off of what this is I’m sure we’ll have the benefit of everything being a surprise for us yeah that is one of the cool things about not being familiar with the anime there’s a lot of anime that you and I do love we just it’s a long show it’s long

I know like and I’m almost done with Naruto Fighters and that is like forever but guys in the meantime what you can go ahead and do is leave a like leave your thoughts down below what you thought about this episode also be sure to subscribe click that notification Bell get notified when our reaction for the next episode of One Piece is up here on the channel for this show uh full length Reaction watch along where you sync up with your own copy will be available for our super sexy rejects over at our patreon page we

cover a bunch of shows exclusively over the reaction high so watch alongs included but because it’s the first episode it’s gonna be the public for everyone to watch along if you prefer to just do the sync up you can

go over there I think I covered uh everything other than thank you to prep referring down these highlights let’s get to it people foreign according to their own rules who seek a life of freedom and adventure oh this is swashbuckling yes pirates pirates the most literal form of swashbuckling I didn’t even see the trailer for this

oh dang yeah okay I saw like half of it I was like I’m good I’m gonna watch this across our seas we’ve made a great stride in our effort gold Rogers mustache King of the Pirates chop chunk cool that’s great yeah let this be a message to break the spirit of anyone foolish enough to follow in its footsteps it’s a hell of a production design all right everyone here has been AI cloned no one was compensated draw this upon yourself now I’m bringing it to one and all forfeit where is your treasure oh hell yeah

love those sideburns You Wanna Know where my treasure is I’ll tell you I love the disorienting close-ups issues at the adventure we’re going on oh he did die oh God oh God oh okay I thought he’s gonna make it out never mind I don’t think I’ve ever seen a Killian like that in one of these periodies usually it’s like a hanging right it’s brutal I thought they’re gonna behead him a new age was born the great pirate error ah okay to find the pirate King’s hidden treasure oh the one piece okay well done nice I

like how in the crowd you could discern who are the ones that are likened to the anime drawings everyone looks normal shangs would tell me stories about pirates in their Adventure Adventure swim did you get the idea let’s talk about us I guess so follow my dream let’s find the one piece come get yeah he’s an underdog all I need is a loyal crew you think about 10 minutes you do ten men and a bird oh son of the bird so what do you say I swear to God this bird dies immediately put some fish

in the the plug I don’t know if that’ll work but it’s worth a shot oh man it’s my first day a terrible look oh you’re snoring in there just put some food in there he really does feel like an animated character oh totally yeah and that’s a very anime ship I love the way they introduce these characters yeah I like the style a lot really enjoying the music a lot too right now it fits the vibe the pirate Vibe this is great because I was just hearing someone talk about how they missed Pirates of the

Caribbean franchise and I had no idea this was a pirate show oh man I think I vaguely knew that but that’s very cool get your pirate fix pirate Hunter rora Noah Soro he booked passage to six’s Island I know Zora must be after me who else is worthy of his Pursuit who’s that character with the goggles pirates and their bounties and of course I was at the top actually your name wasn’t it how dare you tell me the truth foreign like a pirate that thieves and Mudders not the pirate side no this kid already has

Charisma like already he finally gained it Charisma achieved she’s back Aaron someone for you to identify with rock on little black boy I can’t relate to White characters it’s just Or Hispanic that’s why yeah our favorite Street urgent come to welcome us back I’m not an earth I’m a pirate I’m ready to join your crew you’re not ready I am is shank’s gonna die I don’t know but his hat looks like Luffy’s hat I don’t think that’s a little black kid I think it’s the kid that we’ve been following you think so I don’t know

I can’t I don’t see color put it down Lucy that’s why you hurt yourself yeah damn okay kid we all do weird things when we’re children foot waves and see these little crush your bones oh we’re gonna get CB sit here I don’t know why I didn’t think about that lifeboats are tight at the stone of the ship well it’s not how comfortable he is yeah right very chill what the hell is going on rise and shine what’s the meaning of this that I can explain you dare betrayed me to a bounty hunter no that’s

not it and you wow she jumped to a massive conclusion man he said that you were mean cool zombies oh my God hero hero moves yo lady you’re gonna kill your whole crew damn kids got moves what what did you not expect that what the hell oh my God he’s like Mr Fantastic this tragic I just love the way they did that reveal yeah the Hat’s stretchy too what oh yeah good call God oh my God is that a classic thing he says oh yes damn yo that is some of the best stretch Anatomy effects

I’ve ever seen that’s pretty cool normally that stretch Anatomy looks awful especially in TV we’re gonna need a boat and enough food for a few days you’re coming with me I love how I just had this like naive ignorance is bliss kind of attitude yeah they did that reveal it was like oh wait this guy might actually be capable of fighting the one piece that was really well done and I love how they didn’t make like a massive moment out of that that was really well done right now it was a great reveal not like

an overly dramatic one but like oh yeah people often visit shrines to light candles for those they’ve lost this one is for someone on you a long time ago you’ve been following me for three days there’s a lot of mysterious questions here that’s a lot of swords what are you gonna do with three swords guy I represent an organization known as Baroque works we are interested in your unique set of skills pirate Hunter have a unique set of skills what are you some band of Assassins some kind of Suicide Squad you’re a black card man

I think you should take it they should have sent someone better than number seven oh two swords versus three I was just gonna work there’s a lot of great composition to these shots oh nice you have three swords he’s not using any of them he doesn’t need to he’s just that cool they’re the swords yeah cut that dirt yo the candles went out awesome awesome nice some of these action shots look like they were done for 3D there’s a lot of stuff we’re like it’s right in the camera you know a lot of yoga you

didn’t get your eye he’s aiming for it but I missed he does feel like he was a black kid he didn’t grow up into this Latino guy or something I don’t know what he is he somehow gained an accident behind the sky it seems like he mauled his accent up for him um like none whatsoever yeah I don’t know what happened treasure you feel like from the Dominican Republic you just learned it was cooler to have an accent as he got older I don’t know what’s your ethnicity pirate oh that’s a weird thing what is

that is our game the stretch powers what’s going on there oh God I don’t know usually when you Resort too that does not look good perhaps this will make up for it what are we supposed to do with one bottle are you drink it one bottle one bottle for the one piece what a dick let’s find a real bar you got you’re good you got a mop whoop his ass whoop his ass we should be castrating them not everything can be solved with violence a man needs to be strong it also needs to be good

you’re not a real man ouch nothing but a coward damn right Luffy oh man my kid’s face was funny let me show you what a real man looks like what have you done he’s actually reacting quite calmly to this massive stretch power reveal right mine was the gum gum fruit it turned my body into rubber that looks really good right damn he definitely has that confident naive anime thing going yeah and he’s got the this other guy has a very like shivering scared oh God yeah who’s Messi you being dumb stop that no dumbness on

my boat I’ve always wanted to be what what black Marine oh you want to protect people protect themselves looks like a combination of Ron Weasley and Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy I think you should do it Fusion ha use them all together I’ll help you out help that boy be sure the meal Kobe and if being a marine is your dream that’s good enough for me that’s cool that’s sweet kids got heart to the next Marine base I get my map and you can join up plot established Mission ago like how this guy’s naturally lanky

already yeah like makes them more believable a female character a woman help me Lilo Dallas multipass for all the help you’ll need the crew was attacked by Pirates uh I barely managed to make it oh she’s totally luring I was gonna say this is a scam it feels like a scam yeah this is a scam it’s identity theft if you help me then we can help two other people it’s not a pyramid I swear ain’t got nothing you got robbed you so dumb thanks for the rescue you all remember this as the day you almost

caught Captain Jack Sparrow where is she going I’m really gonna have to keep track of the geography here right here at least I’ve never heard if I have a metal jaw what the hell I really think the way they’ve brought these cities to life feels so feels very much lived in and I’m pretty sure all those those photos were a bunch of Easter eggs and characters that we don’t know you mean all the anime looking posters a very anime let me show you that buggy yeah it’s a it’s a good character only one way I’m

gonna get inside that base and it’s not on an empty stomach come on ah that chick she did probably not she’s just in the ocean someone found her we already have our food more is better more is better you gotta feed the brain you gotta feed the brain I get inside flying I can crap into a bird or something that’s a terrible idea like you say keep your voice down because once you started talking they had the guy in the background look over there guy came in the swords for me is that that one dude’s

head I don’t know his head looked like that terrible here wait a minute was that the other girl in the background oh are characters converging here I think that’s what’s happening ah I was right gonna buy you a drink too tall this guy’s like my lucky day my short just paid off finally my shortness in my bald head finally short Kings win today ice boss what’s the brown stuff chocolate makes everything taste better that’s not chocolate stupid girl another anime guy ugh why do guys who look like this blonde guy always behave this way mother

didn’t hug them that’s why you dropped my food that was in his face though it was just actual food now you eat one and apologize to the girl no who I am no the hit Marine with the bad haircut called on the bad haircut this long guy looks like if Evan Peters played a Targaryen I see it coward give him oh I love how this guy only uses his swords when he really needs to oh yeah no it’s like a last resort yeah I’m joining the fight I thought it was my day no yeah I

really love the choreography of this guy a lot but fighting all the fighting is great so far don’t kill me please I thought we’ll give you any Captain Morgan the Captain Morgan I understand you sent four of my Marines to the infirmary oh oh how metal Laura Noah Zorro most feared pirate hunter in the East blue if it’s all the same I’ll just take my money and go I love the dry delivery of him it’s such like that cool badass wandering anime character you can try to arrest me but your Brad will be the first

one I kill he can’t speak to me two whoa we should be working for the same team everyone can just keep trying to recruit this guy I wonder how the jaw thing looks in the anime it looks like just an attachment as opposed to being his acts like a looks like some type of braces holder yeah to protect it’ll go from the Marines who is supposed to be protecting home it doesn’t make any sense I’ll tell you man this show is doing a great job because it’s making me go I want to watch the anime

like it’s really making me do that because I’m seeing the the types of motifs and tropes that I love from animes and then it’s like the show’s good so it’s making me like I wanted to see the source material now right the original Source read the Manga first you better watch the interview and then watch this I’m gonna help you steal from the Marines no how about you help me get them all ready choice to call in the Marines Marines are usually associated as heroic I don’t know if there’s like an actual historical thing yeah

I don’t know what their role is in like history yeah sit up and beg put it down what’s so special about this whole thing I love how there’s like some Wes Anderson shots here single sweat couldn’t stretch your way through one of them holes I gave myself a interesting choice you don’t know anything about me I know that you protected that little girl from those Marines last night this guy is so Charming what makes you think I’d want to play pirates with you you’re a great fighter I said that together we’d make a pretty good

team and I got chemistry dude they got chemistry kill your kind for a living is that all you want I made a promise to someone to become the world’s greatest swordsman that’s why I barely use my swords and fights you can untie me when I’m still not going to join your crew okay I just think it’s a waste of time for you to be hanging out here there’s something you want out there I hope his optimism inspires others classic anime protagonist Captain Morgan sent me find a map of the grand line ahead of his security

briefing this afternoon all maps pertaining to the ground line are kept under lock and key in his private office there’s some great Lighting in this did you drove the ground line down here do we nah short guy Shorty Short bald guy hey Let It Go from the bar shut up shorty oh nice little Dallas multipass knocked out again whoa wait hey hey no don’t do that you are going to get us both caught if you keep stopping around this place we need a plan oh what are the odds how humiliating what’s your name I put

in the request to serve under your command what is the purpose of that metallic piece and how do they attach it to his face the classic lines at the start of a team hate them what did pirates ever do to you I’m sure we’ll never find out sounds like nothing traumatizing happened to someone you really cared about or a family member or the village or whatever you come from so I guess the show’s about like a bunch of loners who are loners and misfits join together for a mutual cause so why do you decide to

become a thief because her dad was a pirate I needed to eat do what you have to to survive nothing more important than food just find the map okay here’s my guess her dad was the guy who got killed at the beginning to start all the one-piece things and she’s the real treasure I have the best theories every episode watch guys not the wisest guy man not the wisest guy nope weapon or a little snively friend where’s that guy at it I was just sitting in the chair he’s gonna rip it open he could probably

pull Extra Strength by stretching oh that didn’t kill you wow I know it wouldn’t kill you wouldn’t kill her oh please do like a little propeller thing with your arms let’s see let’s get cartoony love how excited he looked to fight yeah right oh nice go let’s go look at that and you say you’re not a team this choreography is great I love this hello everyone band together teamwork let’s get cartoony okay so he does have like some super strength actually yeah do I fight do I join do I join the fight go out the

door which way prove you’re a great swordsman conflict not conflict pay a favor back help him because he helped me just leave it’s not worth the trouble yeah yes awesome yeah fancy that the three of you working together you’re a crew nope not together this is really fun ah nice great great okay so he is he’s a deadly fighter okay oh guys need to learn to work as a team ah nice it’s not only the ax every part of his body as a weapon ah I see oh who’s putting on a bandana oh yes it’s

awesome it’s gonna just keep that in his mouth oh all right so that’s where it goes that’s what she said oh he is just gonna keep it in his mouth smart oh my God that’s brilliant definitely an anime thing gum gum whip yeah all the great Fighters call out their finishing moves please sorry because I love that of that I don’t know they just call it their boobs I love that the Marines will be here before you know it I might even get a medal or something yeah party but we’re gonna go this whole island

is trying to kill us okay I’m not coming with you what why guy oh because he wants to be a marine I’m gonna do what I want to do yeah you’re gonna be a marine live your life hq3 there’s a puppy he’s got a bone in his mouth weird snail this is God Mel Gibson oh he was the guy at the very beginning to the Grand Lane has been stolen the map by a pirate in a straw hat reminded you of someone oh this is personal they were pirates captain and you didn’t stop them I

couldn’t I mean there were three of them you weren’t even there I love the voices oh it’s this guy from the the poster hey buggy 15 million wasn’t just an Easter egg okay that’s my man I’m gonna get it back great pose yeah no matter who I have to kill somewhere out there another reaction channel is freaking out about this clown pirate yo that was a lot of fun I have no idea what anime obviously we don’t know yet I have no idea what like fans of the anime or fans of the manga I’m certain

as a manga but I have no idea what fans of that are like odd if they did did it justice or whatever you know I I don’t know what the with the consensus screw it I think just on its own merits I thought this was great it really worked for me I was surprised the first like 10 15 minutes it’s like I don’t know like it looks good but I’m having a bit of it I’m like but let’s just wait let’s wait for this to like become an actual show and once it became an actual

show I forget around which point that was for me when I started to smooth smooth out and slow down uh I I really I I really liked the the main three characters who are who are the not crew right now I really liked all of them yeah and like the girl’s a little bit more cliche we don’t know much about her yet yeah they’ve been everything about even the setup with her but she’s still likable she’s still very likable it’s cool but our main two guys whose names I don’t remember Luffy and Zorro oh to

Zoro Zoro something he had a last name I just know Zoro swords I I loved uh I love their presence a lot and I I think they’re the juxtaposition of their personalities bodes well like and they have chemistry all them that’s that’s the saving benefit is like they all have chemistry and I thought that this was a genuine swashbuckling fun time with a great spirit to it throughout and I I don’t want to speak too long because we got more episodes to get through but I I thought this was a really solid start I was

pleasantly surprised and could perhaps be shape up to be the best live-action adaptation of anatomy uh depending on the series yeah I think so series or I mean I’m not even really good movies out there but you know are there any I can’t think of it has got a lot of love yeah it is cool um but this this was a really smooth experience with like great action and colors and everything about it I really enjoyed a lot yeah no I thought the music was really good all the action was really great uh definitely has

the spirit of an anime I’m not sure how accurate it is to this to the anime itself but it definitely feels reminiscent of that and it’s interesting seeing all the pieces even though we haven’t seen the show the pieces of people that are either like background people created for the show or like oh this is definitely inspired and looks exactly like an anime character so I really liked all of all of those elements of it and yeah I like the way it’s shaping up it has that classic feel even though I think the anime is

like what something like 20 years old oh is it okay something like that yeah it’s a thousand episodes you think you know but um yeah I think it really debuted in 2022. huh it debuted in 2022. but yeah they were three episodes a week gotta crank them out but no I really I really enjoyed it I’ll keep it brief um yeah the music was great the characters I look forward to seeing where they go uh the connections between the past that they’ve teased with with Luffy and Shanks because the they have the same hat so

clearly like something happens there um and yeah I’m curious to see you know what happens with this crew I think how do they eventually accept the B crew is a cricket larger what yeah I think there’s a lot of questions to uh to be had here and I’m sure we’re going to get some answers pretty soon probably in the next episode yeah for sure because I think the I think the way they they structure this was really well done because a lot you have to do a lot you have to introduce a brand new world

here you have to introduce a whole bunch of new characters and even for a character like my God I’m I am the worst with names that people should know this by now whoever will pause this channel Luffy Luffy goddamn uh okay that’s a good way to remember it like a loop I’ll just think of a loofah I do shower with a loofah she’s sponsored by Luther I don’t I don’t know just robbed that old bar now he’s a rag wait till it becomes this like skinny little surprise same rag same rag every day for the

last 28 years uh Luffy that does work yeah it works it helps that absolutely yeah that’s good um visual association with the name that’s good thank you yeah um yeah well because Luffy’s like Carefree attitude and normally a character like this yeah you could see some of the the aspects of that type of I’m thinking of like on a routine I’m thinking of like a gone from uh a hunter hunter you know there’s a there’s a lot of these different elements of that kind of anime lead character who is like super optimistic very jovial um

and like a Goku and yeah yeah exactly and and then it’s kind of like an and as a Naruto like that yeah like an inspiration wherever he goes in some way but even when you see I think the introduction of him was so well done where he does seem like the kind of guy you get that kind of Jack Sparrow quality we’re like oh this is a loser he just thinks he’s capable and then and then you see through his actions that even though a lot of times his introduction upon scenes do you see the

perception that other people would instantly have of him like clumsy idiot or something like that a fool a fool yes fool when you actually see him in action you’re like oh he surprises people he surprises you so you see the reactions to people and I also think the way this unintentional crew came to be by the end uh felt very natural and then the other guy is Zorro I love that kind of badass stoic dry delivery what I think is really cool about the performances too is that there’s this specific kind of pitch that they’re

hitting where it they they they do hearken to that of like they’ve brought a live-action anime character to life with their kind of delivery the kind of voice they have and whatnot and the Cadence in their voice the tone the the overall tenure of their voice I think is really really much like it but it still feels believable yeah it still works like it could go wrong very easily but somehow they found a a way to balance it a way a way to make it feel accessible and translate well to a live action piece that

makes it endearing and specific of translating I don’t feel left out one bit no there’s not anything here I’m sure that there’ll be like breakdown videos and people who watch it the the anime before or like noticing little things and are able to predict stuff of what’s to come or whatever I’m sure the hardcore fans are gonna nitpick the out of it but yeah or they might be able to get even more from it you know because they’re noticing a little nuances that we aren’t really picking up on um but I don’t feel left out

no no they’ve struck that balance of even though we haven’t seen the anime something that things that we can recognize from taking in a lot of Pop Culture media and recognizing Easter eggs you’re like oh that’s probably Easter egg for the fans but those are things we’re gonna get to later and because this is starting as a show that’s introducing you as if you’ve never seen the anime it seems it feels like a thing that can be enjoyed by both new and old audiences as well which I love that yeah that’s like the exact blend

you want to hit exactly assuming anime feels like I have no idea if they will or not right even you know I haven’t seen the anime something I would hope given that like how we how we watch Invincible you know they do that thing where Robert Kirkman was able to create that entire show or create that entire comic and then go back from stage one and then kind of took the knowledge she knows from the end of it and they imply that to the beginning I hope they can do that with this show even though

I don’t know where the anime is going I hope that they found a way to because there’s a thousand episodes to streamline is it still airing yeah it’s still on dude okay yeah all right yeah I know something happened in pop culture recently I don’t I don’t know if I don’t follow it but I have friends who are into it but yeah it’s still on um it’s a long show man since the 90s I think it’s like 99.98 something like that um but yeah I hope that we’re able they’re able to maximize the experience and

give us details of the show maybe the care people who watch the anime didn’t necessarily have even though we’d be none the wiser because we haven’t seen the anime but I just hope that this is going to maximize on the experience of what the show of a one-piece season one can be right yeah I agree and I love the composition of the directing as well a lot of the shots the framework of them feel like I’m looking at a drawing a lot of the time and sets are great too sets are great they feel very

lived in and I feel like a lot of times with a show like this they get really caught up in production value and that’s that’s tends to be the main star where I still feel like no the characters are the star of this yeah you know um and and I really I really enjoy that like to me honestly this could have just been a very surface level experience but I I was I found the energy of this very contagious and then even as someone who hasn’t seen the anime by the time you see the three

of them standing next to each other I was like hell yeah yeah it is a catharsis experience even on our end that I didn’t anticipate walking away from um yeah I I really I really enjoyed this a lot and I hope I hope the rest of the season plays out this is a very strong pilot all right guys well what did you think of this Premiere episode uh are you new to one piece uh did you like it even if you haven’t seen one piece did you I mean comment whatever you want in in the

comments you know but we’re gonna this we we usually wait to Deep dive into the comments after because we don’t want to get spoiled we know some people could be dicks yeah so yeah so I mean if you avoid spoilers you’re great please please do that uh but I’d love to hear your thoughts and if you are a fan of the anime uh let us know if you feel like this has been a rewarding experience for you guys uh thank you for being here keep a lookout for episode two reaction


Conten writer at FlipReview who specialise in Gadgets review, food critics, app and games review, car and bike review, book reviews, movies reviews, tv-series reviews and many more.

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