Patriots fan harassed by Raiders fan in viral incident speaks out

The Patriots Raiders game in Las Vegas last Sunday ended with a bang, but for one Patriots fan, there were more fireworks after the final whistle blew. Jerry Edmond, a Milford native who’s been a Patriots fan for as long as he’s been watching football, was attending his first ever game in person. And he says a Raiders fan sitting nearby began pestering him almost immediately. And the lady first came over to me and told me it’s disrespectful for me to cheer for the Patriots and the Raiders stadium. I got confused. I didn’t really understand what she meant

by that, Jerry says. He tried to watch his words, but he admits to a little trash talk. Anytime Derek Carr would make it like a bad pass or anything like that, I’d yellow. That’s the Derek Carr I know. Those words apparently didn’t sit well, and as soon as the game ended, that Raiders fan lost control. Watching that last play. That’s kind of when she kind of went berserk and then, like screaming in my face and everything like that. Jerry says he just tried to maintain his composure. He says as a black man, he had to

make sure he did nothing. That could be misconstrued. Yeah, I just didn’t want to get arrested. I didn’t want to ruin my trip. I didn’t want to ruin

the game for myself. But the saga didn’t end there. Video of the episode went viral on TikTok, and among the seven and a half million people who saw it was Patriots owner Robert Kraft. Jerry says he never expected what came next. Patriots called me up and offered me 4 club seats to tomorrow’s game against the Bengals. And they’re giving me field passes and a custom jersey. Honestly, I

have no idea how my motions are going to go because it’s going to be like it’s still this, to me is going to be like my first experience watching them home live. And I just know I’m going to be very excited.

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