Postal 2 Game Review

parcel 2 is a game that we should all
know about by now it’s a great game that
teaches the importance of friendship
love and understanding and most
importantly who the hell am i kidding
with this
holy [ __ ]
is a game that doesn’t have a story
instead you play as a guy named postal
dude and must go through the week
completing various mundane everyday
tasks like getting milk
cashing in your paycheck
or returning a book with you as the
player having the choice of doing it
either passively
or violently and is famous for its level
of gore and offensive humor
it’s safe to say if you like this game
you’re a certified [ __ ] the game was
made in 2003 which explains why they
managed to get away with most of the
jokes and didn’t get cancelled on
twitter by 15 year old white girl k-pop
stands and published by a company called
running with scissors who are
still open making postal games today so
starting off on the visuals you can tell
the game was made in 2003 with its
incredibly low poly style
flat textures and use of unreal engine

however back then this would have
been considered top spec and held strong
against games like call of duty world of
warcraft and silent hill on top of all
this the various effects would have
melted any pc of that generation
however in today’s standards many would
call the game ugly
if it was published in 2021 with the
same graphics but in my opinion i feel
if postal had luscious landscapes in 4k
textures the game wouldn’t be the same
it’s ugly
and it complements postal’s gameplay
which we’ll cover later on the sound on
the other hand is a little subpar
overall with some sounds like the music
puzzled dialogue and the weapons
sounding really good
but others like the generic person’s
dialogue sounds like it was recorded in
a different place
time with different equipment
come on everyone follow me
now don’t get me wrong i know a lot of
games from the sierra sounded a bit [ __ ]
but the music though that you can find
playing through boom boxes
are really really good and to be honest
it’s a shame that it doesn’t play whilst
having fights as it really makes you
epic and invincible in fact when i first
heard the music playing and saw a group
of people nearby i
anyway moving on let’s talk about the
controls of the game
they’re a bit confusing at first but
once you get used to them they’re a
little more
tolerable for example e is to use any
item you currently have equipped
no not in your hotbar but your other
and the numbers zero to nine will equip
a different class of weapons with zero
being melee
and four being rifles and such so as you
can tell it
takes a little bit of getting used to
but that’s fine because you’ll have time
to practice your weapon switching while
you’re walking from location to location
as there’s no sprint button so be
prepared to do a lot of walking
and i mean a lot of walking as most of
the time you can find yourself lost as
the map has many twists and turns that
lead you in different ways
and i often found myself looking at my
map a little too much for my liking
i did notice that on the loading zones
they do have green signs that tell you
what is in the next area
but it’s not obvious and you need to
find the right loading zone first in
order to read the signs
combat though is actually pretty good it
needs improvements here and then can be
a little bit janky at times
but it’s easy to get the hang of as the
majority of the time you’ll either be
spraying someone down with an assault
rifle or shooting them with a shotgun
with a cat silencer on the end
when it comes to the ai in combat that’s
where it can get a little
let’s say broken it didn’t happen to me
all too often but when it did it’s one
of those that sticks
the broken ai is also present in the
police after you’ve made a few enemy
groups for example if a group attacked
me in front of the police and i
retaliated the police
would then start attacking me which i’m
not gonna lie is
a little bit [ __ ] and annoying but
kind of tolerable as you can still
out walk the police anyway which passes
me to my next thing
the fact that the police are easy to
outrun makes choosing the violent
a hell of a lot more fun like the amount
of freedom you have
in how you want to tackle each and every
mission is
amazing for example on the bank mission
when you go to cash in your paycheck
you can either just cue open cash in
your paycheck like every other tom dick
and eric or you can just you know
rob the bank it’s really amusing the
amount of options you get for
such a small mundane task and if
anything it’s this level of freedom that
really brings the game all in my opinion
as well as the humor
overall if you can look past the average
old game flaws
walking and the offensive humor this
game is truly a classic and i would 100
recommend picking it up it’s fun and all
the broken aspects of the game
add to it to make it twice as funnier
postal 2 is definitely up there in my
all-time favorite games
you probably

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