Rita Ora on Getting Married to Taika Waititi & Her Single You Only Love Me (Extended) | Tonight Show

-Welcome back to the show. Welcome back. It’s always great to see you. -It feels like home. -It should feel like home. -It’s so cozy on this couch. -We love having you here. -Thanks for having me. -We have things to talk about, by the way. Congratulations. You got married? -Yes! -Hey, come on, now! Rita! -I know, and because I love you so much, I actually have never shown anyone my ring. – -It’s my first time showing my ring, because I love you and I feel like you’re part of our relationship, weirdly, because we watch you every

night. -Yeah. -Is that creepy? -No, it’s not. I feel like I’m part of the relationship, as well. -I just felt like I’ll show you it. Look. Here it is. And I’ll show you guys, too. Look. -Ooh la-la! That’s gorgeous. -Now, your husband — -He did good. -Taika Waititi. -Yes, you said it right! Wow! -What? Have I said Taika wrong? -No, no, never. But sometimes it’s hard for some people to say his name. -I love that. Did he choose that or did you help with that? – Well, I may have. -Helped. Maybe hinted. -In the right

— -Guided him. -You know, ’cause I just think, like, when you know what you want — and I felt

like I really knew that I wanted to be with this person. I just wanted it to feel really right, and so I may have taken him to the shop and I may have pointed out exactly what ring I wanted. -You are the most fun person. Every time I see you guys on a red carpet or something — -Oh, you mean that time where you crashed our red-carpet photograph? Show them. -I would never do such a thing

as long as I live. -Can we just talk about this? Because it was the best — We actually love this photo. Look. Show them. Look at that! -Yeah. -Look. -Yeah. You were taking photos… You were taking photos and looking, like, all glamorous And then I just jumped in like, “Hey, guys!” -Do you know why I love this photo? Because I look like I crashed the photograph. You two look like you have been together your whole lives. -Yeah. I have news for you. I’m married to Taika Waititi. I’m gonna show you my ring. -But I love

that photo. We love you so much. -Oh, come on, bud. -So, yeah. -Congrats on everything. Let’s talk about the single. “You Only Love Me.” Which is out now. -Yes, yes. Yeah. -Hinting at an upcoming album. -Yes, my album comes out later on this year. Oh, you know, I’m just so excited about this music. -You are? -Not just because it’s mine. But because my journ– I know. Weird. Again, I’m weird. But because I feel like the journey it took me to get to this point and the past two years — Like, my life has changed so

drastically. And making a decision to really spend the rest of your life with someone is a kind of big decision, you know? And so, like, it got me writing again, and I just really got inspired by love. And even though it sounds cheesy, all those sort of phases of meting somebody, and then do you really like them? Do they like me? Do I say that we’re together? Can we be exclusive? Like, what is going on? You know that little bit in the beginning? -I don’t miss any of that stuff. -Yeah, and that’s what I wrote

all my feelings about. And it’s nice to capture the moment. So I feel like this is more than just music. It’s like a moment in life for me, so… -I’m so happy for you. -Yeah. -The wedding-themed video for the single “You Only Love Me” just came out. It is so fun, by the way. Go check it out. Go on YouTube. Look this up. -We got a few fun cameos. Sorry. I would have asked you, but it was all the ladies. I wanted the ladies in this video. -Who do you have? I saw — I saw

Kristen Stewart. -Kristen Stewart’s in it. Sharon Stone plays my sort of savior godmother. She brings my — She is the best. So fun. Who else? -Lindsay Lohan. -Lindsay. Iconic! -Yeah, it’s the best. It’s great. Just check it out. You have to see it. It’s good. It’s a wedding — It’s a crazy — -I’m so in love — I’m like a film buff, you know? So it was like — I love films and I wanted to play a character. Like, I love “Bridezilla” and I love “Heathers” and I love, like, “Edward Scissorhands.” So I just wanted

to have fun with the video. -Yeah, it’s fantastic. And you’re gonna perform that song for us later. -I am! -Which I appreciate. Thank you. I want to quickly mention that you’re back for season two of “Kung Fu Panda: The Dragon Knight,” which is streaming now on Netflix. With my man Jack Black. -We love Jack. -No. Come on! How great is Jack Black? I love Jack Black! -Like, he’s just — Yes, he deserves a round of applause, for sure. He is the most incredible person, because for me, going out there and sort of like — You

don’t even have to get dressed. You’re doing a voiceover. You can go in your pajamas. It’s, like, so cool. He’s like, “Hey, man, just be yourself.” I’m like, “Yeah, Panda is you, Jack. You are Panda.” You know? And so I try to be me with Bear. So, Blade, my character — It was just the best time working with him. -I want to show everyone a clip. Here’s Rita Ora and Jack Black in “Kung Fu Panda: The Dragon Knight.” Take a look at this. -What a nail biter! Team Dragon, 49. The Blood Boys, 49. – What

are you playing at? We’re only one goal away from winning! -Blade, this has to stop. -I will not lose. I will not be a loser. The Beast wins! -What if I told you those armadillos need to talk to Zuma more than we do? -This is how you want to get the Storm Wheels, so this is how we’re getting the Storm Wheels. -And we can find another way because we’re Po and Blade. Po-lade. Played. No Beast necessary. -There’s no turning back now! -That’s exactly right. You tell him. Rita Ora! Season two of “Kung Fu Panda: The

Dragon Knight” is streaming now on Netflix. And Rita is performing her new single, “You Only Love Me,” when we come back. Stick around, everybody!

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