San Angel Inn Food Review | Disney World EPCOT Vegan & non-vegan dining 2022

hello everybody princess and the bear here 
and we’re back in the mexico pavilion in epcot  
at all disney world because san and hell 
in yeah why not you like eating the dogs
so i was wrong
no i believe in myself too but this i 
don’t know if i believe in this thing oh  
here we go oh i believe in you you have 
the power you are the magic oh my god
if you know alegria tell me in the 
comments if you don’t know aragoria  
you’re gonna have to google that
it’s just as good as the last time that we had 
the alabrije margarita which we’ll put a link to  
that in the description box down below this though 
expensive is a 5 out of 5. but it’s not going on  
my list it’s just a 5 out of 5. i try not to spend 
my money mentally out of our community’s pockets  
however my hate for goku’s aside i look 
at this and this is a half a tank of glass  
glass half a tank of gas in a glass in a margarita 
cocktail form kind of worries me you need half  
a tank of fuel for this it’s 33 30 cocktail 
even for disney that

is extreme what’s cool  
for the alberta it looks pretty it comes with 
a smoke bubble i don’t know if it’s worth 300.  
you have to decide your own level 
save your money come treat yourself  
don’t save your money you don’t cheat save your 
money eat on the cheap do whatever you want  
there’s no wrong way to do disney as you got the 
same rust even if you like disney food it’s okay  
maybe shoot yourself a nice dinner do a bag lunch 
the next day do a bad lunch all day this will be  
your treat meal but either way you decide 
how you want to spend your vacation for me  
this is a great drink but the value to alcohol 
ratio is not there for me three out of five i have  
the cutest little mar glass for my scent and hell 
in margarita look at my baby shaker and it came  
this cute little ice bucket like what i’m here for 
this 100 i’m here i want this drink in my mouth
with the tahini and the lime oh my god 
i wish i could order this at la cama  
this is a five out of five margaritas 
this is on my princess city’s list
look at the princess ordering 
the basic top shelf margarita  
a little shaker shaker she can’t take home 
poor thing or can i no i’m not taking it
i don’t know if i bit in just the right spot  
or the wrong spot well that sent waves 
of tequila over my body in a good way  
the kind of way that some of you might say 
make your clothes fall off am i doing that  
am i doing that i doubted the prince’s five 
out of five rating i’m not giving it that  
but it’s still exceptionally good four and a 
half out of five plus tell me this el diablo
it’s not my jam you know the 
jalapeno margarita backwater  
bar is much better than this one this is 
a two out of five for me you want a good  
spicy mark go to universal go to islands of 
adventure go to backwater bar i said what i said
the goal is always to drink the 
devil think that how you will
there’s an interesting flavor profile it could use  
about 200 more spiced up 
two and a half out of five
it’s time for the guacamole 
i cannot eat the chicharrones
tastes fresh but it’s the same guac that 
you can get out the hacienda descent on hell  
the la the la hacienda little casitas next to it  
and coleslaw new margarita the only difference is 
the chicharrones and i can’t eat those but i do  
like the freshness of the avocado so i’m gonna 
give that a four out of five avocados and then
we got the salsa which we know you 
know if you really want a good version  
you put the salsa with the guacamole
but the salsa by itself
is the wind it’s nice and chunky it’s not too 
watery it’s not too spicy it’s not lame it’s good  
four to five if you’re going to come here get abs 
do the guac and the salsa and they got queso too  
but we’re not eating that but do the trio it’s 
the same trio you can do it in the comments  
which we did in a previous video that we’ll 
put in a link to the description box down below  
uh guacamole advertising with the chicharrones uh 
i’m so happy that i’m the chair of the princess  
but of course i care about cross contamination 
so i will take my little section of walk here  
i will take my little fried pork skins
piggy coats as i call them with the hot sauce 
dip it in the guacamole on my own plate don’t be  
rude if you’re eating a table with plant-based 
and vegan people they know i know what they do
the hot sauce is tend to be hotter 
it tastes like a pepper water paste  
and a hot sauce but i get it some of you have 
wheat jeans and you can’t handle actual hot sauce  
i’m not mad at you for it i’m sad that you don’t 
get the experience in the heat of actual hot sauce  
i’m being mean i know play me in the comments 
but i love this appetizer it’s definitely one  
you should get there’s nothing really it’s not 
going to blow your mind but chicharrones with guac  
is a rare treat treat yourself creatively
i got a dish i’ve never had before the last 
dish we had the last time we came here is still  
available as a vegan option but they also 
have a vegan enchilada this is basically a  
tortilla with beans and green sauce with 
noches so i don’t expect it to be like
filled with things it smells amazing
it’s not as good as the 
enchiladas that we had at um
a coronado it’s mostly just 
like beans wrapped in a tortilla
i think i would get the other dish instead 
but for this i think it’s going to be very  
filling especially soaking up all the alcohol 
that i’ve had today and i’m going to continue  
to be drinking today so i’m gonna 
give it a three out of five but like  
if you’re coming here just to 
eat and not get like sustenance  
while you’re trying to drink liquor it’s probably 
one because it’s literally just beans wrapped  
in a tortilla with sauce on top of it and 
like would probably cost two dollars to make
so plant-based enchiladas 
is not on my bingo car today  
but here we are there looks to 
just be black bean enchiladas  
in a verde sauce and when i say any verde sauce 
i mean like spanish buried treasure level barry
i appreciate the effort i really do
but you shouldn’t have  
you really shouldn’t have it’s literally just 
tortilla with black and beet and black beans  
buried in verde sauce is an understatement it’s 
just like imagine you had a bowl over a salsa and  
you dropped your plain black bean taco in there 
that’s what it is it’s a one out of five floss  
uh that is not my jam i don’t 
even lie to you that is not great
so i got a i try to say for you where’s your 
magic pills because no one’s expecting um  
so yeah it’s magic pills is that your dairy 
contraception yeah the dairy contraception is  
going to be two get these for the outlaw these 
two so we have crispy onions on top cilantro  
like fujita cheese we get some enchanco 
cheese there’s a ton of cheese in here  
and verde sauce with a chicken enchilada 
you can’t even see the enchilada in here
you might as well have called it fajita soup  
because that’s what pretty close food is 
there’s so much vertical sauce in here  
you can see where the princess is where they 
were you see there’s a mountain of cheeza
goofy movie would be proud it’s 
a leaning tower of cheese cheese
there’s a fair amount of chicken in there 
so that’s good there’s a lot of cheese but  
honestly over the verde and the cilantro you can’t 
really taste it get me wrong i love ready sauce  
in moderation it’s a bit much i can’t taste the 
crispy onions i can only feel the chicken i can’t  
really taste it i just taste that like sharp 
tartness of the verde sauce there is so much  
of it in here it’s just not doing the rest of the 
plate justice we’ve got a lot of good things here  
uh this is not my favorite two out of five plus 
luckily it comes with plantains covered in cheese
mountains are fire three and a half out of five  
the plantains are definitely 
fire the best part of the plate
pyramid decent food uh it’s dcaa i would agree i 
feel like it’s falling off i think that if you go  
to coronado you probably have a better time where 
yeah any any of the places better than el morcata
the bold statement i just want to make sure 
you can back that up all right the maya  
toledo three bridges and the pool bars are better 
the community you guys need to make sure that  
she’s specific when she says things like this all 
the slander certain places of cornell they’re not  
as good but majority of the places that coronado 
are better than this that’s like two-thirds  
either way i don’t know what you guys think you 
said hell and let us know in the comments if  
there’s anywhere else you think that’s better 
mexican food on property of course that’s  
the only place to find this hit that hit that 
notification bell for once again like this and  
we have new videos five days a week monday tuesday 
wednesday thursday sunday sir we did okay be sure
don’t be loud don’t be loud
where’s gabriel i don’t see him 
he’s probably at the table next  
to us right there where the 
guy is standing at the server  
but right there is where’s the open table 
that’s our table right here that’s our table
you’re an agent
excuse me
excuse me
the shoes
i don’t know

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