Categories: Moviewatch


what’s going on there citizens of the reject Nation we are going to do a movie reaction today for Starship Troopers that’s how I imagine they say it John how are you I am doing well how are you Greg doing great that’s how I imagine I say that it leaves my Paramount Plus subscription in 10 hours so I was like well we gotta knock this off the list then full disclosure I’m pretty sure when I was like seven years old so like 25 years ago I saw some of this movie needless to say I can’t tell

you anything about it other than I’m pretty sure they kill a lot of big bugs in it so it’s pretty much gonna be like a first time watching for me essentially but John you’ve never seen this at all right no I’ve seen some of the effects pieces in person but that’s about it yeah it’s gonna be a fresh fresh film fresh film yeah because I know my dad really liked this movie I caught it in the background in his own frame I experience growing up with it the latest gentlemen leave a like that’d be very

much appreciated uh that would that would help us out I guess also subscribe click the notification Bell we got more movie reactions rolling out we are out of town at the moment and so we will be back to the

20th so we’re just kind of trying to stockpile though the list of things we did not cover and uh full length Reaction watch along as we sync up with your own copy of Starship Troopers available for super sexy rejects on our patreon page major major thank you to all who have helped us have great holidays by

supporting us on our patreon let’s get into action people young people from all over the globe are joining up to fight for the future doing my part I’m doing my part I mean my part too oh God source of the bug meteor attacks orbits a twin star system whose brutal gravitational forces produce an unlimited supply of bug meteorites in the form of this asteroid that’s horrifying we break neck now and take you live to clendafield where the invasion has begun a planet crazy it’s like some Pitch Black yeah that’s kind of like the muto from

Godzilla wow what an opening I just go right into the camera it’s like a found footage movie this is a Paul verhoven movie right yeah okay Rico Rico Rico pay attention and pH damn we talked about the veterans how they took control and imposed the stability that has lasted for Generations since you know these facts but if I taught you anything of value Denise Richards wow she’s so ugly the contrary opinion that violence never solves anything is wishful thinking at its worst people who forget that always pay Suave I doubt anyone here would recognize civic

virtue if it reached up and bit you in the ass you’ll never get together now she was so ugly I heard this movie was gross but geez good job my God yikes it’s embarrassing cool insect Society by human standards they are relatively stupid but what have the bugs done do they attack us the heart no gloves on anybody a solid barf gag she just got hot kink but Cyrano go bug mom Cyrano go bug mom to go eat it I sure hope you don’t do anything like that to me can’t do human yet Neil Patrick

Harris you are problematic oh my god future football yes wow it’s the XFL everyone’s going to the dance aren’t you well let’s go over tomorrow you’re going to the fleet Academy not Bill Paxton you are hitting on her ow damn that’s a very colorful film say Buenos Aires tigers Denise Richards you don’t give two you’re drifting got it get your head in the game this was in friends as a reoccurring character can’t get over that it’s so cool it’s the coolest flips are cool let’s go Casper Vending that’s right you still have a girlfriend I’d

rather take 10 Lashes in Public Square than see you ruin your life it’s a term of service I just want to get out on my own into space and a war god that is a conflict which one do you go for depending on who the camera’s on I think she’s the better looking no Johnny how come we never been together can we just be friends this dude friend zone Troopers well my parents are against it what would you do if you were me figuring things out for yourself is the only Freedom anyone really has use

that freedom make up your own mind Rico he told me to make up my mind so that’s what I’m gonna do what are the bugs doing though you know there’s just existing they’re inflicting tyranny are they they’re taking our jobs Gene what are they doing here this is the address yeah we know each other from the game well maybe I’ll see you at the Academy yeah who knows do you know you would go for that guy with that haircut he looks like Chris Catan militaryism great thing it’s a great thing dude I love Wars authoritarianism

great thing great things thank you I’m gonna be a pilot for you got games in theory Game Theory it’s a game Game Theory let’s make a vow no matter what will always be friends your friendship at risk yeah man that’s what the bugs are doing tearing us apart no we’re Zion that’s all there is to it it may look bad but if that’s the worst you suffer then that’s fine I won’t quit it’s my decision I made it you walk out that door you are cut off young man you understand me all right that’s it

you are cut off I love this definition distinguishing Citizen and civilian yeah I’m gonna miss you I’m gonna miss you too I love you oh that’s me no ouch just like that high school’s over fully automatic burrito wants to hold it citizen rule yes right over that gun it’s hilarious every school kid knows that her records are dangerous good censorship the antenna had already been chosen by other colonists arachnids would you like to know more that’s enough for one day definitely some RoboCop in this movie’s DNA plants are brown yeah buddy who thinks they got

what it takes to knock me down yeah I do sir that’s the spirit ouch you go that far you’re right son sir yes sir it’s smart ow oh so dumb who’s next reporting for Duty sir no way Pacific living requested transfer from Fort Cronkite to this training unit sorry stock makes youth that’s the kind of guy who makes squad leader that’s my job you’re talking about Street Fighter no she looks like Cami nicely done Clancy Brown Colonel guile wins I joined up to get out on my own and you had to tag along I joined

the mobile infantry because of you you’re saying you didn’t I’d be honored Rico hi much better thanks squad leader Rico then I got you don’t know it isn’t about that it’s about who’s the best hey ah there’s your squad leader what are you doing yes worst form of trading uh he gonna remember that the enemy cannot push a button if you disable his hand you know Rico from Buenos Aires what’s his story it’s here because of a girl these people just not have sex drives what’s going on here everyone’s used to the human anatomy in

this future sometimes I think I won’t make it but then I think about what you’re doing then I try harder it’s not the first take of that butt shot you guys this is like the perfect right wing world fascistopia I love it I still don’t know what the bugs do that’s really that bad you know other than exists existing Andy’s got such like a pristine Sheen to it all I love it deploying wings it’s terrifying sweet Elysium now this is POD racing how come you’re in such a good mood huh because today I get to

fly that Dizzle what are you doing here I’m the guy who’s gonna teach you to flatten this crate already scrape your Fender three meters from object I bet you’re greatest hundreds of people oh just do it don’t exceed Port speed or what or they revoke your flight status and your career is in my hands how does it feel are they really getting shot I think they’re getting electrocuted she’s clearly the one for you man man they’re defending me whole play and you can score cover me you could score Flip Flip wow thanks buddy oh yes

dual wielding double fist in flag captured Rico wins I couldn’t have done it without you friends yeah you playing the long game hi Johnny God this is so hard who do you go for flight this is the real conflict of the movie up with him I mean Johnny let’s give him some space guys what kind of right-wing is this she should be settling down with him kill all those bugs this is not a satire anymore go with the backup this what are you doing today fire team with me next team in 10 seconds expect you

to do better burhoven has such an interesting way of doing political commentary I know it just it just creates the world and commits to it and doesn’t even like talk about it just lets the world demonstrate itself yeah it’s my helmet it’s all screwed up don’t take it off Disney put what’s the problem whenever something goes wrong it’s always you don’t take your helmet off dude oh no oh that’s damn ain’t no medic for that Rico did you give the recruit permission to remove his helmet sir yes sir Breckenridge reported a helmet malfunction and I

asked him to show it to me sir are you rated Hank Sergeant we’ve already lost two recruits over this incident I’ll be back we’ll try administrative punishment oh put him in the stocks I’m gonna whip him this is a very entertaining movie yeah for failure to abide by safety regulations during a live fire exercise for negligence which contributed to the death of a teammate black man whipping the white man hey hell yeah ten lashes they carry out the sentence oh they all have to be present for it I’ll try not to enjoy this too much

yeah and lashes geez there’s a gravity field out there gravity at 225 and Rise report captain we’re in the path of an unidentified object moving toward us at high speed profile suggests an asteroid ma’am oh yeah let’s get some bugs in space oh dang 50 people just died contact please tell them there’s a loose asteroid headed their way Communications are down ma’am they’re gone oh no I was hoping it would be all right if I came home come home and meet I’m sorry I’ve been in need I don’t talk like that you just come on

home talk things out I’ll tell you I told you so we love you son oh they’re gonna get killed aren’t they yeah he’s got to get motivated somehow Millions there a city in Ruins is that Geneva the meteor was shot out of orbit By Buck plasma that derived from clendathu the arachnid’s home planet God thank God they were away yeah yeah Buenos Aires has been wiped off the Earth wowie to ensure that human civilization not insect dominates this galaxy now and always yes dominance is the key your basic arachnid Warrior isn’t too smart but you

can blow off a limb it’s still 86 percent combat effective here’s a tip aim for the nerve stem and put it down for good his hair is not as blunt I’m from Buenos Aires and I say kill them all yeah I feel like we’ve maybe we’ve seen so much Doctor Who I’m just like I just don’t feel like the Bucks today I know they just need a habitable home world where they won’t fly into ours at random like are they really that bad Xander you remember Johnny this is the part that’s best for both of

us Johnny wait I didn’t forget a lieutenity’s mobile infantry you got something to say about the mobile Infantry think you heard me you want to make something of it yes football do it shirtless football come on what’s he gonna do come on mobile infantry and Fleet don’t mix doomed from the start this movie has an insane production yeah man this looks gorgeous it’s like so many costumes and set pieces straight man I thought this move was gonna be them mainly just killing bugs I know but there’s so much more commentary than I expected yeah I

mean most all the bug kills thus far like an hour if we haven’t even got into them yeah they’re all in either like laboratory settings or propaganda videos yeah cheese man still looks great drop is 35 complete man wow oh someone made a mistake oh no get out of there oh yeah that’s chaos whoa a lot of dead humans look at all these extras my God they’re they’re just running right into battle oh is this the beginning of the movie was I mean it looks kind of like it although it’s much darker than that was

up holy God that is terrifying wowie because you ain’t got to worry about radiation in this future fire oh wow looks really hard to kill them got an aim at the nerve cortex that is so many bugs what are we doing I don’t know oh yeah sure why not do that that’s a strategy more than just yourself killed oh my God thank you God I would just rely on grenades oh oh no she was so nice Glenda this is flat this is worth a so fast play it get out of here let’s keep filming just

keep filming whatever the people the world needs to know that’s clever to get it on the other side I’ll buy that for a dollar I love that the camera man I think it’s great to get that perspective of the cameraman yeah just like get that shot get out of here now that was Casper Van Dean at the beginning oh man yikes oh foreign bugs frankly I find the idea of a bug that thinks offensive is small-minded man what’s going on with that whole psychic thing that’s got to come in especially with the hive mind idea

it’s all your fault why they declare Rico deceased he’s right here Star Wars that’s cool see you later bye oh oh that was a nice three days in there sounds relaxing hopefully the bugs don’t come in and destroy it all you want the job huh I wouldn’t mind that guy’s a walking dead so I hear you lieutenants are real nut Buster oh that would be you no one talks about the lieutenant that way saved my life mine too oh he’s the priest yeah yeah who’s that iron inside yeah everyone fights no one quits you don’t

do your job I’ll shoot you they were just trying to have a parade just now that’s all there’s marching through town they’re just doing their thing did I miss some line in the beginning tells you why they’re so bad like yeah you interacted and they’re gonna kill you but it’s just like leave them alone much easier to kill them during the day it was screaming I was in pain guys don’t waste your bullets it takes like 4 000 bullets to kill one and you guys clearly just take the spray approach that is a nuclear rocket

I got oh oh here we go you need another nuke oh yeah I remember that shot from the trailers when I was a kid I did remember that shot oh no no that’s your punching arm no I liked her get on top of him that’s smart learn to ride it it’s like a boss level yeah it really doesn’t make a great arcade game Jam a nuke down in hurry up Rico get off there that’s far enough away oh yeah oh he’s not getting disintegrated that’s for Buenos Aires yes I need a cork you’re it until

you’re dead or do I find somebody better promotion what about this looks like I’m your girl sir I do have great chemistry all three of them they should have a three-way have fun sir yes sir come on Corporal ah no I don’t do that anymore I remember when you used to Dance come on do I have to pull ring oh come on man you once asked me for advice you want some now yes sir never pass up a good thing I’ve been watching you since school and you’re an idiot son finally get that Casper Van

dip I love you Johnny oh he didn’t say it back you’re moving out there’s been his best golf in general one on planet P so get your wired and report in 10 minutes yes sir who’s that with you Glory sir make it 20 minutes Wing Man of the Year in contact with General Owen no sir not even the transponder signal it’s these Canyons go to Higher Ground sir all good Wings this is roughneck 2-0 I feel like you straight up sacrificed that guy mercy kill I’d expect anyone in this unit to do the same for

me will I would love to be in this war gross jeez dirty bugs came in right well they’re having ciao oh really what does that look like to you Rico oh like a bug was in his brain sir oh you just put your hand in there oh that’s blood already sucked his brains out Jake Busey did not sign up for this we should just shoot me just a little out of his mind sir space dementia those are cool outfits yeah the helmets and all that stuff like that’s a lot of bugs no that’s an impossible

situation oh those got to help that is so many bugs how does this all look as good as it does oh no oh wow I know ammo has never been an issue yeah yep Yep this place called sir we need pickup now watch your position come down on this transmission so The Outpost that’s crazy I hope you have a crazy pilot ow you have a crazy pilot Christ oh my God this is an impossible situation it’s a nightmare further so yeah we’re way faster feel that slash yeah oh guys just let him go just get

the get out of there what are you wasting your time for that’s a crazy pilot they ain’t covered fire fall back this is the rescue hold on Michael Ironside oh why are you always Dying Michael iron son oh my God nah you’re gonna have to kill him dude put him out of his misery he remembers orders nice oh damn foreign oh she’s getting a painful ass death put her in the back to tank she’ll be fine no come on she’s the best let’s go get a board you too damn it oh jeez that’s horrific Johnny

I’m done no you’re gonna be all right this oh man because I got to have you oh oh that’s really sad say it back buddy oh no that is sad maybe Denise Richards will take him back especially now she’s concerned about his feelings it’s her Duty attention on dick wow she’s getting like a full-on funeral representative of all the soldiers no one gets a full-on funeral Burial at space Jesus and every day I have to make decisions that send hundreds of people like you to their deaths that’s what the mobile infantry is good for going

back to pee capture that brain you’re still gonna be friends everyone fights no one quits don’t do your job I’ll kill you myself do you get me welcome to the roughneck Rico’s Roughnecks alliteration they really should plan better they’ve been through this yeah like come on guys what does a brain bug do it controls them all it’s like the queen it’s the hive mind yeah no all of his love interests are going to die wow that’s horrifying damn the details yeah that’s beautiful oh bummer oh she’s dead Space Mountain foreign you breaking up oh get

out get out what’s your name address and birthday that’s right hey good all right let’s go let’s rock and roll now 42 East 118 situation is I repeat the situation is extremely hostile here we go whoa foreign bug sucks out the brains does it like take all the memories and everything I guess it seems like they’re yeah they’re like learning sort of how to anticipate what the humans will do and learning what the humans want she’s still alive how do you know I don’t know how I know but I know roughneck 2-0 proceed on Mission

I need two volunteers buddy the main the main people will leave who assumes command yeah uh that is disgusting I’m pretty sure I’ve seen an image of this creature before I have seen this creature in person before have you yeah damn what effects house was that it’s so cute oh my God that is disgusting I feel a little nauseous oh my God sweet darling yeah that knife throw it throw it yes should not be used that hand she would not be holding up her arm like that says it’s way too much not armed she’s not

even like responding foreign oh no no walking dead priest guy order Duck and Cover why would you stop to look stop stop saved by a cave-in life made the decision for him got rid of that one guy got rid of that girl man now they’re both Carmen oh no ah poor guy it’s in pain it’s a Fray yeah foreign we are terrorizing these creatures xenophobia fear is the ultimate power the drill instructor named Zim who captured a brain hey good for him thank you sir that would be private sir here I am private yes sir

we had to get the voter to go to combat that’s that’s that’s kind of neat Federal scientists are working around the clock to probe its secrets we will defeat it this is the captain speaking soldiers like private Ace Levy and lieutenant John Rico dope Paul verhoven wow that was fun that was a delight that was a movie that was cool what’d you think John I I was uh a roller coaster ride that was quite enthralling is yeah like you said I I guess I it it out at the outset I expected something more along the

lines of like you know the third act but for the whole movie so I I appreciated how much they let you live in this world and how it sort of just presents everything to you and sort of leaves it up to you to kind of interpret how it’s you know coming at the material because I think this is based on a book and I think the book is said to be a lot more unironically what this movie is doing um but yeah uh I had a blast this was fun from from start to finish and

I appreciate the sly way in which Paul verhoven Works in his commentary to these different movies and I thought the cast was great too the cast was great Casp Casper Van Deen man where’s Casper Van Deen why is where where’s the Casper science gonna gonna happen um well the recommendations on Amazon are Starship Troopers 3 which seems like Casper Van Deen returns yes that’s the one older yeah Starship Troopers invasion Starship Troopers traitor of Mars that’s like an animated movie where he looks like snake pliskin I I feel like maybe they lost sight of the

commentary I haven’t just became about I have an absolute feeling that this franchise became what the first movie was trying to comment yeah yeah yeah totally is I I don’t know I have I have no idea but it’s just impression that I’m sort of because yeah it’s one of those things where if it feels satirical um but also in the in the kind of like kind of like RoboCop um there’s a lot of Robocop in here yeah but kind of like how RoboCop has a commentary but it doesn’t treat it with a wink at the

audience in a way it’s almost like he made a propaganda film yeah you know yeah and I think that’s kind of the the cool approach to it because it’s also like an entertaining cheesy campy movie like there’s a lot of ways you can look at it as like just a fun sci-fi movie that is as much as it’s like a propaganda it’s like it deals with all kinds of things of like fascism there are certain words I have the hardest time pronouncing authoritanianism authoritarianism yeah yeah and military conquest uh yeah though those words militarism militarism

yeah militarism and and the way we like recruit uh people so young I mean I guess it helps that all these high school seniors look like their college seniors but uh but yeah well they had a good gloss to it with everyone it was like the perfect world of what you know uh and if if I wasn’t aware I don’t think it would have any I don’t it’s only more obvious to me because I’m aware Paul verhoven made it yeah yeah versus you’re like I didn’t know it I’d be like what is this like yes

this saying this is cool or I might have just picked up on the Sci-Fi stuff um whereas like the propaganda stuff I’m like like really is the commercials that that make it that really shine a light that this is a a satire commentary on it yeah they bring the irony front and center especially by the end when you have like even bigger bigger shinier titles and bigger shinier ships and guns and then they’re like torturing this creature you know with all this triumphant music playing like I think that that kind of highlights what’s happening under

the surface well also the the other than Neil Patrick Harris the characters are likable and they don’t seem that bad they don’t seem like bad people you know what I mean so as much as there’s the commentary on it which is something I might just go into the form the societal conditioning and the influencing of the mindset you know uh sure it can whereas like freaking Neil Patrick Harris is like straight up turning into like experimental Nazis you know uh but look Casper Van Dean and um I don’t know that actress’s name I swear I’ve

seen her a thousand times though yeah I mean I’ve been trying to place it this whole time at a role in friends of Rick she was in a play with Joey Tribbiani oh snap she’s great yeah um yeah I I thought she was awesome and I like I like the tone of it a lot it’s really funny and self-aware and and I even enjoyed Denise Richards Dina Meyer Dina Meyer oh yeah yeah Denise Richard is good too in this that’s right she’s in birds and she’s she’s jigsaw’s wife that’s or no no not jigsaw’s wife

she’s she’s the she’s uh massage she’s like the one of the investors oh yeah she gets killed she gets that horrible uh yeah three uh spoilers if you were planning on binging it dies in three they’re going I swear you’re inside but I can’t I can’t quite I don’t yeah yeah yeah yeah um and a bunch of other faces you’ve seen a thousand times I like the relationship between the the core three it’s like a fourth guy there but I don’t really remember much better like Jake Bucy Dita Meyer Dina Meyer and uh I like

the chemistry between them I like the 90s High School romance love triangle situation going on I thought that was fun and yeah the effects still hold up really well like it’s gonna this looks incredible killer production design this looks amazing for when it was made like this this is It’s a testament to real movie Magic to me because this was like watching Jurassic Park again or something where you’re sitting there going like man the budget must have been insane but you also know exactly where to put Miniatures you knew where to put your physical effects

you knew how to reuse all those corpse bodies really cleverly without calling too much attention to it and then when the CG needs to be there for the most part it looks pretty great like the only real CG effects where I was like this could be a little bit better is when you know like the brain alien at the end is so like Smooth I feel like those textures maybe don’t read as well but for the most part like it’s it’s really well assembled but it doesn’t pull me out of the movie It’s I’m aware

because because the movie’s so cheesy too that it so I mean it’s a real movie still it’s still a real film it’s not I I thought I was just walking into pure cam Fest sure you know not that I’m like oh this is a real serious thing uh yeah I just thought I was gonna walk into it because when I heard it was two hours in like two hours that’s a long time and I feel like it’s a little I still feel like it’s a little too long a little light look it’s like it could

have been like 20 minutes or later yeah yeah um but I I still think that they they made an actual film where I was invested in the story and I I did kind of care about the characters for the most part like I was really bummed when Dina died when you got killed I was like what that sucks that really bumped me out yeah no absolutely like like they’re good at making you root for them and I think they they did wisely to pull in a a classic story uh because you know it’s like you’re

I think it’s part of the greater soup of what’s happening in a movie like this where like yeah especially it doesn’t betray its perspective we are humans watching this so we’re watching it from the human perspective so they’re going to have endearing relationships and they’re going to be in different qualities to them and I think making it that you’re spending most of your time with these private characters and you’re watching as um as Rico gets promoted through the ranks but you know you’re on the ground level and I think that bolsters it like you said

is feeling like an actual movie like it’s treated like an actual war movie but yeah you have like the just the right amount of Camp to sell the heightened sci-finess of it all without it being silly and I think too they use like the fact that uh the the Denise Richards character uh Carmen is you know becoming a pilot on this ship that looks exactly like an imperial ship from Star Wars like is uh I feel like those little things help to kind of again betray what’s really going on but I think it’s a good

choice that they don’t betray the characters too much by overriding them with the author real you know perspective of you know the the themes and stuff like that not to say it’s like I feel like this is a movie that has a lot of those themes on hand but it’s not like a hundred percent committed to being like no this is an allegory that’s going to teach you something about fascism and how the mechanics of the military-industrial complex work like it’s commenting on that stuff but it’s also yeah like you said having fun it’s also

really imaginative it’s also really well constructed like it’s a little bit of everything and that’s I think what makes it so satisfying is because then on top of all that you can go oh wait this actually does have something of a brain underneath all the machismo and all the goo oh I think I think the the insightfulness of what they’re commenting on is is kind of resonant throughout the whole movie right down to Casper Van Dean’s Rico character just the evolution that he has of someone wanting to like spoiled rich kid who wants to join

the military to make something of himself and then the way his the way he morphs over time into the cold-blooded perfect Soldier by the end of the weird side yeah it’s cool like it’s not cool it’s it’s sad it’s fleshed out and how they did it but what I like about the approach is if it’s made in a way that’s not demonstrating that it’s it’s a clever film because it’s not it doesn’t feel like it’s pro-war and pro-violence no and because if in fact in a lot of ways it’s it kind of feels like it’s

the opposite of that yeah yet they make it in the way they execute it was to make it like it’s a pro war movie well so that’s what’s smart about it yeah like there’s so much that is really cool and and you have all these great little uh interstitial propaganda pieces and news items to bolster the that attitude but when you’re really in the midst of the fighting it it’s pretty hellish like you know for as height as it is like more to them coming out yeah it sucks like those battle scenes and and the

gore gags and the way people are getting mangled and mutilated and disintegrated and melted and like it’s it’s it’s pretty nasty and then when you get to the end you have the brain sucker alien like it’s really gross and icky you know so I feel like they they knew where to put the real fun stuff and it’s still fun as a viewer to watch you know the military action when it really takes hold but I feel like those scenes especially aren’t played for fun and that’s part of why it it works it’s like it’s one

of those I feel like movies before a certain point with messaging and I guess you know ham-fisted movies have always existed but I feel like this is one that kind of allows you the viewer to pick that up or not you know in the way it portrays things so you could probably watch this and be laggy yeah let me go enlist right now you know but you could also watch this and be like what did the bugs do though you know I mean I was watching it the whole time going what did that what did

the bugs do I don’t know what the bugs did that were so bad to it’s so bad that we have to go across space to go and wipe them out and I understand that yeah it’s like they’ve got these little meteorites hurling our way but I’m like look at all this technology we could easily deflect one of those you know we could deal with that you know yeah it seems like it’s like we we want the violence and that’s kind of what they’re learning in the school yeah yeah it’s like we want it we want

the violence I think there is an interesting commentary to be had here but it’s also if you want to just watch it as like a fun like exploited flick I think you can do that too because it is a fun movie that’s the magic of verhovah yeah I know RoboCop has that for sure and show girls and Showgirls especially he knocked it out of the park there that’s why I made a bunch of films following Showgirls uh yeah no I I think did he do Basic Instinct too is that him maybe he’s please come back

I want to say I forget which ones he’s done because I don’t know if it was imitative phase against it because he’s like I’m like watching this made me miss okay so he’s he’s done some some stuff recently but like this made me miss maybe change their around how’s this working yeah it doesn’t separate things quite as intuitively he did do basic NC yeah okay yeah yeah yeah like Total Recall yeah if I wasn’t so sure he was liberal well yeah he’s great at taking the end RoboCop for the first time I saw that I

had a similar experience where I was expecting like oh this is just gonna be cool you know this is just gonna be some cool schlocky hyper violent police Thriller but you know like the police are also a problematic organization and that movie doesn’t shy away from that or the interplay between you know uh uh the worst parts of capitalism and you know force and Order and all those things and and this also does that like I loved the distinction between uh what is it Citizen and uh civilian civilian yeah and the way that they’re using

that in school almost as a sociological sort of thing uh but using that as the seed to you know indoctrinate these kids you know that whole thing about it actually discouraged me you know like really kind of uh uh creating this enticement of these kids through that and then you hear the I think that Motif has echoed again when they say like you know Consignment guarantees citizenship and your conscription you know like joining up guaranteeing citizenship and I feel like immediately I thought like oh okay you join our military we will make you a citizen

but no no no it’s actually legitimizing you as an already canonized citizen you know like this is the way to be a true citizen is to be a patriot is to go out and fight you know yeah and it’s clever now the movie’s very I thought the movie was really clever and I thought it had uh some cool action in it infinite amount of bullets that you just spray relentlessly it’s like non-stop never reload I thought the costumes were really cool too oh dude those helmets and yeah the the especially the battle gear sick yeah

it was really it was it was cool it was it was not exactly uh what I was expecting no not at all actually yeah like the last half it was um and I was more I was more into it the first half and I was the last half at least because it’s a really well realized world and yeah I enjoyed going through all the different you know you’d go through all the different uh institutions and ranks and places in your your seeing so many pockets of how Society exists now and two like they’re from you

got all these people with these like Hispanic names who are all these like white kids and stuff so like it had an interesting I I almost wanted to know more about how the world works now because you know it seemed like the country boundaries weren’t the same as they are in our version of the world so it seems just like an it’s one of those movies too where the world build uh without having to do all of it in a very in your face way like there are just details about the world that are interesting

that again are yours to catch or not catch and uh and yeah it’s like part of me was like I want to spend time just sort of knowing what Earth is like in this day and age because yeah their designs were really interesting what was the the so the book itself is supposed to what were you saying earlier that stood out to me that the book itself is supposed to be more um like it’s sincere in it and this is making the movie took the approach of of mocking it in a way or making fun

of it in a way yeah kind of warping it inside out and making it a commentary on the kind of fascism the book was essentially demonstrating you know a more straightforward sort of way is how it’s always been been broke down to me now that I’ve seen the movie you know I’m sure there’s a very in-depth you know video essay about that but that’s always what I’ve been sort of eluded by other people so here’s a fun fact for you from imdb oh let’s do this um that uh uh ver Hoven and cinematographer josta vacano

shot the co-ed shower scene in the nude themselves on a dare from Dina Meyer what uh on the day of the shoot for Hoven I have asked to cast to a little fashion show without fashion so that can get comfortable being naked when the cast is reluctant to disrover Hoven asked them what the big deal was to which my responded Paul if it’s no big deal why don’t you do it quite unexpectedly verhoven got undressed as well as vicano who had been raised in a nudity Camp after an initial shocked then van Dean reporter yelled

oh God Dino why and a good laugh from the cast The Scene was sold without problems that seemed so distracting because I feel like half of you guys have to be like super horny right now we are not your young blood or showering a bunch of attractive woman right like you created somehow the most mature shooting environment because none of us watching this either able to be like nope this is normal which good for them in the future I guess uh uh you know uh sexual sociology and politics are much more calm in this future

because yeah they got co-ed everything oh here we go there’s an interesting quote um why are you doing a right-wing fascist movie verhoven was asked he replied if I tell the world that a right-wing fascist way of doing things doesn’t work then no one will listen to me so I’m going to make a perfect fascist World everyone is beautiful everyone is shiny everyone has big guns and fancy ships but it’s only good for killing bugs yeah it is yeah that is the world that he created yeah yeah he’s succeeded I mean that’s the way we

treat him when we were going to War 2 just crush them like they’re bugs crushed them like they’re bugs and we are you know the elite we’re beautiful and we are Mighty and yeah we’re shiny we will come and bring the lights to whatever we touch our boots down on uh wow this was crazy yeah man so many trivias well guys I thought this was a really fun movie with a much more interesting take with a production design it still helds up really well but some fun performances to be had and I wonder what the

sequels ultimately pan out to be better than some schlockfest so we’ll watch them all are they good are they highly revered uh you know maybe part three is okay the guy if they got van Deen back I doubt it which I’ve seen him in person okay so they have made a direct Starship Troopers too okay yeah these must be straight to part three straight to DVDs right God 1997. damn 12 12 audience audience score that’s a bummer how is it so bad that is so bad the the critics score is higher that’s 33 Starship Troopers

three 50 critic score but but 19 audience score but the caveat is only six critics reviewed each of these movies oh yes so so you have a way larger pool of uh viewer reviews okay Starship Troopers one not as as fresh on both accounts Starship Troopers invasion the animated one is better liked by audiences for sure oh traders of Mars sound is it cost effective these days to do these CG movies for stuff like this I have no idea oh but Casper Van Dean and Dina Meyer came back to do voices that’s cool so maybe

her character lives I guess maybe yeah maybe they’ll do some retcon oh he’s got the eye patch yeah damn Rico I’m not sure we should watch them all we should report back Troopers binge guys that’s right we will rank them all and let you know which one’s the best God Denise Richards yeah man back in the Heyday it was like I did not know I did not realize you you were the queen that’s right man just before Undercover Brother she is before still pretty hot yeah no she’s she’s a little little plastic surgery it happens

it happens it happens it’s now more than ever it happens when you’re in this world when you’re on planet Earth and you’re a woman in Hollywood a little over Botox you know you know what are you gonna do what are you gonna do what’s the one I’m saying do you know do you know what Dina my I don’t think you’re right about that you are hey hey hey hey she’s aged gracefully she looks good still but she looks natural yeah gray gray it’s got some Grays going on it’s all good rock that silver rock that

silver oh Denise Richards are still friends dude all right let’s get them all back together difficult to choose reunion I know and especially back then they’re both so electric they’re both they both had it it’s real you know that is the perfect like they live in he goes like you go to Harvard the Ulta he’s got all the money yeah I know it was in the best part of the capitalist Society Embraces at all go to war fight for your country doesn’t it that’s a wild movie it’s kind of uh yeah yeah it’s like the

whole time I was like I don’t know what these bugs did just because it’s out here being it doesn’t sound like being bugs don’t go bother them that’s it and if they come your way deal with that but it just felt like doesn’t need to be anymore like why they don’t even fight I don’t I don’t care why they’re fighting there’s no need for them to fight that’s seen one of their I wonder I truly wonder if those were real roaches where the kids that one shower the kids are stomping on the roaches and it

may reminded me of Men In Black that whole like you don’t start nothing it ain’t gonna be nothing you know well then when they’re um like when the cameraman too is also like zooming in like when the person’s being killed and they’re just like recording up close just reminded me a nope like just yeah that uh more cells what can you do yeah whatever you do don’t stop filming I wonder if they had the I I really wonder if those roaches were real they’re they’re rules about that probably There are rules about bug actors on

screen you can’t kill bugs on screen alrighty guys well what do you think of Starship Troopers leave your thoughts down below subscribe leave a like Hey listen to the patron of the day shout out Andrew Hayes we said who the hell are we shouting out for Starship Troopers and uh we ain’t have to look at the list we said who will we want on our team to go out there and kill some bugs I’m gonna kill some big bucks Starship Troopers Andrew Hayes over here you just if you know this guy short stocky fella he

can go in there run you can see him running up that hill with his tiny little legs punch you in the face get some that’s Andrew Hayes out there fighting some bugs man just had to survive a bug apocalypse dude Andrew uh I never hear from you anymore but you stay pledged uh at the at that one of our highest levels forever that’s just a loyal citizen of the reject nation and the kind of person you want as part of your army when you’re traveling across space trying to murder some creatures that that they deserve

it they absolutely did everything so Andrew hope you have a merry Christmas say hi to your family for me and you better have a damn good new year because if you don’t I’m kicking in that door saying quit having a Year and have a great year have a glow up a love use


Conten writer at FlipReview who specialise in Gadgets review, food critics, app and games review, car and bike review, book reviews, movies reviews, tv-series reviews and many more.

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