Teaching for tomorrow with Svenia Busson

foreign person and I’m the co-founder and chair of the European ethic Alliance I traveled the globe multiple times to have a look at Best Practices in education innovation in order to see how we can learn in a better more efficient way the changes that will Define the next five to ten years of education in my opinion is the move towards more personalized learning and more equity in education I strongly believe that you know adaptive learning Technologies for example can help us personalize learning paths what we’re going to be able to do with adaptive learning and

AI is quite promising and I strongly believe that it will help teachers focus on what matters and because teachers cannot you know prepare 30 different courses for 30 very different students with adaptive learning they can really personalize each learner’s learning path when they choose it the challenges are plenty I think there are so many challenges more than 90 percent of Chief academic officers in the U.S think that their institutions are doing a great job at training students for the world of work on the other side you have a bit more than 10 percent of employers

that believe that the graduates that they get and that they hire um are fit for the world of work and ready to work there is a complete mismatch of skills between what

we learn and what we need after we we learn that every one of us is gonna at some point need to learn a new job unlearn relearn and that’s a skill learning how to learn is a skill that should you know be taught in schools um because it’s a necessary skill to stay employable so it’s super important that in school in universities we are

already prepared for that prepare to unlearn what we’ve learned and to also you know change our mindset in regards to this we’re not just learning for 18 years we’re learning through our lives foreign future is open is open is adaptive um we will be able to set up the space differently depending on each pedagogical activity that we’re gonna do and we should try to think of learning and education outside for Wars and try to really Embrace um the the space around the school the the city or the nature as a learning playground thanks for watching

I’m svenia broussong and this has been teaching for tomorrow

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