[Unboxing/Review]Lần đầu đi Mykingdom Choon.D đã mua gì?_Unite 2 Blast Toys/Thiết xa chiến thần[027]

Ok hello guys You guys are watching the
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If I go to a few centers, I’ll have
my experience. If you know how to enter, it
‘s really thanks to a toy that I don’t
know why. Because no, I
didn’t bring your money and invade. Sending
back and forth, in the end This is
the first vegetarian item that I bought for some people on there,
now I will try to open it for you to see.
This is also going for 10k in
Deflection here, it’s 299,000 ie even three
hundred thousand, but don’t say I
bought it for only 150,000, no,
I didn’t take it, so
I went to the area that gave me a 50 percent discount.
I bought it no, this is
the first study I can buy in a few
boxes. then now we’ll try to have fun
, it’s a swear word about
the war god, let’s see if i try to figure it
out a little bit

/> , now We’ve just checked it out for
ourselves, in general, The image is for illustration purposes only.
Try to turn
here when you bought it, then flip it back
and see, in general, the car is not the
same here. I’m sure it’s
okay the way to play it is much
more interesting you guys just watch it next
it’s only as simple as this
[music] the
fairy we have some
small cards like I
can’t hear her cute over
there then these are the only cars
we have
hey, no, I regret I
didn’t see the blue one I took,
and the yellow one for my friends, the child has grown fast
knowing the car is beautiful like this,
it’s much better, but the yellow one is
bad then in general, why is
it that a toy with only 2 cars comes out
this message but it comes to 150k, we don’t
300k a real one, it’s only half
a percent off? what do we
mean i will show you how to ask
, if you don’t open the car, it has 500 like
this so it’s a tree you’re right
, it looks like a
baby Does Bakugan still play in the past
Ok Do you guys think it’s interesting? Then
tell me how to play it, don’t say it
like that, when I bought it
with you guys, it’s a way to play,
then it’s for play Bought the day
mainly it follows the way it plays
so its limbs don’t
move. And it plays and the way it plays is so interesting.
It’s so long that it’s
itchy. you guys
can just take this baby out and play with
flowers like he or she is a toy, then in
general, here I show a
development that is only an image of
I am, only two This set doesn’t, but
it doesn’t let the music go back and forth. It’s
okay if you don’t take a picture, it’s fun. But again,
this video, it’s
back here, and the message is still very good. Subscribe to the Channel to
watch my latest videos and
listen to questions. Please let me do this.
Can you ever have children here
when you come back to the yard get a
for you to watch a fun video Bye bye
em just a short share about
the first toy that I bought for you for
hundreds of years, how do you guys see this video
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see you often now how can i
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