Year in Review: Top 5 most-watched YouTube videos

When Snow is in the forecast, kids in Saint Louis alive look at the Fair Saint Louis. Cancelled. Hernandez was already in legal trouble a year ago. She was one of many who stormed the Capitol upset with the election results that resulted in Donald Trump losing. Hernandez was caught on camera holding up a broken piece of a wooden sign that read speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi. She was already facing 5 charges from the insurrection now. Missouri State Highway Patrol has requested Hernandez be charged with driving while intoxicated resulting in death. A 10th and 4th grader

grieved the loss of their mother. She was killed around 7:00 Wednesday night when investigators say Emily Hernandez was driving the wrong way. Shanice Harvey wept on her front porch less than 12 hours after she learned her daughter Paris and her brother’s son Karan were dead. Oh oh God, ohh God. It happened at about 2:00 o’clock Friday morning here at the couple’s apartment complex in downtown Saint Louis, just a few blocks away from Bush Stadium. Shanice said she let her daughter go to a party with family to celebrate March birthdays. He was getting together to celebrate

and so the younger kids, they got a bed and breakfast, Shanice said. Her daughter found a gun and accidentally shot and killed her cousin. Police are calling the little girl’s death

a suicide. Shanice believes her daughter shot herself accidentally and it was all streamed live on Instagram. They was making a video and they she was playing with the gun, but it went off and hit him. And as it hit him, she dropped the gun and it fell and it went off from my knowledge. And then she when she picked it up, she picked it up

by the barrel and it went. This is justice. You know, I’m glad they put that monster behind bars for life. Yes, as a reality TV personality heads to court a guilty verdict today he’s found guilty of arranging the murder of his own nephew. The jury deliberated about 17 hours before reaching a verdict in the murder for hire case against James Norman, a star of welcome to Sweetie Pie. He ruined multiple lives. Not just ours, but multiple lives. And you know, it’s just it’s. Some peace, but always my brother’s not gonna come back. Leslie bird preparing

to do what no parent wants to bury a child is like is here and I have to do what’s necessary. Her first son, Jayden M Bird gone at 19 candle sit in a parking lot on Whittier St. where police say bird was shot and killed on a Wednesday morning at 11. Bird said she was with her son when he took his last breath on FaceTime. He had caught a lift to meet her and was dropped off on the wrong side of the building. And I heard the staff member said they just shot that boy up.

And then like somebody accidentally kicked the phone and I seen his head just rolled and his his hands curled up. Bert believes the bullet wasn’t intended for her boy. They didn’t even rob him. They didn’t take anything from him. They just pulled up and shot and drove off. They’ve throwed an RPG in on us before the medics got there. I put a tourniquet on Fred’s leg, and then he remembers keeping Fred calm and helping to get him out of medical evacuation. Shopper Fred told him, I’m going to see you at home, I said. I’ll never

forget that Fred. And that didn’t. They were in the same platoon, but didn’t know each other that well before that day. Still, for more than half a century, Dale Edge wondered. I didn’t know if he lived. I wanted to know if he made it or not. That one phone call filled a void, and then his heart was filled when Fred drove more than 560 miles for a reunion more than 50 years in the making, I’m doing fine. That so much time and distance meant so little as soon as the two men started talking. That they

would spend the weekend excavating memories. It was an answer to prayer. If you want to know the truth. I don’t know how many times I prayed for that man.

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