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BLACK MIRROR Season 6, Episode 1 REACTION!! Joan Is Awful | 6×1 Breakdown & Review | Netflix

what is going on there citizens of the reject Nation we are here to start up Black Mirror season six kicking it off with Joan is awful episode one John how’s it going good I’m ready to feel terrible and want to take a shower after ladies and gentlemen you know what I’m gonna say please go ahead leave a like that would mean the world also subscribe click the notification Bell because we’re gonna be covering all the Black Mirror season six so that way you can get notified when our next reaction is up here on this Chanel

also want to give a mention too thank you to everyone who bought our latest shirt at we have a Batman inspired one and one that I have been wanting to create for such a long time so we have it right here look at it and you know what there’s even a better quality image right here on screen for you all got Michael Keaton Robert Pattinson bat flecking there because they’re the ones in the DC Universe at the moment I love it you’ll be seeing us rocket during the flash spoiler talk live stream and also

full interaction watch along where you sync up with your own copy of Black Mirror available for her super sexy rejects over at her patreon page but with this being the very first episode that one is made public for everyone

so there’s a link in the description box and pin comment if you you prefer to sync up with us and watch the entire experience because obviously this reaction highlights so can’t feature a good amount of it anywho guys let’s swing into action people it looks like the Netflix look oh it’s her from shit’s creek Thomas that’s

not your neck better tap in tap tap tap uh tech company Sandy is outside waiting for that 10 15. I know give me five I need to like let’s hang up throw on some more tunes oh she’s having an affair do it I’m sorry it’s how the board feel I just put a deposit down on a new apartment please don’t do this doing her job man I really I am so sorry about this I have this dude arises of Ezra Miller you the letter you’re looking for use chat gbt to have your affair no oh

no I know it used to be my dream to run my own coffee shop that would not have gone out with our name on it I’m engaged to Chris yes so good maybe he’s just a little bit like vanilla when I was with my ex Mack yeah um I mean it was just constant sex and craziness don’t confuse toxicity with passion great and then I met Krish and he was sweet and safe and so I just kind of went with the flow that’s love I feel like I’m not the main character in my own life

story you’re NPC and would you like that to change that actually felt like a real therapy session thank you yep embrace your Wild Side this is good your fiance would love this I love your hair like that the streaks yeah he I was uh well Phyllis at the salon deserves a raise because you look hot as in my life you pop back up like a like an unflushed turd that’s sexy I want to be with you it’s too late man you can’t leave a crash oh my God you’ve been at this dinner for what feels

like five minutes cut the tension with a knife who needs to eat I’m in my usual sweet and I’ll be here for three days comedian guy from Deadpool 2 Rob Delaney I want to say I hope you’re hungry amazing is that salt and pepper strain barrier oh my God it’s Netflix yes oh so it’s saying Joan is awful was intentionally supposed to look like nothing oh my it’s just Netflix yeah oh my God this is so meta this is Salma Hayek she looks like her oh my God uh what oh my God is this like

some algorithm thing that channels who you really are oh my God it’s a lot like your hair and she’s even called Joan okay what even is the show this feels like a Scream movie I would love an algorithm to mirror me watching a show about a reactor right now a reaction within a reaction by the guy who plays crucial no the guy from yesterday and mesh Patel that’s not my hair it’s a different ethnicity you know it’s woke Joan is awful the show is woke the race Bender oh my God is the message from Matt

gonna be there boy it’s called Joan is awful it’s got Salma Hayek in it she looks like John oh my Joan is awful what the dreaming they’re like all remixes of Black Mirror episodes I’ve never responded that way to a notification from Netflix before Black Mirror but this is like mirroring today that crank these shows out fast how did I this is a prank how did you do this well I didn’t I don’t find a bunny I didn’t do anything not so vanilla now is it spice up the relationship new episodes every day for the

rest of your life also Sandy is waiting for that 10 15. is he still there he’s still there oh my God is that really what I sound like it must be some like AI generator that uses them chronologically how would they really achieve this I just put pause it down on an apartment you see what she’s like oh my God she is cold are you not freaked out yeah come on this is your day too I did not say that like that that is not what happened I believe you Jesus Christ y’all gotta turn this

off man card okay hey look I was just trying to make you feel she intentionally tosses it oh my God my mom seen it what everybody can see this my dad’s seen it why is everyone deciding to watch Joan as awful Jesus Christ oh no oh no oh Jesus has Mac been texting you what no I hope you deleted those messages I want to keep watching no no hey Chris I want it off no how’s life at home oh no he’s coming very vanilla even he’s cooking is Bland no Mac there was so much crazy

wild oh my God I’m allergic to uncomfortableness I haven’t gotten over Mike I crash I think maybe I don’t want some ways this is her more honest self yeah without the posturing hey Ben Barnes that’s what I think hey no some of the details the whole thing it’s just it’s blown out of proportion I’m packing my eggs ah no no psycho just repeats itself oh my God oh no that’s good that’s good that’s not my hair she looks good show me your phone what uh it’s in the house it’s convenient kill me goodbye you know

all you have to do was go I’ll go get it and then on your way back please nah man you cheated you had it coming they’re right about Ninja you’re awful the title Joan you just kind of embrace who you really are it’s going to be on television everything you do yes thank you shame on you everybody’s time it’s all anyone can talk about how did it come across technically you’re broke your NDA what what how the board wants you out now become the monster everyone thinks you are get those ratings even her therapist is

gonna be like I don’t want to work with you anymore you’re terrible this is sayonara Queen I have to say that actually legally the streamberry corporation can do this what do you agree to when you use Netflix yeah what’s in the TOs terms and conditions I have never seen this before everyone’s going to be checking their Netflix account yeah okay well Salma Hayek yeah pretty cool no well it’s not really Salma Hayek yes it is show deploys a digital like this of Miss Hyatt it’s the only way they could do it she licensed Her Image

to them yeah the entire show is CGI of course there’s no way they could turn around that fast how do they even know what I’m doing it’s the same it’s the same day well you know when you got your phone face down on the table and yeah cameras everywhere microphones it makes me look worse than I really am so defamation yeah page 53 paragraph 12. creating characters and dialogue for dramatic purposes they got you every which way and then some my advice is to try and ignore it doesn’t live Off the Grid or crazy level

of exploitation you could just make this work in your favor become like an influencer yeah I’m famous the real life Joan you could you could totally Market yourself yeah tell all book everything turn left in a reality show there’s a way to make it work I’m just saying there’s a way to record you’re the main character now of your life story congratulations you got what you wanted oh oh boy oh I can’t wait for this to be dramatized no it’s gonna be on TV this is gonna be on the show I’m gonna be the guy

who can’t get it up for Salma Hayek wanting to not be able to get it up for you I didn’t agree to be a public figure neither did I except you did but if you have stream Berry you did too they if they’re using your thing everyone who has stream Berry agreed to it would there be some level of outrage yeah he’s doing sucks that she’s the first person they could make her orangutan if they wanted although I am guessing the real Miss Blackjack might I don’t know what she’s what she’s into you don’t know

okay Blanchard idea gonna do start doing wacky stuff what destroy your insides super embarrassing I guess anyone knows a reason why these two may not Merry Christmas do it Wowie holy uh Salma Hayek wouldn’t want to have this image why don’t you just make a public statement and talk about what the show is doing because it’s already been on the show I just feel like there’s a lot of different ways I should have gone about this Martin he’s turning into Harley Quinn never mind while this nightmares I thought I’d see myself defecating in a church

yep do they have your face or my face your face so then Jose is doing the what ride do they have to kill my abuela with these deep fake heretic abomination specifically covers any Acts or behaviors Joan May exhibit up to including and Beyond defecation laughs I mean doesn’t my Apple have any rights okay okay I’m going to start reading the fine print shove it up your ass and I hope that you get paper cards in your cameras and die yes it’s almost a Tim Burton quality about this episode yeah oh my God it’s like

a cinematic crossover’s about to happen it’s like when the xaviors met each other this is a Multiverse get Kate Blanchett over here please don’t kill me so much you’re lucky I’m a humanitarian if you don’t have any self-respect that’s your thing but to disrespect the church frankly to disrespect my image I lose my job they put my entire existence out there for everyone to watch and you signed up to be the face of it you’re a enabler I should be yelling at you I’m that I shot in a church they told me to go myself

look I didn’t think it was going to be like my movie Frida but I couldn’t imagine that it was gonna be this I feel like this is Netflix just like flexing yeah look what we can get away with it we could do anything pay for your password George Clooney is gonna be in this show no they’re sticking his head on the Thomas the Tank Engine reboot yes I mean how do you think Kate Blanchett feels about this they have taken 100 Years of Cinema and diminished it to an app Netflix has never been more narcissistic

the computer thing oh yeah let’s are you a hacker no no no no no I mean I mean like physically so yeah office space style her office is all the way at the top we can’t crawl on the side of the building like Spider-Man you can just walk in the front door you can because you’re so Hayek but isn’t all this going to be on the television yeah I am some Hayek yes although Black Mirror is just evolved into being way more comedic is there a restaurant I can use of course I’m afraid that’s too

public thanks to your show all they can think about is coming out of my bottom of course and don’t worry I’m just gonna be she leave the purse there intentionally it’s gonna be able to hack into the systems downstairs asking to see you didn’t tell us yourself this morning maybe that’s why it’s got security to Chuck her out psycho repeats Battle Rapper this whole floor is dedicated to content generation r d not prophetic an infinite content creator capable of willing entire multiverses into existence fully edited programs that would normally take months to make such as

Joan is awful writers strike schmider’s strike what’s so special about her absolutely nothing we were looking for a totally average nobody personally just keep getting her to launch unique tailored content to each individual in our database all 800 million of them wow everyone gets a show about them there’s one for you I couldn’t resist yeah this is actually real and will be available to stream from Friday why are they all called is awful yeah does anybody have other qualities we did try more affirmative content in the test cell but we found people like the drama

what we found instead was when we focused on their more weak or selfish or Craven moments it confirmed their innermost fears wants to watch a reality show with no drama I wonder if this is based on real Market testing at Netflix it’s an interesting experiment because it’s a combination of a reality show meets dramatized television it’s kind of interesting if everyone becomes aware that it’s Michael Sarah hey what’s that that’s the variant of Jonah’s awful that the Joan below you sees when she watches the show what whoa well you’re not the original Joan that’s Source

Joan Source Joan the real Joan look there Source Stone we inside the show I’m not the real Joe played by a digital likeness of Annie Murphy who’s Annie Murphy there look familiar shit’s creek oh my God this is an adaptation of Joan’s life you’re in a show right now I’m in a show right now what the hell who could afford a place like that it’s a TV show House yes I am myself yeah yeah but it tracks that you believe that because you’re coded to play yourself on this level if I’m not here then where

am I I don’t know where the real this is not called Salma Hayek gets everything explained to her but doesn’t understand it I’m not Eddie Murphy Source Jones break the machine God you are so boring I’m gonna kill here but you’re not really in the yeah you’re gonna kill yourself you billions of similar they’re not real though would I die instantly what the is down Ronnie Murphy no yeah Source Joan already stood here in reality so okay it doesn’t matter what I want because in the events that this is based on have already happened exactly

wow Jones doing it laughs computer Jesus yes wait get black in there whoa just taking it slow yeah and trying to make some time for myself this commentary of what real people look like is fascinating like the main character in my own life yeah I think I do inspiring you know there’s good days and bad days to be expected coffee another shooting this life an independent drama you’re really there yeah it’s not good oh her dream hi John hi Abby how you doing she was able to open up her own coffee shop yeah all right

well that was fun that was a lot of fun what’d you think John take it away that was a lot of fun yeah certainly I mean God I almost needed a minute to put my head back together I appreciate it you know obviously just like the fun wild Meadow wackiness of it and certainly I guess this commentary that like you really should read the the terms and conditions uh because I don’t know I mean yeah not that anything like this has happened but certainly it is one of those things that comes up frequently in our

lives I mean this this is yeah I mean the amount of times I hear people commenting on oh I just mentioned a thing and now it’s all over my algorithms and stuff like that like yeah as as silly and far-fetched of a concept as this is in some ways I’m like well actually would you think about it it’s not that crazy with the Advent of AI and all these other things um and yeah I I liked the kind of mad capness they managed to ring out of it like it doesn’t necessarily feel like the most

heavy thinker of an episode necessarily but for the kickoff to the new season I thought it was kind of a nice place to start and a nice way to get that foreboding Black Mirror sense without making me feel like my soul has just been you know run through some kind of Filth machine or something like that uh but what did you think yeah I liked it overall I I do kind of miss those days of black I mean not even the last season really had that like I like the Striking vipers episode of Anthony Mackey

uh but even that didn’t have the full sense of the old days of Black Mirror you know when it you’re left like just miserable it has escalated a little bit more uh like it’s self-awareness has reached this whole new level of like comedic effect yeah it’s kind of been that way for a while yeah and so yeah like and I enjoyed it though I think I think the commentary is fun and I like the play on it is really does feel like a Netflix Flex like the the metaness of this is very fascinating to me

because it’s it’s a commentary on the service itself that we are all watching this from and it’s warning us of the dangers of the service but Netflix is so confident and it’s IP and the fact that we will still consume it and nothing’s going to change that it’s saying that we can even present you with this alternate reality possible the future that you might actually one day sort of have something similar to and we’re just gonna do it while collecting money from you right yeah exploiting you yeah it’s such a it’s such a multi-layer of

exploitation in a way that’s like this should be a cautionary Tale But the cautionary tale is coming from the people who stand to benefit from it in the most sadistic way so it’s a really like weird viewership experience you know like it feels like I almost feel like I’m I’m a masochistic viewer in a way because I’m indulging and I’m enjoying it and liking what they’re saying but also going is there anything I should be listed are they like warning me the their plan of war attack that they’re about to put on the masses it

was all here it does have that bit of a bit of an effect though you know yeah so I like the fun uh unnerving side of it because it’s easy to look at something like this and go well that’s never gonna happen uh I don’t know I wouldn’t say never though maybe not on this like Grand level of a scale uh but maybe you know because there is that thing where uh you know D fakes and AI technology and they’re constantly trying to use like AI generation you know like we’re at a point in our

lives were you CGI a person in frame it still looks cgi’d uh you know so we haven’t gone that far yet uh but uh in terms of the story itself like if we were to like there’s there’s two sides to talk about this you have the commentary about we could talk about what the episode is talking about and then we could talk about the actual execution of the episode the actual execution of the episode was cool to me where when they do introduce it it’s it’s kind of a slow setup but that’s to get you

acquainted with her normal ordinary lifestyle and I did have a thought when I was watching um how how things were progressing and the way uh Jones Life Annie Murphy’s life not any Murphy right yeah yeah she’s Joan level one yeah okay Joan level one sorry confused on this the way Joan level one’s life was progressing that it still feels like it’s shot like a cinematic television show though yeah and then they’re doing the show on stream Berry that is just a little more dramatized and and performative yeah you know it’s more acting-y and all that

stuff but it still looks so similar yeah right so the when the twist came in of that oh this is level one and we are still watching a simulation uh I appreciated that because I was like okay well then then that criticism not even a criticism but just a minor nitpick that I thought would help differentiate it a little bit more make it seem a little more believable like okay this makes sense more it made more sense to me now yeah yeah because the visual aesthetic is very different when you hop into the real world

like okay so that was all purposeful yeah so that was a nice choice um what you think of the comedy though there were times that comedy was like real because it became so comedic yeah yeah it’s so like kind of sharply satirical rather than that like that I I yeah like Black Mirror up until like this point has had a sort of pitch black sense of humor and I I do think it’s maybe telling the Charlie Brooker back in the day was like I gotta stop this for a while because like it’s getting too close

to real life and I wonder if in coming back and and you know reigniting the show again maybe there was sort of an idea that we’ll make this a little bit lighter and a little more broad or something like that and it didn’t it didn’t bother me like I guess it does make the show overall feel a bit lighter so I I guess you know you want that oomph that impact you know that that thing that makes your soul feel a little dirty after a black mirror but at the same time I don’t begrudge at

that it didn’t break the illusion it didn’t break the story for me um and there was a lot that I did find quite outrageous and and funny along the way and certainly as the layers of meta start to crash together and as uh uh you know level one Jones starts to take control and and you know really go for it I I like the that reveal of of like oh okay if I’m doing any of this this has already happened and uh and yeah like you know life is absurd enough already and I wonder too

if any of this was based on like actual notes they’d received about stuff over time or or have been able to like have access to um but yeah it is like markedly more even more comedic to me just like less Grim I guess is what I would go with in in terms of an assessment um and two I mean I thought that like like any time you make a game out of celebrities too there’s like a lightness that comes with that and certainly this has like a huge cast once you get right down to like

every different level and every different version so like there was a lot of fun I had with those games but it does feel markedly like it’s not trying to like warp your soul so much with what it’s doing which uh which you know I’m curious to see if that flavor comes back up throughout the rest of the season maybe this is just a more palatable one to get us started or something like that I don’t really care if it’s doing that it was really the the comedy to me started losing some of its sense of

believability like when it became when Salma Hayek it was it was when Salma Hayek entered the picture of Salma Hayek it started feeling like okay this is not feeling it’s it’s it’s it’s it’s approached a new level of I’m very much aware now that I’m watching a television show and this this constant joke it’s starting to turn like this is the end all of a sudden and this joke of like constantly pulling it pulling the joke of constantly saying yourself like Salma Hayek Salma Hayek like keep pointing out it’s Salma Hayek it’s saying her name

and also with her acting it was just so if you can’t it just became a very different kind of comedic sensibility sure at that point where I was now like now I’m watching a comedy versus I’m watching something that has humor in it okay yeah I see what you mean and maybe that maybe that’s the point I’ve gotten it there um I guess it didn’t fully jive with me when it got to that point uh it’s it it started losing some of its Intrigue I would say yeah I’m actually I’d be very curious to hear

what people think in general of that because part of my brain says okay well it has to be this sort of AI Amalgamated representation of what we all think of and perceive Salma Hayek as um so in in some sense I don’t begrudge at that because it makes sense when the reveal comes around but in the real time of the moment of trying to believe that oh it’s the real Salma Hayek coming to the real Jones house before we know she’s not the real Joan uh yeah I can absolutely see how that part doesn’t read

quite as real and reads like oh we’re having fun with the fact that it’s really Salma Hayek rather than just trying to portray it naturalistically in that in that passage of the story yeah it was so it was always still enjoyable to me and I did like the arc that Joan level one had because so much of her anxiety comes from a place of not feeling like she has control over her life in situations and then the key to finding her resolve is to relinquish control and surrender to it which allows her to get her

Freedom by the end yeah so I I did uh I did think the The Arc of that was cool the Michael Sarah Cameo was fun yeah um but I also I did like the I did like the concept though of an out a streaming service that can duplicate your life in real time like AI generation is very is very fast uh you know it’s faster than it’s ever been uh with a lot of a lot of ways of our technology and the response time on things uh is is incredibly like impeccable uh and it’s so

quick and it’s only going to get quicker yeah it’s only it’s only going to get quicker and whether it be text form whether you’re talking about the there’s more than like chat EBT there’s like other things out there that are similar like a Chachi BT but then you know you got the AI image generators that people really love toying around with and then and we are on the path like people can already do like those deep fakes impersonationally those Tom Cruise ones that you see all the time look amazing so I I like the commentary

on that um and I I think that the the concept itself is really cool because there’s ways because there’s many paths they could have gone down with it of of of like living in this world of what this AI is and the commentary on how what we like I like the CEO line essentially talking about that would they people were not responding to the pleasantries of their life they’re responding to the neurotic sides of Our Lives because I’m fascinated with real I am fascinated with reality shows and why we love reality show so much like

it’s really hard to find like a common like a a real solid thing on like why reality shows work so well for people what the what the escapism is for it there’s like something there that people really do love because it’s an Escape from your own life you’re just watching someone else’s life but how real is this when there’s cameras pointed at you and all these things you know so the concept of this dramatized thing is in some ways maybe even closer to reality because you’re not aware at all that there’s cameras like you’re not

aware there’s surveillance happening yeah and so your capture something real but then it’s also being enhanced with the writing and the performances to add a little bit of extra um to the dramatization of their lives so in a way you’re watching a blend of a reality show meets a scripted adaptation of a real life situation that someone’s going through so I think there’s something really cool about it and I feel like there’s I feel like they could have done a little bit more with like I don’t know I mean I like I like the route

they went I did because I think there’s just so many different concepts you could have done with this one concept yeah that there’s other variations would have liked to have seen but maybe the other variations I would have liked to have seen maybe not would have worked for this episode of you know like there’s ways you could have used it to to your control you know to like bolster your own Fame become an influencer um the way how reality show stars do that all the time you know where they’re on a reality show they’re nobodies

and then like one of those and then they decide like all right I’m gonna become an influencer and I’m gonna you know get brand deals and and use this as a way to promote myself you know or like oh how can I control the narrative here yeah and like what she does do uh so I did like that but and I but I also love the idea of like the celebrity getting upset about the way their likeness is used because that is also a real problem that has occurred as well yeah yeah you know yeah

yeah like giving it multiple like yeah it’s it feels like there are a bunch of levels you could go through but at least using this scope of yeah like some kind of piece of media yeah I mean that’s those are two huge things we’re constantly kind of hearing and talking about as regular people being preyed upon by fine print and by you know uh various kinds of latent surveillance and then yeah likeness rights and the ghoulish ways and like like it all kind of again it is kind of surprising that Netflix I don’t know it’s

never really surprising because obviously they’re just gonna make money off of this and nothing’s really going to change in real life but it does kind of point to like the only people really safe from this if anybody is safe from this is like you know the owner of the big Corporation who owns this computer that nobody understands and I like that they even addressed it like yeah nobody really understands how this machine works or anything it just kind of does its thing and we all watch um but yeah like At first I thought it would

just be that one level of like oh what does the normal person gonna do but no yeah Salma Hayek is also in theory stuck in this situation too and is also being exploited and everyone is being handed a contract that is way too long to understand and entrusting that to somebody else who might not have their best interests at heart and so yeah there were a lot of aspects that felt very relevant wrapped up inside this you know outlandish packaging uh yeah that again you know I wonder if there were harsher versions of this script

and you know things that went in even harder on you know what it’s trying to comment on that were maybe pulled back yeah because I like the world that they presented at the end of what they’re they wanted their end goal to be where everyone would have that yeah because if everyone has that then Joe then Joan have nothing to worry about yeah because then she everyone would be aware that oh this is what they do to all of us and then it could just become fun watching how it works but then I was like

well everyone get a lot more relaxed about life yeah and then I was also like but what would that world entail I like I want to see that world come to full realization of what would that world and like this is one of those Black Mirror episodes where like it would be cool to see like a sequel to this but they shut down the servers um of what would that world entail if everyone has their own show so when the shows is it all like crossovers like yeah but they’re all watching their own versions become

where they’re all just watching versions of their friends and family yeah totally uh and but if but like yeah it would be cool to say like the version where people inhabit it and embrace it uh instead of just only being uh rebelling against it and and fighting against it you know like there’s it’s a really it’s a really cool scenario um and so yeah I would have I would have liked to have seen it because it did made me Ponder like a bunch of questions and I do think in our reality like the world we

live in I feel like yeah I I feel like that um I feel like a lot of us would like that I think a lot of us would embrace it because it would be exploitative of our uh sure are very um our narcissistic sides I think it would be real real telling of that and I feel like a lot of us would hate it but I think there’d be a lot of us who would really like it too at the same time just to watch how it unfolds and to watch it play out and stuff

and there would be people who would absolutely totally be down for it so yeah so I wanted to see that version as well like I’m not saying like this this show goes down the episode goes down for me because we didn’t get that I was like I’m saying this is why I like the concept so much yeah yeah because the the possibilities of where this world building could have gone with this one thing I was like oh it didn’t have to end here it it could have gone more yeah they talk about multiverses and you

really do feel like yeah you could yeah you can see how I don’t know you want to see yeah how the like the furthest extent of this goes instead of breaking the machine while it’s still kind of just beginning to start this phenomenon like yeah what would it like and maybe that’s part of what’s kind of different now about the show is like this does have like a a nice resolve and a happy ending I guess I would call that which is not you know what I usually typically associate black mirror with and so yeah

in some ways I feel like you could go even further even more dystopic and yeah there are like multiple extrapolations on this idea and so I kind of do hope that maybe as like this situation in real life expands they might come back and touch back on it at some point like I don’t know Joan is the Revenge of Joan is awful or something like that later down the line because yeah like there are just so many implications and we we mostly just watch as people are dismayed by it but what about the people who

love this and what about the people who are only going to become worse and and get higher and higher off this experience of having this Spotlight thrust upon them and whatnot like in reality shows I think sometimes one of the fun parts of a reality show is watching The Reunion because what happens in a reunion is those people have had months away from the events that happened and then they come back and watch the reality show and see how it’s all edited and put together and see what all their friends or family said when they

weren’t around you know yeah and then in the reunion it’s a big confrontation of those things and I think that would have been cool to see how watching everyone else’s shows would intersect is that how you see me yeah how you appear in somebody else’s life show and it’s like if we both have a stream like if I have a stream Berry account and John is a stream Berry account and we’re in the same room with the events of John show play out different yeah in my show Even though perspective yeah yeah that’s what I

mean I think I think there was a lot of really cool things they could it’s you don’t have time for all that that’s like you would have like a whole season you have to start the episode out where it’s already established but yeah it’s a very different episode not the introduction of the first one it is it would have to be like this is already happening yeah and you’re living they’re plopping you into the a world where this is already happening um so yeah it would be cool to see like a follow-up for it because

I do think there’s real complicated things that could happen that would make for an even more interesting conversation what they presented here well yeah and with the idea just the final just like it was seeing a version of this too where how do people behave now that everyone accepts that their life is on display versus finding out your life has been put on display and like I think we can all kind of relate to how you would react to that whereas if this is just the norm I feel like everyone would be a little bit

different yeah you know in their behavior and the way they approached all of this yeah I don’t know it’s at least I I at least appreciate that it is rich in ideas and we can sit here and be like man there are just so many ways you could take this in so many like it’s a rich idea and that’s cool yeah I appreciate that episode’s quirky actor was still really good um I enjoyed everyone’s presence quite a lot so yeah had a had a fun time with that one had a fun time Black Mirror still

gets it’s still thought provoking um and at the end of the day that’s what I really wanted was just another thought-provoking Black Mirror alrighty guys well what did you think about this episode leave your thoughts down below uh be sure to subscribe leave a like and let’s end this with a patreon John real quick off the top of your ahead who would you want to see a stream Berry show about make it fast come on John don’t think about it don’t think about how to do that thing John I want to interrupt me with the

names TV what’s her show what’s the Rio Hammond is one of the best people on the patreon but I know because my closed doors that there are dark things lurking within yourself so she appreciates it that night and I want to see what that is all about and then what details we’re talking I want a guest star on your show you know I mean she comes across so kind and so selfless and so giving but at the end of the day she comes home looks in the mirror is like yeah look at you you’re such

a good person look at how how much you do for the past she’s a good person yeah it sounds like a positive show yeah yeah yeah I just heard talking herself up the whole time and none of it’s authentic or real oh my God feed her ego and be loved by everything really viewer my God I definitely do this is all true it’s not an algorithm and uh terrible that’s terrible what you’re doing her but I will be her biggest viewer and I will tune into every episode and I’ll be out there Maria she’s a

real one don’t trust the algorithm I love you Maria don’t listen to a word I said it’s all fake it’s all fiction destroy the super computer stay pledged we love you love you Maria you know John didn’t mean it I didn’t mean it you’re uh awful Human music John is awful awful


Conten writer at FlipReview who specialise in Gadgets review, food critics, app and games review, car and bike review, book reviews, movies reviews, tv-series reviews and many more.

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