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NAPOLEON (2023) MOVIE REACTION!! FIRST TIME WATCHING!! Joaquin Phoenix | Full Movie Review!!

this video is sponsored by liquid IV more on them after the reaction people bonjour I Really Work to remember that we are here today it is John and Greg in the hot seats to watch Ridley Scott’s Napoleon a topic a figure of History we both know a ton about are you excited G I am so excited I’ve watched every movie Napoleon’s ever made I’ve read all of his books I’ve bought his art I know everything about him I’m going to p on this PO s is what I meant to say yeah yeah absolutely me too

I’m excited to watch French Joker so hey leave a like on this video also don’t forget to subscribe and hit the notification Bell to get notified every time one of these movies comes your way as well thanks to the gang over at prepper for helping us chop down these highlights and if you want to get the complete Napoleon experience all six hours of it alongside Greg and myself come on over to theal rejects grab your own copy sync up with us enjoy the movie as well as all the other shows and movies we have

watch alongs and highlights for over there it’s a blast it’s a good time and I think that’s all the housekeeping let’s go let’s let’s go to France let’s do this thing did you see a tra for this I didn’t

see a tra for it nope I’ve heard a couple reviews like vague like just like oh it was good or not but yeah otherwise no 1789 man I Don’t Know Jack about Napoleon nope people are tuned to misery to Revolution and brought back by Revolution to misery ni we said French have disillusioned by food shortes and

widespread economic depression haha anti-royalist would soon send King Louie the 16th and 11,000 of his supporters to a violent end and set their sights in the queen of FR missed it missed something about Queen let him eat cake packs a thud is that the guillotine oh even just the sound effect imagine going out that way that’s Kirby in this WOW sheeps was a simpler time boy she’s just being treated like the ex-wife of every celebrity yeah this is what she deserves yeah off with her head off off off oh is that song about Marie Anto

yep yep you can learn most of the plot of this movie just by listening to the y y I do like the music being very much in contrast with the horrendous Terror that’s about to take place for this poor individual or do I not like her I don’t I don’t know yeah does she just she have this coming was she detached from oo feels so real will and needs of her people I know they never focus on that part where they’re sliding the brace down you know the human head lives for several seconds after it

is decapitated that’s what I’m looking forward to in life sweet sauce oh cool let them eat stump oh there’s your boy feels Quirk quirky yeah now she was guilty of three charges against you and high treason for acting in the interests of the enemy sheep yeah she deserved to have her head cut off the British Navy have taken the port of tulong half the French Fleet is trapped there if we lose those ships the Republic will fall well we can’t let that happen there are only 2,000 English troops in tul we are short of artillery

and led by a general who was a court pain who it’s an idiot it is not necessary to recapture tulon itself the town is not a town the town is a port homeboy is not even attempting an accent NOP this is going to be one of those every Accent movies I think capture the fort that dominates the harbor and you have the city we must make an example our other cities will fall and I for one will never let the royalists or the English take my region yeah no surrender it’s good response man when it

comes to sets and stuff red Le Scott knows how to hire the right people every time Luc and my dear brother I’m in too loan already and it sucks going to need a lot more cannons this looks like a really fun set to be on if we do not succeed those in power will only see us as corsan Ruffians unfit for higher office and our mother’s Ambitions will be quashed and corkin Ruffians are no bueno yeah bad ombr I got to simplify some of this for my brain surprise is my advantage but I will win

by fire I cannot wait for your arrival your brother Nao win by fire that is a way to end a letter so he’s scouting this seen right now in disguising himself as just a regular civilian yeah the classical music provides a bit of like a Whimsical tone that I wasn’t expecting and I mean the film does have like a classical feeling sort of sense of scope and and just I don’t know the way they’re lensing everything and the austerity of a lot of the Landscapes and stuff drink and always bring people together no matter where

you are in the world and what time Napoleon seems so terrified right now so nervous it’s a big Revolt I mean he’s making his rise he’s not Napoleon just yet breathe Napolean you got this man flying by the seat of his pants whoa ah cool it’s one thing we can all relate to is rebelling against the British I miss this kind of action in cinema his expression are great keep it together man all these stun workers and Extras get the up there what a fun set the explosions happening on on the actual stage what the

oh I that was not expected yeah what kind of movie are we in that was extremely violent David A’s Napoleon David A’s your reference sure I’ll take a David a Napoleon why we just watched Fury the there’s Battlefield horse Gore you know very realistic depictions you’re not used to seeing get up there Napoleon team Napoleon yeah that’s what you’re supposed to take away from all this oh my god oh sweet I want to start a counter of how many heads get lopped off across this damn it’s so weird to see him without his hat on

Jesus wow cool this some cool violence I know ready to get him yes sir oh look at him he’s coming into his own he’s focused yeah come on Napoleon you know he did job this is a beautiful looking film woo thieving Pirates great shot this is a very whoa very striking time period aesthetically always damn they really built all these ships I guess maybe maybe they Miniatures some of them but beautiful wow you can like feel the Flames what a formation Napoleon buap I award you the rank of Brigadier General my man do we like

Napoleon we love Napoleon okay who’s your favorite French dictator comment below he’s a dictator eventually not yet though okay now he’s just the commander or whatever I promised you brilliant successes and I’ve kept my word brilliant success although it is a little confusing that we just defeated the British and half of these French Dudes at British accents I’m happy for you buddy that was a really well done sequence because it is fraught and dark as it was it was still able to keep up with everything that was going on and it does like dip in

and out of just like the chaos of war in this point in time where it is so personal and just like people up against each other for mother Jesus Christ for mother what kind of mother did you have the current leadership of France has passed from enthusiasm to Reckless ambition and the public perception of the guillotine his Lawless passion my ROP spear oh he is unfit to Ru robes Pierre has a rep throughout history for sure is Napoleon asleep yep my man there is no man in this room who has objected to my methods if

you say I am guilty you are all guilty oh that’s what I say in my relationship only I can fix thisr arrest him well they just come to that how fragile the rule of law is that dude just doing like a people’s elbow back there yes was my tiny gun whoa yeah coward oh my God a guillotine my friend I thought he was going to be like it’s real all right it’s blood son of a I know it’s just a time and place but when you do like that it just keeps reminding me of pirates

end of the reign of terror are we about to celebrate bastile day or something here every French viewer of this video is going to be like typing in the comments Non-Stop the movie should do a good enough job communicating what’s happening without us having to read a history book that’s that’s true if it’s a good enough adaptation of the novel you know wow like an ancient witch Rider gadriel uh I saw the opening scene that is not an accurate depiction it’s starting to come back to me she was very out of touch with the needs

of her people from what I recall vaguely from history the irony of the let the famous let them me cake in true classic theater fashion no women on the stage Savage I mean it is highlighting how thin the barriers between savagery and civility are yeah people complain about comedy today yeah just walking in the room looking like Joe Pera hello my name is Napoleon and I’m going to lead us to Victory you know we’re in France baby no sense of human decency we’re in the enlightened part of the world all right we’re in Bohemia Prime

damn she looks way different with that why you staring at me Liz Salander hair am I I was not oh you w she said yes before he said no I was not I was star at your face face at your face what is this costume you have all this is my uniform I let the French victory at too long he just wanted to drop that line tonight yeah you were just waiting for anyone who would listen do not tell me your name I will guess it give me 200 chances yes like that while this is

high society everyone’s still like a little sweaty and like Caked Up like it looks like the real version of high society you’re a young man who wishes to see you his name is yenan name oh Easter egg oh he’s from the first one what do you want my father’s saber it was taken from him before he was arrested and executed we need new Kaiba crystals I cannot allow citizens to have weapons in their possession the sword is a Keepsake for me to remember my dear late father perhaps but it as a weapon nevertheless how do

people like prepare food my mother said that you were the only Dem man of authority to retrieve the sword who’s the mother that light all of these are from officers who were sentenced to die did no one think to attach names to any of them no there are no names damn find a needle in a needle stack take the most Rusty one kid going to be like this isn’t it I know the sword anywhere he does have a very relaxed presence on in this time period like he he fits in in a way that normally

people be a little more pushed in the way they behave thank you there she is yeah you knew it there’s the majer my compliments to the chef of this fine family he’s hallucinating her is he touching himself right now is this his fantasy yeah clunk clunk clunk clunk would you like to St closer did they intentionally make him shorter maybe I know that’s a debated part of the actual history as to like whether he was actually short or if people just did that to taint His Image later oh it’s a date will you be my

boyfriend yes no maybe what did he just too he’s just being sensitive you know she probably perfumed it Napoleon wouldn’t be Napoleon if it wasn’t for her yeah this is real love right here chemistry unmatched when you look at me do you see an aristocrat or an aristocat no my husband had more than one lover and when his head was cut off all his Mistresses watched she weren’t alone when I was in prison I I was told the only way to survive was to get pregnant yes wow do I need to warn you of my

indiscretions no Madam I don’t give a just where I have been concern you pastes the past well like how many were we talking here like ballpark of course if you look down you’ll see a surprise once you see it you will always want it this works yes Mommy this works people of France don’t be fooled there are more of us it’s fascinating can occupy this convention this movie is framed like paintings but it doesn’t behave like a painting no doubt you’ve seen the chaos in the streets yes can you hear it yeah it’s like happening

right at these new windows are really soundproof there is a belief amongst the committee that there is an attack on the council coming by this mob I have less than 4,000 troops and very little in the way of weapons there are 40 cannons in Sablon I could have them here in 3 hours this mob is 20,000 strong yes you don’t need to take down all 20,000 though what would you intend to do if this assignment of defense was transferred to you uh tread carefully I accept on the condition that I command this as I see

fit without interruption in devastating Victory via my water slide royalist Insurrection fifth October 1795 just get it done Napoleon yeah let’s go what a harrowing ass shot The Emptiness in those eyes wipe them out Napoleon 3 hours later wow wow wow who your foot I mean you had to get the job done it’s true somebody had to make the tough decisions Marie Joseph Rose Tash except as her husband Napoleon bonapart Dynamite do you consider yes I do I’m already like very suspicious of how accurate this love story is yes it seems like the very Hollywood

thing to do the whole here’s who he was as he rose the ranks and became the dictator we all know and love and then we have the love story like but here’s where he was a human yeah and the love story while I am intrigued does feel like the the most elevated or Fantastical part thus far but I’d love to be wrong of the Republic Madam Bon mad Bon hey here here kill that man this I’m going Napoleon side man if we’re going to watch us through his lens I am going to experience it rooting

for him yeah this movie is an endorsement of all of his views and actions dude dude a with your breasticles hanging out like that don’t be getting jealous dog you said you were going to get jealous if I see my wife talk to another man I think about that for a long time and contemplate doing something hi so for those watching the YouTube cut Napoleon’s trying very hard to satisfy his woman yeah and she looks um not moved At All by this experience after that love making scene I really see myself in Napoleon man yeah

man pull that bone apart just like I know what it’s like what yeah I follow Alexander the Great and Caesar as I’ve have been sent to liberate Egypt I have 40,000 men and the sights are wondrous and the weather stifling hot sure plan for attacking England through their Eastern Empire that’s what I’m talking about but my achievement seem slight as they keep us apart I mean Napoleon might not be physically small in this movie but he does have an inferiority complex sure massively so wow the freaking pyramids dude dude oh my God man’s got to

do what a man’s got to do that’s right that’s right no matter how wonderful the world dear wife this love I have for you is a kind of death a little death yes Petty more there’s no survival for me except in you hell again what are you doing good morning Luc if you love me you me twice a day who are you doing tell me there are no snakes in your bed in your legs inside what is mine write me and tell me that you realize that I love you beyond the limits of imagination chea

of which I have much you cheat on a great man like this yeah a great man wow all the locations and I I really feel like you can feel the weather in each scene you cut to I know and then it makes it all the more fascinating that Ridley Scott shoots like four movies a year and then they still feel like completely entrenched in where they are there’s a lot of like film making technical Marvel on display with consistent pensive music that plays yes with a hint of irony whoa tip toing give me PA get

me an Apple box damn respect oh I got a little bit of a haircut give him a Wet Willie I want to do that thing’s going to disintegrate What secrets did it whisper to you from Beyond the Grave are there limits to what I can tell you only you create the limits no shouldn’t be should I tell you something at the risk of giving you personal pain he’s going to find out his wife is cheating your wife has taking a lover named eite Charles what a name too why would you cheat on this guy troops

we’re moving out we got to go get my wife this guy’s like I told Napoleon he just left my fault he didn’t believe me he said go for it do more more lovers you expect me to believe this yes and my wife would do this to me yes no dessert for you you may leave punish him I wouldn’t like my dessert please ah yeah what a great frame you think that was intentional yes like is this the master lucil is my lover she writes to me Josephine’s lady in waiting is your lover strategic Choice prepare

two frigs and two smaller vessels in the greatest secrecy I’m returning home no you shouldn’t be seen as desertion why did you tell him now you should have waited yeah dude General c will be informed of his succession to command after I left man she’s ruining the war yeah come on dude keep your head in the game you changed bro you Chang she’s just like every ex celebrity’s wife or current wife when celebrity is having downfall oh my God made the headlines wow it has oh my God and a cartoon to boot this is not

going to bode well for his inferiority complex damn dude they leaked the texts if I was him I’d start with the children yeah and from yeah punishment’s all around where’s my wife she has left to greet you in Leo whoa dude where is my wife Jesus she left earlier today General Leon yes sir the entire world knows of my arrival but not my wife such a little boy such a little boy so petulant yeah she’s terrified for her life oh she grown her hair out too to demonstrate the passage of time John yeah or she

put on a wig Oh no you’re lucky he’s just kicking you out man he could easily behead you yeah and he did pack your what kind of creature are you how could you care so little for me and my feelings you are a selfish little pig wow not try to touch his hand sorry a that’s not enough I wouldn’t forgive this man I want you to say that I am the most important thing in the world yeah wow I relate with this guy so uh never mind you’re the most important thing in my life and

without me you are nothing I’m nothing and you will do anything I’ll do anything wow this is like watching us on screen I’ll do anything like we’ve had this exact conversation yeah and then we turned the camera on and started shooting Theo you’re a beast oh man he’s just going to put you down forever you’re a freaking Beast bro I feel sorry for you oh my God this is a fireside chat you want to be great you are nothing without me say it wow the power oh I mean he’s got like clear mom problems he

took the cannon out of the horse and gave it to to her yeah yeah do you love me yet you are just a brute that is nothing without me I just a brute that is nothing without you yes let’s go how can you be on her side symolon you sad sad little boy did you have a fast of course I did well yeah but that’s different did you love them no no I did not oh okay never mind they could be on our he literally left the war to come home and talk about this were

they pretty yes some of them some of them who more than I do they cried less that made them more attractive bars yep just you don’t have to forgive me just promise me you are be sometimes it’s easier just to stay in the toxic relationship man these two are made for each other what is it that made you desert your troops in Egypt my wife was Bowman boning a man boning while we were apart what country are we in because she doesn’t resemble the France that I left who should be responsible for her governance while

I’m away because it is not you citizen go wait way to flip this my man this it’s not you certainly you are you truthfully you’re very good at scowling it’s not you baras or you ton or you SE I’m going to remember all their names yeah yeah that one guy opens a diner later on I have returned to France to find her bankrupt printing money that is spent within hours chapter 11 ostr Russian overrun of Italy the anglo-russian occupation of Holland and what appears to be the IM an invasion of France herself well we cannot

let that happen no someone’s got to fix this and yet you accuse me of desertion oh my God great that’s right man you take the take control of the situation there is there’s a lot to learn from this man the people will accept my rule if I have your support like you that I believe that the directory is corrupt Trin that swamp but together we can save this country from a restoration of the monarchy and we can preserve the ideals of the Revolution and I think that a seizure of power is possible oh good so

you expect me to be your sword more than that I expect that a kudeta well timed well executed could transfer power into the hands of three consols yep myself du and G and you boom I’m inviting you to The Winning Side oh yeah do that that’ll show your wife that’ll show your wife and your mom letter of resignation I’m not signing anything you can piss before I sign anything wow look at those murals my God I’m going to make this very simple for you oh good I have documents announcing your resignation from the council I

feel like Paul and him were cool yeah citizen Mulan We have a letter of resignation for you to sign oh I am enjoying a succulent breakfast this isang i f finished my breakfast before you catch me oh it’s okay you fly away you’re free now go get out of here the coup at Christmas this is a very interesting tone this emergency session is to draw a list of number n minations for a a new directory to deal with the threat all right let’s get it going we are being asked to pass a resolution forming a

provisional government to three councils yes and we have three of mine General bonapart and citizen CZ and rer du where are the five members of the directory please stand up your brother Napoleon bonapart with his show of military might is acting as an outlaw pull it together Napoleon pull it together Napoleon no enough there is wow man viated the wow damn wow you can really feel the camera here yeah oh my God the first time I became aware of a camera yeah I know right whoa fing Phoenix really do that sure looked like he did

I believe he would throw himself into that there go oh my God walking Phoenix with his funny Escapist runs we are being terrorized by deputies armed with daggers and these Mad Men have outl themselves godamn right way to Twisted on the liberty of this country who is this guy I’ve seen him in stuff they’re trying to kill me they’re trying to kill him Jesus yeah there’s so like actual comedy in this movie oh this is absolutely like a comedy dressed like an auster history you know piece that like this is lowkey hilarious there’s a there’s

a black comedy here it’s really really odd strange it’s cor quirky as well it’s got all like the posture and import of like you know the weight you associate with history but it’s also highlighting yeah just how Petty and small so many of these people are shall we vote shall we vote my manad style points for days oh yeah there some soundproof doors and just like how flippant the people in charge are with like all the stuff that dictates life to the people below like good to meet you is that his Mommy ah could this

be Joseph oh they haven’t met yet Josephine good to see you Josephine oh it’s Charles immediately disinterested finally get to meet your daughter-in-law and no interest mom but but did you did you see Mom what about what I need from you is a better understanding of the Russian Zar Alexander would you consider the Zar an ally to England or France his trade with England is more beneficial to him than his trade with France and you have a sense of British influence in the Russian courts uh-oh I do not but I imagine it is quite robust

robust explain this word robust what kind of man is he describ him what does he look like well he’s young is he hot he’s vain he’s popular and he wishes to remain so statue right behind him greatest fear is to be killed in his bed like his father this makes him dangerously fickle to whoever last has his attention he run the m city they knowbody he check the lock every time you walk by the door tand your majesty received a letter of peace from the first counil today peace over to us are clearly only for

you all handling a French public opinion wowe but my warning to you is that he’s as hungry for it as any man in the history of the world so my suggestion would be to take little offering of peace from him it’s no little offering man yeah or suffer the consequences for a man bent on peace at any cost where’s John Cena they know how to Veil their threats in such clever ways I know I wonder how many people like left all these different conversations like not getting the undertone I think he was threatening me are

you aware of my letter of peace to your king I am not shall I repeat it you may not take this as a warning to your king I will keep you guessing you will watch your borders and your back and your manners are bound sooner or later to be French bam and I will take the lack of a swift reply as an act of disrespect you think you’re so great because you have both I want to say that to somebody she’s so good at playing Manchild yeah seriously so good at that plays it quite a

bit developmentally stunted that would be the type cast I would play for walking Phoenix sure Manchild the European families think nothing more of you than a Corsican Thug uhoh I suggest that you’re abandon your role as first counil of France why would you think this wouldn’t make him mad for the title Victorious counil by another name King wow bring the monarchy back baby king who decided these hats they all wear he could become king yeah you could just make it so I guess just change the structure around a little bit you know the blueprint it’s

already exists my hair has been set the way you like it what beautiful come what is is he like clopping like a like a horse it’s yours thank you thank you it’s the most unflattering scenes just the dispassionate scenes they have here yeah it’s like meat hitting other meat that’s it like there’s no real chemistry here why aren’t you pregnant uh-oh is that a question that an accusation yes it was a question now it’s an accusation now it’s an accusation God that little dip he took with her chair what I’ve seen Dr CA and he

has no answer well maybe you got to get on top yes the gravity you do a headstand afterwards along with hopeful thinking and a bit of red wine I suggested I take the waters at EXA Chapelle and what happened you as wife of the first console I haven’t found the time I spend many hours cleaning up after you yep imagine doing this as Queen queening up after me I don’t need to explain to you the importance of this do I what you want an a I want one now my God show me how the piggies

eat at least he’s so playful with her oh my God it is the one way in which she seems to play Napoleon not have children maybe not he didn’t have a nappo baby Vanessa Kirby man she’s got that Elegance yeah oh he was allowed to attend this damn dude president poing didn’t do anything about him may God affirm you on his throne and Christ give you to rule with him in his ATT Kingdom this guy knows a lot about Christ the King I can do whatever I want and with his Caesar Halo I found the

crown of France in the gutter I picked it up with the tip of my sword and cleaned it and placed it at top my own head King wears a King hat and sits on a king chair not a thick ass Crown damn yeah how do you how how do you be stacking these crowns with these Tiaras and the most AUST Napoleon is crown and inro long live the emperor live the emperor Hallelujah we are about like a little over an hour in and I am wondering what the overall cohesive narrative is ultimately going to amount

to though yeah I kind of just feel like I’ve been watching like some interesting highlights over so far an interesting character study highlight re showcasing how petulance and idiocy could just get you all the way to the top yeah I’m like is this going to be a rise and fall kind of movie or something or is this going to take us to the Pinnacle just to drive the point home but I’m half worried we’re just watching like a sequence of events happening yeah without any real sort of strong narrative yeah structural end point yeah you

suggest divorce after years of debate you can see that it has me divided I not ambitious I’ve never declared war with anyone you are the greatest leader in the history of the world and the world’s only chance at peace this guy’s this guy’s so smart he knows he has to like tout his ego yeah he needs to gas him up security of the Empire and peace in the world depends upon an hand even if he doesn’t believe it he’s just trying to control the situation he could just have an affair with another woman can’t he

probably child count I mean I’m sure he could fudge all the you know rules and or what information gets out and make it work yeah change the law that only can be heirs I’m going to war to defend our people and my wife cannot provide me an air wow what a thing to bring up in front of everyone if you do not bear me a child tonight there will be a divorce damn Jesus this is a private conversation hasn’t been enough love making in this home to Bear a child ow there have been years of

it years smash every all every day and with more than just me wow this is really uncomfortable you’re empty you’re fat I enjoy my meals dad bud get it are you warmed up man this guy’s just like Elvis Presley from the Priscilla movie yeah it’s my favorite Elvis I love your talent and your taste and while I’m away I will miss your grace and your dignity how many poems you read to inspire that line look I’m always here for you Francis but I must admit I’m overwhelmed with the excitement of the battlefield I should not

deceive you Alexander this battle against him will be brutal and terrifying oh but it will be great for the camera it’ll be righteous that’ll be what we showed up for aets I don’t know anything about him p in but this movie portrays him in kind of a f in a really fascinating light he a Manchild that when it came down to it he knew how to get the job done seemed like he always lived up to the word yeah he knew his fascism boy on this day we celebrate the first anniversary of our coronation my

previous Ally has now joined with my enemy damn our Alexander joined forces with the prince of Austria yes I have heard that he’s been studying The Art of War sunu sunu yeah he tries to copy me a little boy who will make a terrible mistake I’m going to do the opposite of everything I am certain I will bring the Laurels of another glorious Victory to my Army today Napoleon back watch so many different locations we’ve been going to this isn’t going to be great for y’all seems like whenever they have to go to war with

England they have to always take down the Allies first everything’s different when you’re going to fight Russia interesting I wonder what that code is that means we’re ready to attack Your Majesty we are discovered never mind discovered tell the men to rest gives me an excuse so keep my eyes closed yeah doing my meditations i n f infantry i m t INF FJ IM man the horrors of that where you have to just just rise to the occasion of War just relaxing one minute well and and to be far enough back in time that it’s

like hey the the opposing enemies coming how far away are they all right keep resting though we we need you at your best like it must not feel real until it actually is happening yeah so you can see the whites of their eyes or just the ranks of their formation this this is pretty formidable opening fight a gladiator was in the snow let them think they have the higher ground they got all this fog to work in their advantage it’s poor horses man it’s made a lot of dead horses this was a terrible time to

be a horse wowe attack these hay bales oh jeez there’s that Zoom send in the Infantry take their position on the higher ground have the double uh way to cook let’s cook let’s cook yes yeah Circle them in this are beautiful visual effects the scope and scale is truly captured wow like it feels real yeah from the West here’s their place with them Flags out now go after them yeah run away wow staging of these sequences no I like these little nuggets of real life yeah I figured there you go use that ice so at

ease wow what a shot wowe yeah oh y’ done for the action is the best thing about the movie yeah it is gripping oh I love that blood smeared in the ice water blood in the water a poor horse a that’s sad oh boy oh boy s like some Mel Gibson War violence here yeah can you imagine Mel Gibson is Napoleon wow what a sequence holy that is maximizing your artillery it’s a Slaughter I mean every time and place to fight is is horrific but like you you watch this era and you’re just like oh

what misery this must have been like oh man you’re just like drinking in the blood at that point yeah at everybody on the surface just getting mangled off the ice withraw but everyone’s got such cool helmets cut off their Retreat make an example out of them wow dude wow I can’t tell what’s CGI and what’s not other than like some of the cannonballs but this all looks real like the explosions Jesus oh my God cut off their Retreat don’t even let them surrender it’s a little literal Slaughter Francis so nice to finally meet you so

nice to finally meet you H where am I ask is Alexander are we waiting for his arrival before we get started he will be joining us he’s beside himself with rage he says I realize I must compliment you for making me commit an enormous error an error huh what error have you made to be speaking with you here and accepting this invitation for peace I have not followed up my victory no I could have taken the whole Russian and Austrian Army prisoners yes toast it’s so weird because there anything but intimidated yeah but this is

yeah it’s like it’s the luck of living in a time and place where it’s so easy to craft and manipulate like it’s they capture it in a way like this is just what he does yeah you know like I don’t really feel like we’re really more into the mindset of Napoleon or why Napoleon is the way he is or how he became to be this genius in the battlefield like all these things that like this movie kind of keeps you at a distance on the biopic side of it and it just portrays it like this

is just something he does his job yeah totally it just illustrates like you know in this time and place the the minations exist to where a guy like this can just Waltz his way to the top he just seems like so effortless at it at at this like RIS at the when it comes to the battlefield stuff like we don’t really see the struggle or anything we will conduct a very practical experiment oh my thank you mother waiting for you undressed ready to for see his 18-year-old Elanor denel de plena oh you can just impregnant

her there you go she’s brunette with brown eyes and the object of this hardly unpleasant task is to see if you can father a child are you going to have an equal test for Josephine is it Josephine or is it her we will have an answer to this ni agging question of who is keeping who from an heir to the throne of France who is keeping you from your Napo baby it’s not the same that’s a supportive mom yeah it’s the mom who’s going to have your back mhm frankly I don’t feel like Mrs Humphrey

would do the same you know you’d be surprised I would be surprised when you are one of my subjects you will regret making that remark a buddy oh mood lighting so he can imagine her you think so I think he really just is like head over heels for Josephine and so you made her pregnant damn just like that do even care they do like cut through time in a way it’s like this is so weird to me yeah sometimes they give you like a subtitle to tell you what you’re just like we’re yeah like if

you didn’t without that line of dialogue I would just assume that he came right back out to the party if I succeed in making the birth of a boy that I shall call my own son I want you as a witness to pretend the confinement of the empress youranus you are asking me to lie about the status of the mother of your Heir yes yeah dude no one’s going to find out I cannot contain that which I know to be the truth and painful though it is the truth is that the the empress is no

longer capable of bearing you a child ouch how did that happen wow just married the 18-year-old yeah Chuck the old one out into the snow my good Josephine you know how I’ve loved you it is you to you alone that I owe the few moments of happiness I have known in this world my destiny is more powerful than my will wow my affections must yield to the interests of my people the Imperial decree the dissolution of the marriage between the Emperor Napoleon and the empress Joseph wow that is a horrible cuz she could not bear

a child my people desire that this Throne where Providence has placed me would be given to my children however I have lost hope of having children from my marriage oh my god oh this is so mean I’ve then been led to listen only to the good of the state and to want the dissolution years of my life this is my burden you heard have embellished my life for 15 years the memories of which will remain forever etched in my heart sure our marriage has become an obstacle for the prosperity of France she has been deprived

of one day being governed by the descendants of a man brought To Us by Providence to menend the evils of a terrible Revolution oh Jesus and restore Faith the throne and the social order oh my God you’re ruining our God where we started versus where we are now this is this is for your country that’s what this is right whoa this is so humiliating yeah our marriage has become an obstacle for the prosperity of France agreeing to the disolution of our marriage as I must does not change my feelings slap will damn I love the

stifling laughter from her the emperor will have in me always his his truest friend oh I could still keep her around in some way as my affection slave this guy has no idea how to process emotions you have just pronounced the word which separates us forever your mistaken ambition has ever been and will continue to be the guide of all your actions he could have had true love you can never doubt the sincerity of my wishes for your happiness really yours thank you Josephine dude you get to go back back to you know your pick

of the litter you’re good unless I’m missing a horrible history fact yeah she’s going to get assassinated right here Cannonball just rips through blows her head off I thought she had children yeah maybe I don’t know maybe he cast them out into the street is he visiting her right away yep jeez I miss you it’s been four years has it what what movie my child is about to ascend the throne youve shown such great curse so far so brave you are in being without me do not permit yourself to fall into Melancholy I feel like

we’ll get like a scene with like a great like oh here we go good ending and then then we do like this jump like oh we could have like and then there will be another SLE with the drama yeah will you write me tomorrow mhm and the next day the day after that like as an edit it’s trimmed it’s paced well for an edit uh at the same time you could tell that like shit’s been totally cut out yes oh sure yeah yeah like they make it it’s paced well like the pace is consistent um

but it is there is stuff like like he said you French you fight only for money while we English we fight for Honor oh here we go I replied everyone fights for what they lack this is not your story this never happened to you did it that was a sick burn we have the same saying with my people in the turke oh no would be my absolute pleasure and honor if I could call you my brother is he does he have like a Russian accent there is a way for you to call me brother last

night my dinner I was Charmed by your sister oh wow she’s to be married to the Duke of oldenberg I’m afraid well intervine Napoleon yeah is there a formal offer for Anna she is 10 well you see and Anna she’s 15 years old that is a detail he is Elvis Presley yes yes all great men are our friendship is built on our mutual distrust of when we hold to the Continental blockade we choke them from the trade and we fight for our most sacred rights that is what is important between us I’ve just had a

thought write this down imagine an army marching about way of Constantinople into Asia would have only to reach the Euphrates to make England tremble and bring her down on her knees before the continent dope did you have a pleasant journey it was wonderful thank you do you need a bigger hat she seems a amored by him you’re quite PE I’m not accustomed to that CU Napoleon short how do I look to you do I resemble my portrait yes even more handsome and strong oh oh my would you like to see the bedroom yes would I

oh my God she seems way more into him come my child bride the child your majesty your son which one put him there what’s going on outside oh no that robe though come meet my baby why are you doing this dude oh because does she still owes him a baby for love man that is so mean a can you raise this for me I want a different one make this a king yeah I want a different one you could have this one you will understand what I have sacrificed for you when you watch a Ridley

Scott movie yes my dear Josephine I’m sad today still rites to her SAR Alexander has turned against me and forced me to invade Russia he’s decided to open his ports to England wow I must wipe away my Melancholy and begin the march to Moscow just the types we and so I command the combined forces of France Austria Italy Germany and Poland sometimes they just feel like they don’t let enough things sit yeah we got a director’s cut to maintain that was I was like oh man we’re getting somewhere like every time it has me it’s

like just and is this to a part of the war 182 the war stuff are so visually interesting but in terms of emotional heft to add to the story it’s just kind of just turn it doesn’t really thrust anything it’s just like oh here we are it’s not the exact right word but it is like the more repetitive element because once you’re back out in battle you’re just watching a battle it’s definitely like engaging when it’s happening but it doesn’t really add to the doesn’t feel like it’s developing the story uh yeah the emotional experience

in the chair oh wow ruthless oh he’s got a a little bit of horse riding form on him oh my God that excellent profile shot this is epic whoa 28,000 they lose that battle my dear Josephine I’m writing to you because I’ve just won a great battle today they won okay did they dude this dude’s always coming out on top Moscow is now only 200 miles away and I think of you all the WoW all yours I think he’s just telling himself so yeah they they’re not winning right now oh he lost okay but he

needs this to yeah he needs to convince himself by telling her the grave of at least he still survived run in battle like that and walking out of life yeah where are you oh boy where are you 300,000 Souls live in the city and they’ve all just left where is everybody boy let’s get some John Woo action in here they all just Retreat from him I think this is a trap they is this her way of surrendering it’s not very sporting is it for his honor in Russia is not mine yeah I suppose so Birds

all over this throne uhoh wow God damn rather just burn it all to the ground that a hell of a shot though wowe who did this they did they’d rather not no they did not be sensible no they would do it they are spting you sir your majesty they did God he’d rather burn his own city than negotiate with me I didn’t think he had the courage called this courage yep we’ll get to St Petersburg and have him burned that too you’re just going to walk into town yep we have let too much time step

away we would be marching into the Russian winter good if we go back to Poland we can wait out the winter month yeah they’re counting on this remember that I alone know your health your fears I thank you as tenderly as is I Will Always Love You Josephine my friend Josephine it’s like he’s winning but not really it is strange to write that word to you you have always been so much more you’ve always been my ba we are winning it’s one way put Fortune has abandoned me I know that it is what Fate has

for me your words rattle in my head I am nothing without you does he have any relationship with his current wife not that we got to see it’s in that 4our cut of the 600,000 men you sent to Russia only 40,000 have returned therefore you have been Exile oh damn jeez that’s 560,000 deaths the Allied Coalition of Austria Prussia Russia and England and with the agreement of the French Council Grant you sovereignty of the island of Elba Elba dude it’s your Birthright a revenue of 2 million Franks from the French f fund pensions for the

bonapart family and the empress Mar Louise what a severance package that is yeah it also provides for Empress Josephine to retain all of her properties an a lotted annual income of 1 million Franks what a severance package Jesus but it was never really about the money was it no no he did it for passion all I’ve desired was its glory and would never bring our Misfortune oh you already did they want me to abdicate fine I’ll abdicate wow wow and I I wonder that must be real it’s the other thing too is he’s talked so

much across this movie about his people and his love for the people and the people’s love for him and we almost never see just the regular people of friends oh yeah know yourness and oh my God I would load if she gets pregnant with his kid you do not have to lock yourself away just because he’s not here I know what it is like to be underestimated and your spirit it isn’t there it is yours and you can use it empowering ass right there oh no he’s still in his uniform nah he’s pathetic dear Josephine

you are mine you will always be I cannot stand it any longer longer it has been 300 days on this rock and I’m ready to come home and reclaim what’s mine Jesus you and France dear Josephine you still ain’t called a root I hope you had a chance it’s been 300 days in the last two minutes John yep yes it has he Ain lying this this could have been a mini series freaking like his History Channel highlights oh now bring me my water slide open your mouth please why is she poisoned or pregnant she must

got uh what was the ashes ashes We All Fall Down oh she’s got the plague my suggestion is to stay in bed she’s got some disease the flu thingy she get tuberculosis tuberculosis that’s and is it illegal for Napoleon to step foot here sure I would imagine unless we missed something but he was exiled he seems like he’s just yeah de gaffing and coming back a ship landed on the beach in on this morning and they are on the March Napoleon bonapart is marching towards Paris who’s with him a delightful Fanfare this is all for

Napoleon General Marshall in defense of the Royal government of King Louis VI 18th request that you surrender your weapons and cease your March so that you may be arrested and return to your Island will you please inform the general that I should like to come and speak with him I have no fight with my own Fifth Army still done a lot for them yeah you know I mean that’s why they’re giving him the severance he wishes to speak nah ready yeah yeah we done talking bro and that’s how Napoleon died soldiers of the fifth regiment

do you recognize me I am your daddy do you recognize me soldiers yes Emperor oh dude he got one loyalist I miss you I’m Melancholy for my home bored as hell and for our victories together yeah he did give us victories I want to come home will you join me the hell just happened says like four sentences oh my God uh this is going be real bad news but damn that influence he held wow sure some variation of this happened but yeah damn all I guess King Louis the 18th I really earned their respect he

led them to a lot of Victories and he was always out there in the field yeah he wasn’t just chilling at home bonded to these guys make France great again on May 6 Dr Cove as I was called and found her chest congested her throat inflamed her illness was dip theia diptheria ah what was that on May 29th last Sacrament was given and she died oh I didn’t even get to see her and no one thought to notify me it would it was illegal at the time sir do you you blame me he just always

makes it a about of himself yeah of course you don’t not to Bear the burden of responsibility this narcissist this Nar I want the letters that I wrote to her I’m sorry I don’t have them they were stolen by her valy wow where did she keep them yeah same tissue in the cupet in her Petro next to her bed next to her heart I’m sorry I forgive you I forgive you do you blame me of course not I forgive you he knows his place in the world Jes this Congregation of allies shall form along the

borders of France and Belgium an army the muscles from Brussels 120,000 troops from Prussia This Vermin has routed the farmyards of Europe are the farmers snort ouch we should have struck this blow long ago no where’s your loyalty lie man I believe I speak for all of us when I say that the only regret we all share is that we allowed This Vermin to live at all wowe I wish we got to see more of that stuff you were talking about 125,000 men and 100,000 men against our 125,000 men this is a fight on land

so we could take them Britain does not know how to do that I know strike quickly against Wellington defeat them separately disallow them from uniting forces here waterloop home of the excellent water slide es morning so he just like assumed command yeah enough people faithful to him they were able to just didn’t have to go any work arounds with the whole I mean they are the the enforcers so if enough people are just like we follow this guy what you go to war yeah I mean water I I believe water L is not going to

end well but but also why would you ruin that John I don’t know this is my guess I’m just judging by where we are in the movie this is all like we’re in into history I didn’t even know about like I didn’t know he came back from Exile and like got his troops back and tell him make the rain stop right yes sir right we we’ll get right on that now listen very carefully patience we must hold this ground let him come to us oh boy get a little nap in now there he is he

appears to be just sleeping appearances can’t be receiving I have the emperor in my sight do I have permission to fire certainly not General’s commanding armies have better things to do with their time to shoot at one another hold your fire Rifleman on pain of death wow at 11 to 12 miles I want to report every hour yes pler p on the road 12 miles come on Napoleon Prussian troops have been sighted in the road ready the cannons the looks the rain is stopped sir you boys did good stop the rain God is on our

side patience patience with Pati everyone be patient so eye the ball and get out of the way that one drummer just got dusted infantry this seems like a terrible idea yeah that patience going to come in handy now oh not the Cannons I cannot imagine being on a battle field like this a wow willhelm scream oh the amount of dudes exploding in this movie isn’t high but it it’s high enough to catch me by surprise every time no he’s losing his confidence man the Duke of Wellington prepare to receive Cavalry prepare to receive hold our

Stand Fast to the last man we must not be beat absolutely holy oh boy oh oh my God whoa what do you call this formation say it in the name of the emperor this is terrible plan Jesus oh my god get back in the yeah just doesn’t have the same old ring as it used to go die Napoleon go die n he can’t die until they play the ABBA song wow man that’s a hell of a formation they got wow man what choreographer you got for the horses and everything to keep this all in formation

it’s impressive wow wa how did they get that shot it better be an SPCA certification on this he looks so tired you are the brave of as Never Surrender for homand and Glory he’s going to die wow dude wow it is exhausting being a Sher left’s hand everyone just gets like a great shot everyone who get shot just falls down forward you know they’re not like ah yeah dead there’s instant death everyone maybe that helps though maybe no matter how bad your adre is maybe you just lay down and hope that you know I would

just fall on once I fire just fall as lay still as you can until this is all over and then crawl away God what a mess what a mess Cavalry Advance sir Cavalry Advance they really do capture the the epicness in these War scenes a lot yeah I just like the high body count the tangibility how close and personal it all is such a there’s such a roar to it nice little jab with the stab yeah actual body count he can’t help himself yeah know he’s going to die right now thank God sure God’s not

here man he’s busy come to our Marshal of friend yeah they all are just r to die whoa whoa dude cut him off at the retreat don’t let him Retreat yeah oh damn wow Plymouth the first battle we’ve seen him lose I guess yes or like truly outright lose yeah it is geometry I simply know precisely where to place a cannon but tragically I cannot transfer this knowledge to my Marshals what is most difficult in life Fair accepting the failures of others yep must not do that yep man did not grow at all what are

they doing there it’s the M shipment they adore him get him out your grace morning General his boys are delightful and this breakfast now I know why you have such a successful Navy unit runs on its stomach I’ve never visited the English Countryside imagine I love the kwals and my dear sir it is only by a narrow margin of opinion that you have been spared the fate of being shot I’m afraid it’s impossible for the British government to allow you to stay in England is she just like vacationing right now yep you permitted three officers

and 12 servants to accompany you into exile Exile will be contained to the island of St Helen oh my God under the watchful eye of Governor Hudson L and his family would it be better in My Last Exile it’s a small island more of a rock really a thousand miles from the mainland of Africa W it’s even worse don’t have time to reflect sure that your presence verify twice daily by the orderly officer you will have an anklet on your ankle seems like his greatest losses started coming in the form of when he lost Josephine

yeah behind every Great Dictator it’s a great woman I hate to see you alone my sweet stubborn Emperor I let you loose and let you come to ruin next time I will be Emperor and you will do as I say yes mommy could be worse yeah you are right every night I beg to see you in my dreams and when I do you turn me away flies and the wine can I tell you what I have waiting for you it is a secret and I will show you when you arrive come to me Napoleon that’s

just water let’s try this again go die get that poison going look at this Godfather three shot right here died on the 5th of May 1821 after 6 years of Exile 61 battles oh my God oh my God one day excellent where’s the French who that uh I guess just the French alone how many other casualties oh boy I’m assuming it was a French who died in that list because it said in um one of them that 460,000 died and he said that they returned to troops with only 40,000 so after sting in 500,000 so

500,000 minus 40,000 400 60,000 okay before he got exiled it said 500,000 troops were sent and only 40,000 returned was it 500,000 that time I I’ll Trust I’ll I’ll Trust your recollection very specific number damn that’s wild I mean yeah like either way whether it’s combined or if it’s just French it’s still like insane and I mean that 460,000 was like what their combined resources across their allies right is there a post credit scene all right reject Nation so today I want to share something with you that has been a wonderful addition to my health

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on that Apple music or Spotify wherever you might be listening to this and uh we’re going to hop into our thoughts on the movie unless we have anything else to do first unless there’s anything that we ought to dictate to people yeah no okay well damn uh this has been an interesting year for movies like this this this is uh you know a big sweeping epic of sorts but it’s also got a very sort of ironic quality at the center of it and having seen funny killers of the flower moon is here on screen they

want us to watch it after the Hunger Games and after the brick layer in that order um but that movie kind of makes for an interesting compliment to me because these are two of the most striking and and you know talked about movies of the Year from two veteran filmmakers that both showcase like what can happen when just like horribleness and and conniving is left to kind of its own devices and and when you’re in a time where like information is restricted so you have you know both the immense possibility of what you know minations

can do and also just like idiocy and and pettiness can do and whereas Killers is a very austere very straight movie I felt like this endeavored to explore similar territory obviously with a different historical context uh but but with a much more deeply ingrained sense of yeah irony humor Etc uh but yeah what what you think sir um my nice side is just wanting to say mixed bag sure cuz I can easily pinpoint what I liked about it yes see it’s easy for me to like isolate what I really like about it it’s very easy

overall I’m not sure I like this movie sure to be to sure sure uh overall I’m not sure I like this movie uh I think it it it kind of it just felt way edited down and the I I don’t really find the story itself that enriching of a story it’s more like I watched a bunch of things happen even Napoleon himself doesn’t really have uh things happen for and to Napoleon but him as a character doesn’t really have a real descent as a as a person or an arc in any real way like he

kind of just starts off this way and he’s a little bit more that guy by the end of it yeah it’s not exactly much of a uh in terms of a narrative I think it’s it’s kind of weak and and and then like we like we’re saying throughout the whole reaction that it just kept feeling really paired down like with the way they would handle time jumps and time spans and then you would have scenes that were like oh this is kind of like uh emotionally dramatically I’m I’m into it and then we’re just sometime

sometimes we’ll do a time Jump without foring you we’ve done a Time jump or they they do a time Jump and they inform you and then it would ultimately lead to like battle scenes that were really grandiose uh epic and on scale and shot with such visceral nature that I haven’t seen in any of the 2023 movies to this degree especially in a practicality scale where it would blend CGI in ways that at times other than like Cannon and maybe some fire that I couldn’t really tell but like this like those battle sequence were just

beyond epic U at the same time when I would step back I would go but I I have like no emotional investment in in this fight I don’t know the soldiers all the stuff about what Napoleon cares about outside of Josephine I don’t really know uh this this rency for France I don’t understand then he there’s a lot of things that are been like dictated to me and told to me but again it was kind of like watching a a a history book it was with questioning constantly what is real what what is accurate and

what is not accurate uh because and the reason why I would do that is because I wasn’t lost enough in the narrative to not give a about that sure I was so aware of uh a lot of the shortcomings that this movie was doing and like the first hour I would be like I know I’m enjoying this there’s there’s a bit of a farsal element as we were pointing out and this humorous Touch where they would use music to that would be in in a fun jued position where it was like this classical Elegance while

like atrocities are taking place and it would magnify uh some of the goofiness and silliness and how these people were kind of a joke it magnifies the yeah the the weird artifice of high society in a time especially such as this where it’s like conflict is so tangible but it lost that sure that humor it lost it lost all that for me uh in the last like hour and a half of this film or something some some part of that runtime the one of the things that was really clicking for me and then it just

starts becoming like we got to just clip through this and clip through this and clip through this and out of two and a half hours I didn’t really feel anything when I was watching it I I was I was watching certain times I would I would admire something I’m watching or i’ be like oo that’s I might react to like a violent scene um or I might oh he was kind of an here uh but I I think like the storytelling itself is is one of the things that I can have an issue with rly

Scott movies nowadays like sometimes he comes out with a banger um and then other times it comes out with stuff that just kind of feels like it’s pretty it’s great to look at Great cast um but in terms of like your overall story there’s not much of an impact and I think the impact maybe there’s historians who watch this and are like oh but seeing this BR maybe that like tickles your fancy in some way but from just a movie goinging experience I think it’s kind of empty and that’s my biggest issue with it is

that uh I I didn’t latch on to anything and it was never even cold in a way that was um appealing like I like a cold harsh movie I like I like watching the bad guy be the main character I I love all those kinds of film FMS you know but there’s a a a there’s still a voice and a and a pull from the heart that it has to have and and and I felt like this was I just think it was edited down and sure yeah and I imagine there’s an exceptional is there

you kept saying this thing about a longer Cut Is there is there a thing about a longer cut yeah yeah there’s going to be like a 4H hour version of this movie yeah that like shows yeah but unlike Rebel Moon where I’m like really like I’m not really sure I want to see a longer cut I’d be curious to see a longer cut of this one I would I would be I’ll watch the rebel Moon cut but I well in the rebel moon it’s obvious it’s appears obvious as to what might get put back in

whereas this you’re sort of like other than fleshing out certain beats of history that maybe fly by you know there’s a it seems like there’s a broader array of things that that extra time could a lot for you know rather than clearly there were PL elements removed you know yeah I think this lacked strong characterization and and and I keep going back to the word narrative it’s just at the end of the day you have to tell a story and and so even if it’s a slice of life or something you have to tell the

story there’s got to be some kind of narrative here and it I guess we technically watch the rise and fall of Napoleon but the way they would handle the the time when you would jump around time and then what you chose to focus on in those times and you see what they have at their hands at disposal when it comes to a budget that like oh yeah you could easily probably have like other scenes on The Cutting Room floor that really got you hooked into stuff whether it be from just a the Mind intellectually is

more interested or the heart is more invested and to me this movie kind of didn’t either after like two and a half hours I was just watching stuff happen with occasionally being amused by walking Phoenix’s performance and and admiring Vanessa Kirby’s work but out of a big cast I mean like I can’t really name anyone else other than them but there’s a lot of people here like no one really stands out as a performer sure walking Phoenix kind of felt like again because of the the story they presented it’s it it it’s not really I

don’t feel like I got to know Napoleon really yeah I got to know some things about Napoleon sure some stuff that maybe people like rumored about what he was like as a person I can tell how this movie feels about Napoleon but I never got into the mind of Napoleon I never got into why Napoleon really is the way he is it’s just things that were alluded to it it never felt like it got confident enough to embrace a a voice or his perspective you know like it that’s where I felt like it was at

odds were like I could feel I could feel the Judgment of Ridley Scott of the story here but in never quite took the perspective of Napoleon when that’s what the movie’s doing is telling it from the perspective of Napoleon while occasionally cutting to someone else um yeah it doesn’t really extrapolate on his perspect it’s like you understand his perspective and since it’s being told largely from his diluted point of view it’s like you know yeah there’s there I I can see the value in doing that and I can see why you would want to pitch

it that way for a movie like like this but I do think that other elements would have to kind of change a bit to really complement that or to make it feel like it isn’t just you know two and a half hours of watching like a terrible narcissist never learn and just you know parade around the world being petulant and and and yeah like it it is it is an interesting it’s one of these movies and and I’m not going to I’m trying not to harp on it too much but there are elements of this

experience that do kind of remind me of the debate that I’ve heard and and been somewhat a part of when it came to killers of the flower mov it’s like both of these movies have this quality where like when you get what the movie’s doing you get what the movie’s doing and and and this movie especially doesn’t really deviate a whole lot from the thing that it’s doing which is to present Napoleon this guy who has this status in history who clearly was able to do uh great and devastating things in equal often simultaneous measure

um and there’s something obviously interesting about that in Jos to our current Society we have many a Napoleon figure at large in politics and otherwise here today you know obviously you can draw your through line to Trump if you want to with the movie like this but it is that thing of like okay so I can imagine that really working for somebody for Two Plus hours and certainly I feel like this movie like it this is a potentially like a hole is not as great as the sum of the parts cuz all the parts are

pretty great it’s like all the performances really committed all of the designs the way that it lives in this time in place to really sell the tangibility and the harshness and the contrast between high society and all the ceremonial stuff that people like to stand on especially in this moment in time and they even highlight it on occasion you know polite society and the the you know extreme depravity that can be you know propped up on top of that or you know any number of other atrocious human elements but yeah it’s like the movie doesn’t

position itself to extrapolate on why Napoleon is as as you mentioned or to it’s weird it’s like you don’t have to show him sympathetically and it would be a different kind of movie if you did Endeavor to show things that explain why he is how he is um but yeah it’s like as it exists here and now I can easily see a lot of viewers getting to the end and being like okay that was a lot of miserable and a lot of ironic but yeah what is this amounting to beyond all of that plus you

know a a quick Sprint through history that I imagine will probably Pace a little differently and perhaps a little more Brea thebly for people who know the history well um but yes for for the rest of us who are either Rusty or or ignorant toward a lot of the greater details it does feel like whoa okay wait hold on we’re hopping through time and even the way they leave the some of the titles on the screen that are explaining things to you are like pretty quick and moving along and uh yeah yeah it is one

where it’s like there’s so much to appreciate but what it’s giving you you know if you especially if you see it from early on and that’s not enough for you I feel like this would be a very long experience for a lot of people no I I think I was just watching facts or depictions of things uh the entire time you know if you if you look at a movie like I don’t know uh There Will Be Blood uh for example right um that movie is a really harsh cold mean movie about one guy who

starts off greedy and he’s even greedier by the end and but he’s left lonely and miserable and he’s getting worse and you’re watching this guy like deteriorate into a monster you know like it’s hopelessness for that man by the end and what he’s lost himself to in the pursuit of more and he’s he’s completely lonely and and here I use that as a comparison because there’s at least like a mood about that there’s a there’s at least like a terror about that and you’re you’re watching the effect it has on other people like really living

in that watching how other people get lost in the vortex of this man and here I I feel like they they say things like like the one guy when he’s like his egotism and uh the way he rules is like the the Paul the dark Paul that he cast over I’m like all this like I don’t really feel like I saw any of that I don’t really feel like I got any of that of what it was what he was like really what he was like as a general other than you watch the battle happen

you don’t really see him his mindset as a general um you don’t really see what he’s like as a ruler as an emperor you don’t really see all these things that there saying that he does that are terrible cuz I’m like from what you’ve shown me I I would be like other than him conquering I I’m not really getting any additional context to understand what he’s done that’s made him so such a polarizing figure what’s made him so terrible other than he he left people down I’m not really being fed that you know and I’m

not seeing why again everything comes back to why right you you got to you got to show not tell and this movie relied a lot on occasionally dro some nuggets of information to make you go here’s why when you you have to let the audience marinate in some like um whatever it may be atrocities or the love that you see that he has and I think the time where they gave the most delicacy was the thing they were like placing all their eggs in one basket for was this tragic romance with uh this Josephine woman

uh which yeah was probably the most interesting part to me and the movie treats It Like It’s the Most most interesting part about his character and I I think they lose sight of that like it’s it’s kind of it’s a to me it’s a disjointed experience it’s it lacks focus and it doesn’t really know where it wants to place it’s hard and focus at you can’t just cut to a cool battle scene like you can’t you can’t just tell me like updates on what’s going on you know that’s what this movie does it’s just like

an update update the experience update the timeline uh here’s what’s happening and then and then narrative becomes confusing on Dynamics and relationships and stuff I I I like what happened with his brother you know there was a whole thing with his brother like what his brother yeah totally um that’s something I’m just remembering right now it and and it’s a big yeah I’m not I don’t think I like the movie I really don’t it’s how it it it plays the concoction of all these elements because on the one hand I can see the there there’s

a lot of the beginnings of a thread it’s like I get the use of the battles as they juxtapose against the other scenes because it’s all this again when you’re just alone in some big ornate room and it’s people talking you know you’re able to really see the disconnect between again how especially harsh and nasty War at this point in time is uh and how you know you’re so far removed when you’re you know back home or in some great Mansion plotting all this stuff and yeah it’s like you this that people are behind him

and his TR like part of the reason the moment with the troops in the wood toward the end right before waterl kind of worked for me is because I couldn’t tell really what to expect and I was like oh no he’s not going to win them back is he but I didn’t have really reason to go like I know that these dudes are super dedicated to him it was so like that moment worked because of of that but at the same time I feel like the rest of the movie kind of suffers because of that

because yeah it’s like you said we don’t really get to see the soldiers even through his you can still do that through his perspective but see him being you know of those people and you know rallying them to a point where you’re like well I see how dedicated these people are or uh inversely like throughout the movie he may he makes mention to like the people for I’m doing this for the people of France I the people they love me they look to me and we almost never see the people which again is I think

somewhat intentional and somewhat of a fair choice because it’s illustrating how removed especially in a time and place like this where you’re confined to just letters and what you can see and what trusted people relay to you like I get again the purpose but as it’s all executed here into this Melting Pot it does feel kind of impersonal and a little disconnected at times and then you have the romance element which again kind of reminded me of a killers of the flower Moon thing where you’re watching this clearly toxic bad situation go down but at

the core of it you’re like but maybe in some weird Twisted way they do love each other although here while I did appreciate those scenes and the Performing of them I didn’t think it was as strong or interesting as say it was in Killers because here a lot of those scenes are like kind of the same scene just in different years and after different battles and I didn’t really I started to lose the plot in terms of like I get what his feelings are about her I can’t tell what her actual feelings are and like

she’ll write these letters and part of my brain is going okay I think there’s got to be a lot of ironic double speak in here but she’s still writing him and you know they still maintain this contact and even after all this and she’s like laughing at him during the divorce proceedings I I guess she loved him somehow but also I kind of don’t buy it and and and yeah you’re left with the muck of certain of these choices where you’re sort of like I don’t really know what what the choice fully was well I

I don’t under I don’t think they what could have helped is if they if it seemed like within the page time that our characters were aging at all that too and they they don’t they don’t I don’t feel like any time passes for our performers like walking Phoenix and Vanessa Kirby like they just look the same yeah their hair changes but then you’re but but we also live in a time where everyone’s got like 20 wigs so like yeah you get to the end and I was starting to go okay like he I guess in

the right light he kind of looks like older and more pale but I feel like that’s just kind of more got to do with like the performance and the fact that he’s like kind of slowly giving up here at the end you know rather than it’s actually being like a choice within you know yeah that aspect of the the craft the whole thing with like being exiled and stuff like that first year he the movie glosses over that when he’s first exiled he’s he’s exiled in this film’s runtime for like 5 minutes and I didn’t

know as a part of History I need to come back like I’m like what in my time of experience I’m not saying I need like an hour I’m saying that I you this movie Just glosses over it and he’s like I’m tired I’m like well I in my time I I feel like you just got here you know and it’s funny but I feel like they could have still maintained that the humorousness of that while also yeah at least committing to it a little more for so then a viewer like me can be surprised when

it’s like oh I didn’t realize he was exiled once came out of Exile tried to you know do one more coup and then failed and then got super exiled like I didn’t realize the whole water loop context that way so yeah yeah I don’t know you’re right it’s like everything even though this is a movie that again uh looks like a classical painting and I like the contrast of how it doesn’t behave that way but but yeah like there’s a Grace uh of pace that I don’t think they quite nailed and I wonder how I

would feel if I didn’t know that this is supposed to be longer and certainly again like a rebel Moon you can tell without having to be told that whereas this you know I might not have known as well had I not been aware of that but also I mean you know you could have easily miniseries did this yeah I don’t think this should be a like a story with this much time span like I don’t know how you could tell this even in 4 hours I that’s that that honestly feels like it’d be better still

feels like might miss the mark with the amount they want to tell it still feels a little too I don’t feels like a lot for what this is trying to do yeah you’re trying to span a lot uh uh like a little too much I think in when with the amount you’re trying to incorporate because again even a movie like There Will Be Blood you don’t really know why he is the way he is but they they give you other things to really feed off of and sink your teeth into and you spend enough time

with other characters to get some of that development yeah whereas here you know uh I don’t need to know exactly why he loves France but to for it to really drive like a wedge between the marriage so much and then for his desire for more like I need some conflict that truly arises from that you know I need something more some kind of personal Hollywood it up a little bit would you something it’s moving quick enough that it just feels like well this is just how he thinks so naturally he just need to ascend to

the highest level of rule because this feels this still feels like a movie you know this still feels like a Hollywood film it doesn’t feel like oh I’m stepping into a moment in time and that’s okay I’m totally okay with it feeling like a film uh but if you’re going to do that then Hollywood say Hollywood it up then create some drama create some real conflict here do something to to give it that extra that that little Sizzle so that way that that way we’re were on board for some of the more dramatic Journeys and

stuff like that or or have something to care about but I didn’t care about anything that was happening man I I did not care like it is one of those Cinema films where you go through the first hour and you’re like some pretty cool some good craft on display and then you get past a point and you’re like that Goodwill’s worn up but this is moving the at the same this is moving with the same sensibility and it isn’t showing any sign of yeah of you know picking up a thing or descending into it thing

it it seems like and especially with a a character you know will have a significant fall even if you don’t have the details it it does start to feel like you’re just going to kind of see a collection of events until it’s done rather than feeling like you’re going on a journey that has a momentum of a story like this needs a Martin scares he Touch of of of a rise and fall of a of a of an individual where you see like the glory that he got to experience of why he’d want that back

yeah when he’s like talking with the children who admire him like I got no sense of this world that has been developed here that these that that there would be children who would want to like hear from him I got no sense I’m like how I’m so confused on the level of respect because I’m mainly checking in with the other political people who just dog this guy you know so I’m I’m not really in tune with how everyone else views him so that’s why when the soldiers do come around I’m like oh this is kind

of a surp oh my God he’s leading them into fighting with the you yeah I think this is a case where you could benefit and hey rley Scott I mean like respect to Ridley Scott because again like half the time he shows back up these days and I’m like damn dude you be cranking out movies like you know these if you spent maybe all of that time on half as many movies maybe they would all be a little bit better but you know like he’s a pro obviously and and something like this especially during the

first half I was like man though you know even at his age and as long as he’s been at this Ridley is really you yeah and and it’s a a Marvel that this looks as good as it does you know for again the fact that he does stay so busy and it is as tangible as it is like it feels dug into but yeah like I don’t associate him with the same level of human thoughtfulness like you know Ridley Scott stuff can be big on ideas but I feel like and and just continuing on this

scorsi Touchstone like I do feel like he is a filmmaker who has a certain level of compassion that can carry like even if you’re watching a killer of the flower Moon who has a lead character and many of your lead characters are like unsavory people half of them dumb and narcissistic and whatever else there’s still like you can tell that the author of this is looking compassionately at like how the humanity of the situation got this way and I don’t feel like this movie has its eye very much on that which I think I don’t

need like a full like I personally got to know the the tragedy of uh of Napoleon like you know you can still be a bit cynical or you can still be a bit of a satire or a farce but I think yeah that that humanist angle could have helped to temper a lot of things across this okay it’s got a 58% critic score 59% audience score okay wow the critic score and audience score are very much in sync with each other sure yeah that is very very much in sync yeah that’s like wild you never

see that I I actually expected one of them to be high like significantly higher than the other mhm oh that’s low um I like the house of gu that was all right oh I want to see how so Gucci it’s not ter I I didn’t mind it I didn’t love it but I liked it last duel I just can’t find my can’t muster the strength to watch them I just can’t can’t muster the strength to watch it when I heard I’m like I don’t know I want to sit through that I just don’t want to

sit through it and it’s the one movie like that too where I constantly heard people going like actually those of us who went saw it it’s like it’s pretty it’s one of his best and even still I’m just like I still just don’t know if I’m going to if I even care I just don’t want to experience that yeah like I for when this maybe in like 10 or 15 years when we’re far removed from like the moment in time that it was also co-opting to to come into existence yeah but uh yeah I mean

damn made the Martian 2015 I mean yeah like must I mean according to Ryan Tomato’s last duel seem like his last great film which was only in 2021 like like his one that’s like oh people think this is a great movie you know yeah and that’s the thing is he hasn’t gone to that place yet where he like makes one movie every six years so it it’s like I guess it’s easier to look at Really Scott as having lost the touch but then be reminded like but every few movies he has one that people are

like this is at least better than just good or maybe even great so like you know I I’m torn because I’m glad to see him still out there still kicking and still you know showing you know that he’s got those chops but also there are times where yeah I feel like he his kogin liness of the here and now maybe gets in the way of something that could impact a little bit more pressingly and and uh permeating L so to speak yeah because I mean clearly there’s tons and tons of artistry on display um alrighty

well okay I’m good John yeah we’re good well gang what you guys think do you love Napoleon now do you sympathize with him leave us your thoughts what was your favorite aw Contender of 2023 leave it in the C M M N T’s and hey before we get out of here let’s do a patron of the day shout out Michael B omn media happy New Year Michael B alrighty guys let me get this out of the way he has a YouTube channel called omn media where he does reactions he’s been on this channel with us

I’ve done a few movies with him to cover tales of the Jedi John covered a mission impossible with him one movie I said you could have one one movie and Counting um well you know what man I think for 2024 this whole like promoting you thing has to come to an end far because your channel I’m seeing is doing better now uh-uh and frankly I got a hint of a being threatened why would you do that to us this whole like reactor community of we got to stick together and help each other out yeah yeah

yeah it’s all just a a bunch of of of of figing pleasantries is what we do but we all know that we want to dominate one another and I don’t care what kind Deeds you’ve done I don’t care how long you’ve been pledged to our patreon page your success is out of spite your has to end now all right do you be as successful as you want but from here on out no more plugging Omni media I will not be shouting out o Emma and mother and is and Nancy the number one media I don’t

want to do that anymore because watching your reactions to Reacher oh SOA uh Echo uh all the movies you’ve been covering with these great looking thumbnails and wonderful commentary and then every time I open up your videos and just see like man this guy gets like nothing but positive comments because he’s that good I’m sick of talking about it dude absolutely sick of promoting o as an oh my God he’s still here M as man why do we still keep promoting him n as in no we no longer promote omn media one as in there

can only be one like Highlander and then media as in I’m going to stop watching his media stop watching the media yeah Omni media yeah Omni media but in in seriousness you know succeed as much as you can oh yeah and um you know come up with some goals for this year yeah yeah yeah think of how you can improve your operation without uh you know out stripping ours happy New Year you dick


Conten writer at FlipReview who specialise in Gadgets review, food critics, app and games review, car and bike review, book reviews, movies reviews, tv-series reviews and many more.

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