Categories: Game

THE LAST OF US Episode 3 Breakdown & Ending Explained | Review And Game Easter Eggs

okay so the Last of Us episode 3 has just dropped and in this video we’re going to be breaking down the new entry talking about the Easter eggs in it and all the changes to the game whereas the last two weeks have had us following the footsteps of Joel and Ali this one takes a big detour not only do we focus on Bill and Frank’s relationship but they also massively alter the way the things happen in the game now the first thing I want to do is go through Bella’s story in the PlayStation classic for

anyone who hasn’t played it this will kind of give you an idea of just how much things were changed and what we originally had first time round as always we will be saving future spoilers for the end of the video and if you enjoy it then please hit the thumbs up button and don’t forget to subscribe for breakdowns like this every day by the way huge thank you for clicking this now let’s get into the last of us three now in the game you arrive in Lincoln having just escaped the state building this culminated in

Tessa’s death and Joel and Ali fled into the Subway after being chased by Federer you never really got to catch your breath and on the other side of this when you slowed down Jill refused to talk about Tess this

showed just how cold he was and even upon reaching Bill he just played along that she was alive without ever correcting him now the way that Joel and Ali met with him was that they sprung one of his traps which led to Joe being suspended upside down in one of the tensor scenes in the game sworn

by infected you had to defend yourself in Ellie as they tried to tear you apart this is when bill came in and after making your way to his church you laid low for a beer before Manning a plan to get a truck battery this was from a military Caravan that had crashed into a nearby School in an area that Bell normally refused to go to this was due to that side of town being teeming with infected but because he owed Joel a favor they decided to head out there overloaded with infected you found that the

battery had already been taken and he had to burst you to school before or making it to a neighborhood and after stumbling across a house you’ll learn to take in the battery and this was Belle’s ex Frank who had made a break for it unlike the show Frank couldn’t stand Bill anymore and when the Caravan crashed he devised the planet take the battery on the way out though he’d been bitten and he ended up unaliving himself before the infection took its toll he left a note behind for bells saying how much he hated him and

after finding his truck you pop the clutch and headed out to Pittsburgh now that’s the way the game played out with it being heavily focused on action and a massive deviation from what we get here I will be going through How Stuff compares to the game as we get into it but that’s kind of a bird’s eye view of how it plays out so you can instantly see how different it is to the show now we begin with Jill dipping his hand into a river and there’s a tension drawn of the cuts on his knuckles

from smashing that God’s face and like it’s the like button Ellie very much represents the daughter that he couldn’t save and the lesson that he learned from this is the wrong one and he might end up thinking that violence is the way to achieve things I suppose if probably is the right lesson in this world but he clearly wrestles with losing his cool like this now this idea of losing one’s control is juxtaposed by the stone stacking that we see him carrying out typically you’d see something like this in a spa and stone stackings carried

out because it has a spiritual connection to the Earth but also takes time and effort to create the balance in the pile and this Stone stacking seen as being someone that showcases one’s patience however it goes beyond that and it’s a practice that’s being carried out in several cultures dating all the way back to ancient Mongolia Stone Stacks were also used for navigation in rural areas due they’re not being signed posts or roads out in the woods or by Rivers I think it’s more for the former reason but I I just thought I’d bring that

up too now they’re 10 miles outside of Boston in the woods which is a location that you start up at before traveling into Lincoln Ellie’s now wearing a green coat with a red hoodie and this is something that she’d done later on in the game once we hit the winter sections though Joel’s pretty off from her I like the touch that they’ve added here which is that she’s using his jacket for a blanket at this point he’s still really from the death of Tess but due to being a closed Buck he refuses to open up

he still clearly cares though and he tosses her some food which leads into a conversation that plays out slightly differently in the game it kind of change up the positioning of the lines and Joel says not to bring up Tess here whereas he does it at the end of the episode in the show hey look um about Tess listen about Tess I don’t even know here’s how this thing’s gonna play out you don’t bring up Tess ever rule one you don’t bring up tests ever in fact we just keep our histories to ourselves matter of

fact we can just keep our histories to ourselves secondly don’t tell anybody about your condition well too you don’t tell anyone about your condition they think you’re crazy they’ll try to kill you you see that by Mark they won’t think it through they’ll just shoot you and lastly you do what I say when I say it rule three say when I say it we clear we clear repeat it sure repeat it what you say goes what you say goes good okay either way Joel is completely shut off and they hike for four hours before passing

through the woodlands one of the things that’s never really touched upon about the last of us is how much it focuses on the beauty of Nature and how once Humanity’s been whittled down the Earth can reclaim the land getting all hippie here but uh cordyceps themselves could very much be seen as a defense mechanism for Earth and tying back at the climate change comments this could be the planet finding a way to get rid of us without creating Skynet big Theory time for that but Ellie asks Joe how he got his scar and he says

it’s from the early days when someone shot at him and missed though he says that he shot back it is possible that this could have come from the night Sarah died and it may have been a stray from The Soldier’s bullets the scars are beside his Temple and I think this would explain a lot if he was reminded of that night every time he looked in the mirror and they traveled to Cumberland Farms which apparently is a real store in America so I learned something about our cousins every day this is a stash house where

gels Left Behind supplies but the real talking Point here is the Mortal Kombat 2 cabinet Ellie mentions her friend he knew everything about this game and this is likely Riley who was touched upon in episode 1. I can’t tell you how much money this machine Swallowed at amble Caravan Park when I was a kid and me and my cousin Mark used to spend most of our time on a Saturday getting our asses kicked by scorpion Ellie brings in Milena and how she used to rip off her mask to reveal her horrendous teeth which is one

of the most memorable fatalities from the game this scene actually pulls from the game itself but instead of Mortal Kombat 2 we have a cabinet for the in Universe fighter called the turning and that is the character Angel knives and Ali describes her fatality much in the same way that she does for mylina here would you play this before you ever play this one I had a friend who knew everything about this game no but I had a friend that knew everything about this game this is one character named Melina who takes off her mask

and she has monster teeth and then she swallows you whole and Barks out your bones apparently there’s this character called Angel knives who’d ah what was it she’d punch a hole through your stomach before kicking your head off I’m never a big fan of these things I wish I could play it obviously Warner Brothers on the rights to Mortal Kombat and with him owning HBO as well they probably gave them that sweet sweet corporate Synergy deal so we’re not registered to talking about this although the original Last of Us game didn’t contain a poster for

the game the Remake did and they obviously released that fully aware that it would feature in the show I will discuss more on our super spoiler section how this arcade cabinet could pop up again so make sure you stay locked until the end if you’ve completed the games now we learn Joel hasn’t been out this way in a couple of years and later on we discovered that he only went out there once in the game Joel had never actually been out of Bill’s Town personally so I’m going out there was a bit of a desperate

move Ali heads out into the back room man you eagle-eyed viewers might spot a safe code up beside the door this reads one zero nine two five zero which I Googled to see if it was a code used in the game unfortunately it’s not and I think this is just an Easter egg to the codes you’d find dotted about the game that would lead to upgrades and extra ammo in the back Ellie discovers their own secret with there being a door that leads into the stores basement now in there she finds some things that you’d

normally run into the game like lockers and filing cabinets with them usually having items lying in them I’ll then find some Tampax but she’s interrupted by the sound of an infected here we find someone trapped under the rubble with a fungus growing out of the top part of their head this is completely grown out of one of their eyes and as the clicker showed the cordyceps attached to the brain and then grow up from there the brain of course controls the body so doing this allows them to alter our behaviors and desires once it grew

out it ended up eating the eyes and those further along in the infection chain ended up blind like the clickers are now in our first video we discussed how the creative team wanted the infected to seem almost sympathetic there were times when you’d find them in a corner sobbing away to themselves when you think about it having a parasite bury its way into your brain is a horrifying thing to experience and this idea of them being tortured Souls is definitely apparentier this guy probably came down here to hide out and either the roof caved in

or he became infected and then it happened I don’t think we can show because it monetization but Ali Cuts him open and we see how his flash has very much become the plant he then takes Mercy on him by ending his suffering and Joel stashes his assault rifle like I said last week I’ve always thought of him more as a pistol and shotgun guy and with it not being much Emma in the wild for it it’s completely pointless carrying it I let him stashing it here is important and it also ties into why he doesn’t

take any of Bill’s guns Jill believes he’s returning here and he still sees Ellie as a job rather than being a person this letter at the end could have some effect on him and it may end up changing the way he looks at the world this video is sponsored by manscaped Valentine’s Day is almost upon us so why not treat a loved one or yourself to the gift that will get your boys ready downstairs for that special occasion I’d like to propose February 13th is National shavier balls day who’s with me don’t make too much

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for Valentine’s Day and who wouldn’t be celebrating the times of love with this amazing Last of Us episode I’ll see you in the next part of the video and huge shout outs to manscaped again now they come across a downed plane which Ellie of course hasn’t seen before she’s lived her entire life in the QC and it wasn’t exactly Turkish Airlines promising flights to Gotham in Metropolis this reminded me a lot of the scene from Steven Spielberg’s War of the Worlds when the characters came across something similar Ali is fascinated by people getting to go

up in the sky but Joe points out the tragedy in it and his life was of course massively Changed by one the opening of episode 1 had the scientists talking about how disease could travel fast enough due to airplanes and one crash down taking out Joel Tommy and also Sarah’s ride I dreamed about flying the other night oh yeah so I’m on this big plane full of people and everyone is screaming and yelling because the plane’s going down so I walked the cockpit opened the door there’s no pilot I try to use the controls but

I obviously have no clue how to fly a plane right before we crash I wake up I’ve never been on a plane isn’t that weird well you know dreams are weird now the meaning of this is difficult to descend but I do think that it gives insight to her character Ali thought she was a passenger on a plane and that someone was in control and also guarding her this could be represented by fedra who raised her Marlene who was actually looking after her and then Joel who of course took care of her now these figures

in her life could be representative of the pilots but I personally think that they represent the passengers the playing goes crashing down and this is mirroring the fall of the world around her she gets up to see there’s no pilot and then this shows that no one is actually in control and those are the passengers are unable to fly the plane because no one really knows what they’re doing I think growing up at all kids yeah they think adults have got their together and then when they become one they realize that no one actually knows

what’s going on which I think this conversation could be signaling friend Ellie asks about how the entire world is stabilized and she talks about people sitting in restaurants finding Dandy and then the first bite happening this was something that we sort of seen play out last week with a bill ratna being picked up by the government in a restaurant before she was taken to examine a bite victim Ali beta was actually monkeys who spread the disease and this might be another 28 Days Later now what I also think they could be setting up here is

something coming down the line although we will say before you know by now for the super spoiler section super super super exclusive now Joel talks about the best theory for how they managed to spread so easily and this is something that was also touched upon last week he correctly guesses that the cordyceps mutated and they somehow got into the food supply last week we heard how they changed to the flower and grain Factory which we discovered acted as the perfect substrate this in technical terms assuming it has specific enzymes that plants can live on and

here a change before spreading out further if it got into the processing units in the factory then it could spread into bread and cereal which would then be eaten by people across the planet I really hope this notion carries on throughout the season and I’d love it if we went to a store and saw the shelves picked there except for the cereal and bread aisle thank God it didn’t infect the toilet paper because we all know how people love to grab that now Jill remembers the specific day that happened which was on a Friday September

26th is because it was of course his birthday but beyond that it’s also day Sarah died now further up The Path they come across several skeletons the game would have the odd scene like this with red and blue clothing standing out amongst the corpses we never really know what happened at these places in the game but Joel fills us in on them how much heck what happened with him and Sarah these were gunned down by soldiers but the difference here is that they promised safety at a qz if there wasn’t room they’d take people into

the countryside and fire upon them and I think this scene could be taking inspiration from the ending of The Great Escape this is also assuming it was carried out in the Holocaust and later on Bill even describes the government as being Nazis and the government are all Nazis the government are all Nazis well yeah now but not then also with a Great Escape swear if someone’s kicking off in the comments about spoilers for that I’m gonna go mental it’s been out 60 years Joel says that they were killed so that they couldn’t pass on the

infection but I have other theories about why this was done people rebelled against Federer and scorning a group like this could potentially lead to an uprising for example if they promised safety at the qz and then said you couldn’t come in It’s Gonna annoy a lot of people and it could lead to some backlash and we then take focus on a rainbow blanket and a child’s body which takes us into our major flashback for the episode I love how the series has done this and every episode so far has had a major part of the

past filled in with elements that weren’t present in the game we had a scientist predicting the rise of the cordyceps which was then mirrored by one coming across the discovery of the first captured infected now we’re seeing what happened to the survivors days after the outbreak and this is all new stuff to show us exactly what it was like X’s are painted on doors and in the game you’d often come across these houses warning you not to enter in the game you actually found a note to a secret stash hidden by hunters that was marked

with an X so if you’re playing through the game right now then make sure you look out for that one every single person is being given a mandatory evacuation notice and we see this in front of a civil war Monument along with fighting against the infected The Last of Us is also Batman vs Man and this brother versus brother Monument could be heading towards that this sign also popped up in the game and when he entered Lincoln you could spot it in the middle of the street the irony is they’d actually be safer in the

town as they end up being killed when they could have lived out the rest of their lives here in the game you could see how dangerous Lincoln was due to being overrun by infected and here I was kind of thinking I don’t know why Joel and Tess didn’t just stay here Bill kind of shuts down the idea but it’s way better than the qz and I’m sure that you know a couple more bottles of wine they could have convinced him it was a good idea anyway at this point we’re introduced to Belle played by Nick

Offerman we see him surveilling the tan through CCTV and he’s very much an end of the welder actually used to work with a woman whose son thought doomsday was coming and apparently spent years collecting tins of beans little did he know it was toilet roll toilet roll he needed horde as they’re bloody take they’re taking it all get it quick now they really recaptured the look of Belle and along with his trusted shotgun he looks pretty identical to the game he’s got weapons lining the wall and collections of guns and I’m a magazine along with

a machete this weapons how he’s introduced in the game with him cutting off the head of an infected that’s got Joel on the ground he ends up donning his gas mask which he also wore in that and we see his bunkers cleverly located beneath the chest of drawers love seeing the gas masks back which is something he too worn the PlayStation counterpart as we know those spores have been removed from the series to the creative team worrying that everyone would be asking why they aren’t constantly done in gas masks again I I don’t think people

would have cared but it could have also been for the budget or to see the actors faces as they’re terrified by The Infected a Bill’s room also has some really cool details in it we have his computer and can tell by the blue background that is actually running Windows 2000 I had to double check whether that was Windows XP but that had those luscious luscious Green Hills whereas this is more let’s say plane it shows Bill’s focus and how he’s not interested in Thrills I think anyway later on we also see this room has a

workbench in it he’s pulled directly from the game and they’re what players use to upgrade their weapons also forgot to mention last week that we actually had another nod to the game when Tess and Joel went into their backpack they swung them off their shoulders and got on the ground just like how she old does every time he wants to craft something there’s also the magazines that we see throughout the episode in the game these were used for upgrade trees and they helped you unlock special skills now as Bill comes out of the ground we

can also see that he has a wine rack and he raids a wine store letter showing how much it means to him when he serves a bottle to Frank Frank is played by Murray Bartlett and you might recognize him as playing Armand in the White Lotus he’s a complete opposite Bell now we can see this in many ways bill is kind of out of shape and this is seen later on when the pair go jogging together this actually speaks to their time in the apocalypse as Bill’s been kicking his feet up and living it up

whereas Frank has been fighting to survive out there it’s pretty much survival of the fittest meanwhile bills in a safe place where it’s 1.40ish per gallon of of gas you know take me there take me back now we see that Bill’s door has an accident with markings around it like the one before these are pulled from the game but they’ve also appeared in real life and during Hurricane Katrina they could be found on doors these denote how many are inside which team searched it and the date that they did we can also see that Bell’s

House was built circus 1793 which makes it from pre-civil War era this further adds to his old school Persona and how he doesn’t trust the government he’s a regular old Ron Swanson who loves guns and hates the New World Order anyway the town is completely empty now and we get a sort of last man on Earth situation with them basically being able to do what he wants montages like this are a staple of post-apocalyptic movies and most famously I remember the one from the Dawn of the Dead it went on a shopping spree in the

mall but it’s also selling it popped up in 28 Days Later with them going into the supermarket and just going well with all the food now this is to the backdrop of the song yes I’m Coming Home by Fleetwood Mac it makes it really a beat and I think the entire point of Bella’s story is a show that you can have fun and find love even in the apocalypse Tess and Joel were a couple but they never really seemed like they were in love and instead I think the apocalypse pushed them together so they had

safety in numbers Joel has completely shut himself off and to me the stuff with Bill and Frank could be a reflection of how he needs to open up a bill takes a speed boat fills up several barrels of petrol and goes while at Home Depot this is to build his traps which we did end up in carrying in the game when you first entered Lincoln normally you’d be walking along would notice a tripwire which you’d then have to set off either by luring in an infected or throwing a brick at it Bill eventually gave his

traps and shotgun a Joel when he entered his home and I love dropping these things throughout the game you know just a little trick for them now an infected Setter one later by pulling a trap by it and bill says it doesn’t get all you’re definitely right and yeah take me back to that game and the first thing he does is secure the area get some alcohol and build a generator to power the town he’s created a nice little life for himself and his during this time that he ends up meeting Frank a bell really

was someone who was used to being alone and people who prepare for the apocalypse tend to do so by themselves it’s rarely a group ever because it requires paranoia and shutting oneself off in order to survive Frank shows that he should open up to people though and if it wasn’t for him then he’d never know Tess and Joel four years later we hear the song White Room by Cream which has a lot of meaning that applies to the episode the song is about someone stuck in a white room by themselves and here they face depression

and also loneliness bill of course as a White House and is murdered by most of the buildings he’s walled himself up from everything and know he’s alive he’s not really living for anything this reminds me a lot of Alexandria from The Walking Dead but there’s no other people around and therefore it’s not really the rest of civilization and the homie is a poster for don’t tread on me and this also brings a lot of meaning with it Not only was it a Metallica song but it was also a political slogan used in the American Revolution

it dates all the way back to the Bible and in Latin phrases this means do not touch me and it was said by Jesus to marry Magdalene after his resurrection the bomb between physical and spiritual was at its highest during this point and it came across more as a warning to it I think it’s more in line with a Metallica song as it’s the same as the cover that was used and that song Had lyrics like Give me liberty or give me death the Royal snake imagery was inspired by Benjamin Franklin who said that the

animal was a great symbol for the American Spirit anyway a trap is triggered and out in the Holy dug Bell finds Frank believing it’s its own trap bill is immediately suspicious and in the game it was difficult to not immediately have paranoia when he came across someone you he says that he set out from Baltimore qz which we learn is now more now we never visit this location in the game with the characters instead heading more in a Northern direction of Pittsburgh according to Google Maps it’s a six day walk non-stop between Baltimore and Boston

so we can’t see why Frank’s lost so many out on the road Bill decides to take him in and this all happens after using a scanner to get the all clear now they have dinner together and Bill ends up feeding him rabbit these were animals the characters had to hunt in the game because obviously yeah the farm industry’s gone it’s a complete opposite to what he’s just gone through and the man’s been out on the road facing certain death and I was sipping wine and eating rabbit he takes to the piano and here he plays

a song a long long time by Linda Ronstadt this contains lyrics like I can see I’m gonna love you for a long long time which is something he sounds terrible dude you sound terrible mate you sound terrible but it does play in the episode now Bill takes to it instead and he manages to sing it perfectly it kinda sums up the pair I think with one being chaotic Razia there is highly ordered in control the lyrics of course Summit the relationship that they’re about to be in and for the next 45 minutes we see the

rest of their lives play out bill is different in the game I think because he’s way more open or as in the last diversity he looks down on Joe for caring about people and in this world that sort of shit’s good for one thing getting you killed so you know what it did wasn’t the up and I realized it’s got to be just me we never really see his relationship with Frank and I have spoken to people who play the game without even picking up on it at all Frank wasn’t ever someone that we actually

met but this episode in juxtaposition of that completely develops their relationship now it is of course share similarities with his game counterpart like how he kicks off about Resource Management why he does that in the final letter too and we find out that he’s the one who reached out to Tess and Joel they come over forgotten party in Belle’s thesis is a bad idea further diving into how closed off he is from Humanity he brings a gun to the dinner table and Joel says we can help each other and get that gun out of my

face this of course goes beyond just being cautious and the pair of course both ready to flip at a moment’s notice if this situation calls for it they’re left alone and Joel offers to get more material to make the fence last the rest of their lives together in the game it was clear Tess was more the point of contact which is why Joel will never visited Lincoln personally a Tess and Frank talk about using the radio again but they decide to use a code in case anyone’s listening in as we know from episode 1 this

becomes the 60s 70s and 80s music which also plays in a what they discover at the end now Jill warns that Raiders will eventually swarm the town and after Frank makes a strawberry garden we see this playing out in the night reminded me a lot of I Am Legend and keeping out Raiders is something that’s too mirrored in the game but moving through Lincoln you actually only ever encounter the infected because Bill’s got such a tight leash on everything after being shot Bell tiles Frank to call Joel as he’s someone like him who’s able to

take care of weaker people this is of course why he was entrusted with Ellie and we very much have this Dynamic of a strong Survivor protecting a week LS equipped one Bell survives though and in a twist of fate Frank is left in the wheelchair we then jump to 2023 and finally catch up with the present both are in their winter years now and we can see that Frank has spent a lot of time painting this is important too as it shows that the better side of humanity like art and agriculture haven’t died out in

the desperation he’s trying to paint bill but Judah losing his motor functions he now can’t do it what about we do close out with a penny of him which pretty much sums up the love of his life now these really subtle moments like Bill giving a wing to Frank as he paints him and watering the flowers for the last time and at this point you could be forgiven for thinking where not even in a zombie apocalypse show Bill wakes up to find that Frank has decided this will be his last day but rather than wallowing

in it they decide to make the most of it the pair get married and have dinner together and Frank wants to take his pills that he can fade away into the night we hear the song on the nature of daylight and having just covered Island in arrival for the channel I think the creative team were inspired by those two films both use the piece with I think probably the latter lending itself better to what’s going on here I’d only get two spoilery on it but the end of the movie is about embracing the beauty of

life no matter how heartbreaking it is which is also reflected in this scene as well the pair have what could be a very painful day ahead of them but instead they’re using it as a way to celebrate their life without dwelling on the sadness of death that we’re all gonna face one day now from here they share rabbit and drink the same wine that they had on the first day they met bill then reveals that he’s decided to go out with Frank rather than continue living now this is a complete 180 on his original feelings

when the outbreak first happened whereas originally he wanted to survive by himself here we see that he’s grown to the point he’d rather not live if it meant he lost Frank at this point we hear a song from the game that also happens at an emotional moment in it we’ll talk about this later on in a super spoiler section but it’s very much used in the context to show that not everything is Bleak I think you kind of need this moment to breathe in a show like this as the last diversity egg it can be

pretty depressing so it’s nice to have this balance of like look there is still some good early and you’ll arrive at Lincoln to find the flowers starting to die and the food on the table has started mold she plays some notes on the piano echoing the earlier scene and finds a letter which mirrors the one from the game yeah though it’s a lot more positive without Landing their lives together we learned they laid down and went to sleep and again I got some flashes of 28 Days Later in that gym goes home to discover his

parents have done something similar but they showed it there whereas a letter wants them not to go into the bedroom now it’s addressed directly to Joe and bill says that though he hated the world there was one person worth saving he’s talking about Tessier but now that position has of course shifted to Ellie who he’s gonna go on protecting we get a focus on the sentence about keeping tests safe which is pretty devastating because Jill’s of course failed to do this instead of confronting the grief though he immediately leaves and takes his mind off it

by crumpling up the ladder just this in the same way that this part of the game ends we get a scene in which they discover the truck and left at the front Joel also checks the fridge which has sulfuric acid in it Joel asks to see her arm and this could be teasing at somehow we’ll discuss so no spoilers because I’ll get i’ll get tons of comments but super small section now in the basement we discover why there was 80’s music playing on the radio at the end of episode 1. Bill had it set up

so that if he didn’t reset the countdown then it was just gonna play 80s constantly on a loop this would of course signal that they were in danger and will get Tess and Gerald to come out to where they were now it is possible that bill knew this would happen anyway which is why he of course addressed solar energy Joel I do have a quick Through Time new Time new time so Joel and Tess they’d been searching desperately for a car battery so that they could get to Tommy originally in the game they sell guns

to Robert but the whole thing in the show revolved around getting a battery for a truck bill of course has one and I think that he might have had the 80s music on Loop so that they were gonna come out looking for him he left down the keys for the truck because he possibly knew that they needed one and thus this is very much his last bill and testament to give them with the ride that they’ve been looking for anyway that’s in a few time and we can see Ellie sorry you have to let that

dude sorry I have to let it play out who don’t you don’t right as I was saying right as I was saying the pair get some clothes and Ellie slips into the red t-shirt that she wore throughout the game she also finds a handgun and I believe it’s the same model as the one she carries in the source material Jill gifts to her a NAB but here she takes it behind his back which might cause some issues later on gel comes out finally wearing the green checkered shirt that he does throughout the majority of this

story and you might have noticed Frank wearing this earlier in the episode they get in the car together and originally in the game he had a much tensor scene in which you had to jump start it Jill and Bill had to push it as the infected swarmed them whilst Ellie sat in the ride attempting to pop the clutch love the little touch of her not knowing to wear a seatbelt and together they head out as she discovers a tape in the glove box no points for guessing what the song is and we watch them right

out to Linda ronsten’s long long time we close out to an open window with a picture of Bill hanging up which takes us into our super super spoiler section now for this bit I will be talking about elements that appear in both games Beyond ended well one of them’s an ending runer but there are some moments in Easter eggs in the episode so that will probably spoil things down the line if you’re out at this point I’d really love you guys if you hit the thumbs up on the way out and make sure you subscribe

to not miss our breakdowns in episode 4. thanks right what a I play the games well that bloody hell is wrong with you anyway the open window has a lot of big moments in the game it’s the menu screen for the first one and in part two it’s also the last shot as Ellie walks away that summed up the end of her story and here it’s very much summing up the ending of Bill and Frank’s the Mortal Kombat 2 cabinet is pretty important as well and I think it’s something that’s going to return in the

series later on it ties in massively with the Riley story and in the DLC left behind you played on the Turning cabinet alongside Riley my guess is that they’ll do something similar on the Riley flashback and have them imagining what it’s like to play Mortal Kombat 2 wasting money getting their asses kicked by scorpion now on the road Ellie also discusses monkey and how she bears that they spread the cordyceps monkeys actually show up in the game how we end up encountering them when we enter the universe city turns out the fireflies were experimenting on

them to find a cure to them being so close to us on a DNA level might not have been a connection to that but with monkeys potentially appearing down the line I thought I’d bring that line up and the sulfuric acid could also be something as well with that being administered in the series in part two when Ellie and Dina bunker down she ends up showing her her arm we discover that Ellie did a chemical burn on the bite using sulfuric acid and this was then covered up with a tattoo once it healed other got

sick of constantly having to hide her arm so she carried this out once it became clear that The Cure thing wasn’t gonna pan out and also tying with part two we get what could be a nod to the spaceship scene in that oh he talks about the car being like a spaceship and in part two she all takes la2 museum for a birthday here they climb into an Apollo vessel and then Ellie imagines what it’s like traveling into space anyway that wraps up the breakdown and I think this episode kind of transcended the Apocalypse to

tell a Love’s story this is something that’s been at the heart of the show and in the official social podcast for episode 1. they said that the show was very much going to be discussing the positives and negatives of Love yeah it’s a more wholesome Outlook but in the case of Joel and Ellie we see how dangerous it is Joel begins to love Ellie like she’s his own daughter and because of this he Dooms Humanity by killing the fireflies in order to save her life so we have this idea that love can be a good

thing but also that it has its negatives as well especially if someone stands in the way of it I think this was important to explore with Bill and Frank and it’ll probably massively influence the future episodes even if it’s not obvious now it’s a big deviation from the game so whether people prefer that or not is gonna be something I think they’re gonna be going back and forth over I I think this stuff in the game works better as a level because you travel through the graveyard the school and then you fight a blower in

it kind of rams up to your boss which I think works in a game and the show kind of really needed to do something different so they focused on character development gave us a bit of a breather so it wasn’t all doom and gloom and they also managed to make one of the Sidecar characters way more fleshed out I enjoyed it and so far I think we’ve had three really really strong episodes I know there’s kind of back and forth at the moment but let me know your thoughts below and again thank you for rocking

with me we are in a competition right now giving away wakanda forever to three subscribers on the 15th of February and all you have to do to be on the chance of winning is like the video make sure you subscribe with notifications on drop a comment below with your thoughts on the episode pick the comments at random at the end of the month and the winners of the last one are on the screen right now so that’s you then message me on Twitter at heavy spoilers if nothing else to watch we’ve got another Last of

Us video on screen right now so definitely head over there right after this without the way thank you for clicking on the video I’ve been Paul you enjoy the rest of your night or day or week and I’ll see you next time take care peace


Conten writer at FlipReview who specialise in Gadgets review, food critics, app and games review, car and bike review, book reviews, movies reviews, tv-series reviews and many more.

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