Categories: Game

THE LAST OF US Episode 7 Breakdown & Ending Explained | Review And Game Easter Eggs

so The Last of Us seven is now out and this episode’s filled with a ton of Easter eggs callbacks to the game and a lot of things that flesh out Ellie’s backstory based on the Left Behind DLC that saw us learning more about what happened to her during the time that Joe was at death’s door in the game originally after he fell off the horse he had a massive section where he played as her for about an hour and you had absolutely no idea whether Joel was alive or dead he was agonizing fighting through the

infected to discover what happened but here we find that in the opening that he’s okay he did have a weak weight but yeah it wasn’t as tense as that hour-long session now in The Last of Us Part One remake was released last year I was thinking that they might add in the Left Behind chapter so it happened in chronological order they didn’t know and sandman’s the only show I’ve seen come with DLC so they dropped it in here where it should take place in the story whether they do skip over a big part of it

dealing with Ellie searching for supplies in the game the story was split in half and we ended up getting two scenarios set inside a mall throughout the DLC you jump back and forth between the two and in the first

you saw what we get in the mall with Riley in the second section it was a completely different location set in the present where you followed Ellie as you looked for supplies this took you to a crashed military Chopper in the area and he found that the mall was teeming with infected after getting the supplies you

made your way back to Joel which is where you had to protect him from Hunters who were out for his blood now we start off with a snowy abandoned neighborhood which we learn is where giolin Ali went to after them all Upon returning home from hunting you saw that Ellie had hitched up somewhere like this and they really managed to recapture the look of the location similar to The Source material we find Joel in the basement on a mattress and Ellie’s been doing DIY surgery in order to try and heal him and now we can

also catch an empty tool rack and these have all been taken and likely used for weapons it reminded me of the kind of houses you’d find in the game where everything had been picked clean because I’d been spamming the triangle button now Jill tells her to go to Tommy and last week he of course wanted him to take it his worst fears come true and he’s put her in a lot of danger and is now holding her back Joel is very much the kind of person who would just ditch someone who was in this position

because in this world it doesn’t really allow for hangers on as she puts the code on him I think we see genuine love in his eyes and he realizes this is more than what he’s had before but there’s she even said that he didn’t really love her and they were just together because they were both good at surviving he very much sees Ali as a second daughter though and she views him as the father that she never had now we sort of get a similar pot device to Left Behind and as something new happened in

that we then cut to the Past Ellie’s about to step out of the basement at this point and we flash back to her in a federal training camp yeah we can see that she has a Walkman and this is something that she also had in the comic as she runs circuits we can hear her listening to all in on by Pearl Jam they’re quite an important band in the franchise and the song Future Days was a thing that constantly popped up throughout at the time of part 2’s release it was a big thing about how

the song didn’t actually get released by the time the outbreak happened however no Naughty Dog pointed out that they’d done a live show where they played it so the characters could actually know the song honestly I don’t think people would have cared because it is quite sad obsessing over this type of stuff or that the outbreak was moved forward 10 years for the show so that song pops up here I’m gonna kick off I’m furious this moment is pretty much the academy in the comics and it’s clear they wanted to tie it back to that

often overlooked Last of Us offshoot although in that we saw Ellie with Riley Raz here she’s already left the bullies there capitalizing this and one called Bethany rips her headphones off and taunts her for having no one to fight her battles it’s clear Ellie gravitates towards authority figures and Riley is very much a prototype gel protector figure we learn from Captain kuang that she’s been acting differently the last couple of weeks since Riley left and her friend departing is another example of someone leaving her Ellie never really got to know her mother she was palmed

off by Marlene Tess died and Jill tried to get rid of her with Tommy you can see why she told Sam she was tired of being alone like Al Green and I think it’s really good writing to sell the seeds of this in this flashback moment it’s clear everyone is ties to the past they hold on to just like Ellie does and we see that even Captain Kwong has trouble letting go he has a faded picture of his family on his desk and I’m guessing he’s died during the initial outbreak now Ellie’s being thrown in

the hole several times before and instead of punishing her Quang wants to give her some advice He suggests that she aims to be an officer and demonstrates this path by throwing down his keys the first path is a cub and the second being Keys is symbolic because this will open up doors for her it also added a really cool little Easter egg on them too and we catch the Naughty Dog logo on a keyring that Quang has now this conversation in scene is very much another side of fedra that we haven’t seen before in the

game they are pretty much always your enemies as are the bandits that you encounter along the way however the series has shown things from their point of view because in the game we will look to Joel and Ellie’s perspective really shows you all these kinds of points of views and it allows you to actually sympathize eyes with them Huang believes that fedra is the only thing holding the world together and that if they go down the world will fall apart in Kansas City we saw things were like if Federer or house did and the people

there were carrying out murders and just doing horrible things Federer also helped to push the infected in the ground there and Kathleen’s need for Revenge unleash this on her people now in her room we catch some dinosaur drawings and also a picture of some moon cycles we’ll go over what these four shadows in the spoiler section but these being Ellie’s interests are very very important we also get to know pun intended book by Will Livingston and her knife just slightly below it out of view this is actually volume one or as we see Riley busting

out Volume 2 later on this is a slight change up from the game as in those they found it in the mall when coming across A hermits Camp Riley then read it as you made your way through or as yeah she has it already oh I got something else we also catch Ellie reading a Savage Starlight comic which I think is titled Negan trippy nugentrippy anyway in our episode 5 video we talked about how these were Collectibles that you’d pick up in the game and the negentropy issue was something that you came across on your

travels we see the inside of it being a big action scene involving a man and a woman bursting their way into somewhere probably reaching uh but I think this is very much how Ellie views her and Joel and the guy in the book even looks slightly similar to how he does in the game doesn’t he well he well either way her room is very empty since Riley left although it’s not too long until she returns but we get another tour of her room and see some tapes the top one by aha foreshadow is a great

moment in the second game near the James one plays in this episode later on I got you babe it’s a song we hear Riley and Ellie dancing to at the end and this music was also what they jammed away to in the mall on Riley’s fateful last night you also see a poster for Mortal Kombat 2 and this makes a big return later on in the episode during the third entry we saw as Ali and Joel came across a cabinet for it which in the game was a fighter called the turning it started character Angel

knives but with the show being a Warner Brothers property they have the rights to use the Mortal Kombat characters I think that the game developers likely knew this was going to be an Easter egg in advance and in the recent Last of Us remake they actually added an immortal Combat 2 poster Riley then climbs in through the window and she ends up sticking her hand over Ellie’s mouth this is slightly different to the game as in that she pretended to bite her is of course foreshadowed her fate and let’s play the scene side by side

so you can see what they kept and also what they changed thank you Riley ow wow Riley owl I landed on my hip what the hell I thought I Was Bitten I know it was kind of Awesome hold me like that joke okay I thought it would work better in my mind loved it you’re not gonna kill me are you I haven’t seen you and I don’t even know how long 45 days well 46 technically so what’s it going to know what I’ve been up to all this time I thought you were dead are you

okay I’m fine I just ran away for a bit that’s all here look no way where were you I joined the Firefly oh you you’re a firefly you’re a firefly Jesus are we cool I disappeared and you’re mad and I owe you an explanation let’s get out of here and I’ll tell you all about it we’ll tell you everything first you have to promise me something it’s almost morning and I have military drills you know where we learn how to kill fireflies so yeah I’m not going anywhere with you it’s great it’s chewy I mean

in a few hours I have drills fireflies put some pants on and let’s go so there are some slight changes there but lots of similarities too Riley is now a firefly and huge shootout star out of the map but picking up this sort of Romeo and Juliet Vibes here with them being on opposite sides now I’m actually in the middle of moving house at the moment and you might notice I’ve been cleaning things out I’ve been cleaning them out that’s why we’ve teamed it with MacBook to bring you clean my Mac x a brand new

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try it for free now and yeah get things sorted out in the game as you’re cutting between timelines you join alien Riley jumping into an abandoned Apartment block which is way here trucks outside oh man that was close huh however here we see them very much moving through the street as trucks travel through looking for people breaking curfew eventually go down into an Alleyway and then into this which is when they bust out the Torches Elise doesn’t work and she has to hit it and in the game from time to time you’d have to shake

the controller when your light was going off now there’s a point in the game we learned how Riley became a firefly which I’m gonna play with the show version so you can see how things slightly differ remember that Firefly you bet installed his gun yeah I remember him that’s Trevor I saw him walking down the street so I tailed his hat one night you were in the hole I got bored so I snuck out I follow him into this alley and all these fireflies Ambush me they took me right to their Hideout to Marlene I

was on my way back being stealthy like I am and this chick popped out of nowhere chick like our age no like 40. were you scared terrified I thought this time she would actually shoot me but instead she just says what took you so long whatever anyways old she said she was impressed watching me sneak around avoiding guards she was expecting me and she just made you a firefly something like that and she asked what I thought about fedra so I told her the truth they’re fascistic bags and they’re the ones that should be getting

hanged for their crimes that hole almost killing me thing was a test she wanted to know I was committed oh she’s like all right if you want in you’re in that’s it I’m in the show the woman she’s talking about is clearly Marlene who recruited her personally or as in the game she was brought to her makes it seem like Marlene’s been keeping an eye on Ellie for a long time and that she’s now as those around her too eventually if she had someone on her side that was close to Ellie Ellie would be warmer

to her and it also explains why the fireflies didn’t immediately kill Ellie when she was bitten Moline has a close attachment with Ellie and her plans to keep her safe and knowing Riley might have helped with that however it could also be the reasoning why she shipped Riley off as she didn’t want her running away with her friend who discovered later on that Riley actually asked if Ali could join her but Marlene said no she just wanted to keep her in the QC and potentially they may have moved Riley for that reason now in the

apollon block they also find a guy who seemingly overdosed on pills Ali and Jill of course come from the same QC and it’s possible that Joel even sold him these as they are similar to what we saw him dealing in episode 1. it could be teasing the danger that Joel has around him and how his actions have a negative effect on people now a body lying against a wall like this is also somehow very much foreshadows infected later on most of those that had cordyceps ended up with it taking over their body and growing at

their face and they’d eventually hit a point where they knew they were going to die if they didn’t become full-on clickers thus they’d head to a wall lay down die and grow into it and in the games they’d spread out spores the other one in the mall isn’t dead he’s very much following the same pattern and the body against the wall here at least to me sets that up it collapses through the floor and they take his booze with them and drink it on the roof Ali pretends to love it and this is a complete

opposite of the campfire scene in which he spat it straight out he’s trying to impress Riley and we do see a different side to her here now we learned that it’s not the first dead body Riley scene and that she’s witnessed her parents corpses most of the kids taken in by fedra were orphans and this allowed them to train the kids to be soldiers if you have ties to your family and stuff you’re less likely to be loyal to things like better especially when they’re oppressing the very people you’re connected with Ali asks to see

Riley’s Gun and we then see her obsessing over it this is something she’s done throughout the series and Neil lure of power means a lot to her as she’s not really experienced the bad side of it at this point they talk about fedra and also the fireflies Riley sees them as fascists whereas Ellie sees them as holding everything together Riley thinks the fireflies are gonna bring freedom but we’ve already seen from Kathleen the kind of thing it leads to she ended a promising Fair trials that people would live if they gave up others and in

the end this was shown to all just be a lie fedra also do terrible things too think what it boils down to is that no matter what happens the worst traits of humanity will always emerge in some form or another no matter the side well they’re all good sights too and obviously these sides have their appeals as well in the end though whichever side is in charge will oppress the other side in some form and thus we get these divisions that lead to others attempting to seek power when they finally get it they want to

punish you the side who now become the oppressed ones and the cycle starts again Riley later brings up how fedra have stopped people and in the game when he got to Pittsburgh he found graffiti talking about how the people there were famished Ellie said it didn’t help that the fireflies bombed the storage Depot which Riley sees as being propaganda hit up any social media site you’re gonna see people talking about the faults in the other political side whilst dismissing their own I think Ellie and Riley show we can find common ground with stuff like this

now Riley says that the fireflies don’t carry out attacks when civilians are involved but tell that to test and Robert now in the game there was an extra Dimension to this as there was an announcement that said there hadn’t been an affection for 30 days Riley said this was a lie and that it was just covered up I kind of I was hoping that this would appear in the show as we of course saw Joel having to burn lots of bodies in episode 1. this scene does kind of mimic the game a bit as your

first run along rooftops before coming alongside the more like what we have here the pair then drop down to a collapsed roof and they enter the Liberty Gardens Mall this is the same as what the location is called in the game and they do rearrange things slightly originally you saw the typhoon Blitz poster which was a water pistol I used against Riley during one of the pairs final scenes together it was the game across a 10 for a man named Winston who we learned had been living in the mall as a recluse as I mentioned

earlier he was who you got the pun bug from and you learned that he died of old age in this world that’s a big thing as there’s it’s very much survival of the fittest so making it to that point really means a lot and from here you went to the Halloween shop and then you threw some bricks at some car windows to see who could smash the most the winner smashed the like button as well and then from here the characters turned the power on and went on the Merry-Go-Round here though they flipped the power

on first before they head into the mall so turns out the whole city has power they just flip the circuit breakers all you gotta do is flip it back so turns out when Fedrick connected that block up to the grid this place got connected too not that they know at this point we get a scene that’s very reminiscent of the game with Ellie opening a bit door into the mall in which we see it all light up we also have a play on the escalator scene which pulls directly from that whoa look at me this

is the first Wonder on the day now and from here we catch a poster for dawn of the Wolf Part 2. like Curtis and Viper two this was a fictional movie within the last of us universe and here’s what they had to say about it in the game posters are every where I saw this before the outbreak he did he totally get her by the end nobody gets gutted it’s a it’s a dumb Teen Movie who dragged you to see it though I don’t know let’s just stay focused all right I also loved the little

back in five minute sign and it shows just how much people were caught off guard guy just popped out for a poo and didn’t end up coming back everything happened really quick but at least people had time to loot Foot Locker and probably also get loads of toilet paper we also get an added a lingerie scene with Ellie trying to Smart herself up after Riley makes a joke about imagining her in it from here we go to the Merry-Go-Round which pulls directly from the PlayStation classic it’s probably the most memorable part of Left Behind and

in the game it’s chewing this that Riley gets out the pun book symbolically merry-go-rounds are a sign of innocence and simplicity that puts people in a loop far removed from the world around them illiteracy works that are often used as sources of magic and adventure and carousels like this are commonplace at amusement parks as they bring joy to lots of people this is just the pair enjoying what for them as our last night on earth before a major change happens though Ali doesn’t know it Riley is well aware he’s meant to be going away and

either way Ellie is about to lose hair forever now similar to what happens in the game the the ride breaks down and it spoils the moment the furnace cut short and it’s very much foreshadowing the journey that lies ahead and we discovered that Riley was about to turn 17 and that she’d been assigned to sewage detail this is all that Quang thought she was good for and you can see why she ended up running away Fred ran the duties assigned to people were very much prisons themselves and in this world people didn’t really have the

freedom to do what they want no one was lucky enough to just sit around talking about movies all day and you can see why people gravitate towards the promise of freedom and Liberation now on the merry-go-round in the game Riley busts out the pun book but here they kind of skip over it save it for later and just go straight to the photo booth the show being said 10 years earlier does mean that they can’t bring certain things over and in the game it ended by asking if you wanted to share your photos to Facebook

neither knew what that was and instead he got printouts of the photos before the whole thing shut down in a nice fourth wall breaking moment you could actually share the photos you made and came to your own Facebook and that was an awkward conversation explaining to my dad why I was posting pictures of young computer generated girl now in both the show and game we get the little bunny mascot however the names changed up because of the whole Facebook thing the game has it being called sharesnap or as the show is star shot because they

couldn’t have posted it online with it being set in 2003 yeah Facebook wasn’t around then and it’s genuinely one of my favorite Easter eggs in the entire show and I love when they put this much thought into it now from here they go into the arcade we see machines for Tetris Frogger attack from Mars and Daytona USA this was about driving across the country which may be a link to Joel and Ellie doing it as as two seats there also in the game Ellie jumped in a Jack and Daxter machine and naughty dog of course

made that game also worth pointing out that Ellie’s wearing the shirt that we saw her wearing in episode 1 and this was also the shirt that Young Nathan Drake wore in Uncharted 3. anyway in the show Ellie gets to play Mortal Kombat 2 whereas in the game The Turning cabinet didn’t actually work instead Riley described the game to Ellie she had her eyes closed and he just imagined pulling off the combos I’m guessing Naughty Dog didn’t have the resources to design The Mechanics for a fighting game for what amounted to about two minutes in the

game but here we catch them playing it out they go to the Deadpool stage and a Deadpool is when you bet on who’s gonna die put my entire house on Riley and now move into Vegas baby anyway Riley chooses my Lena and she pulls off her fatality which Ali described her as doing back in episode three this is one character named Melina who takes off her mask and she has monster teeth and then she swallows you whole and Barks out your bones now as they’re playing away we cut to one of the infected who’s been

awakened by the lights coming on and all the noise he’s located in a toy shop and this is very much a symbol of Innocence which he ends up destroying we see two dolls here and this could be a reference to the two mannequins and the clothes shop stand which is where the attack happens in the game yeah they just shrink it down so that it happens in the Halloween store rather than them going there I think the change from mannequins to dolls again is to hammer homeless creepy factor and also the idea that this is

Ellie’s childhood being destroyed as things drastically change from this point onwards she’s no longer under the production of Federer and is basically made to flee the qzi with Joel now from here Riley takes Ellie to Macho Nacho this is another great Naughty Dog Easter egg and in Uncharted Nate asked Elena if she actually used to work there he came across this in the morning left behind as well and now they’ve brought across to the show with it being where Riley was camped out at the pun book comes out and we hear the ones which also

show up in the game what did the frustrated cannibal do frustrated cannibal threw up his hands his hands laid on me he threw up his hands what did the triangle say to the circle oh what did the triangle say to the circle you’re so pointless oh in the back Ellie discovers that Riley’s been making explosives and that she was actually posted here by the fireflies these look identical to some of the weapons you get in part two and as Ellie goes over you can see that on the top shelf there is a federal container they

likely we’re going to put this in a deliberate using Gorilla Warfare to take them out Riley promises Ali that they wouldn’t be used on her but there’s absolutely no way that Riley could guarantee that say Ellie did become an officer then she would be the kind of person they target and we see how people are very much forced to go against each other I like the game we learned this as well last night in Boston and it plays off the back of this scene Ellie I’m leaving they’ve asked me to leave leave what Boston I’m

supposed to join a group in another city they’re sending me to a post in the Atlantic cutesy I argued with them to stay here I asked if you could join Joy so we could go together but you know how Marlene is nothing’s easy with her everything’s a test but Marlene said no the is Marley Marlene is the lady that helped me it doesn’t matter they’re picking me up tomorrow tonight’s my last night in Boston why did you bring me here I wanted to see you bring me here because I wanted to see you no why

did you bring me here I don’t know iqz is all is something we hear about in the game when you’re in Pittsburgh Pittsburgh was a city that had overthrown Federer and we discovered that some of the remnants ended up fleeing and going to Atlanta in Halloween store we see a decoration popping out of a grave and this is similar to creature bursting out of the coffin in the game counterpart Riley gives her the pun book explaining how she got it and she talks about the doubt that she has going with them however Riley says because

Ali never had a family she doesn’t understand even with the bad you still accept people and later on when Joel becomes his surrogate father she very much accepts all looking bad things in him now he’s being put through the ringer and she goes through how Riley left her gave her this amazing night and is then leaving her again I think Ellie gets so attached to people that she’s willing to let them walk all over her to some extent and believe their lies because it’s easier than losing them Riley says she’s sure about leaving and Ellie

says that she’ll miss her which is when Riley gives her a werewolf mask whilst Riley gets a clown one the characters wore both these masks along with a couple of others and Ellie ended up doing her best role in the werewolf one which was a really fun way to start off the mall section at the end of the DLC you went to a clothes shop which is when you had a water pistol fight using the typhoon Blitz which he saw a sign for early on after this Riley put the tape on and you danced on

top of the table like what we get here it’s side by side time and just be aware that we’ve muted the music here for copyright reasons a bit awkward but that’s YouTube really really come here what is it okay what’s wrong what like this in the spring yeah I’m sorry sure what do we do now we’ll figure it out uh what do we do now I’m gonna figure it out but I don’t think Marlene’s gonna go wait I like in the game the moment is ruined by the infected one thing I have criticized the show

for is that I think they kind of missed out on the bigger infected moments from the game such as the skyscraper and the hotel basement sections this was another way they lessened it a bit and removed the Panic of running through them all the chase ended with it seeming like he got out but the scaffolding fell and Ellie plummeted down Riley jumped back down and this was very much a giving up her life to save Ellie yeah she ends up saving her as well but to me the impact of having her jump back into the

fire is kind of lessened a bit now we did go back and forth at the Kevin spoilers office over why they changed it to the one infected and our editor Matt actually said that she wouldn’t have been as scared of The Horde in episode 5 if she’d already seen one that was the first time this version of Ali experienced it and therefore it wouldn’t have made sense if she’d seen one before personally I think it’s just a budget thing and having to film a Chase through a mall would obviously cost and you’d have to loot

more than Footlocker to get that back should call it loot Locker not the time I place anyway back in the present Ali guys have been in the house and desperately searches for something to help Joel shout out to all my Gamers who know what it’s like hammering that triangle button constantly as you open up every draw for a bit just a little bit of cloth or something now the frustrationally has here is mirrored in the past with her lashing out in anger and smashing the glass like it’s a button with a thumbs up on it

we get a similar shot composition to the game and in the end Riley makes a pack that they just lose their minds together okay there’s some more stuff over there you can break there’s more stuff over there with angry I see it we got two options wait I see him we’ve got two options you take the easy way out one you take the easy way out it’s quick and painless I’m not a fan of option one why don’t like option two we fight for what option two we’re gonna turn into one of those things there

are a million ways we should have died before today for everyone sooner or later right and a million ways we can die before tomorrow but we fight for every second we get to spend with each other but we don’t quit it’s two minutes two days I don’t want to give that up whether it’s two minutes or two days we don’t give that up I don’t want to give that up my vote let’s just wait it out you know we can be all poetic and just lose our minds together I could just be a boy I

can what’s option three what’s option three sorry come on sorry I’m sorry let’s get on here this is also a line reference in the game by Ellie when she discusses her past Boston back when I Was Bitten I wasn’t alone my best friend was there and she got bit too we didn’t know what to do so she says let’s just wait it out you know we can be all poetic and just lose our minds together also did a bit of deep digging and the mall in the game was apparently built in 1968 with his show

of course starting off in that year now back in the present Ellie finds a needle and thread so that she can stitch Joel up make sure you sanitize that mate yeah it’s been been set in a draw for 20 years probably probably causing infection never mind then you go clearly Ellie is fine to keep Joel going and this is clearly because she lost Riley she doesn’t want to repeat of that and she very much mirrors Joe not wanting to go through losing his daughter again they found each other and someone to fight for and we

end with Ali stitching up his wound in order to stop the bleeding this shot is framed to marry the ending of last week’s episode and whereas that was a tower now to finish on this is a more hopeful one that closes out the episode and before we get into the spoiler section of the video I thought I’d give my thoughts as a standalone thing I did enjoy this adaptation of the Left Behind DLC but I don’t know if I’m a bit too close to the game as I think some parts pailed in comparison and was

just hoping things like The Horde and the the winter Mall sections would have been carried across I think at this point I’m kind of just accepting that the series will always just strip back the game so it mainly focuses on the human moments I do think that leaves stuff being so repetitive at points though and every episode other than four and six I believe basically introduces one or two new characters that they then kill off at the end so it is all good to be fair but I think this formula almost stops it from being

great those first five episodes especially were Classics but the last two have kind of dropped for me personally still good but yeah I just feel the constraint of the series are starting to show a bit now stormery did a really good job as Riley and though I probably sound like I’m bashing it I do think that viewed in a vacuum that this episode’s really good I just think that this show as a whole it needs a bit more variety from the formula that we’re getting maybe I am too close to the game like I said

but it never really felt like they were following a format or if they were then it wasn’t clear from that initial playthrough anyway if you’re loving this show and everything that it does then hopefully you can at least see things from my point of view and if you haven’t played the game yet go play you know we’re lucky that we have both these two adaptations and and there were there’s definitely going to be people who are like well I prefer the game and people who are like I prefer the show so yeah everyone’s gonna have

their own choice but I’m sure you can tell from me from how much I love the game and and all the stupid little references in it I really do love it anyway that takes us to the spoiler section and uh yeah we have a couple of things that I heavily into part two now most of the items in Ali’s room have a payoff down the line and at one point we catch those dinosaur drawings and also some moon cycles in the arcade Ali also asks if the next surprise is a dinosaur and these all tie

together for where Joe takes her on her birthday the per Guardian Museum and this is filled with Dinosaur exhibits as well as the NASA one that Ali ends up getting into being through that a number of times so sorry we’re constantly repeating it but they also referenced it around the campfire last week now the AHA tape and take on me playing in the mall returns a big moment during part two as well a one point Ali comes across a guitar in a music store and she picks it up and plays it to Dina it’s a

great vision and I wanted to play it in the video but we got hit with copyright claims so I can’t but I’m gonna serenade you with her now as we Fade Out so click you’ve got to either listen to me or click a video on the end screen talking it away I don’t know what I’m to say I said click video anyway but that’s a nail done it’s okay shine up for me come on you would say if you’ll be safe then sorry come on take on me take a picture because


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- Yes. (audience cheering) - Let's settle down. (audience cheering and applauding) Man, so I…

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NEET UG Admit Card 2024 Kaise Download Kare | How to download NEET UG Admit Card 2024 | NEET UG 2024

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NEET UG Admit Card 2024 Kaise Download Kare | How to download NEET UG Admit Card 2024 | NEET UG 2024

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ICC T20 World Cup 2024 India Squad | Team India Final Squad | India Team for T20 World Cup 2024

आईएल के तुरंत बाद टी20 वर्ल्ड कप शुरू होने वाला है और इंडिया ने अपनी…

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