Categories: Mobile

Getting trained by a CELEBRITY PERSONAL TRAINER | ATU Mobile Review (Alivia D'Andrea Workout)

hey guys what’s up welcome back to my channel 
in today’s video i will be getting trained by  
celebrity personal trainer steve zim also known 
as the hollywood trainer so basically just the  
personal trainer to the stars he has trained 
likes of models actors singers maybe i don’t  
know but basically the gigi hadids and the kendall 
jenners of the world i don’t know if he’s actually  
trained them i’m just making that up but i did 
see that he trained jessica biel because she  
left a testimonial for him in some article that 
i read steve owns a gym in l.a called a tighter  
u where you can pay to train with steve so you 
don’t actually have to be a celebrity to trade  
with the celebrity trainer most recently i came 
across olivia de andreas slow up series video  
in which she shares her 34 pound weight loss 
journey and i’ve seen actually a lot of criticism  
of her video on youtube but i’m not going to 
talk about that because this video is about steve  
and she was training with steve and as i was 
watching her video i saw steve talk about his  
website atu mobile it’s basically an ad 
so atu mobile became something that i  
decided to do because so many actors and 
actresses ask me when they go on location  
what do i do i i sometimes you’re sleeping i can’t 
talk to you i really need a program i can just do  

so i came up with an idea i’m gonna make a
website that acts like an app on your phone so
either you can use it on your tablet your computer
or your phone what i do is when you pick your body
type and there’s five body types to pick from
i know by that what is over developed what is
underdeveloped then i create a program to make
sure it’s balanced front to back right to left
safe to say that the ad worked on me because i
was intrigued and i was curious and i want to know
can i really train with a celebrity personal
trainer 24 7 anytime i want i want to do a little
review of it see if it’s worth it so how much does
it cost to train with steve zim himself the man
the myth the legend so i couldn’t really find any
prices on the gym’s website but i did find this on
yelp which basically says to train with steve
is 200 an hour or he does one package you buy
15 you get 16 for 3 000. i think that means like
15 sessions and you get a bonus 16 for the low
low rate of 3 000 okay so this rate was also three
years ago so i don’t know how accurate it is the
200 an hour price tag is i would assume it’s gone
up by now but that’s the only thing i could find
because there wasn’t any information about payment
on their website i’m sure if you email you could
find out but i was too lazy to do that so anyway
why pay that when you can literally get the app
atu mobile and have access to steve 24 7 for only
20 a month on a 12-month plan the 12-month plan is
20 a month the six-month plan is 24.99 a month
which seems pretty affordable but the thing is
you have to pre-pay for 12 months or six months
and that’s a big commitment and i wasn’t ready
to commit because i didn’t know if i was going
to like it or not so i opted for the 30-day plan
which is 30 a month it’s a monthly membership that
you can cancel anytime and i thought it was worth
trying out but you should know that these prices
are in u.s dollar and i being a canadian it’s a
little bit more costly for me the thirty dollar
and ended up being about 38 something so closer
to 40 a month which is kind of just kind of pricey
but i was like hey you know what forty dollars a
month to train with a celebrity personal trainer
seems reasonable right so this is what you get in
the 30 plan you get a personalized workout program
for you at home or at the gym and and if you’re
going to be doing it at home you need dumbbells
resistance bands a gym ball kettlebell skateboard
and a boxing ball so basically just everyday items
that you have at home right no big deal um sorry i
don’t know why i’m being so sarcastic today like
you can get this stuff yeah i’m sorry but anyways
um so when you sign up you have to take this
introductory quiz and basically what this quiz is
it’s sort of like a body profile asks you like
your age your height your weight your body type
and then it curates a personalized plan tailored
to your body type my body type is a rectangle
meaning that i have a very straight body type and
then you can also choose how many days a week that
you want to work out and the options are three
times a week four times a week or five times a
week which i think is fine because you don’t
really need to work out more than that but if
you wanted to add in a sixth day you could do that
yourself so once you’re in the app this is kind of
what it looks like you have your information in
here and if you go to the workout page you have
all of your workouts listed for you right off the
bat i just want to say that i personally didn’t
enjoy the mobile experience i found that it froze
a lot at least i don’t know i did on my phone i
had to refresh a lot and overall it’s just kind
of annoying to navigate and let me explain what
i mean so basically at the top of your screen
you have all of your workout videos basically
explaining all of the exercises that you’re
going to be doing that workout and how to do them
i really like that the website gives you these
because if you don’t know a lot of these exercises
and a lot of them were new to me it’s a great
way to learn them because steve really goes into
detail about how to do the exercise how long
to hold and exercise and how to breathe while
doing the exercise which i really like that he
also talks about breathing and you also have the
option to switch from gym to home exercises and
if there’s an exercise that you’re doing at the
gym and maybe they don’t have that machine you
can swap it for an alternative exercise as well
and i really like that about the app is that it
gives you options so you’re not limited to just
the initial set of exercises listed out for you
then if you scroll down you can see a checklist
of all of the exercises you are going to be doing
this day and it also includes stretches between
exercises which i love because i hate stretching
at the end of my workout i tend to just skip it
which is really bad i know but i really like that
these stretches are included in here because it
did sort of force me to do them and as you can see
you have the option to enter how many reps you did
how much weight you use etc and once you’re done
with an exercise you can check it off and then if
you do that exercise again on another day it does
show you how you did last time and then you can
see your improvement as time goes on but what is
most frustrating to me about this is that once
you start making your way down the list in order
to watch the video of how to do the exercise you
have to scroll all the way back up to the top go
to the right exercise and then watch that video
and then scroll all the way back down to fill out
your results and check it off and then when you
move on to the next exercise you have to scroll
all the way back up again and do this over and
over again i found this very tedious and very time
consuming especially when i’m doing my workout i
just wanted to be quick i just want to look at the
video check it off look at the video check it out
i really wish that the videos were right beside
where the exercise is listed so that it’s really
easy to just switch back and forth between the two
or just have them both laid out in front of you
it would just make it so much more user friendly
and another thing i wish was that the videos were
filmed from different angles as well so you could
properly see if you are doing the correct form
all around and i also wish there was a little sort
of like a map or like a body sort of chart which
highlighted the muscle groups that you’re going to
be targeting during this exercise so that you know
that you’re feeling the burn in the right places
because a lot of it is just kind of like i think
i’m doing it right but i’m not sure and i feel
like if you’re a beginner having that little map
would be so so helpful because then you’d know
where you’re supposed to feel the exercise because
if you’ve never lifted weights or you’ve never
really done too much training in general you
probably won’t be sure if you’re feeling it in the
right place or not and i’ve been lifting weights
for a long time and there were still times where i
was uncertain if i was doing it right i would feel
something but was i feeling the right something
i don’t know what i do love about this program
is that there are so many unique exercises that
i had never done before tailored to my body type
like i mentioned earlier when you sign up for the
program you do fill out information like your body
type and then it creates a program based on that
because my body is very straight like a ruler
i have a rectangular body shape notice there
was a lot of shoulder exercises in my program
which is fine the thing is when it creates
your personalized program it doesn’t ask you
what your goal is for example the program might
be tailored in a way to help you lose weight
when your goal is to gain weight or for example
for me i’ve put on muscle very easily especially
in my arms i already have defined shoulders i’m
not looking to build them anymore like i am happy
with where they are right now and i’m fine with
maintaining them but i don’t want them to grow
any more than they are it just wasn’t a goal that
i was particularly interested in and so much of my
program had shoulders in it the program assumes
that your goal is a certain aesthetic which it
might not be you might have a completely different
goal your goal might be to build your booty or to
strengthen your quads you know even though you
have a certain body type you might just have
a different goal that is not the same as what the
program assumes it is i did wish that in the intro
it asked you like what are your goals just to make
it a little bit more fine-tuned and a little bit
even more personalized to you and your specific
goals rather than just what your body type is now
and that being said i didn’t mind too much
doing all of the shoulder exercises because
there was a lot of new ones in there that i really
enjoyed learning and enjoyed doing steve mentioned
that his workouts are designed to isolate specific
muscles rather than doing compound movements which
target multiple muscle groups at one time at
first i really like this idea because i know
it is important to isolate your muscles especially
when you want to get a sort of specific shape to
your body and you want to have defined lines and
to find let’s say triceps and biceps and shoulders
it’s really good to isolate those specific
areas to create an even look all around however
i recently watched abby sharp do a review on
olivia de andreas video and she made a comment on
how steve’s program is focused on the isolation
of muscle groups while she is not an expert in
the training side of things she did reach out to
a colleague who is and basically they said that
workouts that are designed to isolate muscle
groups tend to work better for those people
who have already been training for a long time and
who already have some muscle definition built if
you’re new to working out you’re better off
doing compound movements that work multiple
muscle groups because it’ll raise your heart rate
and give you a better workout you’ll see better
results and you won’t have to be at the gym for
as long that brings me to my next point the length
of the workout according to the app you have the
option of doing one to three sets of each exercise
if you do one set of each exercise the workout
should take you about 20 minutes and if you do
three sets of each exercise it should take you
about an hour i did not find this to be the case i
wanted to do three sets of each exercise because
i wanted to get the most out of the program
and i wanted to make sure that i did everything
as much as i could so that i could properly give
you guys my opinion on it so i did three sets of
each exercise and it took me a long time it took
me about an hour and a half to sometimes almost
two hours to complete a workout and that’s not
including any cardio at first i thought i would
get faster because i thought it’s taking time
because i have to go through and review each video
and learn the exercises and that’s why it’s taking
me so long but it it still takes me really long
i’m now i’ve did a month of it and it still takes
me an hour and a half to get through a workout
so that’s a lot of time and that’s not a lot
of time that people have so if you’re a really
busy person and you don’t have a lot of time to
work out i wouldn’t recommend this as the workout
for you and even if you did one set per exercise
i feel like maybe you’re not going to be getting
the most out of your workout plan especially when
you’re paying so much money because it’s really
not that cheap and especially if you’re pre-paying
or paying month to month like it adds up if you’re
busy or you have a really on the go don’t have a
lot of time to work out i wouldn’t recommend this
program you can find really good quick efficient
workouts online you can even kind of learn to
eventually create your own plan just by doing
a little bit of research oh that is the downside
to this line is that it does take a lot of time to
do those isolation movements compared to when
you’re doing compound movements you’re working
multiple muscle groups at once and you can kind
of get through your workout quicker and like i
mentioned the time that it took me didn’t include
cardio because there was no cardio included in
the program i don’t know if this is the case
for everybody but for my program there was no
cardio included and i just assumed at first that
that meant that like i didn’t need to do cardio
because i know not everyone thinks that you need
to do cardio but i like to do cardio because i
like to get my heart rate pumping and i just feel
really good after because it didn’t include cardio
in my workout plan i just did cardio myself two
to three times a week and included it in the plan
that way however as i was doing research for this
video i kind of went through the whole website and
made sure to just read everything so i didn’t
miss anything and i came across the faq section
in which the question about cardio was answered
and it mentioned that you should be doing hit
cardio with your workout and i really wish this
was more clear and like more easily accessible
or mentioned right in the beginning of your
workout rather than having to search through
and go through the faq section and then finding
the answer to the cardio question because honestly
if i wasn’t doing the research for this video i
probably would have never gone in that section and
i would have never known that you know i should
be doing cardio with this workout plan so if
somebody is brand new and they’re just going off
workout schedule they’re not gonna know like hey
cardio is also important i should be incorporating
it or they might not know that hit cardio is
better for this plan rather than steady state
cardio so i do wish it’s told you right away
like hey you need to do this and lastly i really
wish there was a nutrition plan included with this
like i said it’s not cheap and when i’m paying
this much for a workout plan that’s supposed
to be tailored to me and meant to give me really
great results i kind of expect it to come with a
nutrition plan or at least a meal guide or meal
ideas of some sort which it doesn’t at all and
again when it asked about nutrition it does lead
you to buy this book by written by steve as well
and that’s an additional 22 cost american more
if you’re canadian and that’s not something that
i personally would like to pay on top of already
paying for the workout it just adds up and i kind
of just wish it was included to make it that much
easier and make it more worthy initial price tag
so to conclude how did i feel about this workout
overall i didn’t mind it did i love it honestly no
did i see really good results no i didn’t and i’m
really disappointed and yes maybe a month is not
long enough to see results but i would have liked
to see at least some results i didn’t really see a
significant difference of my body before and after
and it just really wasn’t targeted toward my goal
like i said sure doing shoulders is great and i
incorporate them into my workout regularly but i
don’t want my workout to be so heavily for focused
on that and for you it might not be but like for
me it was and that just wasn’t my goal and i was
honestly really disappointed when i did these
workouts i never really felt like i had a good
workout if that makes sense don’t get me wrong
like i did find the exercises challenging and it
would feel the burn especially after doing endless
wraps just at the end of the workout i just
really didn’t feel like i had a good workout in
the sense i don’t really feel like i got to push
myself to my full capacity and when i work out i
like to have that like feeling of like wow like i
really did it and maybe that’s because these are
isolation moves and they’re more like specific and
they don’t really get your heart rate popping but
when i do a workout i want to get my heart rate
pumping i want to work out hard and i want to see
the results that way like i said i didn’t really
see the results that i wanted to see and i’m
really disappointed and also just want to touch
one more time on the accessibility of the website
i do understand that it is a website designed to
perform like an app but honestly i wish they would
just make it a app i find that it glitches so much
on the website i have to refresh a lot it freezes
on me it logs me out and i have to relog in and
it’s just really inconvenient to do that in the
middle of your workout i just want an app that i
can click on i’m always logged in and it’s really
easy to access all of the information is laid out
in a nice neat way it doesn’t take time away from
the actual workout do i recommend this app do i
feel like it was worth the 30 40 dollar price tag
honestly no and this is not to like bash on steve
because i’m sure he is a great personal trainer i
would love to train with him one day this is just
my experience somebody asked me would i recommend
using this program i would say no i feel like
there are better ways to spend your money you
can easily search up routines based on your goals
on the internet and get free exercises and watch
videos that way you might have to do a little bit
more research but once you do that research and
you get into your routine it’ll be really easy to
flow into your routine because you’ll already know
what to do other than that i really hope that this
video was helpful to anyone considering signing up
for this program i mean i don’t want to like say
don’t sign up for it because you might like it
if you’re new to working out and you don’t
really know things like you don’t really know
a lot of exercises you don’t really know where
to start it might be good for you but again as
abby sharp mentioned isolation workouts tend to
be better for those who are already working out
so i don’t really know i guess that’s a decision
you can make for yourself but i did enjoy a lot
of the exercises and i will incorporate some
of them into my workout just not all of them
and yeah other than that i hope this video was
helpful if it was please give it a big thumbs up
subscribe if you haven’t and i
will see you guys in the next one
bye you

Conten writer at FlipReview who specialise in Gadgets review, food critics, app and games review, car and bike review, book reviews, movies reviews, tv-series reviews and many more.

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