Categories: Moviewatch

THE EQUALIZER 3 (2023) MOVIE REACTION!! First Time Watching! Denzel Washington | Full Movie Review

it’s time to thre equalize people KO jandro and I we intentionally turned down screenings even though we got a lot for this one cuz we were like no we owe it to the audience who watched equalizer 1 and two with us to watch equalizer 3 with us how you doing Coy I’m so excited to find out the genre I’m excited too yeah that’s right there was a tonal shift from one to two but I love both of them people have really really enjoyed it did well at the box office so ladies and gentlemen you know

what to do equalize that like button whatever that means also uh I wanted to say a really really really big thank you to everyone who’s been watching our videos first and foremost as I segue to everyone who’s been purchasing some real reex apparel one of the absolute best ways to support the channel we got shirts like this one right here I call the shop protection services shirt of course Pedro Pascal from last of us and baby Yoda we just launched this Ahsoka stip STI Shir lightsaber scissors got space babies we got who influences The influencers

Watchmen inspired got a soda we got a whole bunch more bottom line it is easily one of the best ways to support the channel and plus we put our own creativity into it ourselves we were handson with it so

thank you guys so much and lastly full enaction watch along re single with your own copy of The Equalizer 3 available for super sex rejects over at our patreon page we cover several things exclusively there with reaction how and watch Longs included Coy chre you ready so ready I am so ready to Let’s get to it

that’s so pretty wow I wonder what this experience is like for people who saw equalizer 2 when it first came out then to wait for this whereas we saw them this year two months ago yeah cuz I’m like let’s pick it up exactly pretty nice right in yeah some people waited seven years between the first and the third one yeah exactly uh it’s a it’s a crime guys’s got a pitchfork in him I wouldn’t go that way you got a kid great reveal shot yeah oh I love the background use of hyper violence that kid

is Young Denzel he would grow up to be Denzel Washington ooh cool shutter speed shift damn damn so the third one’s a horror movie oh wow they they really went right up close and personal with that one I wanted us to experience it these are awesome shots there’s a lot like violence in the background I love it oh this is a violent opening they’re so good at making the villains awful in different ways or is this Denzel’s doing I’ll take either one either way violence I feel like it’s too violent for the protagonist no no

I think it’s Denzel he’s just lost it oh I love elegant possible villains yeah I’m really curious how this goes still one shot I think so I think it’s still one shot since the threshold got crossed right like since they followed behind them that was really really pretty damn the shadows and Lighting are on point Who’s their gaffer great job every step yeah you’re right it is Denzel man that’s cool to throw it in the other person’s perspective yeah that Lighting on him godamn right you to say I know what you are what you are

emphasis you took something that didn’t belong to you I’m here to take it back even the guy with a gun hella look so nervous love other particulate yeah your man to my left finger on the trigger but he’s a foot Too Close which renders your man to my right de already he just doesn’t know it yet I feel sorry for his family man has it missed a step 9 seconds there it is that’s what you have to decide your fate damn it sounds like jigsaw now boom boom oh oh oh oh he shot him through

his head he shot him through his head oh my God the seven-year waight was worth it I’m so glad we were patient for seven years I love these movies so much look at that shot I know it’s gorgeous holy crap again the Shadows are on point beautiful ouch oh right up the exit ouch it’s so fascinating capturing it in this perspective CU it paints him in almost a villainous light cuz he’s so brutal but he is like we’ve seen it yeah but we’ve rationalized it oh that music is great spiderverse inspired this one is a

violent good time people woo oh you I think the music works as a great transition too whatever we’re going next look at the wine spilling with the blood yeah it’s excellent Sony loves their it’s got that like religious symbolism that just plays all along this so hyped three equalize bre in M now okay God he’s so cool he really is no whoa whoa whoa oh no oh my God it threw him off his game did you see that yeah he just like that was yeah just that was not like him that’s really interesting I think

he like his Instinct was the kid was okay and it wasn’t oh dang he actually got clipped I think he was checking is that what this movie is about him having to retire because he’s not like on it this what has existentialism dread dread looms if you went to the theaters of coin I would be the exact same thing it’d be everyone around us you guys shut up existentialism see it the lighting is on oh damn holy is he actually going through this he’s always Invincible damn this is this is really punching he fell onto

a bullet oh maybe he started firing like crazy because he got shot in the back oh maybe just Panic yeah that is the theme always given us a different side of him every movie giving the movie purpose justifying it look he’s so emotional this time his emotions are on the fences yep they certainly are oh man that’s that’s one fen’s reference per equalizer from out of nowhere I’ll pull it off I still haven’t seen fences I just know his hat it’s just as fun of a reaction oh yeah definitely and nice drun that’s a play

watch us watch a play thank you Andel what’s your name that is not a lie yeah I was wondering no h Philadelphia where you supposed to be oh he said what he said earlier talking about where you’re supposed to be dude are you the bad guy that is the question and him not knowing old man Robert needs another Cane to equalize how long I uh three days today you resurrected like Christ four more days what a kind man I hope he’s handicapped for this whole movie I think that would be a really fascinating part every

like movie’s been so different he might be I mean one of the things that people have often said is that you know he is a little too Invincible yeah they did a whole movie where he’s mortal and how he’d see the world not capable of acting on it is this about him versing the Mafia the whole Mafia well it seems like he’s versing like the Italian mafia right cuz they would be ruling this cuz he’s paranoid every step he’s taking yeah what’s he looking out for well that’s interesting I worry about him taking down the

mafia I don’t know if he’s in any shape too I think you can pull it off he’s Unstoppable oh my God I’m Gonna Keep two for two I’m I got I can do this all day he’s got to come back though slowly he needs a training day or two interesting he where’s his wedding ring on his right yeah poison what if this one was just a slice of Life of him healing Still Still invested still be invested just watch him on screen I’m Georg Boni I’m Jo this is my daughter Gabby oh no I’m worried

for Gio Dr is a very good doctor he brought me to this world my parents too almost everybody here what all them man is very old and prolific I po your cob behind the station for when you feel better I didn’t look in your backs why are they willing to protect him so much immediately it’s cuz he’s American everyone loves Americans oh they didn’t know he was unconscious it’s a friendly Canadian people love Canadians so much more despair in his performance yeah I’m really worried for that kid and all these kind people cins that’s her

Vineyard in Sicily 6.2 miles south of who is this concerned citizen you were talking to a Man on Fire just now canina Arana Vineyards just south of palmo crates imported from Middle East Syria by the looks of it fruits tree nuts spices I’m sorry but there’s nothing unusual about that wine I still view her as a child actor every time I see her how is she working at the CIA I never view her as an adult repackaging operation by the looks of it you’re going to need a physical access team you know all this how

just passing through thought it might be of interest to you people what do you mean you people so he’s going to be like protecting the people here I assume but he just put his watch down which is how he equalizes so is that like him like I’m I’m off I think he wants to retire but you can’t retire The Man on Fire you already used that one I just rhyming it this time all right that’s fair somehow I will working to take you to pelhem 123 wow this is the shadow movie I love the lightting

so much you just really get the impression death is waiting for him it’s a really ominous everything editing tone lighting feels like he’s descending the stairs to heaven what a cool like how did they that shot s on a lift one day someone does something unspeakable to someone else and you do something about it cuz you can it’s who you are you’ve always been God it’s flashback this is cool whoa waa hardcore Henry interesting oh the reflection man each one of them gets darker about his view of himself and everything yeah like the first an

action movie with knowledge of morality the second when it’s like the ramifications this is like the despair like the the weight yeah you really get the to really throw it into his firsters point of view completely undoes any glorification of that moment oh yeah nothing’s cool about murdering a lot of people but the finale still better be it’s going to be awesome with the watch the watch is going to go back on you better still bring it F me it this guy is the master at making friends with people at local shops very attractive people

just love denel I know on the way out I feel like there’s going to be no violence for like another another hour I’m cool man ATT video it’s an interesting structure to to be like let’s throw you into this and now let’s peel it back and deconstruct him long game the unnerving the bad elements no violence from him there will be violence there will be violence immediate violence looks to be happening pay your taxes I don’t know there’s a lot of death symbolism man dead fish come on symbolized life I like this track this track

is cool something’s building yeah son loves the flare I think fuka really up this game on the camera work here mhm the lock offs of POV the like lifts yeah the long shots too look how tangible this all is out of the three movies this year set in Italy this is the prettiest oh yeah really getting the sense of the extra and stuff the environment I feel like I’m here versus me watching here mhm I suspect action scene it’s looming love how so much of this is actually an Italian yeah oh my god wow here

consequences of not being obedient to these guys the villainy is always so horrific in these the violence feels violent leave him there for everyone to see yeah we like we’re so desensitized to violence cuz it’s in every movie but like this is something else that was so brilliant cuz I I kept wondering why the camera was locked off to keep him in Focus the guy in the wheelchair the weakest and like least intimidating person it’s just a motion of just watching this vulnerable elderly man violently murdered there’s nothing about the character you know yeah for

for grilled for roast yes well hello that’s sucker what a great jab no that I understand I’m paying thank oh man I want Enzo as a friend guy got doesn’t have the money and he’s still helping out I love free stuff oh what are they moving O’s that is that Roy yeah he left the office he got promote approximately 11 million us cameras they all went down at the same time precisely 1816 is she the daughter of Melissa Leo that’d be crazy yeah what do you see when you look at me Denzel Washington I mean

when I come here you you you you take care me you don’t call ambulance you don’t call police why remember what I asked you you know what he remembers the Titans yeah am I a good man or bad man you asked me and you said you didn’t know only a good man would have said that or the sociopath who refuses to acknowledge that he’s a bad guy you know he’s our protagonist our violent violent protag just saying there’s flaws in your argument there Enzo he’s an optimist Enzo Joker just thought he was ahead of the

curve but he knew he was a dog chasing cars while not a religious fella I can appreciate a movie where they don’t shy away from it if it is very much interwined and with the film and the culture and it all makes I agree yeah makes me think is he going to go to heaven or hell after death equalizer 4 equalizer 4 Ever him and John Wick both fighting underground oh man turning that beautiful Town into hotels and casinos is I just love just a silhouette of bad guys there yeah the lighting’s like we’re silhouetted

Pure Evil hasn’t been seen reading one book this movie oh great call there is some Western Samurai Vibes to it stranger wandering in a town lone stranger Good Samaritan a man awful damn how heroing it’s like a Inferno how awful this movie is doing an excellent job at getting you invested in the community yeah I really care about everyone even them just saying like they’re good people and now we’re like meeting the good people yeah normally you rush past that and and like you said 40 minutes of like gives him time to heal gives time

for us to like really love and hate these guys he’s got to take out two bosses which I like he’s got to take out the like debie boss and then like ch’s G to get himself in trouble I’m worried about him his daughter why do you do that oh uh Habit I’m neat and tell me who cooks for you oh you will I would love to show you the real food of alamonte would you come with me damn son Hail Mary full of grace permanent Denzel Riz cannot be stopped one condition you wear your new

hat it’s the Hat it’s the Hat it’s it’s that hat man that’s why they call him Malcolm X he’s got a whole row of them lining up rebuild like your back they see you as one of us now that’s amazing can’t leave protect the people found life now the stair seem uplifting but will he die for his people I think he’s about to I’m still worried he is Jesus as where this whole trilogy was going leading him to sacrifice himself oh hey now turn and face you straight on if you want to get a better

photograph turn it’s not subtle that was a terrible also real loud you volume on two one who are you what were you doing on that farm in sicy even better a farm that bundles methamphetamine based narcotics told you on the phone just a guy best passing I love he just addresses at head on in every movie like I’m this guy how did you know I was me you’re reading a tour guide for Rome were in alante and your voice the way you pronounce your M it’s a dry sandpapery sound nice that’s compliment you kill him

I look like a guy who kills people warming to the possibility to like like it or not you’re a person of interest I’m an interesting person not even a little curious how I found you took the same fairy Crossing you noticed the security cameras on the terminal building you rewind two weeks saw the license plates for the VW damn you’ll uh do a deep search on the name already in the works oh good good good she raise your antenna I think it’s I think she’s the daughter I think she’s the daughter when you said it

you’re like that’s perfect you oh no cuz the van a Gio shouldn’t be poking your Italian nose in the places they don’t belong he’s being a cop a good one not in that town whoa great shot damn that so cool oh no please tell me it’s just a taunting session yeah oh that is really icky oh god oh my god dude don’t be loud dude dude a that’s so sad we care about everyone now like supporting characters the town in general this is the first one in the trilogy that makes me go what would I

do in this position yeah they’ve humanized him to such a level and even for this geog guy you know I was like right there going like man what would I do in this position it’s the camora the andang what you call mafia they like cancer more cure he’s the Cure he’s going to be the surgeon of the town I think he takes out everybody except the big bad and the big bad and them take each other out the way how John Q needed a doctor he’s going to be the doctor for this city di to

search go apparently you’re a ghost o not afraid of ghosts black shirt white wall black shirt white jacket that Sicilian Farmers Lorenzo vital ran a massive cyber Empire siphoning money from offshore accounts government agencies Pension funds so I’m off the hook for now I got a idea cell we didn’t know existed feel like she’s into him or something everyone is she delivers her lines like Lil in the way she blinks and everything be dealing with the locals now they have their own agendas what they say is not always what they mean aren’t you you just

full of tips ah but you want to see that tip you know what I mean why smuggle drugs into the most secure port in the entire region I’ll Circle back to you with the answer when I’m done then you can answer my question why me cuz you’re the daughter of the dead woman from the previous movie you’re cast very similarly I do believe that’s true restaurants sit down you know it’s a classic equalizer moment oh sit across from him that’s right you make IC cont that’s what I’m talking about go over there bring your loud

mouth over there yeah you like being on another little people’s business trying very hard not to be but you make it very challenging for me everything in life is about timing now unfortunately for you yours isn’t very good I’m starting to believe from the bottom of my heart that this is where I’m supposed to be that you and your friends do please do it somewhere else you warning me I’m preparing you is that a TX no oh yes let’s go right there that’s the median nerve that I’m compressing oh my God I love when they

educate scale from 1 to 10 that’s a two that’s a three I go to four your on yourself you don’t want that I don’t want that they don’t want that tell your comp that they can leave beat oh my God he is one little maneuver take the gun out of your waist put it on the table he had the opportunity to shoot him and he still cannot focus his brain’s just Desiring he could have easily shot got him right there and the game is a foot yes and the first action we’ve seen is a finger

between nerves little brother syndrome all right take out these guys oh damn oh God good stun Fork holy crap Wow real a real person there that’ be a dummy and it was such good editing when they subbed it in woo well he’s taking out two of your guys wow that was intense go for the Viking get the big one yes Viking with wine yeah you got this oh my God he’s having ooh ooh ooh oh look at the lighting the lighting is so good oh that’s damn there’s call backs to the first one in this

one oh I have chills that was amazing and the Halo oh the Halo yeah he was waiting for that he was cre he was G going down oh man yeah there’s a villain side here oh it’s so dark is anyone going to snitch on the what went down at the restaurant M and he obviously knows oh my God the F9 movie was happening Jason Mamoa did this I’m Dante on Shante why sis why not Ela Sardinia makes no sense Frank running drugs through the most secure port in the region the mainland faction took possession and

Naples it’s easiest port to slip things through now I got to say I I generally like Dakota Fanning but I’m I’m not finding her very believable in this movie I don’t think she’s a CIA agent and I do like her I don’t know what it is there’s something about her line deliveries that’s it’s interesting because it doesn’t quite play it’s not reading genuine to me I feel like she’s acting and I think since everyone else is so natural it’s making it stand out a bit yeah you can’t Coast by and your Man on Fire to

Goodwill like to question these men you son of a so that’s your one you can’t interview now she knows where to start so what’s the deal I’m not here to negotiate I’m here to give you an opportunity for what I need some information and you’re going to give it to me well he just gave up the information she’s very intimidating Fanning but I feel like I’d be terrified if I was part of this family okay didn’t look armed but died like Elvis how’ they know to shoot that guy in the in the bathroom he was

armed they but how’ they know there was a guy in bathroom was AR they must have hurt I don’t pooping sound of pooping I’m pretty sure she’s a child someone’s clearly telling her things dude you’re going to get yourself killed yeah what is your what is your dumb ass you’re by yourself there his finger oh his whole hand all right so still attached I guess that was extreme oh oh my God the ice bucket what kind of knife is that that I don’t know it’s infomercial and cut through pennies it was just like a clean

little sweep right there man worries boat goes through Stak and hands like nothing Chief barell is being attacked by who we don’t know but he has information regarding your investigation this officer will escort you to the hospital no excuse me probably makes Chief Morell look non-corrupt he definitely isn’t Under Suspicion now it’s not terrorist it’s theora careful let me call you back in a minute do not start your car we’ve learned oh if he hadn’t called Damn classic that explosion was crazy oh oh my God this is a real horrifying aftermath I’m used to starting

car explosions but just moving along but damn this is a this is real wow oh now it’s personal oh no this is a dangerous place for her to be we’re not looking for Terror it’s theora I would have trust a single person him those doctors nobody all because he looked up a van you mess with one of us you mess with all of us oh my God whoa is Denzel above them oh no my God what land him a that dude’s definitely def in that ear now yeah I mean whatever ear is left oh my

God is Roberto coming out into the open I killed your brother you’re a Long Way from Home American moer I’m where I’m supposed to be here I am you do do I understand weakness I understand pain I understand death I understand suffering and because of these people I’m starting to understand peace you can’t take that away from me woo you can take anything you want take me here I am just don’t do it here this is the best place American so these people can see and tell others what they witness oh it’s your choice it’s

always my choice zero in what is happen Eno Enzo oh my God they’re all recording oh yeah what a beautiful moment but it won’t last long cuz I’ll be back I’ll be here I’ll leave this place like a war blew through it I’ll be waiting for you hurry up bad ass yeah oh he got the watch back he got the watch back now it’s real uh that’s his main accessory he went to them Shadows can’t get over it these guys are out of time oh look oh yo he is cleaning house oh my God I

have become death oh oh he just solved the just already took care big bad’s done oh oh never mind like them we’re just racist against Italians yeah go teed Italians look alike then dark lighting die I like how not flashy this one is like it’s brutal and just G I like the oh god oh wow the weight of sin just like cast over this whole thing yeah movie is stayed ominous whoa awesome whoa brought the hanging back you want some scared and suffering before ouch ouch ouch ouch oh my God it’s home alone all over

again ouch oh I don’t like it I don’t like it that’s the problem the whole rest of violence stepping on glass I relate to I’ve lived through that part man the camera work in this is really great knowing where to place it and how to handle reveals how this like and how it’s also mirroring the beginning of the film you’re going through the perspective of the villain but now it’s all forground violence the beginning was background violence cuz we’ve leveled up to like the tension oh you are sick Robert yeah that guy’s got issues like

yeah put a back together for a reveal don’t with me there you go got what you asked for who are you damn you have less than six minutes P the pills backyard give him a chance to come kill him one day when I is he a good guy or a bad guy he’s Dexter Morgan he’s like stalking this Dy man around his house I mean he deserves it but it’s horrifying oh my God is he going to put him on the spikes he’s going to be so gross isn’t he yeah how’s he going to what’s

the fat wow does he March him into the center of the square oh damn the Godfather so tragic oh my God he’s just like watching him die this is crazy time he’s like guiding him to like wherever he wants him watching him die slowly what ceremony is this so beautiful sin the first Apple Robert’s also a thief did cleaned up the town bur local he definitely wasted those Peppers too is that your go bag $366,500 wow so what’s it for it’s Greg D’s pension he’s a brick layer his Union’s pension fund got hacked nine months

ago okay so you tracked down some guy’s life savings to a cyber ghost that no one has been able to find for years it happens to be a drug smuggling Way Station I didn’t know that until I got in there is this guy some friend of yours no gave him my LIF once ah great what’s this it’s your pension how did you was me why something like this for a stranger I guess he is a good guy equalizes he just does it yeah it’s balances the scill someone left this for you at the front desk

got a meeting with the director in 30 minutes he wants to meet the person who broke up in the Italian situation nicely done he was a good guy I was worried yeah is that Mom look look at the just God damn it your mother would be proud of you yeah I think I saw a portrait look at your portrait black book oh he’s giv her all of his yes confirmed oh so she’s going to carry on the franchise she’s going to be The Equalizer now hope she learns how to fight hope she learns how to

murder hope she learns how to do all the things cuz so far she got a lot of help we won I this is our town serial killer all right I’m moving to Italy been a pleasure America and zo a so in the beginning he saw death because he wanted peace but now he’s found peace so he doesn’t need to die and he’s accepted that he’s the Grim Reaper himself I have become death destroyer of Italian mafia for time oh man wow what a film man that was great that was great wow W one of the

best shot action movies I’ve ever seen w wow wow wow wow wow wow wow ladies and gentlemen if you’re listening to this on Apple Spotify rate it we have just watched equalizer 3 literally moments ago when we’re going to talk about it with equalizing efficiency still think they should have called the three equalizer I feel like that title would have helped serve the mood of this you know the box office would have tripled had it thre equalized absolutely what alrighty man Coy please please um what did you think we’ll do quick category breakdowns denzo Washington’s

performance uh I think that this is a contender for greatest sequel uh and Trilogy in all of action largely because of the weight that Denzel brings to everything like this could been I don’t think it would have gotten a sequel much less a threequel if it hadn’t been for his gravitas his ability to make everything feel so important the ability to have us judge him but not in a judgmental way to assess him we were always scrutinizing and feeling the weight of his actions and the POV shots and the the Judgment he was putting on

himself but you always wanted to see him as good and characters like Punisher characters like you know Vigilantes to the scale are always tricky because it’s so easy to go like oh violence is fine they don’t make violence fine at any point but it’s his performance that allows you to feel like yeah is it Justified and you question yourself but if if the performance wasn’t a 10 then you wouldn’t be able to yeah I thought he was excellent I mean every single movie we’ve gotten a different a different more intimate look at him because the

first one he he is more kept that at a distance from us he’s more mysterious and he’s just more like a badass act yeah he’s just doing awesome stuff yeah he’s just a great guy in that one and and you want him to become the action hero and the second one does become more reflective more intimate uh more introspective and this one carries that on from looking at him in in a way of of a like I think it’s brilliant it’s not just a cool action movie Motif which I thought that’s maybe what they might

have been doing and then but you quickly pick up on that they’re not just doing this for cool int reintroduction into equalizer 3 of starting it off with the villain’s perspective of him witnessing the vi like the it’s the villain being like this is a yeah this is violent situation we what is what is do this who could do this what what is capable of doing something this horrific and this brutal and by himself MH and then to strip him down where he is handicapped forcing him into a position to slow down and take it

all in and to reflect like he’s physically forced to reflect upon the the situation and and then to have the religious angles of course of the weight of sin C that is you know um Weighing on him throughout this entire experience and I I love it because it is very philosophical it is very existential but a lot of it is just performance and mood-based well it’s not exactly the like they don’t go like too overt about it other than like the visual references yeah I think the ominous tone is is so many different pieces it’s

the sound design it’s the the cinematography we talked about a ton because it is stunning this might be the prettiest action movie silhouette movie so shadowy and black and white there’s so much black and white like it’s a movie about good or bad black and white and they frame it like that they’re like what if this is here and this is here and then the beginning being violent in the background and then as we escalate into accepting his violence the violence is in the foreground and whether or not we we feel justified in the violence

that he has now chosen to take cuz it’s in front of us instead of behind us and I thought that was a really interesting choice it was it was really interesting because it’s it’s this community that he’s a part of that does need him and they don’t judge him like they accept him pretty early on and they let him be a part they just let him be part of it and he does this like really violent acts but no one everyone’s like but he’s helping us he’s helping us and at the end of the day

we need him you know and you could still see his hearts in the right place and I appreciate for an act for a movie for a franchise that starts off as just straight up like wikian it’s such it’s such an action movie The First movie is such an action movie and it this had the capacity to potentially become pretentious you know o of like I an art house action I get what you’re trying to do but come on like you know what if the allegory for Jesus yeah it could have been easily but it didn’t

ever go there and here they really stuck to what they wanted to do of by the time they get to the finale it it actually does not succumb to like it’s cool by appreciation and observation but it does not ultim isn’t cool like the death of that guy is hard to watch they don’t dissolve in into just oh like well we were joking that it would do which I really thought they were going to do I was kind of afraid for a couple minutes I like you you kind of get that cool catharsis moment when

he does kill crazy unhinged brother yeah yeah but it’s still unsettling and unnerving because he’s chewing it up he’s enjoying it he’s delighting in the violence and that was so smart to have the two bosses so you could get the action to satisfy that but also be uncomfortable with that action and then even more uncomfortable with the Slow Burn walk death yeah it’s like he does become death by the end of this film uh he he is accepting of that you know and that’s his piece that is his piece it’s it is strange but for

for a peculiar odd character uh is something that is larger than life uh I think it works for the world somehow works like yeah I mean is it is it acceptable in Real Life Society probably not but in a world like this yeah it I’ll get on board for it why not and I love that they leaned into the isolation in the beginning and like him discovering and slowing down because of his injuries so that almost made me think like what if he had had to slow down at any point in his life would he

have found peace sooner could he have and then there’s all the talk of like I’m right where I should be there’s all this talk of like this is the distance between this and this this is the timing of this and this and that’s the the when he could have slowed down so I love that they kind of wrap up multiple subplots in one ending with this is where he’s meant to be this is the only time this could have happened this is the only way this could have happened and and it just beautifully tells a

mafia Story I mean it’s called equalizer and I’ve always thought that was such a funny title for what it is for what it is yeah and and to me he does in a lot of ways become The Equalizer by the end of this film of yes he is the embodiment of Darkness but he’s doing it for good and they don’t shy away from him being the embodiment of Darkness nor do they glorify it it was surprising how they how they managed to like yeah we got to frame it cool it’s going to look cool but

you’re not going to feel like it’s cool you know when you’re watching it it’s the anti-walmart movie you like you know all those Walmart movies that are like $5 bin like look at all this violence blood and awesome this is like well that’s cool looking but why do I feel bad about it like it doesn’t feel like the glorification of action movies it’s it’s almost a drama using action to make it more dramatic like the action serves the drama more than the drama serves the action it is one of those things where I do feel

like the experience of performance and director really go hand inand because they haven’t shifted director you know they start working together on training day and they haven’t shifted director since the start of this franchise and you could feel the evolution of them understanding that a lot of the character of of Robert McCall is experienced more tonal wise more more visual wise it’s it’s it’s all the unspoken stuff and while there some stuff obviously spoken where they like they they mainly speak the themes is what they speak you know but the character growth and the trajectory

a lot like they’re not saying a lot of things that were saying but it’s there it’s very much it’s very much on screen and I I love that fuka I I feel like his it’s like The Equalizer ones are pretty much near perfect first installment movie but as these films have gotten heftier as these films have gotten deeper uh I appreciate the maturity of them and the will the boldness to go that way because this to me is I could see it not being audience satisfactory but I I haven’t heard people be disappointed with no

I mean it’s got like you know four and a half stars or whatever and and the IMDb is a little low it’s like .1 which I don’t like but uh I love that it did well box office cuz I’d love to see things like this get rewarded cuz it didn’t cost that much like you know this movie is not that expensive compared to the Blockbusters or even like you know High budget dramas out there so to make more things like this where it’s like resonating with audiences enough to make a profit trust the audience like

this did but we didn’t get the there was some stuff I wish we got we didn’t get the cool I’m to just count my watch and we’re going to he didn’t need it anymore we’re going to do some of those cool visuals need it anymore any zip around evolved Sherlock holes now it’s slow Framing and now it’s using foreground and background now it’s pacing I did like the POV of like this it it’s cool because the first movie is you’re observing and wondering questioning who this person is and this movie takes so much to the

point of putting you into his that you actually go into his own POV at one point and you’re like oh yeah observing him do cool violence is one thing but when you’re in it through his perspective it is like this is a reflect experience you’re thinking like what would it be like to cause this harm and like could I inflict this pain I couldn’t I think the movie in terms of some of the the the weaker side which something that the other ones kind of fall under the same camp is uh kind I mean I

love the sense of community that we got here because that’s where R mallic sells at is getting involved with some kind of community whether it be a warehouse of his co-workers or a whole friendly Town Boston Boston or as a lift driver or the city of Italy he’s a man of the Town yeah he’s it I I love that Community Vibe I love the whole sense there um because I really did care about everyone and and like even like a character like the geoc cop who I’m like I don’t really know this guy but man

I really don’t want him to die yeah uh I really love that Enzo another one like this is immediately captivated by this guy but the the I did find some of the CIA investigating stuff a tad boring there was about five minutes that I was like was this filmed in a post screen it for the fans they want to know where this plot Point came from because a lot of it felt like re-shoot or or additional photography like the entire scene of like her interrogating that guy she’s not intimidating how did she get that out

of him like she literally said like I’ve got nothing for you okay here it is yeah I mean a lot of the actual CIA stuff that you would cut to I didn’t find all that interesting I thought it was just like plot like let’s just get information out there like we’ve been with him for too long in Rome let’s go over here yeah there was a lack of panach the Italian mobster guys what I loved about them was when they would um when you would get some of their weird like uh idiosyncracies that not not

weird for them but that’s part of the caption that c like when they’re just eating spaghetti and talking about what they’re going to do yeah and it just feels so casual about it I like that again though like I I do this this one is not really affected by because it’s so much about Robert McCall’s Journey that you’re not it’s so much about witnessing like he is just he is becoming fully accepting of of what he is MH uh because because in the beginning he is like thinking of just I might just off myself you

know find peace that way and instead he just finds a way to live as death instead of giving into death it’s I mean we’re all seeking peace so it’s really interesting that that’s the answer for him and it made me go like what would the answer for the average person or maybe but the the there was something still about the about checking in with the with the villains that like yeah when they were doing violent I I was really compelled by it and you do like hate them for it but plot wise they weren’t really

the the first two had second this that’s secondary for me I feel like the CIA stuff was really like a times very dull and then the villain wise unless they were doing some actually violent they weren’t that interesting sure I think the villains in the first two were definitely more captivating but I kind of like that the villain in this one was at times Denzel yes yeah so that that made it you know what I mean like that balanced that equalized the scales for for the villain being a little weaker there was uh you know

it equalized my oh I could have used more of that but I didn’t want more of that because how much I was with him I thought this was excellent man I thought it was excellent overall and like these other things were were so even compared to like the runtime they they were featured in the film very limited yeah I I do think um dakot of Fanning was like properly cast in theory yeah because you get an A Very incredible actress generally you get someone that looks like Melissa Leo and you have someone the right age

it all works and then like and you get the fan service of hey fire it didn’t work though it worked on paper and and I like her normally I just didn’t I I couldn’t believe her for someon I don’t know if it’s baby face I don’t know if it’s line delivery I don’t know if it’s the combination of everyone else being in like really really grounded and she felt like she was performing there was enough elements I was like I yeah it it felt like I I felt all her choices sure you know and and

not in a not in a way that I felt lived in that’s fair everyone else felt very lived in yeah even Roy yeah I could feel like tired of being C I think you’re trying to play CIA vers but I don’t believe you and that’s hard cuz that’s such a tricky role to be like spouting Exposition also this person over here this like it’s not an easy role but it’s very predictable TST yeah it took like five minutes to be like I feel like to tell you what this person is right it was a little

too obvious and they were trying to make it like a big thing and then they yeah they didn’t show the the frame until that you would like even called how they’re going to reveal like no you’re not yeah but man 90% of this movie yeah most of it though great and in terms of like focusing on dead I I I personally would still rank two as my favorite I think uh one and two are tied and this is a step down because one and two would just be by my mood if I wanted to have

a drama I’d still watch two over this I wanted have an action I’d still watch one over two but I think this is still on par overall because I can’t think of many trilogies that are this good yeah no I mean I I still think it it is like a necessary part of the viewing experience and I I’m I I overall I love it yeah overall I do I you know it’s the problem when you rank three and you put one as you put one of them as three it sounds like you don’t like it

no no I’m just I’m just acknowledging my mood would determine what I watch but this would still be the one I’d probably watch last doesn’t make this one lesser I agree it’s just like those are so incredible but as a Trilogy like I think this is overall better than the John Wick 1 through three uh cuz three dropped off for me a little bit with John Wick and I think uh I don’t even know what else would be like this category certainly not the Takens like this this is you know I mean like Takens are

just like violence is good no uh I think this is one of the better action trilogies they often compare Robert M like who win Robert mccole or John wi I hear that conversation brought up a lot but I’m like but in terms of a movie they’re so different they’re so different they’re so like I think I think you can kind of see some similarities between John Wick one and equalizer one but as a franchise they’re wildly different is is John Wick is like a mythical fantasy world yeah John Wick’s like what’s the coolest stunt we

could do this is like how violent can we make you uncomfortably watch something and this one’s like let’s just zero in our Robert McCall the more we go you know yeah but I I do think as trilogies go like this is up there for me this is I think it’s a solid ass Trilogy um yeah especially for an action Trilogy it was hard to wait not see this in theaters I’m so glad we did though like this was one that I was like I kept seeing like I’d be an AMC and be like ah like

then this was so good this is great this is great all right guys what did you think about the equalizer 3 where would you rank it um in terms of the which where you would place it on the TR I don’t know why I could have just slowed down instead that you know what I’m trying to say out of the three where would you rank it uh leave a like on this video check us out on patreon also where support the channel check out one of our shirts I’m wearing one all the time as should

you and we will catch you all on the flippity flip peace out reack Nation


Conten writer at FlipReview who specialise in Gadgets review, food critics, app and games review, car and bike review, book reviews, movies reviews, tv-series reviews and many more.

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