Categories: Movie

Barbie Movie Review Spoilers – What Us Men Have To Say About A Good "Girl Power" Movie

what do I have to do you have to go to the real world and go back to your regular life or you can know the truth about the universe choice is now the first one the high heel you have to want to know okay do it again all right life gainers I’m back in the building with the homie James Booker and this brother done twisted my arm and doing a double feature of Barbie and Oppenheimer and the first one we’re going to break down I mean Barbie excuse me um James what would you like to

say about Barbie I as a man in his 40s it would have been weird for me to go to this by myself so thank you for coming along no as two men in their 40s it would have been really weird if we would have dressed our asses up in pink like the ladies was doing in the coming to see Barbie that would have been weird to know that yeah but we didn’t do that and so ladies and gentlemen if you’re thinking about this movie we’re gonna break it down up and down it is a spoiler

and this movie is written and directed by Greta Gerwig distributed by Warner Brothers media executive produced by Matteo they are the people that own the Barbie doll Barbie and the premise of this move is Barbie and Ken are having

a time of their lives in a colorful and seemingly it’s perfect world of Barbie land however when they get a chance to go to the real world they soon discover the joys and Perils of living as humans it’s like you go from being in a perfect Utopia to a dystopia that has imperfections and this cast is

star-studded ladies and gentlemen Margaret Robbie plays Barbie Ryan Gosling plays Ken Issa Ray plays President Barbie Will Ferrell he’s the CEO of Matteo and we also have SIM Liu who I think is the same brother that played in Shang shang’s C with Marvel and then we also have um what’s her name Amira Ferreira she’s a human being she plays Gloria she has a daughter and we also have Kate McKinnon who plays the weird ass Barbie having said those things I will give to Florida James by the way be sure to like the video subscribe Lamont

Tyson and life games channel will be coming back real soon to bring you guys reviews on everything so James I just gotta turn the floor to you so when when the first thing you say you know you do the compliment sandwich good thing bad thing good thing okay when the good thing you have to say is casting was outstanding oh boy you know the bad things are big yeah casting was outstanding I have abs there was absolutely nothing wrong with the cast okay they played their parts perfectly right and I got nothing bad to say

about that and the rest of the movie where do we where do we even start all right there’s a lot of stuff in the movie I would say at least a third of what’s in the movie did absolutely nothing to move the plot forward damn and there were moments throughout where I just wanted to shout at the screen your stalling movie you’re stalling this was another Point made long so for me James when I heard about this I was wondering what the hell are you gonna do to make a Barbie movie okay like how how

did how did you construct something to be a Barbie movie yeah and with me being someone who it was counter creative and couldn’t figure that out I give them credit for finding a way to turn a toy into a movie yes and it’s at this point it’s really important to mention that I don’t think we were the target audience of the movie we shouldn’t have been parts of the casting made me question what I just said Will Ferrell Margot Robbie yeah Kate McKinnon you know I want to say we’re not the target audience but some

of that casting felt like they were targeting it uh that being said no this wasn’t meant for us so you know got to review it with that in mind there was nothing wrong with it for little girls right which I think was the target audience certainly of the product well the thing is you can’t bring a little girl here to this movie who’s under 10 because this thing did have some more adult based things from the male patriarchy to what’s really happening in America they did a whole lot apparel um diagramming the parallel between the

Barbie Utopia versus what’s happened in real America and the patriarchy is a major major plot point in this movie and that’s what I mean when I say they took a very simple point and made it law okay I got you and they made it over and over they make a joke about mansplaining but then the movie very carefully mansplains its own plot to you over and over damn they they did the exact thing they were making fun of and I don’t know a better way of saying that well that’s what they did they did I

mean and one of his examples when you go see the movie there’s going to be close to the end God I don’t even know what you’re laughing at but everything in it it’s a ray is the president of the barbs no ladies and gentlemen when the movie first opens okay you’re in Barbie land this is a a woman’s Utopia yes okay and their words not ours yes and everything that happens is a Utopia each and every day it’s like they’re living the same day each and every day the men all the women’s names are Barbie

all the men’s names are Ken each and every can is put in there to worship the Barbie and they spell that out for you like our main Ken he even says he just waits for Barbie all day he’s waiting to get attention from her and that is his job right yep and so they go throughout the whole thing just they have a supreme court that is all women and they turn a lot of the crazy-ass Legends legislation that happens in America on its head which we can get with we understand that why not and a

lot of the the male patriarchy they turned that on its head which we completely understand because we know that’s some going on in America okay now that we get on into what’s really happening then we get into the point where Barbie feels like her life is redundant and she mentions the fact that she thought about death which that was clever everybody’s happy everybody’s dancing they’re even doing a dance scene and then suddenly Barbie just blurts out do you ever think about dying and it comes to a dead and the theater was dead silent and the

movie is dead silent and you get a chuckle out of that you really do yeah you do get a chuckle out of that and when she did that that made her go through a paradigm where she’s going to head and Traverse Barbie land to get to real human society and in order to get there she has to go meet weird ass Barbie and the premise of weird ass Barbie is that in real life a little girl just basically on weird-ass Barbie broke her legs painted all over her face burned up her hair just really turned

a Barbie into what’s a pejorative for ugly woman I don’t even know in this case you know she was drawn on her hair was burned her hair was burned she burned up her breasts the little girl just traumatized this Barbie so that’s why this weird Barbie is weird but she tells the main Barbie played by Kate McKinnon yeah yeah yeah and it was actually funny because Kate McKinnon stretches everywhere she can like she’s doing these split splits everywhere and that was funny as hell yeah that was funny okay that was funny so Barbie gets to

the real world to find a little girl that she assumes is causing her to start to deteriorate as a perfect Barbie yeah it was a little bit of a stretch but they do spell it out for you pretty okay yeah and when she gets to the real world we come to find out it’s not a little girl that is the issue that’s causing the perfect Barbie to have cellulite and flat feet and all the other things that women pick on women about that men don’t give a damn about it is the mom of the little

girl and the mom is played by America Ferreira and America Ferreira realizes that she trapped all these feelings inside her body and she never expressed herself yeah and so we go through this scene that James hated where everybody’s got to go back to Barbie land to fix these issues and the CEO and the board at Mateo attempt to trap the Barbie that came from Barbie land because they feel like she’s causing stuff to go wrong and James your favorite part they try to get her to get in the Box yes all right you know what

it could have worked but for everything that they spoon fed us over and over then you have a scene with no explanation they want they want Margot Robbie playing Barbie to get in this giant cardboard box for them yeah yeah but they don’t explain any part of it I don’t normally one explanation to that degree but it’s sort of are we supposed to be afraid of this box is this literally she gets in it and they’ll take her back to Barbie land or is she gonna get in it and they’ll make her forget everything she’s

seen or are they going to put her in the box and then put her in storage so she’s never seen again there’s no explanation and at first Barbie is okay with this and then Barbie decides she’s not okay with this and again no explanation and I that’s that’s the only scene where we probably needed to be told what to be afraid of and they just didn’t do it needless to say it was the box that Barbie originally came in they tried to slip her in there and tie her up in it and she was like

hell to the no then she’s on the loose and she’s back in Barbie land for what was at that point our second or third chase scene of the movie yeah and James didn’t care for the chase scene now mind you when Barbie came to admit when Barbie came to reality World Ken stole the way into the car with her and came and Ken had an opportunity to see how men really behave in real life world and he took those precepts back to Barbie land before Barbie got there and turned the real kins into real men

yes he had him drinking beer he had him muscled up he had them talking crap to the women whistling at the women slapping women on the butt these kids now weren’t the kids in the beginning no that was just basically stepping stools these kids now was your man’s men’s Ken and it was pretty funny for it was funny yeah the second minute was pretty funny yeah and then we got many many more minutes of this yeah and it sort of we get the point yeah this is where I say your stalling movie yeah that’s the

the can scenes man they started to drag out man now Ryan Gosling did his part you know bless that brother man the kind of work he probably had to do to get himself in that kind of shape and the singing and all he did his thing but they drug his ass out a little too long yes I you know he it’s like they said you need to chew the scenery he did he did great but it kept going you get the point but then they had to pour it on a little more a little more

and at that point I was starting to check out right me too now ladies and gentlemen some of you know that one of the ways I I kind of um rank my movies as a dad who’s older than 40. do I go to the movie theater and fall asleep and I hate to be the bearer of bad news damn it I hate to do it not only did I fall asleep but this movie started at 11 o’clock in the morning which is really no no reason why I should have fell to sleep other than I

did not get a lot of sleep last night because my daughter kept me up so that’s my excuse I have a similar I will sit through a movie no matter how much you need to go to the bathroom I will not get up I want to see this movie I don’t want to miss something and today I did it was sort of like I can go to the bathroom and come back I’m not going to miss anything there was no hope of something an important plot point that I missed happening yeah so that’s sort of

my measure is I will sit through a three and four hour movie never get up to go to the bathroom like I’m gonna sit through see this through and today it was sort of the I have something better to do right now right I can go to the bathroom damn it so ladies and gentlemen as we get on with this review to get this done they get to the point where the kids have taken over Barbie land and brought the male patriarchy to Barbie land and then we have a moment where the women have to

come together and get Barbie land back and establish the reason why there was a Barbie land and a Barbie and the first one what does she represent so what did they do they bring out the original creator of Barbie who’s about 96 years old who reminds Barbie of what she is who she is why she was created and why there’s a Barbie for every single woman did you like that part I liked it the first time they did it imaginary foggy land they like go into this foggy land of half death Half-Life I don’t know

so you know yes both times were lovely but they could have chosen one of them and we all would have understood we got the points and in the end ladies and gentlemen Barbie realizes what her self-worth is does Ken ever get the draws because he spends the whole movie trying to get her draws no they kept kid in the friend zone and basically told Ken he needs to go on a mission to find himself and stop trying to find himself and someone else they didn’t do that with Barbie because they use a they use the

angle of the lady who created Barbie to do that for Barbie all right now you know I feel like they should have done Barbie like that too because usually the guy that the women put in the friend zone he’s really a good guy and then they go find some dirt bag and wish that they had the guy they put in the friends on but then they didn’t put Barbie on that mission because they brought out the creator of Barbie to feel that voice and they clearly were very careful not to do that but I get

why they right change it up a little wonderful um if we really wanted to take this movie super seriously and look at it as this is how this is going to affect girls for generations to come we could spend hours complaining about that I don’t want to give either side that much credit I don’t want to give this movie that much credit or the people who want to argue for that that much credit it’s just not it’s a Barbie movie and that’s kind of how I want to take it is it was meant to be

fun and not taken too seriously um many other movies I might have pushed back against it not this one not this time I mean the things where they bash male patriarchy I mean I’m fine with it because it is an illicit overreach in real life in my opinion absolutely um I just think that they wouldn’t linear in how they got to that point like you know and I get this is a this is a great girl power um inspirational but I felt like you could have been a little bit more linear because there are a

lot of men that support the women’s movement and this is definitely a women’s movement type of movie me and you are supporters of the women’s movement absolutely and us as men we’re not beta men as well as supporters of the women’s movement right they made Ken feel like a real deal beta male but they bashed you over the head with it so much that if you’re taking it seriously you might be part of the problem to begin with isn’t every piece of art supposed to be taken seriously unless it is a comedy was it a

comedy a dramedy ah maybe it’s both all right because there was a lot of comedy in here it was a lot of comedy in this thing it’s a thinking man’s movie yeah well I wouldn’t say all that it’s a faking woman’s movie I was gonna say that anyway ladies and gentlemen this day this guy okay so now it’s time for the ranking we’ve we’ve given you what we like what we didn’t like how would you rank this movie James Booker you go first uh first thing I’m gonna say is if somebody doesn’t want to see

it I would never try to convince them to see it if you already want to see it by all means go six out of ten go see it if you already want to see it though it’s not going to harm anything if you don’t want to see it there’s nothing for you to see I’m right with them six out of ten I I give it a six out of ten like even though I fell asleep um there was some entertainment value there was I like the message they was trying to portray you know find strength

in yourself you know don’t worry about the things society says you should do to make yourself be appealing to someone else you know find strength in yourself I like those things and I like how they flipped what’s going on in society with the male patriarchy on its head to let people know hey you know if we all really and truly believe we’re trying to be involved let’s share that power which we’re not doing um so for all those things that supersedes me falling asleep and I told you guys I am not the demographic that this

movie was made for and so having said all that I do give it a six I give it a six um you don’t have to go see it I mean a lot of men ain’t gonna go see unless they want to bash women um if you have a daughter I don’t think you should take her to see unless she’s at least eight years old or is into Barbies because I think the younger they are they probably would kind of lose some of the movie because it does have some adult themes and can I make one

more Point yeah yeah yeah the movie it makes it clear that they are aware of everything we just said at one point when they’re talking about Barbie has to realize that she’s beautiful anyways or there’s some lesson there the narrator the actual narrator of the movie from the getting breaks in and says this point would be a lot better if we hadn’t cast Margot Robbie and they blatantly say say that they blatantly said so the movie knows yeah and points to them for that exactly so ladies and gentlemen that is our review we’re getting ready

to go in here and see Oppenheimer don’t forget the movie The Moon shift here the movie is about an hour and uh about like 45 minutes um uh this movie is anyway so yeah so enjoy if you’re gonna go wait if you’re gonna wait don’t forget to like the video comment subscribe download the podcast we’ll be right back with the Oppenheimer review and then we’ll compare these two movies because they’re vastly different on the back side I think yep till that next sex is Hell video we’re out


Conten writer at FlipReview who specialise in Gadgets review, food critics, app and games review, car and bike review, book reviews, movies reviews, tv-series reviews and many more.

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