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Hutch is (still) an idiot (Modern Warfare II SBMM)

what’s going on guys blame truth here The Godfather himself bringing you another video and this particular commentary is gonna be a sequel to a video I made about a year ago called Hutch is an idiot now if you’re new to this Channel or you’re coming back after a while or whatever you might not know who Hutch is Hutch is an OG guy like myself I started back in 2007 on YouTube recording on a Dazzle through like a VCR I’ve been at this a while Hutch came around about the same time maybe a year later but

the point is is he’s been doing this for a long time the main difference is a hutch well I think his YouTube channel is kind of dead and he streams to about 500 people on average so I I don’t think he’s as popular as he once was I don’t really know I’m just gonna go off what I saw I literally checked out his stream just now streaming to 500 people YouTube channels pretty much Dead uh just not really doing much of anything anymore so there’s that but he was on PKA responding to stuff I said

about a year ago eight months ago sorry I’ve been very busy and time is a construct so I don’t really remember but uh a while back I was offered to go on to PKA and debate with him live but

there’s literally nothing to say I’ve debated with this man about skill based matchmaking and other things mostly on my old Twitter but I I would quote unquote debate with them to no avail it’s like debating with a sound board it’s like debating with a cardboard cutout of your favorite NASCAR driver at your local gas station convenience

store there’s literally no point nothing gets through nothing gets resolved it’s not interesting it’s not fun for me and I find the Man Annoying nowadays I’ve kind of always been a little I don’t know off on them like I don’t really have beef with anybody anymore it’s 2022 nearly 2023. I literally don’t have beef with anybody so I I think this holds more weight that I don’t like him like genuinely and it’s not that I don’t like him in the sense that wow I want to rag on this guy it’s that I don’t like him

because I think he’s really annoying and he has personality traits that I don’t like and into visuals and maybe he doesn’t like my personality traits and that’s fine but I don’t want to be around him is the point I’m trying to make like get the away from me leave me alone go away but I want to play these clips from PKA and just responding kind so here we go when blame truth came on here he referenced the video that I did with Sandy ravage and a conversation I was having with him about skill-based matchmaking and

in that video with Sandy ravage which was very clearly a video between two people that like like each other we do not I have never had a problem with Sandy to my knowledge he’s never had a problem with me and I made a joke in that video about how him supporting getting rid of skill based matchmaking made him more like Donald Trump and me supporting skill-based matchmaking made me more like Bernie Sanders which was a part of an ongoing gag that I had with Sandy like we would constantly make these stupid political jokes and that

joke didn’t even make any sense it was just something I said off the cuff that makes sense to me your friend Anthony blame truth whatever his last name is it took me literally which you got to be the dumbest in the world to watch that video and think oh yeah he’s serious so I just wanted to clear the air or perhaps he’s try a good name trolling logic usually people don’t deserve it I think he took me seriously I think when you’re a hammer everything looks like there’s only one way to find out we gotta

get him on by the way by the way blame truth whatever you do in the algorithm I think it’s working pretty well I keep getting recommended your videos and I frankly I’ve never sought them out before but the every day every day uh thank you Kyle I appreciate that by the way I don’t know what I’m doing honestly I don’t know what I’m doing man I get on here and I talk and you guys listen and you guys enjoy the videos and the algorithm does its thing I’ve never really known what I’m doing when it

comes to YouTube I think that’s part of the reason I’ve been able to do this for so long I just get on here and I try to be as genuine as I can but I also try to be as entertaining as I can those two things are my forte like be honest but be be entertaining at the same time I’m gonna be honest here and say that um this clip that Hutch is referring to he’s referring to this joke that he admits himself doesn’t make a lot of sense uh I don’t keep track of all

of Hutch and Sandy ravage’s interactions I don’t know what inside jokes they have but I did tweet Sandy about this when it happened and I’m like Sandy is this clip for real and Sandy said something to the effect of yeah you can’t get through to the guy it’s a real clip he didn’t imply it was a joke maybe the actual nature of this clip is just Lost in Translation but I’m basing this off the fact that when Trump won the election uh Hutch made a video saying he was on the verge of tears after Trump

won the election back in 2016. it’s cool you can cry you know like men can cry men can show feelings in fact I’ve been advocating for that a lot these past six months like trying to just spread some positive mental health messages because I’ve had a rough year you know I’ve not made that a secret and I’ve been like hey guys uh talk about stuff you know I’ve tried to talk to you guys about my personal issues or whatever I I’m trying to be more open in general because I think it really is good for

for me and not just me but men so no shame in that no shame in actually being upset about it but it’s clear that he takes politics very seriously and I had to unfollow him on Twitter because he would just tweet incessantly about Trump and politics and stuff like that just stuff I don’t really give a about like I get on social media and I do this as a career to get away from that real life stuff if I wanted to talk about politics I would go to Thanksgiving dinner show up early you know and

then stay late and just talk with my family and start riling up People based on my political opinions it’s just a colossal waste of time in my opinion I don’t want to deal with it it’s stressful it’s stupid so I don’t bother I just don’t give a single flying man I don’t care so to see this clip I’m like well this checks out for something Hutch would say and actually mean you can call me the dumbest ever that I believe that that that’s probably something you would say legitimately uh you know you can get your

r slash I am very smart upvotes all 15 of them if you want if it makes you feel better that’s fine but you’re probably calling a lot of other people the dumbest ever because that’s how you speak and they probably took it literally because you do this it’s I don’t know that’s a that’s a really I don’t know I don’t like that at all that’s like me constantly saying like hey I’m gonna chew some bubble gum wait you thought I was gonna shoot bubble gum you stupid that’s clearly a joke also a joke should be

funny that’s the most unfunny thing I’ve ever heard work on your material if that is your comedy and don’t quit your day job and start doing stand up but I’ll return into this dumbest ever comment in just a second here since this guy thinks he’s clearly Einstein among men um but we’ll get back to that let’s play some more PKA Clips so the video I have struggled with clinical depression for a good portion of my adult life and that looks so depressing to me like I cannot imagine playing a game that I hate over and

over and over and over again at this point I have heard every conceivable argument against skill based matchmaking and they’re all stupid in my opinion oh you didn’t like mine I’m pretty no no no mine’s a good one I don’t know a connection see like I don’t I don’t know if you’re making an argument against skill-based matchmaking or saying this is your preference because I think those are two different things like if somebody says I want to be able to Pub stomp or I want to be able to play with my friends and it not

be an issue playing with my friends who are better and have it not be an issue or if somebody says you know my pink suffers a little bit I’m gonna I’m gonna say all those things are valid but it’s when people is and particularly content creators leverage their their social media influence to like try to get some movement going with the expectation that any of these AAA studios are going to take it out of their games that’s when I’m like okay this is delusional and uh Destiny came out with a Blog a couple months ago

Bungie did when they talked about how skill-based matchmaking or lack thereof was impacting their game and like I I have some questions about like some other decision making because they just keep going back and forth it seems in terms of like how they implemented if they implement it so if you even if you don’t like the consequences of skill based matchmaking for you personally and as far as like the Ping goes listen I’m a little bit I’m a Coastal Elite piece of I live in Los Angeles or close to it I never have games that

are above like a 35 ping ever alright sorry for subjecting you guys to all that dribble that you probably didn’t want to hear but it’s necessary for me to go into roast mode here so uh knowing all that seeing all that if you haven’t fallen asleep because this man I’ll just say if Charisma will water Hutch would be a desert the man is boring I I can’t stand to listen to him talk for any amount of time I’m sorry if that’s mean but it’s true and I gotta be honest but anyway uh let’s first go

back to the dumbest ever comment so this man just admitted to living in Los Angeles California one of if not the most expensive places to live in the United States and yet he’s a streamer content creator as a streamer content creator guys you can live anywhere where there’s fast internet I live in a little bum cheap to live in town and then I go to places like bigger cities when I want to see bigger sites it’s a way to save money the fact that this man can live anywhere he wants to essentially as long as

that place has some reliable fast internet and he doesn’t and chooses to live in the most expensive area ever is already a bit brain dead if you ask me there’s really no good reason to ever live in an expensive city as a streamer content creator or whatever unless you’re walking around making real life content in the streets of New York or the dirty ass septic tanks smelly sidewalks of Los Angeles California which Hutch is not he sits in his room all day and plays video games on Twitch the fact that he’s literally throwing money away

because the cost of living is just so high there is a bit comical to me because that’s not a very smart financial decision that’s just me on the outside looking in maybe he’s Rich As maybe he bought Bitcoin back in 2011 and sold it last year I don’t know the man’s financial situation as far as that goes maybe he’s just maybe he can afford to be irresponsible with money but the fact of the matter is that’s a dumb move any way you slice it in my humble opinion tell me what I’m telling lies there seriously

tell me what I’m telling lies anyway let’s get back to the other comments though he said he’s a coastal Elite and he’s never had lower than 35 ping ever I don’t know why he even brings that up because it just gives me fuel for the fire here just gives me ammunition to um brat prep but he says that and I’m like okay um I have food in my fridge Hutch I’m I’m well fed does that mean people aren’t starving worldwide you know wings of redemption is a 400 pound man that can barely walk does that

mean that everyone is overfed and gorging on Wendy’s chili you know like everybody’s good okay no world hunger Everybody’s Fine great I’m I’m good so it doesn’t affect me so it’s not a problem off with that also I’m not sure if you’re aware of your own abilities Hutch but even on your best day you are a pretty mid Cod player and that’s putting it nicely so yes you’re going to get Premier connections you’re also going to be facing not Premier competition and you also play in a party most of the time what I have seen

so uh as someone who plays solo and as someone who I don’t try hard necessarily I would consider myself a casual tryhard if there’s a goal in a video game I set out to be like okay I’m gonna I’m gonna Reach This goal I’m competitive and I’m confident that I can do about anything if I set my mind to it so with that said you know I tried to get top one percent stats in Cold War and I took that game very seriously and I casual tryharded my way up to top one percent stats say

what you will about me I’ve never claimed to be the best player but when I am on I am confident in my abilities to do about anything I set my mind to and that’s not just what video games or Call of Duty that’s with everything in my life because you see I have soared with the Eagles I have slithered with the snakes I have done everything in between that and by experiencing this wide range of ups and downs in my life it’s actually made me more confident at the end of it not delusional I’m not

an egomaniac I don’t think I’m better than I am there are players out there that would absolutely mop the floor with me there are like I work out for instance there are people out there that outlive me that are more naturally gifted the meat that have put in the work that worked harder than me there’s always somebody out there better and I realize that but Buster Douglas knocked out Mike Tyson as the underdog because on that night nobody could beat that man and I have certain times where I feel unbeatable and I have certain times

where I’m My Own Worst Enemy and I beat myself and I’m getting too philosophical here I’m not trying to do that and I will extend this video with another commentary I think because I got a lot more I want to cover as far as skill based matchmaking goes because that’s the main point of this but uh all this all this is just going to lead back to the fact that Hutch you don’t experience the problems that I experience with this game and there are people out there that are better than me that experience worse problems

you see I look at Call of Duty as a whole I look at it from the casuals side I look at it from the pro player side and everything in between the current system doesn’t work for for anyone I have said it before I’ll say it again a skill based matchmaking system that doesn’t show you your skill that doesn’t have you actually rank up or tell you where you stand has no actual sense of progression why did I try so hard to win this match that just ended there’s no combat record even it’s they say

it’s coming with season one it remains to be seen but like what do I get for winning nothing what do I get for losing nothing I played Hearthstone semi-professionally and during that time I hit Legend and each time that I faced harder competition I was shown a visible rank something as simple as just showing me my rank and then achieving Legend feels good there’s none of that in Call of Duty I don’t mind facing much less handsome clones of myself Hutch I don’t I do mind when it affects my connection and my ping gets worse

for the sake of matching me against better competition and protecting little Timmy no thumbs billy goat 57 and Helen Keller for 2069 Sentinel I don’t want to play when every little problem with the game is Amplified with skill based matchmaking and this is some something that exclusive Ace who is way smarter than you are about Call of Duty Hutch who tried to debate and failed with before it’s something even he says even he is using a net Duma router to kind of lock in his geographical location so that he gets good pings if nothing else

exclusive Ace is like the Cod Guru I can’t praise this man enough I have nothing but good things to say about him like this guy should be leading Call of Duty this guy should be like the director for every single multiplayer game going forward as it pertains to Call of Duty he knows his and he’s pretty much in agreement with me on skill based matchmaking and if you want to go against me that’s one thing like don’t go against this guy who’s literally a Call of Duty Professor you are delusional you have ego problems if

you think that your opinion holds more weight than exclusive Aces and let’s get into more just examples here while I show you this super sweaty gameplay I tried leveling up my EBR 14 or whatever because Call of Duty at the end of the day is a casual game right like I mean it really is the meta is not balanced we’re competitive play like when you rank up in this game when you get these high-end spmm lobbies which this is unfortunately like you saw the low end last gameplay this is the high end all right the

low end happens when I’m playing late at night and the game’s not matching me like in prime time hours or I haven’t done that well maybe in the previous matches or whatever uh this is matching me just against essentially a team of really sweaty players and I don’t mind playing this occasionally I I really don’t I don’t think I’ve ever shied away from competition when it comes to Call of Duty I like facing people as good or better than me because it lets me get better at the game most the time or it shows me

the flaws in the game and the things to exploit which is this game a lot I mean flash grenades uh camping around corners you know a lot of stuff in this game that it’s just not balanced for high level competitive play when ranked play comes out there’s a reason they ban like half the you know sbmm and pubs with no visible rank no reward system like what am I getting for playing this that that’s really the argument I want to make here I am better than the average bear at Call of Duty why am I

punished for being better than the average bear not only do I usually have to carry a not very good team playing alone but I have worse connections that’s a punishment I am playing this game and sweating my ass off and playing an entirely different game at the end of the day than billy goat is 57 and Friends this game in like an RB Lobby it’s fine it’s flawed this game’s very flawed but it’s fine but when you put good players against good players and the game is not a very competitively balanced game it’s going to

show all those flaws and amplify them really like I don’t think any good player actually likes this game I’m serious like pros do because they get paid of course and if they talk about the game they get fined skumps talk about the games for the past couple years and again I value scump’s opinion over touches uh who else’s opinion matters way more than Hutch is Mark Rubin Mark rubin’s a former IW Dev and he’s against skill based matchmaking you can look up the quote on that I’m not going to bother like putting it on screen

here because I’m just kind of in full rage mode and I want to just keep the commentary flow going but Mark Rubin used to work at IW and said he’s not a fan of sbm and pubs if you’re gonna make us try hard and sweat give us a reward for it don’t protect the little Timmy no thumbs don’t hide the system behind like this secret Veil nobody could talk about it nobody can talk about it the dev teams the the poor devs as Hutch calls them in the pka Eclipse video um the poor devs knew

what they were in for when they signed the contract if they sign a contract saying hey you can’t talk about skill based matchmaking or you’re fired and then people want answers and they don’t get answers yeah people are gonna get upset if I ask somebody a question and they don’t answer me I’ll be like hey are you deaf I asked you a question answer me you know it’s the nature of the Beast like players will be angry at devs when there’s no communication when they hide stuff when they’re dishonest whatever Activision I mean they their

whole business model is dishonesty the system is in play to sell skins to bad players I get that it’s more profitable is it a healthy system though no I don’t think so if you want a successful game as Elden ring and God of War approved this year just make a good game just make a good game you don’t have to trick people you you don’t have to use these kind of like shady tactics you don’t have to have a hidden skill based matchmaking system just make a good game and people will buy it and people

will buy whatever you come out with it you don’t have to protect little Timmy little Timmy if the game’s good will play despite being destroyed but you might be saying well it’s not that serious it’s not that serious well if it’s not that serious why the is skill based match making a thing in the first place if it’s not that serious why can’t you just have the random matchmaking of old sometimes you’re gonna face try hard sometimes you’re gonna face little timmies sometimes you’re gonna face something in between your reward for getting good at the

game would be when you’re in those little Timmy lobbies you get the Beast and get high streaks and whatnot the reward for little Timmy is not going negative the reward for everyone that plays the game if they put in the work and they get better is they typically enjoy the game more that’s how Games should be imagine Elden ring where if things got too hard the game just got easier Elder ring is a game that I love it’s my game of the year and it came out it does not care if it doesn’t care if

you’re good at video games it doesn’t care if you’re bad at video games it exists if you want to experience it and beat everything and get all the achievements and get all the stuff in the game you gotta get good but the difference is with Elden ring is when you do beat something there is a sense of progression you know you got better you get rewards to show that you beat this boss you get a you get stuff that shows that you’re good everyone is on an even playing field May the best man win that’s

how it should be give us a rank give better players rewards give the good players like Optimal connections like you give the bad players that’s all I want I’m not arguing that I want to just Crush noobs all the time that would be boring I want a different experience the current experience is the same thing every single time I get on and for what what am I playing for absolutely nothing that’s what I want to go back and talk about how Hutch said I hate call of Duty and it’s depressing that I do this guys

I love YouTube without YouTube without this I would be depressed 24 7. I have depression issues as well as Hutch does this is like the one thing that helps me this keeps me on a good path thank you guys so much for watching the videos and supporting like the cause I guess all I know how to do is be passionate be honest and when I’m unhappy I’ll let you know when I’m happy I’ll let you know I’m unhappy with Call of Duty I have been for the past three or four years I’ve Loved Call of

Duty when Black Ops 2 was the game you know when Black Ops 1 was the game when Modern Warfare 3 was the game I don’t like present-day Call of Duty and I’m trying to be the voice of the voiceless in a sense and I’m trying to get people’s frustrations with the game out and make known my issues and the hopes that someday maybe they get addressed I don’t know we lose this game by one point but the point of this entire video is let’s go back to Hutch talking about like you know the fact that

uh he’s super smart and I’m dumb for believing his his bad dad joke and I apologize for having to report these players for like cheating to block them I just wanted to block everybody in this Lobby because I don’t like playing with these people so I’m gonna block him it makes me report them so I’m sorry but uh it’s just another busted ass system in this whole goddamn thing here but when I was younger like I’d say Middle School grade six or so I took an IQ test and this IQ test said that I should

be in ag academically gifted so they put me in ag and immediately I thought why am I in this why am I doing harder work for no Ash actual better reward they tried to skill based matchmaking me in real life so I pretended to be dumb and got bad marks so I could go back to regular class and then have an easier time it’s a true story 100 True Story right hand to God I hope you guys enjoyed this video rate comment and subscribe ring that notification Bell I reverse boosted in real life and I

want to suplex josecat through Hutch’s many Vape pins in his expensive California apartment peace I appreciate it Nick I’m sorry if I’m a little snippy I’m hurt and I’m old and I’m tired and I work with children


Conten writer at FlipReview who specialise in Gadgets review, food critics, app and games review, car and bike review, book reviews, movies reviews, tv-series reviews and many more.

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