Blue Beetle Review – This Movie Was The Sh** – Loved Gun Play Grannie!

I think I caught a bust in half we the Latinos shoes I know my wocophobes is mad at this movie because the Latina delegation selected Blue Beetle to be their comic book film superhero savior helping to save the DC from utter destruction yes yes ladies and gentlemen this is going to be my review of Blue Beetle this was good and I really really love Gunplay grandma if you follow me for the first time please subscribe to the channel you can navigate my YouTube channel by scrolling through all the things I have up there movie reviews

talks with celebrities my family life I just had a new baby and you can follow me on Tick Tock too man I put a lot of these videos on Tick Tock try to keep you guys entertained let’s talk about this I went into this thing with high hopes for Blue Beetle because a lot of the people I follow that have my same movie DNA was saying it was a pretty good movie and ladies and gentlemen I can concur Blue Beetle was the it wasn’t a masterpiece by no means but given the low level of expectation

you have for DC this was a Masterpiece you hear me and if you’re not familiar with Blue Beetle and his Mythos he came out

in 1939 and basically this movie follows and this is going to be minor spoilers not a full spoiler core Industries finding a Scarab the thing that goes into his back and it basically when this Scarab gets on you it kind of binds with your body your neurons it gets into your synapses ladies and gentlemen and it gives you the abilities of what Iron Man had with his iron suit that had the

nanotech Plus you also have the abilities of Green Lantern and once the thing bonds with you it can talk to you and tell you how to defend yourself it can come up with any weapon you can create and unlike Green Lantern making those hologram shits when this thing makes weapons it really makes the real deal weapon which made it fun and you first go into this thing thinking well how the hell is he going to get beat he can do all that well Corey had a plan form and throughout this movie you learn a whole

lot about the Latino culture the way Latinos values family as their high priority the first most thing that they do and you can take anybody to this room you can take your whole family to this movie this was a excellent movie for the kids and I think that what DC has landed on that they might not know they was landed on Blue Beetle is about to be their Spider-Man as long as this movie does well and I’m expecting this movie to do at least 400 million this movie is what they wanted Shazam to be and

they wasn’t even about to put this movie out ladies and gentlemen that’s going to put it on I’m streaming but when the new cast that Warner Brothers came in and took over it was like nah hell no and James Gunn obviously looked at this thing and was like huh we got something with that and you get kind of a 80 stranger things vibe from this movie now let me give you some of the main characters in this thing ladies and gentlemen we’ve got a very very young actor playing Blue Beetle and his name is Ramirez

Romero Zolo rames you probably know him from he’s been in the Parenthood Cobra Kai is probably his most favorite famous thing he’s been in you also have legendary Susan Sarandon you’ve also got my guy George Lopez who I tend to find very funny but I didn’t find him quite as funny in this movie and a whole host of other stars and so let me go ahead and give you the good and the bad of this movie by the way there is a post credit so make sure you stay for the post credit so you can

kind of see the tie-in that Blue Beetle is going to be in James Gunn’s dceu yes ladies and gentlemen Blue Beetle is going to be in James Gunn’s DC EU make no mistake about that this is his Spider-Man this is his Spider-Man because the kids love bugs my Pros for this movie Ladies and Gentlemen I did like the score I enjoyed the music I think I’ve already told y’all I love myself some damn Gunplay Grandma my Latina folks call their Grandma’s Nana’s and when she whipped out that damn gun and was going off on the

bad guys talking about her imperialistic youth I cry laugh and enjoy every minute of it the visuals in this thing are excellent I mean the CGI was great him using the suit was great I really enjoyed that scene when he split the bus hey you guys did a good job with this and the budget for this movie Ladies and Gentlemen was like 104 million dollars compared to like um The Flash which was like 300 million and didn’t do well and I did like the flash but this was a little better than flash better story anyway

better story it’s another Pro that I had and I also like that this thing gives a great setup for more Blue Beetle movies and for him to be an anchor in this upcoming DC EU Universe whip James Gunn however ladies and gentlemen there are some cons no movie is perfect okay there are some damn cons number one you do have to suspend your disbelief and how people are able to use weapons so quickly well not except for my girl Gunplay grandma she did the damn good job she explained us how she knew how to use

her guns some of the jokes folks start to get a little too far out there now it wasn’t this Kitty as Shazam but some of George Lopez jokes was a little far out there George Lopez was like the uncle he was the kind of the conspiracy theory and he’s a great comedian but some of his jokes were a reach I would say that for my white folks you guys would call it slapstick my black folks you call it Goofy and I think some of my Latina population would call that goofy as well the main villain

played by Susan Sarandon Victoria Court she was just kind of your standard run-of-the-mill twist my mustache and she was a Man bad guy wasn’t nothing special about her but the secondary villain ladies and gentlemen his ass was good because he had been manipulated his whole life by Susan Sarandon into thinking that he should be one way that he wasn’t it got so bad that a Memento that the man held on to kept in his pocket Susan Sarandon took it when they thought that there was about to be a pivotal moment when her and him was

going to rule the world see I’m saying not only that but here’s a minor spoiler Susan Sarandon and her daughter are going to have a major Fallout in this movie that leads to a big opening for what could be done going in the future with this movie so overall ladies and gentlemen if I had to rank this thing on a life game scale and I do my scale zero being just hot garbage on a southern Georgia day to 10 being the best thing that you could see in heaven when you die and go there and

watch a movie imma give this movie a hot 7.5 it was very entertaining it’s the type of thing you can see twice it wasn’t a masterpiece and I I dare not say it was the best comic book movie of the year but I will say it’s neck and neck with Guardians of the Galaxy I think Guardians is one of the best comic book movies of the year the Spider-Man and are y’all calling Super Mario Brothers a comic when it’s really a video game so if that’s not a comment then I will say this is definitely

in top three comic movies and definitely the best thing DC has put out in six damn years so post me all your comments on if you’ve seen it if you’re planning to go see it you definitely should go see it it is very very good take your kids you’re not going to be disappointed and let me know what you think don’t forget to like the video comment subscribe check out my channel follow me on Instagram Twitter and The Tick Tock and until that net sexy as hell video the Latina delegation selected Blue Beetle

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