Film Instructor watches Attack on Titan 2×8 | "The Hunters" Review and Reaction

hey everyone on today’s video I’m going to be reacting to episode 8 of season 2 of Attack on Titan and oh my God this is quite interesting right now I don’t know what’s going on I don’t know so Reiner screamed but it seems like no Titans are coming at least for now maybe maybe it took them a while because obviously they are not going to just tele transport like pop surprise we are here maybe they’re just running uh I don’t know but I think the huge corpse of the is it even a corpse I don’t

know the body of the Colossal Titan is falling so it’s going to crush them what the heck is going on let’s just go for it and where is the people in his mouth what the heck maybe he did that because with his armor it would be nothing for him but it will be for Aaron is he trying to eat him or what or is he doing like Annie did to take him away oh but he has him he’s taking him away him animal and where is the other person they just left him because he took

two people at the beginning the hunters so he did call Titans no no no this is the boulder thing okay oh foreign mice or foreign

foreign foreign foreign it will probably on that on their 104th whatever whoa he’s so sweet to them like in the past a foreign all right at least he has changed you know he’s not just a drunkie anymore oh um you see I don’t like this this is this freaking rage that he has it’s not good it’s not good like why why do you need to hit him in the face oh

yeah what a mess finally look at him he’s just waking up no I’m sorry he acts like a freaking spoiled brat a lot of times I I know he’s the main character and I probably digging up my own grave saying things about him but I’m not going to lie if it’s my opinion it’s my opinion and and sometimes he is he he he he behaves like a freaking spoiled brat like what are you doing what the heck is yeah if it’s a head concussion you could you need to relax are they doing a Titan Club

I don’t get it it’s going to be too late foreign this conversation is going to be important this conversation is going to be important why because it’s like out of nowhere saying this type of things I think this is not the last time that he’s going to abandon then why he’s a freaking douche to you I’m sorry it’s true every time that that she she has been protective and everything he’s like um it’s like what the heck foreign foreign I mean I don’t get me wrong I really get why he does it because obviously he’s

you know in his head he’s doing the right thing is how he does it what is wrong just like not not thinking clearly like obviously he has good motives he’s like he wanted to defend Armin against the police he’s helping Humanity against the Titans and things like that but he’s just like um that’s it that’s what I had the problem with not with him because obviously he does it it was the same with Mikasa obviously he had good motives to protect her but it’s just how he does it there’s a difference that’s the thing he

does it a stupidly and put others in dangers foreign like the script is very important normally people think that but the script is very important and it’s not the first time that they they say something like scary and think it was Levi he called him a monster that can never be tamed and he said a few things about Aaron on that moment but he called him basically a monster he said monster he said that word and I remember thinking hmm you know that’s weird um I don’t know I’m there’s something fishy There’s Something Fishy I

think if he doesn’t control soon his anger issues could be a problem foreign with passion another one she’s the only one with a white horse white or gray or cream whatever foreign must be horrible because because also these type of things like the military like you know you are 24 hours with this group of people 24 7. always with them during years so you know it’s a huge bond is created so when this happens it’s just like what the heck Mo burrito Ama is oh um that’s why I love her she’s so smart and she’s

right they’re in a huge Forest now is it the same one oh oh my God okay he’s a potato oh she’s she has recovered a lot of money sake I knew it at least Erwin is there so maybe he’s got some plants I think maybe I don’t know but what like no idea I just want to now that the four of them are over there I hope that they are going to talk a little bit and Reiner and Bert will say something more as to why why there’s obsessed to to take their Titans away why

but yeah there’s something really big going on the fact that they already said that the government is quite corrupt the military police the church knowing Secrets they’re not saying anything they’re they’re telling you there’s something really wrong with the system so um I don’t know but it’s just weird because if they want to if because it could be the case of them wanting the people inside the walls to whatever reason and somehow they have the Titans outside so the people inside doesn’t they’re just scared of going outside but then yeah bringing these Titans to maybe

save the people or something like that to make them free whatever but yeah in doing it like that you’re just killing them basically because a lot of people have died already so what the heck I don’t think it’s that I don’t know when are they going to go into a basement this is episode eight is just for more on this season what is happening with the freaking basement my goodness anyway please drop a comment let me know what you think and let me also remind you that if you’re a member of this channel among other

perks you will have Early Access to all my videos so no waiting for the premieres you can just watch them all and I also have patreon where I also upload a full unedited reactions with Early Access as well and in doing so you will be helping this channel a lot you will help me to create more quality content for you guys and if you cannot it’s fine just please like and share this video and that will also help me a lot so yeah have a lovely rest of the day and see you in the next

video bye

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