REBEL MOON Part 2 Ending Explained | Directors Cut, Part 3 Review And Netflix Breakdown

welcome to the heavy spoilers show I’m your host Paul and this video we’re breaking down Rebel Moon part two the new movie is now out on Netflix and in this video we’re going to be talking about everything you need to know about it last time we saw adus

Noble arriving on the planet V looking to stock upon supplies while he hunted Rebels across the Imperium arriving in a village unbeknown to him was one of the most fearsome fighters in the Galaxy that is Kora ex bodyguard the mother world’s princess Isa who had special abilities that

made her probably the most important person in the universe she and her family were assassinated and a figure known as palis Arius was then declared the Regent attakus ended up killing the village leader and he demanded supplies that would lead them to starvation thus we watched his Kora

headed out with coov villager gunner in order to recruit forces that could help in their fight against the Imperium betrayed by one of them we saw zakus was seemingly killed and any with him being resurrected told by bisaria said he had to bring kaora in we closed out

with her gang returning to the village and that should be you roughly CAU up with the world in case you don’t remember what happened

last time as for this movie I’m going to get into it now so heavy spoilers ahead if you don’t want it ruined as always

please hit the thumbs up and make sure you smash subscribe for videos like this every day without the way huge thank you for clicking this now let’s get into Rebel Moon part two electric Baloo we pick up immed immediately where we left the first one off with Commander

cus going to atticus’s Resurrection informing him that the scar Giver cor is unveiled we watches the Imperium head out of the planet similarly we pick up with kora’s gang returning to the village where we left them last time I went back and watched the first part to get

myself up to speed and I think you can easy just watch these movies back to back if you’re enjoying it now in order to discuss the ending I think we have to discuss the central character teased at the end of it we discovered that isa’s influence went beyond

just healing dead birds and she’d actually changed the moods of those around her this included her father and his bloodthirsty ways which had led to most of the Galaxy being subjugated to the Imperium I don’t know if it’s a comment on the youth perhaps altering the Mind state

of the old and maybe coming in with a more hopeful demeanor I’m 35 mate so kind of grown a bit cynical and I often wish I had the optimism that I had 20 years ago not sure if I’m reaching with that but it seems like it coming on

Generations dressed up in a fantasy it could also be on how we watched many empires dissolve over the last century with even Britain giving up lots of its territories he no longer wanted to conquer and he named the first vessel in her peace tour The Peacemaker however Kora

was instructed to kill Issa due to her dismantling the war machine Kora couldn’t betray her dad who ordered it for for reasons and th she had to kill Issa bursting forth pure light upon being H we watches she died while the band played on the guys the guys

said Don’t Stop really good job guys and she died or or so well it seemed we learn in the end that that Issa survived likely due to her ability to heal and resurrect the dead in her moment of death her powers came forth and probably ended up healing

her before death she forgave Kora and it’s this goodness within her that all her abilities stem from I did say in our part one breakdown that I thought Sam might be here but add another L to the few time because we got it all wrong Resurrection though is

a big thing thematically in attakus works as the perfect antagonist when you think about Issa both were killed by Kora but both were returned Ras Isa forgave Kora arus doesen and this sends him down an even darker path while she went to the light away from the conflicts

Al I wondered if Issa was a Star Wars reference because charer used to say it all the time anyway bious but but start ballis Arius pinned her as the Assassin of the royal family and he then fled to V similar to how the first film started we watched

the villagers offering food and drink to the newcomers but unfortunately the news of adus death was greatly over exaggerated it goes down worse than a just Weeden come back into view and the villagers have 5 days until the Imperium come so we’re going to need a montage in

any sport if you want to go from just a beginner to a pro you need a montage training against scarecrows in building homealone traps they also use kora’s drop ship in the fight now putting on my critic hat I did think the movie took a bit long to

get going and I do wonder if these two parts that could have have just been one I think if you’re into the world then you’re not going to mind but if you’re not then this first hour before the fight goes down is is probably going to drag we

do get a nice scene going through all the characters passo with the monono delivering a gripping monologue about how he traded his men’s lives for his own he always kills it whatever he’s in and he’s someone I’ve always looked out for ever since a Sawan Gladiator when I

was a kid we quickly learn why the gang have such a vendetta against the Imperium and both visually and dramatically this was stand out of both films honestly kind of wish that these stories were the first movie and I think that SN might have had these these spiraling

ideas set pieces in environments that would have worked really good as Standalone shorts that’s what I felt about the spider scene in the first one with that being another great standout however to me at least it didn’t really feel like it was part of the same film and

I feel like the guy had some great ideas for a scene however I think the issue came in trying to tie these all together in one narrative and though they look really cool they they don’t feel as cohesive I think with the movie that there should have been

stuff that they left breath that would have been great to spend more time with but instead we’re getting longer scenes of things that are less interesting aspects of the story and look if you’ve been following the channel for a while then you’ll know I like Zack Snider but

yeah I just felt this film missed the mark a bit in terms of where I think the focus should have been obviously Netflix kind of forced his hand on it and I’ll talk about those director’s Cuts later on in the movie pacing wise though things finally get going

at the hour mark when attakus arrives with Ed screen chewing up the scenery with his most villainous performance I did wonder why they just didn’t destroy the village even if it would destroy the grain but they later explain it’s all part of a bargaining chip offering to hand

herself in GNA goes by his name sake and grabs cor’s weapon to announce to the villagers the fights on this was an important move for the character as he’s kind of the one who got them in trouble in the first place now it all kicks off and it

allows Snider to do what he likes doing which is Some solid slow fight sequences will that happened with all the characters I did feel like they were a bit overly relying on it and though it looks cool when it’s used sparingly I think it’s overuse kind of takes

away from the impact of some of the things that happened either way it’s basically nature versus imperialism which is a battle that’s played out across a number of franchises that’s happened in Star Wars Lord of the Rings and so on now while the battle goes on on the

ground we see as Kora and Gunna sneak aboard the dreadnut using The Old Ship the Imperium might have worse aim than the storm Trooper but I like the contrast to the ground battles in the ship seeing Jimmy Juke it out while Kora has a killer cardo sequence was

really well put together and I wish we’d got more stuff like this in the first hour like give us give us a Jimmy movie just give us that now there’s clear nods to some classic Sci-fi with the elevator scene sort of being a reverse of Ripley’s one in

Aliens we also have the dreadn gun getting in position akin to the death star moving into range to fire on Yavin 4 with the charges she planted on board finally detonating we then get a final showdown between cor and adus the ship goes into freefall and I’ve been

been kind of dumping on the movie a bit I think this is up there as one of Snider’s best action scenes it’s a really creative concept and the camera Works phenomenal making it a great climax stabbed by Gunner as he chokes Kora she deals a killing blow after

jamming him in a door escaping the ship Gunner dies on the ground akin to how her ex lover died on the battlefield when she was in the Imperium they had Fighters former relation ship so they’d fight harder on the battlefield and this clearly helped with Kora pushing through

the onslaught Snider was clearly inspired by the Spartans and if you’ve listened to the Joe Rogen podcast and you’ll hear all the stuff he talked about in there and kind of going over exactly where that comes from the rest of the fleet are then cleaned up by deah

and as the funeral PES burn Titus reveals that Issa is still alive swearing to find her the rebels head out alongside Jimmy ballis Arius is obviously still out there too there being lots of dangling threads characters Isa will usher in a new age in which the Galaxy will

step away from the constant Wars and potentially the lifegiver will help destroy the Imperium this this idea of returns and rebirths ler at the franchise as initially Esau was thought to be the reborn ancient Queen she saw a prophesies to end all wars and Usher in a new

age of peace for the realm obviously that leaves things open ended and it means that we could get further stories down the line now going forward Zack Snider is teased he has plans to make four or six installments he said he’s eager to make a third film but

that he’s waiting on whether Netflix will allow to go forward or not he said fans need to hit that double thumbs up so one for this video and then two over there and if they get enough they might go forward have they still talked about what he want

to do and when talking with radio times he said four or six movies depending I guess it’s whether or not every time we make one of these we make two that’s the question so I think that four comment means that part three might be split up into two

parts like this one six in total would potentially be two more two poters and then whether they do director cuts on top of that we could end with eight films in total it’s pretty crazy H and I will talk about my issues with the whole putting the card

before the horse thing and announcing there’s other versions before this is even released later on in the video Snider has stated that he already has ideas for the next one though and that teaser at the end definitely leaves things open cider collected a lot of the interview with

radio times and a quote that stuck out of me was we absolutely have the story all set we did all that work we wrote a treatment for the movie so we’ll see how we go ahead I do wonder how they’re going to handle it cuz like say this

does badly but the directors cut does well do they just move forward with part three as a director cut thing on its own or do they do two versions again obviously I haven’t seen the part one and part two extended versions yeah but I I kind of hope

that they just go with one please God damn it now as what my thoughts on the movie I think I touched upon it quite a lot in my last video but I think the way Netflix have approached this have made it so they’ve shot themselves in the foot

of bit the whole director’s cut thing they’re doing it’s made it so this movie doesn’t really feel like it’s worth watching because we know there’s a bigger cut coming down the line I think Zack Snider’s Justice League is an incredible film and though I’ve tried to tell people

to check it out I’ve often just been met with Nori saying they’ve seen the just Weeden one and thought it was okay now imagine that the SN cut had been announced before Justice League even hit theaters you’d be constantly wondering what was good out and why Henry Cav’s

face looks so weird that’s kind of the issue I have here as well because I can see the potential however in the back of my mind I’m wondering if the problems I have have already been corrected that they just happen to be in that bigger Longer cut I

will be watching that but yeah it kind of deflates this one a bit and Snider said it’s going to feel like a different over the-top version compared to what we got today however I think it’s going to be difficult to sell cuz going back to that Justice League

comparison you’re kind of telling people to watch what many might see as being the same movie Just longer so they won’t give it a chance and yeah it’s such a weird way to handle it I still think that Netflix would trying to create their own SN cup movement

around this but it’s a manufactured one that isn’t fan driven Snider actually talking about the strategy with Joe Rogan and how they kind of compromise with two visions I’ll play that clip in just a bit but it really has me just wishing they’d focused on doing the one

version made that as good as they could and piled all the efforts into purely just that one director cuts are something that normally come years later and they should be restricted to like the the most extreme cases making one from the start just seems a it’s a bit

weird uh but yeah here’s the full clip so you get the full context deal I made with Netflix was they said I wrote this script and I said this is the script I want to make and they said that is insane and I said yeah but it’s like

it’s a heavy it’s like heavy metal but like a but like in you know live action yeah and they were like yeah is there any way it could be PG-13 and I was like well if it’s PG-13 it kind of misses the whole point a little bit but

I can imagine that you know for a mass audience and for like you know viewership that seems like it’s a smart way to go I go what about this what if we make if I make take this script I make you a PG-13 version that you can just

blast into the world and hopefully as many people see it as possible and then you let me as a bonus you just let me make this version exactly as I think and they were like okay that sounds cool so coming at the end of the summer you’ll see

my two three-hour versions of Rebel Moon that are like hard R rated the hardest which you wanted to do which I exactly wanted to do so they said yeah go do that and so they they were able because normally when I do this director’s Cuts you know which

is a thing now I’m weirdly famous for the director’s Cuts were always an answer to a thing that the studio Made Me Do Right like here’s my movie they’re like yeah we really want you to cut these parts out cuz they’re not cool they’re like the movie’s too

long or the movie’s too violent or whatever and I would be like wow really cuz I really think that’s kind of the why of the movie and they be like no it’s really important focus groups told us that they don’t like that so take it out so I’d

take it out but then I’d go like you know I’d go over to home video right across the street and I’d be like hey guys you want another movie to release cuz I got the and they’d be like absolutely whatever you say because you know at that time

there was a huge market for directors it gave him a second kick at the can in home video right so they would be like that’s so cool we get a whole other movie to Market that like neverbe seen footage you know it just feels like a cool thing

and so that was how I’ve always done my directors because always as a response to what the studio was telling me couldn’t be in the movie cuz I I never planned I would always go into it like brigh eyed like oh everyone’s going to love this incl you

know the studio when when you see my cut you’re going to think it’s amazing and they would like look at it and go like bro like that’s no like this is too much and so that’s what that’s where my director’s Cuts kind of as a just as a

practice were born you know it was it was born out of that me needing to show the world what I intended originally and so you know by the time now that I’ve got to Netflix with this Rebel Moon movie and my sort of the mythology around my director’s

Cuts was kind of a thing especially with Justice League as you can imagine um they were like you know what why don’t we do a director’s cut as part of the process rather than as a response to it and I was like that’s really smart like that’s really

cool because in a lot of ways I totally get the economics of making a PG-13 version of this insane genre movie because I’m asking you know from a budgetary standpoint is high for like a boutique Space movie that’s like you know a heavy metal comic you know that’s

like a people who love that will love it more than anything else right if if I if I can land that they’ll think it’s a coolest thing ever but like for a mass audience it might not be exactly what you would imagine so I’m like I can do

both so yeah it’s a bit weird to watch this movie back and as for my thoughts I felt like it suffered from the same problems that the first one did There’s weird pacing issues where we kind of give Focus to certain things because they’re integral to the plot

but we don’t give other integral elements the time that they deserve if feels like this said right well we can skim past that part and people can kind of just fill in the blanks so what we’re left with is a movie that feels a bit imbalan because you’ve

got things going by a break neck speed while we spend a lot of time on other things that should weigh just as much as far as the plot’s concerned visually I don’t think you can fold it and as always Snider’s strong suit is Snider’s strong suit they do

spam the slow-mo bit at points but in terms of the way the movie looks it’s difficult to really slam anything on screen I still think Snider is the best in the business when it comes to composition and you could probably pause a lot of this movie and have

it as a poster there’s lots of really great Corridor and trenched scenes and design-wise it all pops off screen Jimmy is one of those characters as well let’s just like a stand out on so many levels and aided by Anthony Hopkins he feels unique in a genre that

can often be derivative now I kind of ragged and ranted about the whole Direct this cut situation but I do feel like there are things here that will make me check that out just kind of wish that’s what we were talking about today and yeah again the the

whole releasing two versions of it it it doesn’t make much sense to me so yeah you know give it a watch but with June part two our digitally I don’t think it’s really going to capture the conversation that it should this week it’s a shame as there’s a

lot of stuff here but thinking about that promis better version it’s made me feel like I might have just wasted my time watching an inferior version of a film I think think by now you’ll know if you like Zack Snider movies and you’ll know if you don’t personally

I do but I prefer when he let off the rains and yet hopefully that other version improves the issues I have here obviously let me know your thoughts below and I’d also love to hear what your thoughts on director’s cuts are and what you took from the movie

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store out with that all the way huge thank you for sing through the video I’ve been your house Paul you tell you what mate you enjoy the rest of your weekend and I hope to see you next time take care peace

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