Kraken Pro Full Review! (Watch First!) (2023) 🐙 New Trading Platform Just Launched! 💥 (Walkthrough!)

As crypto investors ₿ …we need to be diversified 💥💸 And one of the best ways to diversify is by having accounts with reputable trading platforms 📈 and investing some time and learning how to use them 🕒 During bear markets is the best time to practice buying, selling and trading crypto on exchanges 💰 …and eventually developing advanced trading skills to be prepared and ready for when the next bull cycle and altcoin season comes back around 🚀 because they always do! 😎 An absolutely face melting bold season is on the horizon 💥📈 …we need to hit the

crypto gym now and train together in order to take advantage of our once-in-a-lifetime, once-in-a-generation opportunity to generate and secure a massive amount of wealth in crypto 🤑 So in this video we are going to explore Kraken and their latest updated advanced trading platform called Kraken Pro 🐙 We will create an account, make some trades together, and learn how to use all the features it has to offer step-by-step. Let’s hit it… Using the link in the description area below we can access Kraken Pro’s correct and official site as well as redeem any special offers they have

for us! ⭐ When we arrive at the home page we can click on the get started button to check out their trading dashboard

and here we are although it may seem overwhelming at first if you haven’t done any advanced trading activity it’s actually pretty straightforward when we break everything down right now we are looking at the Bitcoin to US dollar chart in trading information and let’s start from the top over here in this box there’s an option to create an account to start trading with Kraken Pro in just three easy steps which we will do

together in a minute below that we have buy and sell buttons with a variety of order types like limit Market stop loss stop loss limit take profit and take profit limit in the same section at the top we can see navigation tabs where this is the order form for spot trading and if we click on the margin tab here is where we can engage in some margin trading if it’s available in your region cool above the order tab in the top left corner if we click on the BTC to USD button a menu will open

up with a list of all the cryptocurrencies as well as Forex currencies available for both spot and margin trading and at the top here we can use these tabs to filter cryptocurrencies by types like Euro US Dollars British pounds Etc and by categories like D5 versus web 3 layer ones twos Gaming Community tokens privacy cryptos Forex and stable coins at the top here we can switch between cryptos available for spot versus margin trading in at the bottom here we can filter between top gaming cryptos top traded top losing and new listings nice exiting out of

this window we are back at the dashboard next to the BTC TUSD button we can see the last price of Bitcoin here the 24 hour change as well as 24 hour trading volume and under the button here next to the order form tab there is a plus sign that gives us the option to add another window with choices between performance a depth chart our portfolio a window to place simple Market orders and additional settings so what’s nice about Kraken Pros trading dashboard that makes it unique is its incredibly customizable which is great if you’re an

avid Trader and spend a lot of time using trading tools like this check it out to the right of the order form section there is a real-time order book and an order book is just a list of the current buy orders and sell orders people have placed which shows what price buyers and sellers are willing to pay as well as how many units or tokens they seek to buy or sell at each price in the tab next to the order book is for Market trades which is a list of all the current market trades or

trades that buyers and sellers are placing at the market price or the price of what Bitcoin is at this moment in time and next to the market trades tab there is a plus sign that gives us options to add another window like with the previous section we explored with choices between perform limits a depth chart our portfolio a window to place simple Market orders and additional settings so for example let’s click to add a depth chart and here we are a new tab to view a real-time depth chart of Bitcoin trades which represents the supply

and demand for a particular asset at different price levels and if we don’t want to use this chart we can simply click the X on the tab to close it and just to show you another option let’s add a performance tab nice and add back the depth chart sweet the next big section in the middle of the screen here is a real-time bitcoin price chart here we can practice using Advanced charting tools provided by trading view that allows us to filter through different chart types different intervals like four hours versus one hour and more as

well as play around with all of these tools here on this vertical navigation bar nice just like the other sections at the top here in the market shark Tab and next to it is a plus sign we can click to add another window with the same options we already covered like for example a simple Market order tab as you can see we need to create an account to use this option which we will do together in a minute back on the market chart in this top right hand corner if this chart is a little too

busy and complicated for the type of trading we want to do we can choose from this drop down between the current chart provided by trading view or a simple chart like this that shows a line graph of bitcoin’s price without all the bells and whistles cool next in the bottom section here we have tabs with more trading information like our Market favorites which we can choose from the list of cryptocurrencies we covered earlier as well as balances open orders conditional orders positions trades and as with all the other sections a plus sign to add more

windows like our portfolio amazing now that we’ve explored this current layout of Kraken Pro’s trading dashboard let’s explore how we can further customize it to suit our preferences like by clicking to grab this order form section and dragging it around to see different placement options we have like to the right in the middle all the way to the right or even at the bottom let’s drop it here on the right and it’s a little too wide for my liking so using the edge here we can click to make it more narrow like so perfect and

now on the left we can see the order book moved to fill the space I’m going to close out some of these windows I don’t really want to use right now and move the order book to the immediate left of the order form by clicking dragging and dropping like so and shrinking it down to make it more narrow and I’m going to shrink down this bottom section as well so I can see more of the market chart in fact if we want we can move this bottom section to the top like so make it more

narrow and voila we have a completely new customized layout out to suit our trading preferences brilliant in the top right hand corner here we have a question mark button with options to take a tour visit Kraken support chat with them as well as helpful articles we can reference next to that there’s an icon that opens a window where we can adjust settings like the chart engine ticker bar order and more and there’s also a tab here where we can configure the dashboard layout like by toggling window options on or off and at the bottom of

the layout screen if we want to revert back to Kraken Pro’s original trading dashboard layout we can click the reset to Advanced button here and Bam back to the original configuration and also on the layout settings we can reset to a simple layout cool next to the layout settings there’s a button with the option to go between kraken’s other products and services like its basic crack in exchange to easily buy sell and explore cryptos Kraken Pro where we are now or their nft Marketplace great now that we are familiar with Kraken Pro’s trading dashboard let’s

create an account together and make some trades on this screen we can choose to make a personal account or a business account so let’s enter our email address choose a username strong password select our country of residence our state or Province check the box to agree to the terms of service and privacy policy and click create account and Kraken will email you an activation code check your email enter the activation code and click the activate Account button and here we are at our very own Kraken Pro trading dashboard now that we have an account we

have more access to things like our portfolio trading history Etc so in the top left hand corner next to the trade option we are currently on we can click on the analytics tab to view more activity and information we can click on the portfolio tab which is empty right now and our history so before getting started we need to verify our identity to unlock everything Kraken Pro has to offer which Kraken is required by law to collect and it only takes a few minutes so click the verify your identity button and in this form you

will need to enter your first and last name date of birth occupation address phone number and social security number or similar depending on your country of residence then click continue next you will need to take a photo or upload a photo of a form of identification like your driver’s license or passport as well as take a picture of yourself in order to complete the verification process if everything checks out we are good to go now we can deposit our funds from our bank account from our crypto wallets from another exchange or wherever we want to

transfer to the Kraken Pro exchange to start making some trades so click the add funds button here at the top of the order form section on the left and a window with a list of cryptocurrencies and Fiat currencies will pop up so in the search bar at the top I’m going to type in USD then click on US dollar from here we see the option to use plaid us payment processor to easily and securely add funds from our bank account where it’s instant there are no fees and a weekly limit of ten thousand dollars if

we click method here we also see an option to fund our crack and pro accounts manually by getting their Bank details to transfer funds manually from our banks to theirs this selection takes about one to five days to fund our account fees May apply and the daily limit is one hundred thousand dollars cool let’s fund directly using plaid and click continue and then click connect account plaid’s window will pop up so click continue again then from here we can do a search for our bank and follow the steps to complete the connection once successful click

the continue button then select the bank account you’d like to use enter the amount you’d like to deposit into your crack and pro account I’m going to start with one thousand dollars and we can see there are no fees involved then click review make sure everything looks good and then click confirm success the deposit has been initiated click done now in the top right hand corner here under portfolio value we see one thousand US Dollars and if we click on the wallet icon we see we have a spot balance of the one thousand dollars and

if we wanted to fund our account using crypto after clicking the add funds button simply type the crypto into the search bar here let’s say for usdt or tether click on it and since tether is supported on multiple blockchain networks click select Network and here we can choose between in Arbiter 1 ethereum polygon Solana and Tron I’m going to select ethereum and Kraken Pro will show you the QR code and wallet address you can copy and paste in order to send ethereum based tether to fund your trading account amazing now that our account has some

funds let’s create some orders to start trading crypto in the order forms section we explored together we are going to make some spot buy orders so we are on the spot tab with the buy button selected and in the drop down to the right we have a variety of order types we can choose from we can use limit orders to decide at what specific price we would like to buy or sell a cryptocurrency if the price reaches that specific price point along with the amount we wish to buy or sell at that price point automatically

we can use Market orders to buy or sell certain amounts of cryptocurrencies at whatever price it is at that particular moment in time and stop loss limit and take profit orders combine the function of limit orders with stop losses to help Advance Traders mitigate risks and on medically take profits depending on the trading strategy we put into place neat so let’s place a buy limit order for Bitcoin where if the price of Bitcoin reaches 27 500 an automatic buy order for 200 worth of bitcoin will execute which we can see here is twenty percent of

our one thousand dollars worth of funds and under the more options tab we can further customize the order if we want and once everything looks good we can click the buy BTC to USD button and Bam our order has been placed we can see our 1K of available funds is now at eight hundred dollars and in the bottom section here under the open orders tab we see our buy limit order at twenty seven thousand five hundred dollars per Bitcoin to buy two hundred dollars worth of bitcoin or about point zero zero seven at the time

of this video and exploring the other tabs at the top here if we visit the portfolio tab we see our 1K deposit to fund our portfolio and on the history tab to the right of it we can also see activity in a more streamlined way note that our buy limit order won’t show up in the history until it’s executed because right now it’s an open order if and until Bitcoin reaches that twenty seven thousand five hundred dollar price point nice another neat feature Kraken built into their Pro platform is the ability to set a limit

price in addition to using the order form section by clicking on the I symbol in the chart and toggle on order form preview this places a line on the graph like so to show at what price your limit order will be placed if you submitted it in the order form we can drag this line up and down and the price in the order form will automatically update at the price we dropped the line at we can also change the price in the order form and the line on the graph will jump to the same price

we entered to show us visually where it would be based and if we select conditional order to stop loss here we can set a stop loss and take profit order at the same time and also be able to drag and drop the orders on the graph super cool next let’s buy another cryptocurrency we are going going to click on the BTC to USD button to open up the menu to choose another cryptocurrency in the search bar we are going to type in Kaaba and in the search results we see options to trade US dollar euro

Bitcoin and eth for Kava since we’re using US dollars in our account click the kava USD trading pair here’s kava’s chart and information on the dashboard with the spot by option selected on the order form from the drop down let’s place a market order for some Kaaba this means we will buy kava at whatever price it is at that moment in time in order to buy and have it instantly and we’d like to buy 100 worth of Kaaba looks like the trading fee will be about 26 Cents all good now click buy kava to USD

it’s done if we look in the bottom section under the balances tab we see our US Dollars and now 10 of our portfolio is kava and if we look under the portfolio tab at the top here we can also see our US dollars in Caba the recent transactions for it and and under the history tab we see that trading activity as well under closed orders since this was a market order that bought Kaaba at the market price the order is closed unlike our open limit order to buy Bitcoin if the price reaches 27 500. sweet

so even if we’re still new to the space and beginners at trading this is a great opportunity and a way for us to dip our toes into more advanced trading activities invest time into learning about practicing trading cryptos and Kraken Pro makes it seamless simple and straightforward keep in mind using this icon in the top right hand corner we can switch between the Kraken Pro platform to an extremely user-friendly way to buy sell convert deposit and withdraw if we are veterans of the space and proficient in advanced trading Kraken Pro is extremely customizable and offers

a wider variety of options we can use to leverage and hedge so we can get more creative and efficient with our overall trading strategies Kraken Pro has low spreads which lowers our average cost per trade it has deep liquidity across markets which allows us to easily trade large volumes at stable prices it offers us High rate limits where we can trade crypto fast using the robust low latency API in eligible regions around the world they offer margin trading where we can trade crypto with up to 5x leverage which amplifies our exposure to Market volatility giving

highly experienced and expert Traders more flexibility when executing Advanced trading strategies also in eligible regions Kraken offers Futures Trading where we can expand our crypto trading experience with over 100 Perpetual Futures with some of the lowest fees among crypto trading platforms depending on their expertise and risk appetite some Traders can benefit from hedging using Futures contracts where they don’t have to sell any crypto they believe May decrease in value to protect against losses rather they can take short Futures positions to hedge against its falling price or if you simply want to earn some interest or

yield on idle assets it in eligible regions staking services are also an option for you so whether you are new or experienced Kraken is a perfect platform we can use to practice trading and grow together in order to be in a better position to take advantage of this potentially wanted a lifetime opportunity to experience generational wealth in a relatively short period of time in this next incoming bull market awesome if you would like to have that Eureka moment about how Bitcoin can help us maintain and completely control some of our wealth check out this video

if you would like to have that Eureka moment about how cryptocurrency wallets seed phrases and private Keys work check out this video and to sign up for Kraken Pro click on the link on the screen like And subscribe for more be safe out there

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