It’s really crazy cool Coy look at Coy Idih in mobile Legends finally there is the Tan Zero skin, guys, from Demon Slayer. Later, there will also be the zenitsu, which we will try first, from Tanjiro Buset . tanjiro, yeah, crazy, really cool , really cool, okay, let’s try the basic attack first, Wih . it’s the same as in the anime, he’s the element of water, then he has two skills, uh Wow, that’s really cool, the skills of both of them Wih, let’s try ulti wih, look, guys, the sword, guys, the sword has fire, look at

it again, look again, yeah, it’s crazy, it’s really cool, it’s really cool, the Pajero skin Okay, let’s try it, guys. What’s the effect on the enemy, skill 1, here’s the sword, guys, basic attack. Yes, this is skill one, the other skill is like a dragon, right? there’s fire, guys, try to catch it, yeah, the basic attack, so the basic attack, if we’re doing the ulti, it’s stale, the kettle has fire, look at it, the effect follows the ulti, well, it’s really crazy, it’s really cool, it’s really cool , guys, wow, that’s crazy it really matches

the recall okay the second one here is from the akaza, guys, this is from Demon Slayer too, okay, this is Anjay’s

akaza, this is really cool, the akaza is really crazy, cool Coy, it’s almost the same as the one in the anime it’s crazy, it’s really crazy, it’s really cool, I like it, it’s similar, okay? Okay, let’s try the basic attack first , OK ? Slayer, let’s try it, guys, let’s try skill two Oh, I see, guys, the wall, guys, the wall looks like the color of a rock, right, follow the color of Coy’s stone,

that ‘s good . the skin is really good, guys, I like the skin, okay. Now, let’s move on to the next skin. This is the recall effect . Yes, yes, at a glance, Yes, it’s similar to Guinnever at a glance, but don’t think about it, this is Nezuko, yeah, yeah, let’s just say it’s like that, Coy . Okay, try skill 2. Damn, it’s really cool, Coy’s ult is similar, it’s the same as the effect from shinezuko coy’s power, it’s crazy cool, it’s really cool I like it, it’s okay Oh, I see, the effect guys is

good, the ulti is cool, guys , okay, the next one here is zenitsu, it’s really cool this is the bust, guys, zenitsu lancelot, so zenitsu coy, that’s cool too, but why is his head like that, Anjay’s head, guys, it looks like it’s too high up when he runs, yeah, guys, but it’s okay to just think of this, because the clothes are really similar to that dude Well, like this when he runs, his clothes are really similar to zenitsu. It’s really cool. Tried it, usually the electricity is okay , skill one is okay. skill two is

really good try ulti weh crazy coy It’s really cool Anjay It’s cool, guys, it’s cool, it’s cool, I like to be good at it, just try this, guys, try skill one, it’s really good, Anjay is good , isn’t it, guys? In your opinion, this is really good, in my opinion it’s good yes , the effect is really good, guys, the effect is almost the same as the one in the anime, coy . this is the recall, guys, wow, the recall, he’s sleeping, Anjay, woi zenitsu, what are you doing, look, guys, it’s really funny, right? There’s

an animation, guys. Anjay What ‘s wrong with him? I once reviewed it, coy, I swear this is really good, to the point where the recall effect is made, it’s cool, it’s rare that people pay attention to the Recall effect, coy . bald Anjay guys crazy guys look guys Anjay’s head is bald okay okay that’s good but this isn’t yet he hasn’t worn that shirt yet guys yeah he hasn’t worn Saitama’s original clothes Coy he’s still wearing a white shirt let’s try it, what’s the effect, try to tap it first now Saitama ‘s basic attack is

in sleepwear mode, coy skill 1, the skill on the other hand has a light, that’s cool, that’s it Coy Anjay’s super fist Wow, that’s the goal, try the second skill, try it, let’s try it, guys, the other skill, Coy, it’s pretty good, like the lapu-lapu effect is so strong that the ground is crushed . it’s really cool Anjay let’s kill it first let’s kill it first let ‘s try and try us Recall us Recall us from the end yes we run guys Crazy really cool this is really good huh guys huh Wow crazy cool cool

cool Okay maybe that’s about it guys, if there’s a new skin, I’ll review it for you, don’t forget to like this video and don’t forget to subscribe and also activate the bell button, OK? Comment below which skin do you like?

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