Verdict reached in Parkland school shooting trial

at the 105 is still causing delays through that area. Send back over to you. Some other. Thank you. Jurors have Resa verdict in the Parkland School shooting trial will bring in Brook Thomas down with the latest Brooke. Hey there. Good morning, Tony. So right now, At this point, the jury has recommended life in prison without parole. But I say so far because the judge is still reading the verdict. This is a long process, which sin Some ways puts in perspective, just how many people lost their lives that day. You’ll remember Nicholas Cruz has already pleaded

guilty to first degree murder of 17 people. You also pleaded guilty to attempted first degree murder of 17 people for what happened that day. What he did that day at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in 2018 again. The verdict is still being red. We’re talking about 17 people who live their lives. If you can see who lost their lives, as you can see right here in this section of the courtroom is completely full, completely sad day for so many people sitting there just want to break down what we have right now. So far, the jury

has recommended life in prison without the possibility of parole, but the death penalty is still on the table. I’m gonna get back into the newsroom and continue to follow this and we’ll

bring it

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