Book Review: Twelve Days to Save Christmas by Elizabeth Neep

hello and welcome to today’s video today 
i’m reviewing 12 days to save christmas by  
elizabeth elizabeth neap okay so if you like 
festive romantic comedies this one’s for you
hello today like i said reviewing 12 
days to save christmas now this one is um  
it’s around the 12 days of christmas um 
basically we have poppy who is our protagonist  
she has a long-term boyfriend called george who 
leaves her completely heartbroken um and so she  
basically has these 12 days to save christmas 
and her relationship and everything so um  
i have set i did immediately kind of warm to poppy 
um and it’s basically a journey of self-discovery  
um lots of festive stuff in it so if you like 
a good festive read then this is definitely one  
um that’s worth checking out and i gave this one 
a four star okay um some really great characters  
i loved how um it made you think as well 
you know once you’re caught up in the whole  
festive season and everything you’ve got the 
relationship what um poppy’s you know trying what  
her goals are what she’s trying to achieve and 
everything but there’s all the other relationships  
that she forms along the way um she you know she 
discovers a lot

about herself but also about the  
things that are important in general in life and 
i thought it was nice to have a christmas read  
that’s um more kind of oriented towards the 
giving aspect as opposed to the receiving  
um so that that was a nice touch um and yeah 
so this was lovely this is a really good  
festive romantic comedy to read so if you like 
that kind of stuff then definitely check this one  
out so there we go the 12 days to save christmas 
again that’s by elizabeth neap so check it this  
is actually this is the first book that i’ve 
read by this author i don’t know if she’s done  
any others but i would definitely be interested in 
checking out more of her work in the future so if  
you know of any books coming out like this um as 
like writing style and things it’s been compared  
to the um like beth o’leary kind of um 
stuff so like if you like that then this is  
um in that kind of area so um check it out um 
anyway that’s it for today uh i hope you’ve  
enjoyed this video um if you have any particularly 
favorites um from your christmas reads  
that you would like to share then please do 
lick them up down below tell me about them um  
because it’s always nice to have some 
festive reads over the festive period  
um and so i will i’m already thinking about 
ones that i can read uh next year so anyway  
that’s it for today thanks for watching please 
don’t forget to click the subscribe button if  
you haven’t already so you don’t miss out on new 
uploads um i will see you in the next video bye

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