BREAKING: Rupert Murdoch steps down as FOX Chairman | LiveNOW from FOX

Welcome back to live. Now From Fox engine. A Francine the time 919 on the East Coast 619 on the West Coast. We do have some breaking news coming through our Studios right now. They’re on your screen. We are being told some breaking news as far as it relates to Fox News channel. and it does relate to Rupert Murdoch. Rupert, Murdoch. the media Mogul transitioning from his roles as chair of fox Corporation, and executive chairman of news. news, he did announced That moments ago. he informed colleagues in a letter today of his decision. Noting he was

in good health. he will officially make the transition in November and his son will become the sole chairman of both companies. He did give a quote I’m give to read that off to you now. Murdock says quote I am writing to let you all know that I have decided to transition. to the role of chairman emeritus at Fox and news. He goes on to say for my entire professional. life, I have been engaged daily with news and ideas and that will not change. but the time is right to take on different roles. knowing that we

have truly talented teams and a passion. principal leader in his son, who will become. soldiers. Chairman of both companies. he goes on to say, neither. excessive

Pride. nor false humility are admirable. qualities. but I am truly proud of what we have achieved. collectively through the decades and I owe much to my colleagues whose contributions to Our Success. have sometimes been unseen outside the company. but are deeply appreciated by Me in quote. he goes on to say the battle over freedom of speech and freedom of thought. had never been more intense. and he says his family

remains firmly committed to that cause again breaking news into our live now from Fox studio Rupert Murdoch announcing his transition. to a new

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