Film Instructor watches Attack on Titan 3×14 | "Thunder Spears" Review and Reaction

hi everyone and today’s we I’m going to be reacting to episode 14 of season 3 of Attack on Titan oh my God a big b is coming and I’m not sure if I want to watch it like you know my heart can just take so much oh my God I’m I’m already I’m already very very nervous I’m very nervous oh my God anyway I can read here Thunder Spears and I just remember for for night there was those things that they were explosive is that what they have against the armor Titan I cannot believe that

I didn’t remember the freaking Thunder Spears until now because you know when I was playing fortnite they were there and it was a lot of quests challenges with them so I remember the freaking Thunder Spears and using them because it was quite difficult for me because I’m clumsy but I cannot believe that I didn’t you know thought about it I knew odium gear but what the sorry anyway before we get into the video please subscribe to this channel if you’re not subscribed because there’s a lot of more new reactions coming and you don’t to miss

them so now it’s going to the video I think those Spears are perfect against Riner because they explode at least of fortnite look at the

Titan what the heck oh yeah like what the heck that must be another special Titan just because of how detailed and weird it is that must be another special Titan I think it cannot be just an abnormal I don’t think so look at the face he quite detailed as well oh yeah oh yeah what the heck has Lage yeah exactly what does he have what the heck they’re bring in big

things oh look at that one hello I’m sorry but there are so we some of them yeah yeah yeah so you don’t escape oh my God wait but Aon can also go control them right like he did it in the past well well I mean we don’t know how much he practiced that because he was just focused on the hardening thing but can he not I don’t know make a fight of Mind Control to The Titans with with the monkey Titan to see which one is stronger on mind control and turn it around exactly fore

0:04:59.560,1193:02:47.295 what oh smart okay wait is he going by himself what the heck what the heck I didn’t like those words war chief wow war chief what the heck can he do that wow that is that is brilliant what the heck and what what is the war chief is it a whole Squad of army Titans well it must be because now with that one that goes on four the the doggy one whatever you call it I don’t know how you call it doggy Titan no it sounds horrible and you know what the heck so it’s

like a whole yeah oh my goodness so how many special sorry how many special Titans are are outside because Annie as well um the one that died to eir where’s he see here by the way where is she anyway it’s like they have a whole you know Squad of War Titans Army Titans I don’t know how to call them what the heck Aron already oh oh for oh so he did good yeah that’s what that’s what I I want him to do just to take control of the Titans oh okay staring contest I mean another

Gumble yeah fore with that they just prove so so they had like quite a lot of training in war and all of that right in in the outside world I mean because they just showed that he’s quite good also at you know y yep yeah just in case ooh wow he’s got an advantage now against him for oh oh oh oh oh he never saw one don’t youare die he’s like do I I need to do do everything myself what the heck what is that one doing yeah of course because they have new recruits that

foree for whoa wow wow ouch oh oh my God whoa that was really close yep yeah mhm so you need to break it wow this is so tense and and and B is not even there yet good keep thinking that oh it’s quite difficult oh my god wow ah you didn’t expect that did you I was going to say I was I I I I stopped myself but I was going to say I’m so conflicted because it’s like I want them to win but I don’t want rer to die because I don’t feel like he’s

really bad but he was guilty of you know doing the thing in the wall and then all the that happens it’s just so conflicting this show puts you into places that is like and of course they are like are we really going to finish him off this is horrible it makes you it makes you so turn like Jesus bir is going to come wait did I kill him no oh my God I mean knowing what he did before transfer the conscious to I don’t know his toe whatever he did it I don’t know but oh

this is It’s So conflicting I I’m I’m like I I don’t know I don’t know usually you are always like okay I want them to win or I want them to lose or you know you have your opinion but I’m completely lost is it is it the same for everyone to feel like this it’s I don’t know I feel so conflicted I don’t I don’t I don’t even know what to say I’m just just like I don’t know I don’t know honestly because to me I don’t know they they still not like horrible people I

don’t know I just have a feeling I don’t I cannot hate them I I know they did you know but I don’t know anyway please drop a comment let me know what you think I let and let me remind you that if you’re a member of this channel among other perks you will not need to wait for the premieres you can just watch all my content without any waiting and I also have a patreon where I upload the full unedited reactions also with early accents and with any of those to you will be helping me

a lot so I can create more content for you guys because it takes a lot of time to film to edit it’s just a lot of time that I need to invest a lot of um time into it so with that you will help me a lot and if you canot this fine just please like comment and share this video and that will also help me so much so have a lovely rest of the day and see you in the next video bye

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