Film Instructor watches Demon Slayer 1×10 | "Together Forever" Review and Reaction

hey everyone on today’s video I’m going to be reacting to episode 10 of season 1 of Demon Slayer oh my goodness what is happening can they defeat this guy one episode has passed and nothing hello baby sorry my cat wants some attention anyway what the heck this guy with arrows is freaking hard but you need to talk I think you need to Target him before hair because she uses his power to make those freaky balls impossible so I think he needs to go down first but he’s quite difficult so let’s see how he’s gonna do

it but before I get into the video please subscribe to this channel if you are not subscribed yet because it’s a lot of Mario reactions coming and you’re gonna miss them so now let’s go into the video no okay head is gone so one is dead nice out there what the heck foreign oh he’s dying though he just wants to take him with him yeah be quiet bye-bye goodbye what about the other one ouch foreign there’s no arrows anymore so I wasn’t expecting that oh she’s so cute I love her so much come on Jessica

come on come on my girl come on they’re playing football now foreign nice don’t say that another one for sake freaking balls foreign yes I knew

it um come on what is that a spell oh which cars why what is so you look at this so if what what the heck so if they said his name they could curse and die what oh my God the noises Jesus oh my God oh my God that was brutal already that’s why the other demon didn’t want to even talk about it because I guess if they spill the

secrets that’s why she said I got rid of the curse so she can speak freely foreign foreign oh I really like it is that demon remembering something of when it was human it makes me sad when the demons start to die and they reach that point because obviously they weren’t in control of themselves you know mm-hmm sister I was going to say the word propra probably more inappropriate but yeah that okay we can go with that one cutie money is oh let’s go oh you be quiet shut up oh my God oh that is so

damn cute she is maybe she can see if they’re good yeah oh yeah they’re happy tears no it’s not this happy tears I’m getting emotional too no stoppage foreign foreign so she told him everything she didn’t keep any information of him she just said everything how it is if you want it fine if not fine huh sorry um that’s why I think that’s why the hogwitness recommend so much for her because it’s like you know laughs foreign she doesn’t wanna she’s so dumb cute that she’s making me cry little demo foreign what the heck wasn’t

that guy one of the survivors of the thing wasn’t it if it’s not okay looks quite similar like the same colors and everything the guy with them the little bird instead of The Crow oh my God I was an expert like I don’t even know why I got emotional I don’t know nothing really happened but you know I connected goodness of God that moment oh my God she’s so damn cute I love her so much I just want to hug her she’s so dumb cute I hope that well yeah I I guess they will see

each other again because now he’s going to collect blood for her right so I guess it will be somehow in contact Maybe they should so this curse thing is interesting and I want to know the backstory with hair with Tamayo and him muzan because there’s obviously something big happened there obviously she called him a coward and she yeah I when she started to talk I I was like so he doesn’t want the demons to gang up against him so that’s why you know also about the curse that’s why the do you remember the three demons

that he was one the one that came from you know like the puddle he’s got another name but I don’t remember um he was so scared of Tolkien so scared so yeah probably that’s why because maybe he was aware of the of the course or maybe he was just terrified anyway please drop a comment let me know what you think I’ll let me remind you that if you’re a member of this channel you have among other perks Early Access to all my videos so you don’t need to wait for them and I will I also

have a patreon where I upload the full and edited reaction also with Early Access and you will be helping me to create more content you will be helping this channel a lot so and if you’re gonna do it it’s fine just please like share comment this video and that will also help so have a lovely rest of the day and see you in the next video bye

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