Jennifer Lopez, Jennifer Coolidge, And The Cast Of "Shotgun Wedding" Plays Who's Who

I am Cheech Marine I’m Cali Hernandez I’m Darcy Cardin I’m Steve Coulter hi I’m Jennifer Coolidge I’m Josh demell and I’m Jennifer Lopez and this is the cast of shotgun wedding and we’re on BuzzFeed doing who’s who maybe this guy afraid of heights not every detail but you know you guys look alike yeah he looks a lot like you a baseball player oh yeah maybe not not much okay no no no no you’re directed Man and you’re very nice and indirect but she comes Cheech oh yeah yeah because you’re nice I’m warm and oh and

interesting that’s good to know yeah I’m nice yeah foreign car seat just looks fine hey Google keep going love and not I don’t know yeah me probably yeah just because just because she knows how to do it she knows how to operate the social media the angles yeah the Angles and the camera yeah honestly we need to have like a a tutorial tutorial please thank you these guys yeah well they did every day every day three months this is at a party and a dinner every day and Lenny his own ghetto blaster he brought it

to the dentist yeah it was great it was so cool I know on other shows and movies I like don’t drink when I’m whenever this

one we were like five course meal yeah we were just like eating and drink and drinking and it was um you know Raw who’s most likely to be like this person yeah don’t mess with me I don’t mess with JLo I don’t know I could be Pirate’s ass no no yeah a stunt they always stunting me and Josh got pretty cool I don’t know Darcy also but I don’t know if

I nailed it on the first time especially when we’re handcuffed together and we had to do all that crazy stuff except for the one time I almost went over the cliff that was oh that wasn’t fun tell us what happened yes so you know how in that scene where my dress is on the wheel yeah one time it got caught in the wheel oh my God and I was going over and I’m looking at Josh I’m like Josh hey every day you all went home and I had to stay for my gun lessons that’s we’ll

have a gun diploma now I mean it wasn’t iconic the entire time I was there they were so afraid I was going to kill somebody over the course of relationships yes but yeah I take everything I can and you should too I would probably just take it just go don’t worry about it okay you feel like I’m flying by this marriage I know um Josh me I can I it depends on what you mean by prepared I know organizing like and having like food storage and stuff yeah like Doomsday stuff I do that a little

bit yeah maybe I can see you I can see that yeah how sweet that you’re preparing for the end of everything I know it’s a new fan you know how to come true I got cases of spam with your name on it make sure to watch shotgun wedding January 27th on Prime video foreign

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