SAW 3 (2006) MOVIE REACTION!! FIRST TIME WATCHING! Jigsaw | Full Movie Review | Saw X

foreign Erickson with my friend Aaron hello oh that’s such a quick nice hello look at us wearing scary t-shirts look at those words ghost spooky stuff ghosts we’re screaming we’re gonna watch Saw Three three I hope they cut up more people what do you think it’s gonna be I think they’re gonna cut up a lot of people and make us uh really yeah I think it’s gonna be a lot of torture points okay that’s what he thinks you guys need to remember to leave a like type in the computer and you ought to leave a

comment and be nice and cool and kind and all you have to ring the bell and don’t forget we call you super sexy if you join on patreon and then you get to watch me and Aaron watch the entire movie a full reaction and watch along sync up with your own copying we can’t show you the whole movie like you sit there at home with your popcorn with your candy you watch with us the whole thing one happy family all synced up watching saw three that way you’re not like I have to watch all

three alone you don’t you watch it with ah and also don’t forget John and Greg cover exclusive shows over there with reactions

and watch alongs and they’ve got a lot of stuff it’s like real exclusive over there if you get on the patreon so you got it you gotta you gotta know what’s up so get over there get on it get on it are you ready for start three oh my God Wrath I’m so ready okay let’s get into it game over oh my God all right immediately what wait this is picking up for the

last one oh it is okay all right come on you can get out of this Steve Wahlberg I believe in you yeah come on yes use the shoe use other objects to get things across the room we’ve learned from the last movie we like this we love this move anything on your body is a tool it was empty it was empty empty clip to the light it’s to the flashlight wow that was kind of dumb oh no dude okay this is interesting because this one is a direct continuation of saw two what I felt like

the first one was was not this yeah yeah the second one I’m also like that girl’s not in the bathtub anymore though or around right the new well yeah because she came and closed the door on him that’s not gonna work but they tried that in 1987 he did not cut through his cord he Baroque uh didn’t he break it I think he broke it he broke the saw last night right yeah oh it’s the oh I hated him oh my God that’s an old foot is that from number one yeah oh that’s number one

foot uh-uh that’s Mr barky’s foot yeah we got a number one foot number two body it’s rough in here it’s rough in these streets in this room okay I mean the other guy I feel like he bled out I think so I think he bled out bro come on okay I wasn’t ready I wasn’t ready I mean she left him alive she could have killed him so like just call out for her oh no on foot oh my God no no no no no no God why God too much we all are getting right to

it oh my God that was probably the worst thing oh my God I was not ready for that I really liked though that he went for it immediately yeah you can’t say he’s he’s not uh determined he’s not committed yeah literally just a direct continuation of the events wow oh new character yeah I know him you know him not personally he’s just in stuff he’s not one of your friends your problem was first on the scene Gary I’m glad she’s still in it I really liked her I think she’s a good actress it’s not detective

Matthews who is it where are they they’re in a different location right oh God wait what he’s holding place by these chains oh no oh no thank you jeans in a classroom oh no no no no no no no no oh it’s the around the mouth that kills me I can’t oh my God why Jesus despite all of the advantages live or die try um okay I mean for sure you’re probably gonna die right oh yeah they just showed him like what happens the aftermath oh please I was really hoping he didn’t show us what

happened to that guy like in in real time all he had to do is release himself and meet you the chains see because I’m wondering though if he pulled his skin it wouldn’t do that though you know what I mean all he had to do oh God we’re going back God yeah cause I’m saying if it’s clipped to the skin that’s why I’m wondering like he died but I feel like you pull those from the skin you um right okay see he did one all right I think you’re just bleeding from his mouth dude oh

my God yeah all you have to do that guy had a point because this is way worse this is infinitely worse oh my God no no no no no no no no no no why is it like just say he did it quick like we don’t want to see anymore this hurts me oh my God physically hurting me right now oh God yeah I was like please do not show me that it is on his ding dong because I cannot right now Jake says game was to get out before the ball went off door welded

shut the guy couldn’t get out if he wanted to well that’s because jigsaw is a girl now so maybe she’s like switching it up oh could be yeah one other tag teaming right I think he was like is he not dead yet he’s not dead yet maybe he didn’t look too good in that car from the last time I know he looked like he was close to his deathbed yeah recognize my eyes closed why how laughs interesting now we’re following her as the lead and choose to support last time yeah oh what nope is the

tape how is this live exactly that’s weird okay yep yep as you should oh my God no where is it no oh no how is it in the tape and in the I just doesn’t it she’s already dead I like oh she’s don’t like it oh okay oh God oh my God is that acid oh my God is that is that freaking acid it’ll melt your face off oh and it’s in the oh that’s her keto escape and she probably has to put her hand in there oh my God I hate this I hate this

um reach in and take it awful awful awful awful I’m sure it’s not bad it’s just maybe it’s just Sprite maybe it’s just Sprite it takes the skin right down to the bone Aaron oh my goodness nope girl it’s in the rib cage I hate this you’re gonna have to do it you have no choice oh my God oh my God no no don’t don’t tip it don’t tip it it’s gonna tip on you don’t burn your face oh my God girl come on now it’s just Sprite it’s just oh my God it’s just no

no no no no no no no no no no no no no oh my God oh my God hurry no oh my God can she even use that hand can you get it to the other hand no no this is my theater dance I hate it if you drop that key girl I’m gonna be so angry oh my God she got what’s happening no no yeah how does it come out how does it come out she’s coming in yeah big old reveal ah no no hate it why what no no no no oh holy junk

that was awful she put her hand in the acid to open it up why does she let her go I got more characters Tuesday I thought you started 11. this movie’s rough y’all so he’s I was not prepared this is this is worse immediately than the first two yeah can we just talk for five minutes relation no problems what’s wrong what is it you want from me Chris a divorce damn oh okay Lynn pressure down to 70. oh it’s a kid I gotta crack his chest damn no we’re gonna Trail the right side I’m doing

it a Russian bear stats are improving she seems mad why because it wasn’t protocol oh did she lose a kid I see a kid signed to Mommy and we didn’t see a kid up in there maybe that’s why they’re going through divorces absolutely they’re both going through grief and isolating he’s about to get kidnapped by jigsaw or by someone in a pig mask I don’t feel like coming no no okay yep you called it on the hairy pig mask I don’t know why they gotta have hair no thank you oh jigsaw is not gonna kill

himself I mean I’m gonna come to a little puppet trying to kidnap people we gotta have your big scary a big Persona get your figure on get you get your Pig on could that go oh so many two pigments and a lot of weapons a lot of torture see like this kind of room would excite me if it was for Pure Revenge but right now we’re just like killing people out of like because he’s a psycho all right killing people you don’t even know jig sanctuary there she is there’s our lady jigsaw oh he’s still

alive oh dang buddy oh she kidnapped him to help him because with his cancer yeah do you remember me consumer you’re being tested your will is being tested live no what is this what are you doing to me you’re gonna torture her to save you are those wearing as linked to my heart rate monitor bullets when you move out of range an explosion will go off in that collar your life and my life will end simultaneously wow we have another test subject if he completes all of his tests and John is still breathing and you’re

free to go it is bullets shotgun I don’t think she’s gonna be free to go one thing I will say I do appreciate appreciate about these movies is that each one is like vastly different from the last one they don’t have that yeah repeating the same like structure that sequels usually have it’s a guy in a box yeah hello and just become your tomb Sierra what’s your angle on this ouch wow how many times do I have to tell you before you get it in your head oh no no you’re just nothing you don’t touch

things in Dylan’s room stop I said he lost a daughter right he was a son yeah this poor girl I mean she lost her brother she just wants to sleep with this stuffed animal s okay what happened did you you saw him and then you had your reaction like five seconds later no like I’m with the pig mask I just I didn’t know I didn’t register no it really didn’t I was like the door’s closing okay he left a gun there I was gonna be like don’t leave the gun there with the kid and then

I registered hairy pig mask I hairy pig mask is freaky it’s freaky freaky okay that just the guy just left the daughter there he left he left the dog I also with the gun so somebody maybe the daughter will be locked up and it’s like play this game and you can get her out but the kids into this man I didn’t mention that he just said you’ll get to meet your son’s killer who he’s obsessed with that like he wants to kill the guy open the door open the door Jeff yeah that the guy okay

he needs to go to the hospital and have an operation to decompress his brain come here I’m gonna slap her oh no one’s going to any Hospital you’re giving him painkillers for a tumor like this you need steroids prednisone maybe we could try some corticoster steroids you know like dexamethasone don’t know really you don’t know medicine he chose not me Amanda jealous of our game have been made very clear he’s jealous dude he chose you not me yeah I could have saved him I could have saved my circuit bad okay I can’t do vomit that’s

gross oh not again Amanda yeah you won’t be big and bad I’m gonna be a doctor but y’all freaking out when needs to go down oh my God this is why I didn’t choose you oh my God all right please don’t throw up in The Mask I can’t do it get it together oh my God okay oh my gosh she’s gonna put the tube down or what what’s she gonna do what’s she gonna do oh God from vomit to blood very quick assistant is that enough for you you ready to go to the hospital now

yeah she can be like do it here right oh yeah we do it here comment I need anesthetic for a procedure like this even with an anesthetic power drill kidnap another doctor to help her get a whole captive staff together you guys can do it I still need them tools though Aaron you need them we still need that power drill as soon as you can get you can go to the hardware store and that’s that’s like a less illegal thing that she can do to get these needs met okay we went from following two guys

in the saw game to a whole ensemble with Ensemble people and now we’re just following one guy okay one guy’s journey through oh God yep who the f is this all right okay that has to be a tough way to be hanging if she’s live no thank you oh this is like a freezer we just woke up in here just like you did be taller just find something to stand on come on buddy we can do it use your tippy toes wait did the key just not work or could he not throw another tape you

see that another table yeah you will find a woman in front of you chained prevent her from running much like she did on the day your son was hit oh there’s a girl who did it her name is Danica Scott she was the only witness present at the scene of your sons untimely demise ah that water or acid yes it’s probably water is so cold just freezes like ice on her I’m so sorry I’m human Okay so the keys got to work somewhere oh but what does that do though I mean you’re in a cold

room why is the water so torturous I don’t get that oh my God that was really fast that was unexpected oh God oh my God what’s that liquid ice you spray it on there what the hell holy chunk take off your sweater okay you got it you need to like rip his hand oh God bro take her down she’s gonna shatter into pieces it’s too light I mean buddy oh that’s so creative way to die for sure it’s rough oh my God no oh my God I’m gonna have a heart attack what is that what

oh God I thought I saw the hand and I was like why are you oh God I’m gonna be touching stuff I thought her hand went you’d be surprised what tools can save a life what tools can save a life well they’re flashback and a flashback as we go back there was only one over the device a little soul patch that’s not the guy from the beginning in the bed with the doctor right this guy no it’s not no okay yeah no because he was in a totally different house never mind yeah yeah I see

you trying to make the connections yeah I was just thinking like where’s the twist gonna come in yeah he was like I chose her for that reason but I’m like What’s the other right oh jigsaw the puppet okay he fell down who pushed the puppet also how’s the uh what I’m thinking of how’s the cop in the beginning planned all of this yeah where is him footless footless Wahlberg no he didn’t cut it off he beat it so he could I don’t know what I’m saying that’s dangling on one nerve yeah that’s got to be

gone time to go to let go time to let go of the sun’s death because behind this door is the killer let me say there’s like five tracks oh I mean this guy learn your lesson buddy that happened to like five minutes ago I’m in here oh a judge presiding over your case possessions oh wow let the game begin please get me out of here please is he gonna drop it in there with him I think he might oh my you oh no no no no no no no no no no no no I ate

it oh this is disgusting okay it’s it’s not just pretend it’s chocolate oh my god maggoty pig now okay maybe if I just keep watching I’ll become desensitized no I’m saying is jigsaw trying to indoctrinate this guy to be part of the the jigsaw team by my come to confrontation with like life and morality and all of this all this teaching him to appreciate life for like his relationship with what a life is worth kind of like uh the girl we’re getting all these King Pigs that’s what I need to know yeah crop Department 10

out of 10. all right and I still don’t get why the the pigs are like the thing the pig masks the dead pigs like what yeah what’s the relation here what’s the connection maybe it’s because he’s saying that people are like they’re like humans and pigs roll around in their own and are like you know what I mean yeah okay it should let it burn let it burn gotta let it burn yeah they just keep coming okay help me just oh good God this is him to get out of there because I cannot be looking

at this screen no more with that if it’s if it’s oh my God I can’t be doing this right now I hope you guys are enjoying this I hope you God this makes you want to vomit do they get worse oh it better not to take him out of there the next cut back too he better be out of that juice I cannot please God the judge is alive let me say closer than I expected yes faster I think are you ready to see some more things you weren’t expecting to see when you woke up

this morning yeah you mean like her hand shaking that bad yeah girl don’t you do this all the time or his brain and skull and my other disgusting things girl get it together yeah don’t don’t good just get in there I’m surprised you guys are having rest oh nope I lied I immediately regretted that saying that I was like look at them showing restraint not showing the actual operation and then immediately I was wrong fill that syringe with alcohol from that bowl wait that was weird continuity his scissors were on there but that’s okay I

don’t even notice that now they’re back okay keep your mouth closed you can hear a lot of noise oh God a lot of noise keep your mouth closed why I don’t wanna know just let’s do it come on now yeah let’s just get in there are you ready for this sawing into a prop this is not real I put some holes in his skull a little better that’s wild I thought that was gonna be it okay I’m remembering now okay he’s he’s okay what in the flashback is this yeah well when you surround your brain

I’m sure you get a lot um yep that’s a piece of your school what is this oh God there’s a film between the brain and the skull I never knew that oh boy your fingers yeah right you did the thing you’re supposed to do why it’s happening still in his memory who’s this girl oh God that’s too low he’s dead you’re gonna blow up now lady he’s stuck in his afterlife after Alive come back to the bright white light come on now or did she die too is that what also brought you over the edge

she’s waiting for me that was the one that was on accident jealous again yeah I mean she’s a little captive bird her brain is all sorts of messed up I’m gonna kill her now what was in that is pictures right you’re about to do drugs what is this no it looks like that looks like I think she’s like what’s in there oh okay oh because she is it because she’s a is that chlorophyll there is no turning back do you want to Hunters yes no she’s not gonna do it okay it was in that bottle

whoa oh my God who’s that uh just killed the guy in his name I guess that’s what she had to do that was in the file wait did you kill the guy from the first movie the photographer guy oh she’s about to drive that’s a big one girl don’t don’t oh she’s hiding it from him because he was like don’t be doing that no more oh and then she got it with him since the first one oh she just knocked him out okay this is the whole setup for one yeah oh she’s been involved because

remember she was in the very very beginning and then she survived and then we cut to them yeah so he turned her like right away and now okay oh wow she’s with him from the beginning okay all right all right we’re following this timeline okay I see I see how are there ten of these a lot of ways to kill people yeah clearly my God this is not surviving for like 10 movies man oh I’m just gonna give him a good sniff you’re only gonna make it worse ah yeah chill chick chill he’s trying to

save him for you oh damn girl why you keep she been tripping the whole time oh damn oh she’s cutting her hand right now I think also I’m like doctor don’t keep offending the woman who can literally is like so crazy she’s about to blow your brains out like right she calls her a freak As She’s Walking Away because we just locked the the gate on him after the first movie so we don’t know what happened to him okay why would you why he’s already gonna die was that necessary that’s very much not necessary to

do this right now oh wow jeez okay okay I’m gonna guess he didn’t tell you to do that so you just did it yeah oh this guy we’re still yeah we’re still helping him that’s right we didn’t cut back to remember I said it better be a fresh cut back where there’s no more Pig juice you’re so happy for it your clothes look strangely clean yeah very clean as to be expected good Lord very clean did they go through the washer foreign don’t bring his daughter into this no sentence I gave I gave 500 years

not even death nothing you’re paying me to the puzzle you hit his wife into this another one okay is this the guy is this the killer this is the guy the way the way he’s looking at him all right let’s play the tape so we can get the juice here young a man whose life also changed the day your son died it was your chance to make him pay I call it the rack God I wonder how far the arm can twist this device is going to start twisting oh no at the back of the

box is a key it’s time to the trigger of a shotgun are you willing have mercy to take a bullet oh the doctor’s gonna itself or the the judge just standing there you’re accomplished you all need to find some scissors and cut that key off three years oh okay who got higher than the shotgun stood on something so when you grabbed it it would go in between your legs this is where my brain is at right now like would that no I would still probably get your hand oh yeah oh my God this is just

I can’t oh he’s dead he is dead he won’t be fast enough the shotgun’s gonna go off yes that was absolutely that oh my God this is all this tension Jesus I mean his limbs are already off like just what are we doing here oh my God this is awful this is the worst damn yep see you later all right nope he’s already dead I mean you’re so late to the game this guy you waited way too long every time he goes to get the key they’re dead they’re already dead buddy oh God it’s gonna

snap his neck oh my god do something with the key guys what are you doing where is the key yeah that’s a dead guy that’s a dead that’s a dead brother right there okay matrimony is always fascinated me wires on their backs until rooms my marriage has survived more suffering than someone like you could ever grasp you haven’t seen anything yet what you did say there’s one reason there’s one reason why I chose her what’s the other what Amanda’s not gonna like hearing that you’re making her jealous he wants my man I know it was

trying to steal him from me he’s completed the third test congratulations Lynn you’re free to go and do her call Amanda Lynn is more important unlock her car and let her go ours yo dude chill you promised I promise you Amanda you know your life Iran why at least I have a family other test subjects is that how you thought about them I’ll tell you how I felt about Eric Matthews I don’t even know how he’s still dragging it there’s no way Eric Matthews nothing from your test oh okay why are you attacking her no

no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no remember you saw her come up in the bathtub right didn’t even know that it was like or she came into the room right I think so I don’t remember oh where’s my son where is he junking oh right because he you remember arresting her right here I didn’t even see that did not want to see that yeah she’s that doesn’t make sense I don’t know why he would why would he say that nobody is reborn and I’m just

a pawn in your stupid games all right from the door Jeff what do you want what time’s running out think about everything that you’ve done he’s here now let’s think about tomorrow oh it is him oh yeah I knew I I had okay it was him oh man you’re dumb your will is being tested yeah okay God he dies and now the lady blows up if he died her collar would explode if she that’s what I mean she she would blow like your wife’s fate is in my hands I can have an ambulance here right

four minutes be my protege he’s a host of vicious implements to take your Vengeance to indulge your Obsession Obsession I forgive you yeah oh God yep nope nope oh yep here we go okay that’s death hello Jeff I told you that you could kill me I am the only one where your daughter is another one how I mean the guy’s dead how do we how do we how do we oh wow wow wow wow wow ah huh that was uh that was a lot wow okay yeah I mean oh my God okay so like holy

crap holy that was from the beginning way more than one and two oh yeah way more and also I’m like how is he that means that jigsaw knew prior that Jeff was gonna fail meaning he already has a game set up but how right if he’s dead right unless we shows up on four or something that like he taped his neck and he saved him I don’t think he’d be able to do that this man is playing three dimensions oh man he’s still living he’s got a game all set up for Jeff or maybe we

just dude this was a great ride but it was nasty and it was intense yeah a lot of the times I was like please no this is the grossest one of the three Fishers so gross so gross wow I I will say that it’s it’s very different from other horror movies that I’ve seen in the in the sense that there doesn’t have a lot of scares per se it’s mostly just like gross and horrific images right but psychological psychological stuff but it tries to have something of a message about revenge and morality and the choices

that we make and I think a lot of them have had that or the ones we’ve had have had that kind of consistent thing going but yeah it’s uh this one was wild I will say that I even though we didn’t outright like say it kind of how we’re talking about in the first one I did see the twist of him being the husband coming pretty much like for most of it because right because remember me in the beginning I’m like is that that guy but then it was it wasn’t him it wasn’t it was

that she was she was cheating on him right right but then I’m like but then why did that guy say I want a divorce doesn’t make sense because then I’m like but if that’s her Hut that’s what that’s a little confusing to me but yeah but I maybe he wanted a divorce from his wife so he can finally be with her right right I mean I think that’s us putting the pieces together but I think it was confusing for confusing we were trying to link it yeah okay it was to take off off the US

off of the trail but yeah I still felt that like okay this there’s something of a connection here because she lost a daughter he had oh he she lost a kid he happened to have lost a kid what are the odds that these two are not connected because we’ve known at least in the first two there’s some major twists at the end this has like become a staple of this franchise at this point so I think because we’re aware of that we’re looking for it so I think that I was looking for that connection for

like most of it and by the time that the actual twist happened I wasn’t my mind wasn’t blown like it was at the end of the first and second movie right right were you were you Blown Away by that twist or I mean the twist of him showing what’s her nuts jigsaw lady um Mrs jigsaw Amanda um The Twist of it being a test for her I did not see coming which I did enjoy that at the end of like this was all set up uh just for her to like test her limits um yeah

and because you really had to put all those pieces together to get the doctor saying like she’s worth it to you more than you know and then him I guess knowing that like a man is gonna shoot that girl and he he has to capture Jeff’s daughter and put her away because the test all loops around to there at the end ah I don’t know I will tell you one thing Jeff got way too late to the Keys way too late it’s literally like why did he take so much time he took too much time

thinking about it you heard the tape go for the key but meanwhile he was like I’ll look at him and maybe I like him like who are you and then they’re like then they’re like crying in pain we learned it with the first woman and then he goes to get the key and he doesn’t even look what what’s who’s standing back there I mean Jeff Jeff I had some struggles in there I got mad at him also when one door you guys know I talk about this every time I do not like when people leave

a weapon behind and it also really bugged me that Jeff saw the door close behind him in the first door I’m like take a thing and shove it behind come on now but then I guess was the door did the door ever lock I kind of looked like it locked it was very nice so I think even he did put something in it would like crush it it would crush it okay that would make me feel better I would still I would still really like it if a character put a thing there and then it

crushed it at least you tried at least you tried do something smart yeah sometimes I just get so irritated that they don’t do certain things but the I mean I did have a lot of fun watching this but it was nasty gross like yeah yeah it was super gross I will say I said it during as we were watching it but something I really did appreciate appreciate about the movie was the fact that each one is very different from the last one and they’re all these weirdly connected movies even though there’s individual stories that were

taking place that on the surface don’t seem connected but through jigsaw and through the games that they’re playing they have like this through line and I like that it’s interesting because I’ve never seen I don’t I don’t watch a ton of horror but I’ve never seen um a franchise where the antagonist or the person who’s doing the the murders or the killings or whatnot or become a prominent main character in the stories because the first one yeah he would like they kind of teased him and then you reveal that he was the Dead Guy the

whole time the second one it was like uh almost like a Hannibal lecture kind of thing like they’re they’re both sitting in the room so he was a character in that second one but I think it being the most prominent of like oh we’re spending a majority of this story with Amanda with Jigsaw and with this doctor and that that took more screen time than the game with the husband did yeah and I was like okay very interesting very interesting that this is the route we’re going with it my thing is like okay he’s dead

she’s dead who’s gonna continue this game or is it just like a series of of games that he’s planted for like because it was like right multiple because like to not hear here’s the thing why I keep thinking like how do they kill them off because to not hear his voice narrating of like Jeff your game like it’s gonna be weird to hear another voice uh and maybe that’s why they made him more prominent because he’s a great actor and maybe I don’t know they were just like we need to show jigsaw guy more but

it is going to be weird to not hear his voice if they have to if they killed him and then maybe he sets up one more game but like there’s so many of these there’s no way he’s like he’s dead and he’s set up like eight more games so there has to be another like narrator or jigsaw person obviously who’s it gonna be I don’t know will I be mad about the voice in the background for a hot second because I’ve gotten used to this guy talking uh he’s a staple he’s our he’s a staple

saw guy he’s he’s there for Comfort like okay yeah you’re like okay I get it yeah he’s going to take us through it he’s going to be the voice behind the tapes of like you mess this up that was a bad impression I tried though would you like to play a game ah that was pretty good thank you I mean guys I don’t have a lot of thoughts except that I had I did have a lot of fun but like gross like I want it to be a little less gross like please get out of

the pig juice way sooner than we were in it also the foot twists at the top y’all I mean it’s it this one was intense I really liked it I’m gonna rate it eight out of ten the twists at the end with Amanda I didn’t see coming um yeah I in I enjoyed that I mean what do you how much what a what do you think what’s your rating what’s your I I liked it uh I thought it was grosser than the other two I didn’t like the twist as much as the first two because

the other two blew my mind like I kind of like put pieces together during the first one with the second one caught me way off guard and this third one I think the twist was cool and I liked how it related to the characters it was more the second one was was character based as well but I think the fact that it dealt more with the people that were the perpetrators of this whole game yeah and it being a a game about her I thought was was clever um but yeah I will say I I

enjoyed it I’m still having a great time with these movies uh I will say I will give this one like a seven seven out of seven and a half I’m down with that ten yeah yeah I like it uh any last thoughts you got before we say sayonara oh this is gross uh me and Greg watched Slither and this is probably like five times grosser than that so I uh I don’t know what’s gonna happen next but um yeah these movies have been a ride so far yeah they have been a lot of fun this

was super gnarly we love you guys don’t forget to leave a like leave a comment tell us what other scary movies we should watch and just tell us that we look cool and that you like our t-shirts and you know the good stuff all the good stuff we didn’t plan this by the way we just happened and we were like hey hey and that’s it we love you and we’ll see you on the next one bye

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