citizens of the reject Nation it is John it is Tara Erickson and we are back for another first time movie watch yeah this time we’re watching The Punisher that’s right 2004’s Marvel film not John Bernthal not Ray Stevenson not Dolph Lundgren or whoever else it’s Thomas the Jane in the title role are you excited Tara are you ready to get violent that’s right guys before we get to it leave a like on the video uh comment below with your favorite way to punish people hit the Subscribe button and the notif oh wait wait yeah hit

that subscribe button and when you do bring that back that’s right people ring the bell for the real rejects ring the bell for Tara Erickson also check out La eats drinks terror’s online food Excursion and before we get into this we got a panel coming up at San Diego comic books convention Saturday Greg Coy and I are coming to Comic-Con sdcc 2023 we got a panel live on Saturday so if you’re down in San Diego be sure to check that out and uh hey if you want to get the full experience with us see everything

that doesn’t make these reaction highlights come on over to the real rejects where you can sync up with your own copy watch The Punisher

along with us and without further Ado I think we’re ready for some punishment thing and we got the old Marvel bumper with a little Punisher sprinkled in hey hey guys do this cool opening titles I don’t know why it’s giving me like a metal gear Vibe but it’s got that kind of dramatic heft just classic cool animation where’s my pickup truck let’s do this you need that sticker in the back

window yes about yay size Mr Astros trust is not gained easily he doesn’t like new faces so tell me why am I looking flip-flops yeah with a suit Auto Creek meet my friend Bobby he’s helping me with the finance he’s not a cop neither of those is Liv Schreiber oh oh yes now you’re speaking his language under arrest for the importation and sale of Contraband firearms whoa damn this is not my deal I don’t even know these guys don’t point a gun like that in a standoff people are just waving guns around like it’s NBD

I hope the Punisher wears flip-flops the rest of the movie well it is Florida it’s hot and sticky I was waiting for that happened who’s the kid well definitely not in the plan but we beat the spread this isn’t football you know sting operations football same diff or not I mean he looks very fit he’s Robert Saint Howard Saints son uh oh I can’t be good I want to know one thing only who broken the deal his name is Otto Krieg and if it’s any comfort to Mr Saint he’s dead too well it’s not oh

oh we got a Travolta a man who’s responsible for my son’s death Must Die oh I told you to never let him out of your sight Bobby told me to stay it was Bobby’s idea he wanted to go alone thank you for that explanation now someone bring me Caster Troy more boxes guys sure the lady Castle oh this was a hard one this was the last one you’re out for good now you guys can just hang at home and make out so much making out to catch up on London’s a safe place where we can

all be together no more moving around I promise someday when you’re older will I’ll tell you why we had to move so much so close to a Tony Stark goatee would you pay in Howard will know everything there is to know about Otto Creed within 24 hours oh that was a quick cut yep Puerto Rico drone shots before there were drone shots when it was called a helicopter and the man hanging out of the side of said helicopter hey Frank is that that uh Candelaria people around here call him a witch doctor lives on that

island way off the point only one damn fool I know crazy enough to swim over there oh I bet that’s gonna come back let’s get some Voodoo in here I’m very happy that you’re all here I’m very proud that you’re wrong what is his name and that I love you salute I lost so much time with both of you and I’m really sorry hey hey hey I married you I knew what I was doing and I do it again oh sweet you and I we’re not lucky we are blessed yes we are I ship them

every couple his name’s Frank Castle oh no she’s got the bureau’s London desk no connections dang it he’s leaving for England next week and he’s at a family reunion in Puerto Rico I think you should be there back and tell Olivia how he died oh boy wait what kill them too this whole family oh yeah okay girl every generation you can get your hands on Kill Them All were selling T-shirts in town one of them was really scary the guy in the shop said it Wards off evil spirits it’s really intense oh goodness oh no

oh no yes love it yes uh Wards off bad spirits I also bought you this Iron Maiden album is this all their family I guess kill a lot of people oh boy oh my God this does feel like a movie at an earlier time I know we’re in 2004 but something feels like yeah like older sensibility yeah yeah makes me wonder who directed this like if they got maybe like an international action director to come over or something oh no oh jeez geez why you go for the old lady first the grandma start with Mom

okay all right oh man oh oh my gosh oh jeez dive over the mini bar oh I’m gonna blow up some propane tanks Frank Castle plays games nice he’s a gamer cool he killed Michael Myers yeah it definitely it was like they didn’t try to hide that that was a full-on dummy okay oh dang it no damn you umbrella guy what what yes good job dad like a true Castle classic trip action it’s a good stunt it’s like felt like a real yes and she has a boat too nice come out oh hey dude totally

just Mission Impossible dead okay so he cut his cheek all right he’s gonna bleed out over the next several days whoa whoa whoa that was cool awesome oh my goodness these stunts are pretty wild that is an amazing stunt like what they’re also taking these cars suspensions to the absolute limit yeah oh oh don’t you know it yep oh my god oh my God this is terrible quite tragic yeah come on Grandpa’s boat hurry hurry hurry oh my goodness come on honey oh geez no no just drum in the water jump in the water jump

in the water oh my gosh I just got pancakes oh my gosh no way I did not think oh my gosh where did the truck go oh yeah where is it is it what the what where’s the car it’s right there is it hiding no that’s a boat what what did I do like he got there that late the car could already what back up and take off I guess no oh it’s down there very long dock okay a lot of places to hide on this wide open dock now we must punish oh yeah hey

what’s the paint man Wowie knew this was coming Pete oh okay mother and father send the regards this time they’re not blanks it’s an interesting cut agua in the agua whoa nice laughs that’s awesome that’s a real explosion this movie is very tangible ouch God all the blood he must have lost in there it’s like The Little Mermaid but the horror version he’s with a man the little gun maid oh the guy that owns a fuel place is he gonna save him yeah man bring me some thingama bobbers they crowd tonight Mr sink you look

beautiful little prick holy Gangland style I hope they call him Francis for the rest of the movie it’s like that the punisher’s name is Francis okay now he enjoys being a cook guys it’s right there yeah what what what’s going on here come on man is this how you you went out of her girl’s best friend oh dang okay oh yeah all right here we go hey girl hey a little post-mortar uh post-murder post murder uh copulation we call it yeah yeah Sam how long has it been a few weeks at least a month or

two this beard grows that fast no like three months right okay all right pack up your little Arsenal it is funny that the cops would come and board it up but leave the guns I know we’ll just leave that there uh is that the shirt that would be the shirt oh yeah you’re wearing that now now it’s badass enough yeah go with God God’s gonna sit this one out God’s Gonna via Khan himself yeah I got a shirt that’s good karma and Wards off stuff I don’t need God and is there a subtle implication that

you know Voodoo helped preserve his life after being filled with holes let’s go whisking guns Gear Up montage cool oh my gosh cool cool cool cool it’s like home alone with the grown-up version yeah this makes you want Italian food Ben Foster you you are is he talking to himself to your mother and I this is a mirror I can’t wait did he have a headset on and I didn’t see it ah great guy in the chair Rebecca Romaine what do you think he does he’s an artist wow my neighbor is an artist so what

do you think he’s doing he’s doing art stay away from your Castle I have friends here let’s talk about your friends make your own friends body I’m not saying no you can’t have any of my friends clever he’s killing someone and we’re next exactly alt Universe Sean Annette over here any discussion of how it changed business involves two cubes Toro Brothers they control all the prostitution of gambling wowie whoa they give their dirty money to Howard Saint transports it in cigarette boats to his Banks and Grand Cayman Washington oh my gosh the guy who does

Impressions it’s yeah he’s my friend I didn’t know he’s in this movie dude he’s gonna be punishing people You’re Gonna Want to Say Howard Saints Lackey for the rest of your life I hate the Saints tell me about them what they do where when why how he has first tea time five days a week at Tampa Springs Hawaii Libya every Thursday she works out gets her nails done and goes to the movies she only works out on Thursday one day a week let’s not forget Johnny Boy the son you didn’t kill what a putz whoa

Clinton’s glass yeah with our 20 years the family conciliary lawyer CPA and a sadist cancellieri he’s gonna kiss that girl yeah I thought they were gonna make out yeah oh he’s just threatening him okay are they gonna make out oh my God yes we saw it yeah baby I mean I want that guy to die and all but also I’m happy he’s he’s yeah it’s true Oh I thought he’d be dragging it what’s it on top of the car those pipe things hilarious oh I think I might oh nice dude that’s awesome that’s awesome poor

guy although I guess anyone who works at Saint Industries is a bad person yeah they’re all bad it’s part of the hiring process they make very interesting bad guy yeah yeah all their employees for Peak irony whoa yes get up feel the money okay cool nice the window oh golly we gotta get some money nice happiest day of my life no good business nice murder to say pay you for each one or does he get a group rate discount he gets him in bulk from Costco I like to purchase six orders of murder fastest draw

on the East Coast but how can we make him suffer if we can’t find him he’s Darius he misses his family and he wants to die he’s asking for help so let’s help him we’d be doing him a service a kindness we want our money back and we want protection on the next shipment do you guarantee our money this time everything I’ve got can’t tell if they’re confident in that answer or not whoa you should leave right now shut your face you lard ass that’s mean body shame my dude I’m gonna call it cops damn

hey get out yeah nice get out yeah cool knives I was gonna say whack him with it love it I’m Joan Dave’s the one with all the um the metal they’re called piercings we’re really really sucks why did you say that name all right she just got done with the workout now she’s back in her dress and she’s going to a movie we know it’s a Thursday man buenos dias Pablo Film Festival is that an exploding fire hydrant all right or is he just gonna get her a ticket she left her purse in the car

yes carrying those around in the case aren’t those worth millions what is she doing quitting glass why do you work for a homophobe man yeah shame shame I guess there’s got to be a lot more tolerant crime syndicates out there not with the Saints oh it’s just so nobody else would park there okay all right smart I know my Mr glasses as some pulling into the Wyndham Hotel a couple hours ago strategically placed Mickey yeah I was just telling where you been Clinton without by the pool well Mickey said that he saw you at the

window Mickey should have his eyes checked a lot of guys around with this beard morning sir sit down where you like spin us an outlaw yarn on that their guitar I feel like it’s not a guitar what else could fit in a guitar case Tara so my case I can hear what you’re thinking oh you doubt sin fear you may come back someday it’s a famous musician he’s got such like Johnny Cash Vibes you like that song singing at your funeral I mean why does Harry heck have a problem it’s James 01 did he just

like crush his thumb under something or yeah it’s been green and then now it looks okay oh whoa shazbot it just fixed this up come on oh damn it Desperado all right whoa that’s awesome nice yeah good stunt these cars oh no the car dude it was so fresh and so clean you are one dumb son of a we’re gonna have to a gunfight yeah whoa whoa oh awesome spring loaded nice good thing Harry heck has a nice vehicle oh yeah and sustained minimal damage whatever could this be nicely done cool oh it’s not about

money it’s about sending a message yeah nice avenging Spirit shipment of cash that’s what happens and I get this why because scare me there’s no insurance in this business you know that dang and Mike if you don’t like it just remember one thing I’ve got more guns than you do all right let’s see them we don’t have more guns it’s my duty it’s hard duty to make castle dead I don’t care what it takes what it costs call the Russian oh yeah Mr Cash we need your help right now because the guy who’s after Joan

is in her apartment right now we want you to have dinner with us huh oh that’s sweet sorry I tricked you hey you ain’t seen food in a while huh it’s dessert come on I need your help uh oh it’s a meat cute a setup good ones good memories can save your life come on not yet I’m not what you’re looking for damn it go to him I don’t think it’s them found Waldo yep whoa if Waldo was a Dolph Lundgren character yes dude cool foreign yeah nice I love the Trope that being that buff

just just doesn’t matter if you get stabbed oh no oh geez yes yeah all right oh friendship Don’t Wanna Die Punk monkey wrench yes whoa no oh my gosh get it go yeah hahaha nice pose yes yes oh right through the wall oh my God this fight whoa how does this building work oh they thought they were neighbors but now are they down the holler across the way or or is both possible around good yes oh no dang it well that sucks oh my goodness he is getting slams come on help him yeah hot pasta

hot pasta on his head yeah Bernie’s face off oh God that looks bad hey you’re not gonna like this guy when he’s angry wow I love how much they’re selling the destruction these guys are gonna have to move out Mr Castle Frank he’s not he’s not he needs a doctor you need a doctor no hospital no please that’s what you want to hear I like it sure looks like you know what you’re doing Jones not much where’s Castle it’s not here really are you sure what are you doing with all this stuff what is that

sure things do you like that I heard a little bit there’s a special one noon no wow please don’t I was worried about this yep God damn it ah guys coming no I don’t want it yeah second I saw him I was like they’re gonna do something with these piercings I hate it doesn’t have to be this way look like you know about pain I opened up the lens on that stuff if when he shows up kill him you have to know by now that that is not enough right just to be like hey they

have not learned their no one’s had been on the program of killing this you should kill him I got a bright idea why don’t you kill this guy wow all of them all of them I I figured it must be but yeah say a big old thank you to Dave yeah yeah I mean like he did not need to keep his mouth shut right yeah he kind of has only known you for a couple seconds for real yeah go for that let’s do it let’s do yank that thing off yeah buddy nice you don’t know

me anything bro you’re nothing but trouble why are you ready to die for me either one of us oh your family oh you kill them all what makes you any different from some to lose woof the boot camp Sergeant made us recite It Like a Prayer sick this pocon Parabellum if you want peace prepare for war sir Joan or Joan you listen to me you said let’s do a glass just come out it’ll be easier yeah it’s the mid-2000s you’ll be okay-ish okay ish yeah I was detailing Mrs Saints card I found this ticket where

was it the ticket September 5th last Thursday that was when your buddy was there oh they probably set it up to put the wife’s clothes in there huh oh the earring nice subtle touch in the bed good long game damn all right car ticket the hydrants earrings now he’s just taken care of by the boss what are you doing here you know Jim Bowie the colonel the man who died in the Alamo had a knife named after him he’s a gambler Bowie knife I’m not following this I’m choosing you oh boy My Life True if

you’re gonna do it next time the Windham what you talking about oh nice body check it’s in a funny hour oh Wowie what do you think I’m an idiot have you lost your mind ah oh my brother I gave you everything tonight for nothing you might live who is she tell you just tell him tell him you are gay oh man damn that’s gonna wreck you for a long time when those pictures come out with him and his boyfriend dude yeah just lost your right hand for nothing he went to the movies last Thursday eight

o’clock yes then at nine o’clock he called him from your car there’s an explanation oh I know my best friend that would be a little hard to accomplish Howard oh she knows I was gay you just talked to me all right first time I saw you was only three bucks for me now it’s just for she’ll fit right in uh dude so evil come on guys you gotta just throw the pictures his way because she didn’t really do anything she kind of was like killed the whole family though I mean she did order the holes

yeah I found that in quinton’s bed does that make enough sense for you huh oh God me neither ew oh wow yeah okay that’s done with jeez a lot of people getting hit by moving vehicles in this no no don’t grab the track ah you could have I don’t know the logistics of hiding under a train but I feel like she could have she could have maybe done it if she just would have turned perpendicular I mean parallel fifty thousand a piece and 50 000 more to the man who kills him if you accept this

money you’re in till it’s over yeah a little bit of John Wick Vibes sure the clock is ticking yeah Frank Castle is excommunicado Extreme situations the law is inadequate in order to shame its inadequacy it is necessary to act outside the law whoa this is not vengeance revenge is not a valid motive it’s an emotional response true that not Vengeance Justice punishment oh sure yeah this is it for a building where is he it’s under all the cars okay I was like that’s a lot of cars ah not bad nice hey Eddie more champagne on

the double ride the dumb waiter yes cool he’s in the bucket all right cooking fools ouch dang wow oh no get him that was a very real response wow that’s awesome that was cool God they really went to town on that particular guy Come On Son you won’t get to it in time buddy reads a little harder his personal mine weighs eight pounds stretched arm oh geez oh my no workout sure nice punishment I hope we come back after the credits and his arm is like a huge boss took everything for me you killed my

son my son was in a place he wasn’t supposed to be foreign Showdown yeah where’d you kill your best friend full circle nice damn made you kill your wife oh that’s painful oh my God wow and now I’m gonna drag you all over town oh wow oh no oh man wow oh cool oh look it’s Mr Myers again oh we didn’t get a close-up no stunt double no I feel like we should be playing that that classical oh I was taking a lot of planning oh my God it’s been sitting there sketching out like what

which color stories do I need to bomb my control the spread of the Flames oh so I don’t get the teeth right this is so good it’s like when Batman did that whole like big flame bat Dark Knight Rises Miss Joan oh maybe you want to live after all yeah remember your new family you’re right good memories can save your life when Dave gets out of the hospital check the cupboard I left something you’re leaving I have work to do read your newspaper every day you’ll understand oh geez wow which section the punishing one obituaries

nice now you guys can fix that dump up yeah oh dude all right you guys never have to work again question is is he gonna get those piercings replaced eventually or just let it of course he will it’s part of his personality that’s true how much is it yeah yes uno dos tres one for ichia very cool good for them I’m gonna miss those guys these sunsets I can’t yeah beautiful and you know they had to shoot them for real yeah those who do evil to others The Killers psychos sadists you’ll come to know me

well ah Frank Castle is dead call me Punisher God keep that crane steady sorry it’s what this music is made that was good oh my goodness Tara Erickson we finally saw the Punisher yeah wow wow wow wow that was so much fun I can’t that was a blast which yeah would you think oh it’s great I loved it like I need to go and buy a Punisher t-shirt right now because I have a new I have a new found just like yes you’re gonna be rocking the punishment oh yeah Kevin feige got a credit man

he was already working on this stuff way back in the DIA this was fun yeah it was fun I mean like it’s weird you know knowing the Punisher as a character and and seeing you know at least you know being familiar with the show and stuff like that you have an idea of of what the oh Conrad Hall shot this nice uh you have an idea of of the sort of movie you’re getting into and this has that but it wasn’t exactly what I was expecting exactly like it’s certainly an action movie there’s a lot

of Carnage and and violence and stunts and a body count but it’s not like as extreme and like just middle the whole time as as you would maybe expect you know like the John Bernthal Punisher is like oh I love that show it’s great and it’s like it’s harsh and and like yeah there’s a different quality to like who Frank Castle is here and it feels kind of like indicative of yeah an earlier you know period of this kind of movie and these Comics adaptation to the screen and uh it’s been interesting because uh what

does it mean Roxy have been watching the Blade movies which started in the late 90s and go through the 2000s and then this is like the early 2000s and like watching this this has definitely like a it feels yeah like we were talking about it has that kind of like 90s sort of breathability where like again I don’t I don’t know like what the the most definitive version of the origin is but this felt kind of like the right especially for the moment in time balance between yes this is an action movie it’s got all

a lot of the comic book you know uh aspects and motifs and stuff like that but like at the start of the movie I was like you know oh this is like this is starting out like it feels like I’m watching face off or something like that where it’s like you have this sort of steady build of the circumstances like I don’t know I guess I I initially had expected the kind of movie where you would start out on some kind of Massacre of his family and that’s like the prologue right and then the rest

of it is like yeah this really harsh like grimy gritty thing which you know might come you know in later movies or like war zone or you know but uh but yeah this was this was a neat like Time Capsule because of that because it has I guess what I’m trying to say is like it has all that punisher-ness but not exactly yeah as like roided out of an experience as you might expect yeah they took their time more at the top with like the family setting it up that it was like oh let’s just

see him in his like five language setup like setting these guys up right using all of his skills that was John Pinette of course uh uh bimbo or whatever his name was like he’s so freaking funny oh my God I’ve seen his stand up a million times I was trying to place him he’s great um but yes continue sorry uh no it’s all good I mean he’s he’s great uh what was I saying oh yeah I was just saying that they have a more of the setup at the top which yeah it’s it’s like oh

okay we get to see him with his skill set and setting up these people and then cut to the family and seeing like the origin of the T-shirt yes uh was is pretty awesome that it comes from like his son so it has this sentiment attached to it yeah um is that a comic comment below is that a comic accurate detail yeah I I mean I would love to know I’m like unless they just add that in the only one thing that I thought was really weird in this movie is that when they go they

put him and her down below in the when they’re uh interrogating Dave yeah and she’s covering his mouth I’m like well why he wouldn’t know how to be quiet like right like he’s making too much noise occasionally going uh that’s the only thing unless you would be like fighting her like I’m gonna go up I I would understand the sentiment of him saying I’m gonna go up and I’m gonna freaking kill him like don’t touch Dave don’t touch my friends yeah that was the only one weird thing and she kept covering his mouth that he

looked passed out um any other than that I love the freaking movie but you guys know me I always point out the weird things I’m like this one weird thing I don’t know it’s in my head hey other than that he’s self-terror the car stunts were freaking amazing I love the low angle catching every car go over like a hump or flying in the air there was obviously a style to it where you can catch more of the height from a lower angle with the cars and I thought that was dope yeah the one thing

that the Michael Myers masks were awesome but that one was a little obvious where I’m a little I don’t know I’m like oh couldn’t they just have thrown like a couple thou at it to be like make that not look like that yeah slightly frequently so you can’t see the the mask the mask yeah it’s either yeah it’s either a dummy or an actor like with yeah protective mask or something I think it’s a dummy It’s gotta be right I mean that was the only other thing but the stunts in this were awesome they were

like they were they really again I guess that’s it it’s like you know it’s not it’s definitely got a lot of action it’s definitely got a lot of deaths and stuff like that and a lot of you know like gratifying Revenge not Vengeance punishments punishments um but yeah it’s like when there are action scenes going down they are like so there’s just like so much destruction and and yeah like in the car chases they’re really like visceral and the way they’re capturing them you just feel the weight and the kind of I don’t know like

how much damage these vehicles must be taking on and then all the physical stunts do too like all those fights and especially like you know the more you’re like wrecking a room like when they’re in uh his place and that big wall though guys yeah beat the crap out of him and throwing them through walls and and through railings and and like there’s so many physical elements that get destroyed throughout all this like really sells the studs and you’re like yeah this all this just looks painful yeah and even though it’s not necessarily the kind

of movie poised to give you like a million money shots like they do have a good amount of like distinct kills and uh and yeah they build the stakes of like you know I don’t know if this uh Saint character is necessarily like you know a prominent comic book villain for The Punisher he’s not like jigsaw necessarily where he’s like big and outlandish but you know like he he is certainly hateable and I loved watching Frank like really like in a long game sort of way dismantle and ultimately destroy his entire higher operation and yeah

like you know on the heels of having his family Massacre then he makes him do it by his own hand essentially is is super smart yeah it’s like personal and harsh and skin nasty I was so glad when those pictures came back I was like yeah he’s gonna regret that so hard and then they did at the very end with the earring I was like oh that’s awesome well that too because because the thing is you know again with takes on The Punisher and I haven’t seen every Take On The Punisher but uh you know

I think you you imagine that it’s gonna lead with physicality with big guns with Carnage but I liked here that certainly while he’s physically capable he’s also like smart and a tactician and he’s good at like sizing up who he’s going up against and using all that stuff against them and using their own hubris and all that stuff to ultimately really seal their downfall and playing yeah their own deceits against each other like I love that at first you’re like what’s this thing with the fire hydrants and the car and pretty soon you’re like wow

oh yeah he is so smart save that spot spin this lie yeah yeah and then watch it come back later and uh yeah like the prologue of the movie I was I was like are we watching the right film right now because I’m not as familiar with the idea that he’s like you know an undercover FBI guy doing this stuff but it was fun to see like yeah Thomas Jane like in a totally different mode playing this like I don’t know I can remember he’s like Russian or German or whatever um you know like it

starts out more like an earlier movie adaptation too where you feel like okay we’ve kind of taken it and made it like I feel like nowadays you get like a John Bernthal who looks like freaking huge and like he could you know beat the out of anybody and like Thomas Jane he’s fit certainly he’s muscular in this you believe everything he’s doing but he’s not like so giant and yeah he’s not like built like some machines so it’s like even though there are aspects of this where I’m like I wonder how like you know people

would view this in terms of like being a definitive Punisher or not but I thought this really nicely split the difference between being like you know a film of its time but also very much translating so much of the source material of the Punisher you mean yeah exactly like it doesn’t necessarily feel like you know it’s not a one-to-one to what they do with like the the John Bernthal show or anything like that but uh but yeah I don’t know it felt like it breathed and moved and had scenes like an actual movie from this

time uh and so yeah it I’m just fascinated by that because we have so many of these kinds of movies and adaptations now and there are you know stylistic earmarks that can feel very sort of requisite or alike in the current days sort of superhero movie complex but uh I don’t know going back to these little time capsules is great because I don’t know yeah again this this does you got John Travolta in here and like yeah kept reminding me in little ways sort of of a movie like face off it’s not quite as long

as that but you know it’s that same thing of like this this conflict based on a very personal sort of death or Massacre and then yeah watching these two guys sort of cat and mouse each other until it comes to this final showdown and uh yeah I thought it was nicely handled like it was is it interesting it was like it wasn’t exactly what I expected but it was like the right amount of what I expected yeah and like the the one part that I think they could have done a little bit more of because

I’m like the stunts in this are so awesome that I’m like come on the wife and the son you have a car behind you and there’s water jump off the sides and have the cars like hit them and have like the body fall I don’t know do some cool stunt thing I know that they probably in their head they wanted a shot where he’s holding them because it makes it for like engaging for the audience but I always think like comic panel I just want I always want it to be like make the every single

person in this like smart that they know how to like outskirt death a little bit like we all would um I just was like oh that would be that would make him extra mad if like the wife was like in half over the edge that’s bad that’s just me and my brain going somewhere because I’m like don’t you think they would have thought just jump in the water anyway um the next my favorite favorite shot was when knife goes through that guy’s mouth and he’s just like that guy that’s so awesome uh he must be

like a pro I recognize him I feel like that I’ve seen him in movies as maybe just as stunts but maybe that’s why they spent time on him because you’re like they spent time on that guy yeah he got the special treatment in terms of like horror he gets he got the good shot he gets the the cheek slice the mi2 cheek slice early on and then he gets like all of the knives later yeah yeah and a close-up shot of his face yeah and the knife goes through which is really lovely in my opinion

sure oh my gosh and the the pull-up of the crane in the shot over the head of the cars with the Punisher like in Flames come on man that’s so comic book and like uh awesome and that’s and it’s like the right amount of cheese that’s the thing is like I feel like a little corny but great yeah yeah yeah and it works again for like for 2005 for the kind of movie we’re going with and for the the fact that like these movies too have just a different sense of humor and I feel like

that is you know a bit humorous in its height you know he had to clearly have mapped out this you know fire skull but yeah it’s like it’s just the right pitch and it makes it really fun and this movie I think manages to nicely occupy a space where yeah it is kind of harsh and there is like some bleakness to it but it’s not like too dark to where it’s not fun in a way it is that kind of like more exploitation movie brand of fun because like you know Dave and his name bimbo

and Joan like all three of them super charming and I really like them and and they entered the plot in a very sort of gradual and and just believable way like I thought this was kind of gracefully paced in a lot of Senses minus maybe a couple like harsh Cuts here or there yeah that there was only one harsh cut which I everything else was cut really nicely especially when they go up to when he goes up through the dumb waiter and there’s like the champagne cut to like guy blood champagne popping off it felt

that that cutting felt like really modern there was one at the very beginning that I was just like how did nobody realize like this is a harsh cut everything else I thought was was awesome but I thought that the three of them added heart to the movie yeah in in a way that you you didn’t really see coming you just thought maybe the heart exists over here and there’s there’s three buddies that look out the Punisher but then when it all comes together and they invite him to to dinner and Dave is like well the

reason I didn’t speak up because we’re all thinking that like bro you met this guy 20 minutes ago kind of like why are you gonna have your face torn up for him but the the sentiment is is they live by if your family that’s just how we roll and they of course Very Much deserve however much money they got in those even though he has not known them for long these are the type of people that deserve uh the rewards that come with standing by a neighbor yeah which I really liked that they got that

reward yeah and I believe that that Bond happening of like even though yeah we don’t know each other super well there’s something about this ragtag group like they all just felt like they kind of congealed because they wound up at the same building and sort of bonded just despite all the circumstances and so I thought that nicely kind of allowed them to have the will they won’t they with him and Joan and then It ultimately doesn’t turn into anything but that feels appropriate and so uh yeah just like a lot of nice little flourishes and

things like that a lot of great character actors across this uh uh the guy who played glass especially the guy who played Mickey I’ve seen them in a few other things as well and uh and and like yeah that too like him doing the whole blowtorch popsicle oh yeah you forgot about that like that was such a great little gag so great yeah yeah all of it I enjoyed this quite a bit I’m curious to hear what people’s responses are because yeah I feel like in the Modern Age you expect uh it’s just something like

more kind of thrasher punishing and thrashy and balls to the walls and just car Carnage on Carnage and this is definitely an action movie but it’s not like overwhelming you I feel like it knows well enough and it’s from a time where it’s like yeah let’s let’s breathe this out let’s build some steaks let’s Mount some things so that when stuff really starts to pop off you feel it and you want that catharsis of the punishment yeah yeah yeah yeah well you got any extra stray thoughts before we get out of here I had a

blast man no man this is good old times and I can’t wait to get my Punisher t-shirt even though John Burns out like a show I loved that show I was like oh I’m in it but like why didn’t I get a t-shirt then dude you’re not a you’re a fake fan Tara I know man well now I know because I was like well I hadn’t watched this one so like I wasn’t about to buy a t-shirt when I knew there were other Punisher things out there that I have not watched so not really am

I a fake fan I’m a smart fan right I’m not trying to no I’m not trying to walk around the T-shirt being like I watched the show but I didn’t watch that movie from 2004 so like I just leave those out of it because I want the T-shirt now and I don’t want to have to say that I’ve got three other movies I gotta get to before I can wear the T-shirt the next time you see Tara Erickson she will be in a Punisher team three of them absolutely all at once well guys leave us

your thoughts on The Punisher leave a like on the video tell us what you are interested in seeing next and uh and hey how do you feel about Thomas Jane in the role I guess I guess before we get out of here we should at least touch on it I liked him a lot yeah yeah yeah like he’s uh I thought his he did the transition really well because you believe him as like you know happy family reunion guy ex-military but not like 2x military to the point where you’re like this guy is is just

that always you know yeah and then when it transitions into him you know really having his life torn down like I almost had that sort of robocop-esque kind of tragedy where it’s like oh man they’re just going like so hard on this guy and his whole family and they’re like shooting him up and yeah I thought he like did a really nice job of of anchoring this I feel like people don’t bring up his portrayal as much and certainly John Bernthal kind of towers above everything now but I thought he did a really nice job

with this and and yeah like I feel like he’s a bit like of an understated kind of choice but I really liked his presence here and and that short he did it was this short called laundry day um they got some pretty yeah there was a period of time where uh I think his name is Artie Shankar he was like producing a bunch of like really Pro ass fan films fan shorts and uh Thomas Jane came back for that so I’m glad that he at least got the respect uh from that nice yeah yeah I

thought he was awesome and I was like oh I need to watch a TV show that he’s in because now I see his face and I’m like he’s a lead in a TV show right now and I don’t know what the TV show is but I gotta watch it they’re like by the beach and he has guns yeah pretty sure and there’s like another lady he’s gonna lead with you guys can leave it in the comments and yell at me where he belongs on the beach with guns and a lady exactly because yeah he’s one

of those actors too where I feel like there was a moment where it seems like oh man this guy’s gonna star on a bunch of stuff and then he yeah and then he didn’t continue that but he’s like in in he still continuously has worked yeah and he’ll these days he keeps showing up in places where I’m like oh Thomas James in it and he’s always really every time I see him I’m always like he leaves an impression he’s really good he’s very good at what he does guys leave us your thoughts on The Punisher

leave us a comment with your wishes leave a like on the video and hey last but not least before we get out of here let’s do a page Chris Wham off Chris listen buddy I know we often talk about how good of a guy Chris is like one of the best people really he’s out here always looking out for folks a participant in his community Chris is an altruistic caring person all right I mean I’m just gonna take John’s word for it but I’m not gonna say that I truly believe it because I haven’t met

you yet Chris okay that’s the thing though is is you don’t know where the line is with Chris you know he could become the Punisher if pushed far enough wow and uh I don’t I mean I don’t wish that upon you but at the same time I’m like what would it be like if pretty cool because I don’t think yeah just knowing who you’re what your moral compass is like I don’t think you would take it out on everybody I feel like the people who need to be taken out he takes out that’s what Chris

does that’s what Chris does yeah he knows he knows good guy you stay good guy stays bad guy goes yeah so even at the brink of nihilistic despair I feel like you would still have a good grip on the moral compass and uh Hey if you showed up and you were like you know it’s time to accept your punishment I’ll probably be like yeah you know I trust your judgment Chris I probably have done some heinous things so uh you know I I just do what you got to do and make it for me I’d

be like and it’s time for you to accept yours no so then it would be a Face-Off between me and you Chris it could be his arch nemesis villain guys it’s time for a lady Punisher lady Punisher Punisher put me in it man punish watch my reels they’re on YouTube all right I’m telling you that that genre of film that fits perfect for me it’s so bad Miss Punisher put me in it come on now Chris if there’s a Miss Punisher that comes out and they don’t let me audition I’m gonna write that comic so

that Tara has a star vehicle thank you so much that’s how you avoid this this life language but anyway we love you buddy stay pledged and uh we’ll catch you next month thank you for all your support and for being a good human a bright light and a shining example to us all much love buddy we did it

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