Trans activist attacks NCAA swimmer Riley Gaines

well the Biden Administration is unveiling new Title IX rules that would bar Federal funding for schools and colleges that enforce bans on trans girls playing on girls sports teams if approved the proposal would still give schools some flexibility in some instances to ban transgender athletes depending on factors like age and sports it is expected to face several major legal challenges the president of a conservative Watchdog group says quote without a doubt institutions are going to err on the side of quote inclusion because they fear the Wrath of the education department the U.S achieving the Department’s

end goal while allowing them to maintain plausible done deniability that they coerce districts into doing so at least 20 States right now impose bans on restricting or restrictions for transgender athletes let’s bring in clay Travis He is the founder of outkick clay so the Biden Administration Title IX policy already prevented discrimination based on gender but now this new rule would prevent discrimination based on gender identity so critics say that essentially forces these sports teams to recognize the gender of student athletes their gender identity rather than biological identity that’s right yeah that’s right this is crazy

what the Biden Administration is doing is they are expanding Title IX which has allowed women’s Athletics to Roar to record popularity by treating men and women’s Athletics equally I mean for

people out there who don’t really understand how this applies on a Collegiate level for instance it requires roughly equal scholarships for both men and women in a college setting what they are now saying is men who identify as women should be counted as women by and large unless you’re going to specifically exclude them this is crazy right men are bigger stronger and faster than women

we’ve seen this play out whether it’s the Leah Thomas situation or every sport bigger stronger faster biologically right this is the reality this is why men’s and women’s sports are separated this is why there is a women’s track and field gold medal for every Sprint and they’re all so is for women if biological men are allowed to compete against women what we see is they directly knock women out of being able to win championships because biology is real this is crazy this is radical this also is anti-everything in sports right we have age limits in

sports we have weight limits for boxing fights Heck if you’re in high school the small High School typically does not compete against the gargantuan high school we try to insist on an equal playing field for athletes remember just take it outside of this gender identity Ridiculousness a few years ago there was a 14 year old pitcher in Little League Baseball who was competing against 12 year olds he was from the Bronx they found out that he was lying about his age it was a massive Scandal because a 14 year old boy is going to be

a lot better than a 12 year old boy especially when a 14 year old boy might well have gone through puberty this is madness and the fact that the Biden Administration is making it more likely and that reasonable Democrats won’t speak out against this I don’t even see it as remotely political it’s just the essence of fair play in competition so somebody who agrees with you is Champion swimmer Riley Gaines she was forced to essentially barricade herself in a room at San Francisco State last night after giving a speech about saving women’s sports she posted

this video on Twitter take a listen you crying she says that she was ambushed and hit physically two times uh what do you say to that club well Riley Gaines is a hero and unlike this embarrassing Nike for instance using a trans uh a man who’s uh pretending to be a woman to sell sports bras and leggings uh Riley Gaines a hero and I think the the real tragedy here is that so few women’s athletes have been able or willing to join Riley Gaines and speak out against this in the same way that if you

look at JK Rowling the Harry Potter uh author look there is no one is saying that people can’t identify as whatever gender they want to identify as if they’re adults and it makes them happier but this idea that you should this just happened in Canada recently a guy with a beard decided he was going to identify as a woman and set all-time weightlifting records again men are bigger stronger and faster than women if you allow men who have gone through puberty who are full-fledged men to suddenly decide that they’re going to identify as women they

are going to win every single women’s competition in America and around the world so the fact that this is not being addressed and that these violent protesters by the way I think they should be held accountable I hope that Riley Gaines presses charges against those people uh we’ve moved really rapidly from I Am Woman hear me roar uh to anyone can be a woman and a man can become the greatest women’s athlete of all time that’s where we are right now it’s wrong people need to speak out against it well one California school board just

voted to uphold this policy it directs staff to keep a student this is related keep a student’s gender transition secret from the student’s family the vote happened in Chico California and it comes as the district there is facing a lawsuit over this exact issue what’s happening is a mother there is suing she says that a guidance counselor at her daughter’s school worked to help her daughter transition but never informed the family and actually proactively kept the info Nation from her she spoke at a school board meeting take a listen to what she said I understand

that you’re trying to find ways to create a safe environment for all children within our district by keeping secrets from parents is not the way to do it treating every parent as a potential threat to their kids is wrong it’s a slippery slope to allow any adult in our schools to keep secrets from parents so critics like Arkansas governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders say that secrecy policies are actually damaging to both kids and parents listen to her argument the idea that they are capable at that age of making some of those life-altering permanent decisions they’re just

not prepared and ready to make that so clay if we’re talking about an age limit here when do you I mean draw a sports analogy here when should kids teens young adults be empowered to make their own decision about their gender identity and how they compete I don’t think you should it’s a great question and to me this is not a difficult answer I don’t think anyone under the age of 18 should be able to begin gender reassignment surgery should be able to take hormone blockers or anything like that I don’t think it should be

permissible I think it should be banned Nationwide and again take it out of this gender situation look if you are trying to get a tattoo Most states won’t allow you to do it until you’re 18 years old you can’t drink a beer until you’re 21. you can’t rent a car until you’re 25 but you’re going to allow someone to have their breasts removed at 14 years old I think it’s crazy I don’t think it should be permissible I think you should have to be an adult to enter into these decisions right obviously trans activists teen

activists feel a lot differently thanks for coming on and sharing your vision here Trey clay we really appreciate it appreciate it thank you all have a good at the Easter holiday you as well hey everyone I’m Emily compagno catch me and my co-host Harris Faulkner and Kaylee mcineny on outnumbered every weekday at 12 pm Eastern or sets your DVR also don’t forget to subscribe to the Fox News YouTube page for daily highlights

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