hey everybody Welcome to the thinking crypto podcast you’re home for cryptocurrency news and interviews if you are new here please hit that subscribe Button as well as a thumbs up button and leave a comment below if you’re listening on a podcast platform such as Spotify or apple please

leave a fstar rating and review well folks happy Bitcoin having day the Bitcoin having has been completed bullish times are ahead we’re going to break down a lot and go into different news items but first I want to let you know that my book rethinking crypto is officially

live on Amazon please grab a copy and support the podcast folks this book tells a story it documents a story of what crypto has been through with the regulatory battles with the SEC talks about Ripple grayscale the Bitcoin ETF race with black rock tokenization what does the future

of crypto look like uh why FTX and sandbank mfried were not uh the ethos of crypto and it provides some investing tips as it relates to crypto what are the dos and don’ts so this would make a really great gift for someone who doesn’t understand crypto and is

trying to learn it and they can get a holistic view of the market folks so that’s why I wrote the book it took me a while to write it

was uh certainly a challenging process but certainly a rewarding one now that the book is live so please Support

also I will be hosting a book signing event in New York City right across the street from the Wall Street bull folks so it’s going to be a great venue at Station 3 which is a web 3 Hub and right in front of that Wall Street bow folks

so if you are in the tri-state area and you can attend it’s on April 30th uh please come come by it’s free grab a drink and so forth and uh let’s talk crypto get a signed copy of the book and uh link will be in the description for

you guys to sign up on Eventbrite but uh you know grab a copy of that book guys and I really appreciate your support all right let’s jump into the news Bitcoin having has officially been completed and this is the fourth having cutting the mining rewards from 6.25 to

3.125 folks historic every four years the having continues and we know the great thing about this is that it’s within the Bitcoin algorithm and it happens approximately every four years and uh it’s the deflationary aspect of Bitcoin which makes it vastly different from other currencies and store of

values out there it becomes harder to mine Bitcoin and uh Bitcoin that is lost forever is gone forever right uh so that’s the supply and demand economics that plays out that drives the value of Bitcoin in addition to utility and adoption so pretty incredible and of course the

price of Bitcoin right now uh is at $63,600 so very close to 64,000 and I’ve been here for multiple Bitcoin cycles and it’s incredible to see what price we’re at right now and even Michael sailor tweeted out about this he said Bitcoin was $8,699 3,000 so imagine what

the next leg of the bull run the bull Market’s going to look like folks so that’s why I think we will crack $100,000 definitely this cycle and uh we could possibly top out at 130 to 140,000 some people are calling for higher uh prices but there are diminishing

returns every cycle I want to make sure I’m transparent with that but you are getting a return obviously and as Paul tutor Jones said Bitcoin and crypto is the fastest horse in the race now right now we are in a bit of a pullback but that’s the micro

that’s the short term long-term folks I am immensely bullish on bitcoin and this entire market altcoins and much more we’ll just have to go through the normal Market cycles of pulling back and building support levels and we see the dollar currency index continues to look strong so patience

is the key here we got to go through these Cycles as annoying as painful as they are sometimes we have to go through them so uh you know Bitcoin is the rising tide that lifts all both so as Bitcoin continues its move up the liquidity will flow to

these altcoins and they will start moving as well now here’s a great chart analysis put together by analyst Kevin senson and he has a YouTube channel make sure you follow him he’s been uh documenting this parabolic curve and support trend line here and it’s a beautiful thing on

the chart it certainly aligns now one thing I’ve learned is that there’s no analyst that is correct 100% of the time that’s why I follow multiple analysts and I look at the chart and I do my own research behind their predictions and their uh analysis that they put

out and I I think this is absolutely right here that this parabolic curve shows us that we could uh see a continuation in the near future possibly in May uh towards the end of May of Bitcoin continuing this rally upwards he said Bitcoin the next parabolic Advance could

start this week bullish continuation on the horizon he asked and uh it may not happen this week once again but when you look at his chart analysis it certainly lines up with the trend line here so let’s hope he’s right uh here wrecked Capital Tweed out an updated

chart just beautiful showing where we are are at with the different havingsex and what we’re seeing you know I’ve been talking about the macro and what the FED is doing and I’ve been sharing the theory that I think the blowoff top could happen this year because markets are

front running the ray cuts which will come I don’t think they’re going to come in the middle of the year or even before the election I think after the election that’s just my opinion I could be wrong but I’m sharing my thesis with you guys uh from doing

my own research because I don’t think uh the the markets or even uh the president this current sitting president doesn’t want to have the economy look bad doesn’t want inflation to be high and they have to keep rates at high uh for a longer to off that inflation

so uh I think markets will keep rallying and what we’ve seen historically is when they start to cut rates that means something breaking and then usually there is a massive correction at those periods uh where there’s Cuts so using that thesis and historical data I think we keep

going up uh the stock market Bitcoin crypto and everything and uh we’re kind of in a macro everything bubble if you look at it that way and it’s all correlated to Global liquidity as macro investor Ralph pal would say so I’m using multiple data sources multiple uh thoughts

and ideas and thesis from different people so I’m trying to remain holistic and look at this thing from a 360 view not just from you know with blinders on tunnel vision and only one view because uh I think it’s or all correlated to Global liquidity and what the

fed and the macro does cuz you just look at the charts Bitcoin is aligned to the NASDAQ and how the NASDAQ moves it’s pretty fascinating uh folks before we go further quick word from our sponsor and that is vchain vchain is one of the top layer one Enterprise

grade blockchains out there they’re building incredible web 3 and decentralized applications and working with some of the biggest brands in the world including PWC BMW Walmart China they are also partnered with the Boston Consulting Group and building incredible Technologies uh vchain has a very fast and scalable blockchain

uh they are secure as well that’s why they’re getting all these Partnerships and adoption from real Enterprises and real companies in the world I’ve been a vet token holder for years many of you if you’ve been following this podcast I’m very bullish on vet and I’ve been holding

the token for years because I believe in this project so if you’d like to learn more about vchain visit vain. org link will be in the description all right let’s jump into some other news items here uh Attorney John Deon uh has filed for permission to appear as

Ami Council on behalf of 4,701 coinbase customers in the SEC versus coinbase case John is doing God’s work here folks remember he supported 75,000 plus xrp holders in the Ripple in the SEC versus Ripple case and we saw how impactful that was for that case because the judge

was forced to look at hey what the SEC is doing here is actually hurting investors s they’re not actually trying to uh solve anything here or try to protect investors it’s kind of ridiculous because there was no fraud same thing here at coinbase no fraud but this is

the work of scumbag regulator Gary genser so thank you John if you’re listening or watching thank you for doing this uh John is uh you know fighting on behalf of the Common Man because look yes coinbase as a company wants to win here but you as customers of

whether you’re a token holder or you’re user of the platform with different tokens you’re the one that’s getting hurt by these SEC lawsuits because once again no fraud has been committed this say there’s no Ponzi scheme or crazy stuff happening here they’re just trying to stop good actors

because they are disrupting the banking incumbents and uh the banking incumbents are pulling the strings with Elizabeth war and Gary genser here so that’s what’s going on so John entering in as a Mei is very great to see and I think it will have impact as well and

I think you know with the Ripple case really set kind of the game plan out here to blueprint for how we got to fight back uh the SEC and scumbag regulator Gary genser we have to beat them in court because Congress has not acted yet so this is

really great uh metal law man James Murphy says here we go John Deon stepping up again to speak up for victims of the sec’s war on crypto will any of the people behind the tokens at issue in the coinbase case also intervene the tokens are Ada Soul mtic

filecoin Sand he list all of them right that were um in that lawsuit so we’ll see maybe the token projects you know actually step up I’m hoping Charles hoskinson does because he’s been very vocal and and uh him and the folks at Ada or cardano step up here

um that would be really impactful because united we stand divided we fall and if we are able to get more participants coming in as a Mei and participating in different way it will carry a lot of weight in the case James also highlighted that there’s an important deadline

in the SEC versus coinbase case uh he says anyone interested in filing an amica’s brief to support of coinbase’s motion for interlocutory appeal must do so by April 26 2024 so important note there all right folks we got the IRS uh getting their crypto reporting requirements together here

here’s the headline IRS releases draft of 2025 digital asset reporting form for us taxpayers so uh folks they know we are in a bull market they know gains will be made and and I’ve often stated that uh you know capital gains taxes are highway robbery by the government

you take your already tax money invest it you make a return and and you have to pay the government a whole bunch of money it’s ridiculous now I’m not against taxes altogether I believe we need to have some level of tax to to pay for our roads and

Fire Department police and all that jazz military and all that right um but we see that the governments have gone beyond normal levels of Taxation because they can’t control their spending and that’s why the taxes have become ridiculous so um I’m hoping that the uh capital gains taxes

can be reduced at least so the United States uh IRS the country’s tax service has released a draft of its new form 1099- d a digital asset proceeds from broker transactions for reporting income from digital asset transactions the form is expected to come into use in 2025 for

reporting in 2026 a broker will prepare form $ 1099- da for every customer who sells or exchanges digital assets Brokers include kiosk operators digital asset payment processors hosted wallet providers unhost wallets providers and other per the form copies of the 1099- da will be sent to customers and

the IRS which will use them for verification purposes uh the form asks for token codes wallet addresses and blockchain transaction locations under the rule proposed in August 2023 cryptocurrencies non-fungible tokens and stable coins are reportable the rule stated with third-party information reporting that specifically identifies digital asset transactions

the IRS could more easily identify taxpayers with digital asset transactions that are otherwise difficult to discover now many in the crypto industry are not happy with this and the devil is in the details here so the crypto community waigh in on the proposed reporting requirements after they were

announced the blockchain association said the rule contains fundamental misunderstandings about the nature of digital assets and decentralized Technology coinbase Chief legal officer Paul greal said the proposed rule would set a dangerous precedent for surveillance of everyday Financial activities of consumers by requiring nearly every digital asset transaction uh

even the purchase of a cup of coffee to be reported so this thing has to be pushed back obviously right it’s kind of crazy it goes back to that infrastructure Bill uh situation where you know they have these unreasonable requirements for things that can’t even report right if

you’re Noe or or or doing different things so we got to push back you know at least though I think the IRS is not as crazy as like Gary gens and the SEC are so they’re willing to work the treasury and so forth they’re willing to work with

folks so the industry is going to have to uh push back here and if it gets you know crazy where we then have to call up our representatives and go through the whole campaign like we did with the infrastructure Bill we’ll have to do that um so we’ll

watch this closely but uh this is something new and it clearly shows many of these government folks are not fully educated as to how this technology works because they propose things that don’t make sense for it so uh stay tuned on this now yesterday we talked about binance

moving its safu fund to uh usdc near a billion dollars and I said look this is another clear indication that the digital dollar will could possibly probably be the usdc stable coin we’ll have to wait and see but binance also received a license in Dubai so uh here

we got news that binance has secured a virtual asset Securities provider license from Dubai’s virtual assets regulatory Authority so they continue to expand and uh I think they’re in the green here after the whole penalty and paying their fine and Cy having to step down I’m not going

to reash that whole scenario you guys know the story already it was pretty high-profile case um but uh you know this is what I was saying it they’re not shutting down they’re not Banning these uh crypto companies just get in line now one could say in the United

States it’s a different story and I believe so right uh they’re trying to kill these crypto startups not kill crypto but kill the startups because on you know as coinbase and all these guys are getting sued on the other hand Black Rock and Fidelity and Wall Street have

issued Bitcoin ETFs they’re starting to tokenize clearly they’re using cryp crypto on blockchain Tech so it’s not to kill it it’s just they want the banking incumbents and the the trafy incumbents who have controlled the markets for years who have the politicians in their pockets who make campaign

donations to control it right that’s the game we’ve been talking about it uh forever now so uh good to see binance is expanding here and Dubai has become a very attractive uh region or country for um crypto because they have clarity now we have new here that tether

brings usdt and gold stable coins to the ton blockchain to n blockchain so uh this is fascinating uh tether is expanding its US dollar back stable coin usdt and its gold back stable coin XA to the open network which is ton usdt will go live on ton on

April 20th and X will uh follow in the coming months tether CEO Pablo uino told the block now I recently interviewed uh Paulo on the podcast you if you haven’t seen that be sure to check it out we talk about all these things and uh their expansions and

plans and much more now folks uh before I wrap it up here quick word about uh the DC blockchain Summit I will be at this Summit on May 15th and May 16th 15th is the summit day with great speakers many from DC uh Patrick McKenry Kristen gilbran Senator

lumus Hester Pur Caroline fam and many industry leaders uh and guys you don’t want to miss this and uh I’ll be there so we can catch up and also day two the 16th will be blockchain education day where we will be going on Capitol Hill so that will

be really great I’m looking forward to that and um uh if you can make it uh be sure to check out the link in the description you can get a discount on the tickets using the code thinking crypto uh it would be great to be there it’s being

put together by the Chamber of dig Commerce and uh it’d be fascinating especially the blockchain education day to go on DC and see how the the advocacy groups like The Chamber of digital Commerce uh you know what they’re doing and how they are speaking to these folks so

I hope to see you those of you who are can make it there and um uh guys once again check out my book if you haven’t is yet Link in the description on Amazon appreciate your support thank you for watching and listening and I’ll talk to you all

later he

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