Film Instructor watches Demon Slayer 3×1 Someone's Dream / review & reaction

hi everyone on today’s video new season of Demon Slayer this is going to be sword Smith Village Arc episode one I’m really curious like I will assume that we are going to have hashiras as well because you know we are getting close into higher ranks so hashiras needs

to come around so I’m really curious which ones are going to be I don’t remember all of them but I do remember a lady a lady that is like very lovely the crying guy snake guy that I don’t like nasty guy that ISO I don’t like that one

either and that’s it and that’s it I don’t remember anyone else it’s just two ladies wasn’t it it’s um the butterfly lady what is her name oh my God I’m horrible with names CA and then the pink lady which she’s pink so I remember her because of that

because I like pink but just two that seems a bit unfair anyway before we get into the video please subscribe to this channel if you’re not subscribed because there’s a lot of more reactions coming and you don’t to miss them so now let’s get into the video new

season oh oh seven years of butt luck boo boos look at them cuties yeah please they need help especially in oh my God this guy’s really can

can can nuko cure him because he it looks it looks like the same type of you know the Venom thing the

poison thing that this demon had on them and she burn it so can she cure him it’s similar but not the same I don’t know the soul blemish on my family so it could be that he’s it’s an ancestor or that the family tried to defeat him for

several generations and fail oh okay we are here with the you know the higher ups because the the other ones are so it’s five now right which we’ve seen two aaza hello and the guy that turn daky and the brother which I don’t know which number is he

I wonder what this season is going to be about what’s her name or something with SS what they did mention some something about the about the the people who does the swords that they’re very hidden and things like that isn’t it they say something like it so the

obviously the demons cannot reach them I will assume is it that where is this is going Smith s yeah it must be sord Smith Village unless it’s just a no it doesn’t make sense if it’s not it wouldn’t be as interesting isn’t it what the heck is that

upper five so this is next oh forer four okay this one is weird so we’ve got four three then the other one is one or two right the one that turn ducky I think it’s this one so who’s number one are we going to see it as well

touch me whoa where is it oh he looks like he look a bit like G family with the red hair on no not just that they he also looked like who was I don’t know who that guy is because guys this is a thing no spoilers please I

know you get excited but if I fail into something because I said this about this guy sorry I’m going to explain because people is going is getting lost right now in the previous season when they were like the sunand breathing technique whatever it was a guy that really

looked like him with the ponytail and red hair and whatever and apparently he was a son breathing technique wielder whatever you call it and I was like oh it looks like Tanger as that because what I meant is is not I didn’t meant if it’s him I was

like oh it really looked like him I was just wondering if it will be if it will be an ancestor or if it’s just a big big coincidence that they have the same color hair and the earrings or maybe it’s just you know it could be just a

coincidence about the sun breathing whatever it gives you that hair color I don’t know it could be a coincidence but it was some people saying oh no it’s not the D it’s not the that and that’s a spoiler that’s a spoiler because you are you are correcting me

in something that I don’t know if it’s right or wrong yet I prefer to know it at the right time I’m not you know I’m not nagging anyone I’m just saying that I know sometimes people just get too excited and it’s like oh no it’s not him but

you know that what I mean is if I’m fail or I’m bright in something don’t tell me don’t tell me I will know at the right time but this guy right now it really looked like him again maybe it’s a coincidence but imagine if that guy that they

were saying it was I don’t remember if they say it specifically he’s the first one that did the sun breathing technique I don’t remember I don’t think they did but it looked like that guy so imagine if that guy ended up being a demon maybe it’s just a

coincidence and and the artists they were just like oh you know what I love ponytails and red hair so I’m going to do a lot of guys we Pony on red hair maybe who knows I don’t know oh hello is he going to recruit someone else yeah what

the heck what is this experiments that he’s doing he’s trying to find this Lily something and who is that lady I’m curious with the several IM much who dramatic isn’t it is it where in earrings he has a katana as well say the guy that keeps changing shape

there really brainwashed so two wait he’s sending two who did that is it the other one oh no whoa look at him and we cannot see his face properly come on it looks like him like the guy that we’ve seen before which if I’m right that will make

him freaking dangerous if he was a Demon Slayer before not just a demons layer but you know one of these Sun breathing techniques whatever’s a really strong guy the fact that they showed him to us in the past it means something it means that he must be important

did he oh my God but then DUI was like didn’t she remember something oh my God I don’t remember exactly but I think she was like oh These Memories aren’t mine are from must be from muan and this guy was it there I don’t remember he’s got the

fire things oh my God he must be he’s got the the marks to think can teleport with that lady where did she send him to bed fore for does have a what is it the dad the one on the right with a baby just because he has the

same you know or maybe his grandpa or great great grandpa don’t know but I don’t think that’s the is it the demon no it cannot be wait what because okay the thing is I don’t know who if it’s danger as that or we are back back back back

I don’t know if it’s dangerous that I don’t think that’s the demon just because they say that the demons haven’t changed in many years so just because of the 100 and something years that they said about not you know what the heck it’s just a big coincidence about

the hair then hair color this is I don’t know I’m so lost but who is that guy then and why the earrings and why they pass the earrings and two months Jesus oh she’s worried are they going to be together they’re cute they’re cute and you know he

helped her to make choices and things like that so okay oh wake him up what happened why did he drop it oh cutie Pi a who’s that the heck is that oh she’s got an emotional too oh yeah oh she felt guilty cutie ready of course I think

he was the spy the pig spy the pig of course you did because you’re the best of the best yeah whatever oh God oh not even medicine oh then is bad she’s protecting him I think she loves him why is the cut worried oh okay okay thank you

for telling oh Kitty some things never changed do they uhoh Jesus Christ whoa he’s not doing it oh God like how many swords did he oh shoot oh so it’s a normal thing he’s just difficult to the Village which I assume that the demons are there they are

sent there and that’s the thing that they the tip that they had I mean like like it’s the logical thing to do for the demons to attack that Village and that sword Smith people so if they don’t have the swords that’s it end game then they cannot defeat

them just with daylight done so everything is very secret wow okay okay so yeah it’s going to be this exactly yeah and they have a tip as to where it is blah blah blah wow speech fore oh oh wow okay okay oh it’s her ah it’s going to

be with her the spring oh yeah she’s there isn’t she I’m she seems cute okay who’s that oh so he’s missing oh well for oh he worries about him well it’s trouble I I would say do all of them wear masks looks like it enjoy booies foree okay

where did that came from wait is that nasty guy oh wait no wait but he also looks but he you know this guy reminds me a bit the eyes reminds me a bit of of the the other hashir the nasty one that that one they’re similar maybe maybe

just because they’re you know B up and with a lot of scars but it’s the ice I think okay so maybe okay maybe that’s the answer Bond or nakedness cutie what are you doing there oh my God maybe maybe that’s sad but knowing their personalities how nasty they

are maybe oh both of them are so cute I want to he never takes meals that is weird look at them they’re so freaking cute is that why I mean makes sense what she says if that’s what she wants but oh my csue doesn’t want to learn go

oh I’m going to melt this season with these two little shits they’re so freaking cute so that’s her name Mitri okay I need to try remember can they stop being cute I can’t I can’t oh my cute did she she really likes her okay whoa It’s Just Breakfast

my God I’m jealous is Xcalibur isn’t that oh so two hashiras for two demons that are coming I would assume where him where no foree what look at him I mean he was ping the whole ping him the whole day so who’s that guy what is he doing

there oh my God this this this on this first episode we got thrown a lot of information to wonder you know what the heck is it but he didn’t see him or did he or is he reminded when he was a baby that can of be come on

I don’t know or maybe he came to visit afterwards I don’t know too many questions I’ve got too many questions I’m curious about these two hashiras I mean I think the girl is is what you see she’s a bit like an open book you know but the other

one is interesting isn’t isn’t he the guy that had like kind of like memory problems or he was forgetting things something like that with that I’m curious very very curious so we got two hash this this season unless one of them just leave which I don’t think because

two demons are coming and it’s number five and four I wonder what their powers are going to be because the scared guy what what can he do I don’t know yet he doesn’t look very you know scary and the guy in the pot what is he going to

do Ramen I don’t know I don’t know let’s see and where is hauka too many questions but I’m liking this oh my God I love the bond between mits and nuko freaking cuti pies both of them I’m going to melt this season I’m going to freaking melt anyway

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