Film Instructor watches Jujutsu Kaisen 1×5 | "Curse Womb must die II" Review and Reaction

hi everyone on today’s video I’m going to be reacting to jiu jitsu Kaizen and this is going to be episode 5 of season one I’m upset with this anime because some of you told me that on the previous episode the wolf died what the heck I don’t like that the white wolf no I’m upset with that and I I I don’t want to believe it so I’m waiting for it to revive I refuse to believe that the Wolfie is dead no no that’s it no and before we get into the video please subscribe to this

channel if you’re not subscribed because there’s a lot of modern actions coming and you do an amazing so now let’s go into the video foreign no yeah foreign wow oh my God by the way I thought he was in second grade for some reason the guy with animals I could swear I heard second grade but apparently he’s in first grade me and my I’ve got hearing problems it’s true I’m not joking so could be that so then he is the one who died thank you to me it to me I think he’s bluffing or something

because if well I don’t know if it already comes back and he just dies like he doesn’t want that either you know like

why he wants to be on a well a corpse a rotten body but what I don’t know it’s if he dies he just takes over and that’s it or I mean can he still use his body even though the host is completely dead I don’t know because I would assume that he doesn’t want to be just an amorg forever and ever or in the in the graveyard in a you know whatever you

call it foreign so his heart could be restored I assume uh he’s not even making an effort okay I mean if they couldn’t defeat the the other colors and the other cars was quite terrified of him I don’t think they have much chance foreign I think it’s a spoiler area but do they just die if they if they killed his animals do they just die because is it or they just come back the next time that he summons them because if they just eyes up with isn’t it because then what is he going to someone

when he has nothing left what a disaster oh my God take him away it’s just like oh foreign are you serious I don’t like this anymore no no no no no no no no why why no that’s unfair I don’t like it I don’t like this system they shouldn’t die they should just when like when a Pokemon gets defeated they go to sleep and they’re back I don’t like this before he gets destroyed yeah so they die I don’t like can he create more can he created welcome to another my um foreign so good um

demo he’s gonna come now when he hears him that’s why he dies um oh foreign for whatever reason what the heck foreign foreign foreign Orange is the smoke so maybe when if she starts dissect or whatever will come and kill him foreign just changing subject because they don’t want to talk about it anymore why is he talking about food is he hungry is foreign foreign foreign foreign really weird it’s like he’s kind of like a corpse or something like that I don’t know I don’t know if it’s a car if a corpse is a good

way to put it together but you know the thing on his head the stitches thing it’s like an autopsy has been done or something like that and his eyes the the eyes are just like puffy and weird Corps type strange too early to know but he’s just weird OS both of them foreign everyday um hahaha what I love panda it’s cute I knew that he wasn’t going to die he’s like come on come on we just started and obviously he’s been the main character he kind of just die that’s not like this happened on Attack

on Titan that’s not how the main character dies like how main character dies it’s different it’s not done like that I’m upset with the wolf guy what is his name God damn it I need to start putting for sugar is it him I don’t know wolf guy the one with animals um why he’s not more upset when his pets animals whatever you call them are destroyed I’ll be devastated I’ll be super angry with whatever kill my babies why he’s not that’s why that’s why at the beginning that’s why in the previous episode when when the

white wolf got destroyed that’s why I I wasn’t even sad or anything because he didn’t had even a reaction so I was like oh it’s fine he can summon them again he’s not even he didn’t go oh no you know and then he then he killed the snake and he’s like Another One Bites the Dust no I don’t like that I’m waiting for an explanation of why he doesn’t care about the babies what the heck I don’t like that that no upset me anyway please drop a comment let me know what you think let me

also remind you that if you are a member of this channel among other perks you will have full access to all my videos so you don’t need to wait for the premieres and I also have a patreon where you will have Early Access but to my full unedited reactions and with that you will be helping this channel a lot so I can keep creating content for you and and bring in even more good content for you guys so yeah if you’re gonna do it it’s fine just drop a comment like share and that will also

help me a lot to say yeah have a lovely rest of the day and see you in the next video bye

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