Obessed (2009) Movie Review & Thoughts

all right so um yeah we’re looking at obsessed 
which is a 2009 flick um pretty much it stars  
i don’t know how to say his name i just 
uh al alba the guy from um no good deed um  
he’s in the new suicide squad movie i don’t 
think he plays deadshot but he plays like a  
similar character um he’s in other 
stuff too but he’s a good actor  
he played in ghost rider uh spirit of vengeance 
as well um i don’t mind him and we have beyonce
not a fan of her music all right really funny 
enough like the only good really like she i like  
the end credit song that she sings in this at the 
end that’s the only good song that i can tolerate  
of her singing like she has 
a decent voice relationship  
stuff that she’s putting out like it’s not 
i don’t know how people like it but you know  
to be strong um but her act i thought she 
did really good in this i gotta give her  
credit for acting i don’t know why she doesn’t 
do more movies instead you know music i think she  
strives better at in acting than she does you know 
music but that’s just me and we then

we have uh  
ali larter who plays lisa um pretty 
much the stalker to obsessed woman  
and she’s fine in this i thought she did 
decent um everybody did fine in this or decent  
um but i mean it’s directed by steve schill shy
written by david i don’t know 
i’d say his last name but  
i remember reading it they were trying to do like 
an alpha hitchcock thriller type thing with this  
it does i i don’t see that at all 
in this movie it’s not a bad movie  
oh also stick out taylor compton has a little 
scene rolling this is babysitter i didn’t mind  
this overall even when i first saw it back when it 
came out um it was pretty good when i first saw it  
now when i you know years later it’s not really 
it doesn’t really hit like the mark on anything  
i mean there’s some interesting stuff i think 
they should ro i don’t know why this is pg-13  
should have been rated r and probably 
would have been able to do more stuff but  
i don’t know but i mean you’re like he just 
out the uh okay derek who is like the main  
guy who is a successful asset manager at a big 
ceo building he just got a huge promotion and  
he’s happy with his career and just moving into 
neighborhood with his wife and son and pretty much
a new temp worker starts to work with 
him and they start hitting it off granted  
these they tried to paint his character 
more like a good you know good uh  
um moral guy i’m not gonna cheat on my wife but 
again a chick like ally larder i mean i applaud  
him but at the same time like uh like she tries 
to come on to him at the christmas party in the  
i don’t know how he was able 
to even resist her there
and then in the car she tries and
they didn’t really do like a whole lot with i 
wish they would explore like some of her character  
like they don’t really like it’s mainly focused 
on him and sharon played by beyonce which i i  
get but like like we never see scenes alone with 
like lisa at her house or planning to you know  
get with derek or whatever she just appears 
places grant we get why because like she ends up  
kind of using this other guy to get to derek so 
oh and also jerry o’connell from kangaroo jack  
and scream two is in this as like his best friend 
i didn’t mind jerry okay i like jerry o’connell  
he’s pretty cool even his scenes were pretty 
cool well not really cool but i didn’t mind them  
but yeah uh everything else in this like 
and i get what they were trying to do like  
it’s trying to be fatal attraction 
a bit but not go full out like it’s  
um i mean she gets some fight well she sort 
of gets him fired um she commits suicide she  
tries to commit suicide at one point because he 
tells her there’s never going to be an us and so  
then she pretends to be his wife at one point to 
get him out of meeting uh she stalks some pretty  
and then she also even while him and because at 
this point at the hospital i okay so the big fault  
i have with his character is that he didn’t tell 
sharon everything like he didn’t tell her about  
what lisa did granted i know beyonce went off on 
him and everything but it’s better if you come  
clean now and then you know not worry about but 
then it’s like too late because then when they get  
to the hospital then he has to tell her everything 
because then he’s talking to a detective
so then we have a scene with them at home and 
they’re yelling and screaming at each other  
and i i was sort on beyonce’s side but then i 
was getting annoyed with her a little bit because  
he’s trying to explain to you and you know nothing 
happened with that girl and although there’s a  
scene where lisa drugs him or roofies him bill 
cosby’s him and i don’t know how that works where  
it’s the guy that’s you know 
roofied i don’t get how she would uh  
like what i’m not even gonna go to but anyway 
that’s what happens to him at one point in the  
movie uh that doesn’t really amount to anything 
um it’s just shock value i i guess for oh she’s  
that crazy oh dip um also yeah he gets fired or 
gets read he gets removed from his job a bit and  
sharon wants him to get out so there’s a montage 
of him visiting with his son and then they go out  
to dinner and lisa infiltrates the house with the 
babysitter she goes up stairs because she poses as  
one of sharon’s friends and then they freak out 
and then pretty much this movie ends with beyonce  
and la larder you know going at it fighting 
each other it’s a pretty decent you know fight  
scene i guess it was fine i don’t know if i saw 
a different cut of the movie i swear like in my  
head in a memory of mine i swear like there’s a 
point i thought either they claimed they could  
not find i swear there’s a line in this where 
they or they show a scene at the end where like  
where ellie larder falls she supposedly 
is dead but then i swear i saw  
maybe maybe it’s just me but i swear where they 
panned back to that uh scene where she found  
the body’s gone or like they claimed nobody’s in 
the house or whatever i guess not i guess that’s  
just all made up in my head i guess but like 
pretty much it ends happily they they survive
and uh yeah movies over they move on with their 
lives i guess i don’t know like this movie overall  
it’s not it’s not horrible it’s not bad it’s 
just one of those it’s really a time waster  
i think this should have been rated i 
think it should have been written better
more i think we should got more into 
lisa’s head or show more scenes like her  
planning or downloading some character 
stuff where i think would have been cool
but yeah overall it’s a time waster uh 
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