SIGMA New 15mm F1.4 DG DN Lens Review | Most Powerful Diagonal Fisheye Lens For Photography

Hey guys and hope you all are doing well. I am your host Punit Sabnani and today’s video is very interesting. Because I have a new launch of Sigma. Sigma has just announced in the global market. 15mm f1.4 DG DN Diagonal fisheye lens. This is an artistic perspective lens which gives you a fisheye angle of 180 degree. And this lens is one of the best lens if you are shooting landscape. And for your Sony cameras or for your L mount cameras. You are seeing a lens which solves your purpose. Landscape, Night Astro and Architecture Photography. So

let’s know about this lens. One of the affordable price segment in Sigma. Sigma has launched this lens with a very high quality build. Let’s start without wasting any time. Let’s get started. First of all I will talk about its unboxing experience. I have already unboxed this lens but still I am showing you. So this is the lens which is kept in front of you. But first we will open the box. So in this way we get to see the white color of the box. On this we can see the branding of Sigma. So when we

unbox it. So the best thing about Sigma is that we get to see a very high quality carrying case. Which we get

to see a very premium quality. And we get to see the warranty card. So all these things you get to see in the box. Now let’s talk about the build quality. So the build quality of the lens is very premium. On the top we get to see the focus ring. Below we get to see the aperture ring. Which is also de-clickable. So it can be used in both video and photo. So suppose if

you want to lock it on a specific aperture. So you can lock it. If I talk about the weight. So you will get to see its weight above 900 grams. So in terms of focal length. You will get to see a very light weight. If you remove the lens cap. Which is a very premium quality lens cap. So we get to see the front element here. So this is a curved element. So no filter can be attached to the front. Because of this, on the back side. Sigma has given the weather sealing. But at the

same time they have given space. So here you can attach the lens. The back filters. ND filters. You can easily attach them here. If you are shooting landscape in daylight. Now if we talk about it. So you get to see it in 1.4 aperture. And it comes in a very wide opening. So it is a very bright lens. And in the lens, we also get a collar here. The reason is that the lens is a little bit long. So to hold it. And the front element has more weight. Of such fisheye lenses. So to manage

it. We also get to see a small collar here. Which is 300 grams. Now if we talk about the buttons. So here we get manual focus and autofocus button. For focus hold we get a switch. And here we get a switch. Auto focus lock and manual focus lock. So using both the switches. You can lock your auto focus and manual focus. During the photography. Now fisheye autofocus lenses. You get to see very less in the market. Generally if you will see any fisheye lens. Then you will not get to see autofocus in them. Or you

will not get to see that much FOV. Which is the field of view. So it comes in 180 degree field of view. So you will see distortion. But not that much extreme distortion. Which you get to see in other fisheye lenses. Secondly it comes on 1.4 aperture. So we get a wide opening. And overall the performance of this lens. In terms of photo and video. We get to see very good. So guys now we are testing field of view. Sigma 15mm fisheye lens. And now you can see. I am very close. First of all its

minimum focusing distance. Is very less. You are very close. And your focus is always short. The most important thing is. Its effective field of view is 180 degree. Now 180 degree field of view. Is very wide. This means that I will go in many corners. Till I will be seen in the shot. So I am going in the corner now. And still you can see. I am in the corner in the shot. Now I am going in more corners. I am going in more corners. I am going in more corners. If I show you the

video. I am almost. I am almost on the side of the camera. But still I am seen in the frame. Still I am seen in the frame. And. If I go on the side. Then my frame will be removed. I will be out of the frame. But now in this shot. You will see my part in some corner. So the 180 degree field of view. Is very crazy of this lens. And in very artistic shots. It can be very useful. Because of this type of field of view. I think you can’t see in any other

lens. In this focal length. With this aperture. You can shoot a very good video. Reason because of this. This is part of DG DN 8 series. So the sharpness of the images. We get to see very good. Plus its auto focus performance. We get to see very good. I have auto focus task in both. Auto focusing works very well. So eye auto focus works very well. Auto focus works in corner to corner situation. Minimum focusing distance is also very good. So you can come very close. And shoot the subject photos. Images are very sharp. Like

outstanding. We get to see very good results. Very sharp images. And in video also. We get to see amazing details. I have shot everything with A7R5. And I enjoyed it. We get to see amazing and professional results. Corner to corner sharp images. And less distortion. Now we will talk about the market. If there is any lens in its competitive. Then you will get to see a 14mm G Master 1.4. But you will not get to see it. It is very good for landscape and architecture. But if you want a lens which covers your fish eye

diagonal perspective. Then this is the only lens in the market. Which we get to see with this perspective. And we get to see it with this FOV. Along with this. Recently I have tried Viltrox 16mm 1.8 wide angle full frame. And in this also. We don’t get to see fish eye perspective. So in 15mm. Taking fish eye diagonal perspective. Is something that is very good. And if you have 8 lenses. Then you get to see a different angle of view. For your photography. As I mentioned it produces good results in video. I have shot a

lot of videos on S-Log. And I have color graded it. By using my master LUT. The LUTs with which I have color graded my photos. You will get the link in the description. Along with that you will get the link of this lens. In the description. If you want to buy this lens. And if you are interested. Then definitely check it out in the description. Thank you so much for watching and keep shooting.

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