Trump not dead: Donald Trump Jr's social hacked | LiveNOW from FOX

back here on live now from Fox. I want to get back to this breaking news that we are following as we are receiving a lot of questions about this. The X formally Twitter. account of Donald Trump jr. Son of former President, Donald Trump appeared to be hacked today and a spokesperson now confirming It was hacked. Take a look. a string of posts on the platform started with a message that the Elder Donald Trump had died and Trump jr. Would be running for president. in 24. other posts included profane language about President Joe Biden and some

other statements about North Korea getting quote unquote. smoked You can see some of them on your screen right them And some of the words are censored because as we mentioned, they are profane. The post has since been deleted and Trump jr. Has not commented on his page about the incident. However, a family spokesperson has said, none of this is true and it is definitely a hack. situation. Now, that is the actual tweet there on your screen, that’s causing a big stir as we did have. Donald Trump jr. Saying that his father had passed away, again,

that is not true. that That comes as X’s owner, Elon Musk says, he’s actually considering charging all users. a small monthly fee to use. x. Making

it a fully. subscription-based social media. platform currently X users pay about $8 dollars a month for that verified blue checkmark. must broach the topic during a live the conversation on artificial intelligence. with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu musk has complained of plunging Revenue since taking over x with many advertisers leaving the platform. And, unfortunately, you had several hacks and Bots that are there as well. Trump Juniors father’s Exposed on

August 23rd Was Trump’s first post there in more than two and a half years. Trump consider the Republican. FrontRunner for the A for election made the post shortly after he surrendered at an Atlanta jail on charges That he conspired to overturn his. election. Now again, Trump jr. Tweeting out, I’m sad to announce my father Donald Trump has passed away. I will be running for president. in 2020 for as well as some other well there but a spokesperson for the family confirming. None of that is true. and is Page was hacked. as we get more details

on That will bring that to you live raw and unfiltered, right here,

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