Book Review: The Library by Bella Osborne

hello and welcome to another video 
today i’m going to be doing a review  
for a book which is quite possibly 
my favorite read of the year so far  
so here we go this is the library 
by bella osborne stay tuned
okay guys like i said we’re gonna be reviewing 
the library here this one got an art copy of  
this and i’m so glad i did it was one of those 
that i saw in netgalley and i was just like  
i’ve got to read this book you know and it just 
like it calls to you and i’m so glad i did because  
it is quite possibly my favorite read of the year 
so far so in this we have our main characters  
tom who is a teenager and maggie who is a 
pensioner okay so quite different um protagonists  
for this story which just made it even better 
um so we’ve got two lonely bookworms an  
unexpected friendship a library that needs their 
help so what the book is called the library so as  
you might imagine it’s all orientated around the 
local library in this town where they live um they  
meet thanks to going to the library okay so 
this is the library bringing people together and  
forming friendships um which go

beyond stereotypes 
and everything i mean what is the not to like  
about this book um i also i really loved all of 
the characters in this i thought they were really  
well done um probably should give 
trigger warning here about um  
alcoholism that does come up as a major topic in 
this and the damage that it does and there’s some  
scenes that if that is a trigger for you then um 
might be a bit emotional reading um those um but  
i thought it was incredibly well done um and also 
to help understand people that do suffer from um  
those kind of problems and things but i also i 
loved it this this book made me laugh it made me  
emotional it made it it just like it ticked all of 
the boxes like seriously it’s such a good book i  
don’t think i’m underlining quite enough how much 
this book is amazing and how much you really need  
to go and read it okay so go and get a copy 
right now of the library which is this one  
right here so um i hope i’ve convinced you because 
it it’s seriously it was so good so so good um  
anyway that’s it for today um please click the 
subscribe button if you haven’t already so you  
don’t miss out on new uploads to the channel 
and join me down in the comment section below  
um to tell me what you thought about this book 
if you read it also your opinions on um having  
different protagonists okay so you know 
like i said in this one we’ve got the  
teenager and the pensioner uh coming together and 
everything so it was slightly different from like  
your mainstream kind of characters normally you’d 
get like teenagers with other teenagers or you get  
like middle aged or you know in 20s or whatever 
um or you get the book which was just for like  
the older protagonist in it whereas this one 
brought it all together um i would love to hear  
your thoughts about that kind of thing as well 
and also if you want to share love for your local  
library do you have a wonderful story about how it 
brought you together with someone else um or you  
know um any anything about you know librarians 
you want to give a shout out to your favorite  
librarian that’s fine too join me down in the 
comment section and we can discuss a little bit  
further but anyway that’s it for today thanks for 
watching and i’ll see you in the next video bye

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