My Family And Other Animals by Gerald Durrell | Book Review | English Subtitles

Hello Guys, Shhh [Whispers]
Today I am going to do something in this video
that has never been done before on this BookTube Community
and that is
[Laughs like an evil]
[And he falls]
Now that was something that has* never been done before.
[Stands up]
I am Fine [Pretends to be fine]
[Intro Music]
Hello Guys, and welcome to my channel. Today I am going to do something
that people do on BookTube and that is Book Review.
Today’s video is about a book called ‘My Family And Other Animals’ by Gerald Durrell.
The title is
But the book is very interesting and very funny.
Gerald Malcolm Durrell, OBE
was a British naturalist, writer, conservationist
and a Television presenter.
He founded Durrell wildlife conservation trust
and The Jersey Zoo on the channel Island of jersey in 1959
My family and other animals in an autobiographical work of Gerald Durrell.
It tells in an exaggerated and sometimes fictionalised way
of the years that he lived as child with his siblings and his widowed mother
In the greek Island of Corfu between 1935 to 1937
It describes the life of Durrell family in a humorous

and it also explores the fauna of Island
This book is the first and most well-known in Durrell’s Corfu Trilogy
which also Includes,
Birds, Beats and relatives.
and the second book is
The Garden Of God
Gerald moved from England to Corfu with his family when he was Eight years old.
He spent most of its time in studying the wildlife of Island
and surprising his family by keeping lots of very unusual pets
in very unexpected places.
Durrell dedicated his life to the preservation of wildlife
especially, the less glamorous kinds,
that he used to call
‘Small Jobs’
and ‘Small uglies’
This books begins with an argument between the family members of Durrell
And they were arguing about
leaving the miserable England summer and move to the Greek Island of Corfu.
The Durrells enjoyed Corfu so much that they end up spending FIVE YEARS
on the Island which suits young Gerald perfectly.
The Book is full of interesting characters
that includes loving, gentle, yet unconventional Mother
A pompous, self-centred elder brother Larry
who loves his books and wants to be a writer,
Margo, who has her fans,
The Gun-Loving Lesley, who loves his games,
And the Nature-Loving Gerald, who could pet almost any animals living on this planet.
What initially looks like a rather dysfunctional family in the beginning
slowly, turns out into an unusual but also loveable family.
and author brings out this transition wonderfully.
When the family decides to leave Greece, on their way back to England,
While on Switzerland, a guard who was looking over their passports
describes the family as,
‘A travelling circus with a staff’
and that is exactly what you feel when you read this book.
As The Sunday times described it,
This book is truly bewitching and will leave you wanting for more.
So guys that is it for todays video
Make sure that you buy this book from the link that I have put down in the description box
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