Twitter is Applying Rate Limit Exceeded… What Does It Mean?

if you’ve been trying to do Twitter like normal chances are you seeing something like this this being the rate limit exceeded now you may be wondering maybe Twitter’s just down temporarily I’m gonna check back later but in reality this is what Elon Musk has intended with Twitter for temporarily he says so the rate limits currently go 8 000 tweets you can see if you’re verified 800 for unverified and 400 for new unverified so that means if you’re scrolling your timeline and you see 800 tweets and you’re not verified you’re done for the day you can

no longer read or see any more tweets and I’m gonna be honest with you this is the dumbest thing I’ve ever seen Elon Musk is clearly showing his incompetence at this point and to me this may be the complete downfall of Twitter Alternatives right now because I’ve had enough of Elon musk’s but how do y’all feel about everything let me know in the comments section

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